The Works of Mr. George Gillespie Part 52

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342 Sarav. N. Fratri et Amico, art. 17.

343 Park., of the Cross, cap. 6, sect. 21.

344 Ibid. sect. 22.

345 Serm. At Perth a.s.sembly.

346 Part 1, p. 63.

347 Ibid. p. 64.

348 Nature Hist. lib. 10. cap. ult.

349 Serm. on 1 Cor. xi. 16.

350 Thuan. Hist. lib. 16, p. 506.

351 Plin. Natur. Hist. lib. 4. cap. 1.

352 Com. in Matt. lib. 2 lib. 15.

353 Synt. Theol. lib. 6 cap. 3 col. 19.

354 Aquin. 2, 2 an. quest. 43 art. 1 Marc. Ant. de Dom. de Rep. Leel lib. 5 cap. 10 num. 44.

355 Marc. Ant. de Dom. de Rep. Eccl. lib. 1, cap. 11, num. 18.

356 Com. In 2 m. 2 an. quest. 43, art. 7.

357 Hemming. Enchir. Theol. cla.s.s. 3, cap. 17, Magdeburg cont. 1, lib.

2, cap. 4, col. 448, 449.

358 Ames, lib. 5, de Consc. cap. 11, quest. 6.

359 Ames. Ibid. quest. 3.

360 Camero, Prael. In Matt. xviii. 7, de scand.

361 Com. in illum loc.u.m.

362 Com. ibid.

363 Com. ibid.

364 Of the Cross, part 2. p. 57.

365 Eccl. Pol. p. 246.

366 Supra, cap. 1.

367 Maldonat. Com. in illum loc.u.m.

368 Pareus, Com. ibid.

369 Com. in Eph. iv. 13.

370 Polan. Synt. Theol. lib, 6, cap. 3, col. 19.

371 Aquin. 2, 2 an. quest. 43. art. 2.

372 Marc. Ant. de Dom. de Rep. Eccl. lib, 1, cap. 11, num. 18.

373 Cent. 1, lib. 2, cap. 4, col. 450.

374 Com. in Dan. i. 8.

375 De Rep. Eccl. lib. 5, cap. 10, num. 44.

376 Com. in 1 Thes. v. 22.

377 Of the Cross, cap. 3, sect. 6.

378 Annot. on Gal. iv. 10.

379 Confer. with Rain. cap. 8, div. 2, p. 408, 410.

380 Com. in 1 Cor. x. 28.

381 Lib. 1, epist. 41.

382 Can. 5.

383 Ubi supra.

384 Bald, de Cas. Cons. lib. 2, cap. 14, cas. 7.

385 N. Fratri et Amico, art. 13.

386 Annot. on Acts viii. sect. 5.

387 Park, of the Cross, part 2, p. 57; 1 Thes. v. 14; Rom. xiv. 16; 1 Cor. lx. 12; 1 Thes, ii. 7; Acts xx 34; Matt xviii. 6.

388 Cornel Jansen. Conc. Evang. cap 71.

389 Aug. de Morib. Manich. lib. 2, cap. 14; Rom. xiv. 30.

390 Ames lib. 5, de Consc. cap. 11, quest. 6.

391 Dr Forebesse, Iren. lib. 2. cap. 20, num. 27.

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