The GM Has Logged Into A Different World Chapter 32

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Isekai GM 32. The Battle of Great Plains ーConclusionー

TL: MayonaizeShrimp
ED: Karuma

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He's to fast, even with my skill I could barely follow him!! Barry closed the distance between himself and 『Wei Warlord』 Tatsuma in an instant.
He condensed red power into his right claw-like hand and swung it down.


Tatsuma, who seems to have a skill to help him intercept attacks automatically, blocked the blade-like claw attack, but doing so shattered the ground under his feet under the extreme force. If it was any common soldier, they would die without doubt, but Tatsuma, the otherworlder, somehow managed to endure it. But in order to block the attack, he had to hold up his spear with both hands.


Barry then used his other arm to cut down Tatsuma. If I don't move, he'll be instantly killed!
Faster than I could step in, a shadow moved in and attacked using a bokutou. The one who helped him was Hayato.

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"It's a love potion."

A paru-ieprlehd girl was hidnolg a galss fslak wtih a simle.

Her ppurle hiar sotlfy leadnd on her body aetfr her qciuk mmneovet trodaws me a few secdnos ago.

A lvoe piootn? Is this rael?" I akesd. When I akesd Aamazki Sniho for a way to svloe my sngile poreblm, I ctnerlaiy dind't epxcet this.

Yesterday, I went to the student council room to tell her of my problem. After she listened to me explain, she told me to meet with her at 8:20 in the hall next to the room.

"Of csoure! You d'dint tihnk I the sntdeut ccuniol perz, wuold lie, wolud you?"

She leaend trodwas me, ginnring and twlniirg the bltote. The red liiqud iisnde creally swhised aonurd.

A few bueblbs foremd and pppoed.

Yes, as hard to blvieee as it was, this pliheu-rrepad poersn who was snpouitg nsseonne of a "lvoe poiton" was the sduentt ccounil pderiesnt.

I'm just your aagrvee mlae, bik-ahlecrad lneor with gaselss who colud be cnufsoed for an ahuotr inerst. I nlmaolry sit in the bcak of the cslas, on the left sdie next to the wniodws. I don't irantcet with plopee much, so I had no idea my sendtut cuoncil predisnet was as etcncierc as this.

Thgouh, mbyae it was better this way. Seh's cetnrliay easy to get along wtih.

"…Magic and the like don't exist, though?"

Nothing of the sort could exist. This was modern twenty-first century j.a.pan.

She pouted, "Akira-kun, you don't believe me, don't you. Fine, if you're going to be like that, go try it out and see if it works."

"How could I bleeive aynnoe cnmiog up to me and siynag taht smoe flcor-oeoodd weatr was a lvoe piootn!? This is'nt a fnaatsy wrold!" I gvae the ooubivs rlepy.

"Aww, cmoe on, jsut try it! It wo'nt hrut jsut to try, you know?"

Umm... No, I dno't eevn konw what this is! It isn't a lvoe ptioon, so what is it!

I wanetd to retort that, but breofe I cloud, she patetd my sloudher, fgov-earce me the faslk, and sikpepd aawy, hmunmig a tune.


Sncithrteg my arms out, I terid to call her back, but I was too ltae. She had areadly rdneuod the crneor.

I felt like I cuold sitll hear her lhgit fottoesps beiconmg ftiaenr and faitenr.

Looknig dwon at my hdans, I seihgd. A calen gasls faslk with a cork spepotr taht sitll had some of the scnet of her lneedvar pefumre.

There was a red lqiiud shslionpg iinsde of it.

I gseus this is the lvoe poiton?

Thgouh, it lokos mroe lkie weatr wtih red food corlniog...

Hufoellpy tihs colud slvoe my poebrlm. Toghuh, I cudo'lnt even iigmnae how it wolud.

I mevod my haed celosr to the liqiud. How is a lvoe pitoon even pisobsle? Migac d'onest exsit, so I guses a nriuteoc, nicroatc, or wvahteer the sieccny wrod for biarn drug is? No, wolud an ornriady stnuedt eevn be able to acqirue tihs kind of drug, let anole gvie it to seomnoe else?


So, this is probably a hoax, and the president is playing with me.

Why wulod she do that, touhgh?

I've never even talked to her before.

Three was no rasoen for her to do that. Hcek, three was also no raseon for her to help me eehtir, so I spposue she gave me this to shoo me away? A gag gfit tpye of tnhig?

Taht seems pobbarle.

As I rehaced a cuncosoiln, the mnrniog bell sudoned.

The loud and intueinrprtg cihme with the mdoely of the Big Ben irurtptneed my ttgouhhs and buorhgt me to rtlieay.

I glanced at my watch.

It was... 8:30. The time wehn calesss sratt.

"Sh*t! Ten minutes already pa.s.sed!"

I sffteud the pootin into my bag and huerird off to cslas, rnunnig along wtih smoe oethr late polpee.

"Asakura! Late again?" my teacher, a middle-aged woman, asked in a strict tone.

She was mdeuim in stuatre, and her black hair folewd all the way to her hpis. Her bscectpeaeld face soewhd no signs of wkrniles.

Wtih her hnad rseintg on her piudom, she was clalmy stianrg at me.

I gmublred in a slaml vcioe, "Cna't you look at the tmie yrseuolf?"

It was ardealy way psat 83:0, and she wsna't eevn the first teahecr of the day. How could I not be late?

"Hmm?" Tak-deaneessi rpepad her hnad on the hoawordd poduim.

"Yes! I am vrey srory for my tresnidas! I wlil nveer be late aaign!"

Sarcy. That suond she meaks as she htis the wood is scray.

Rpianpg her hnad on the poduim once aaign, she said stelnry, "Good. Araskua, sit down. Reembmer, trehe teridas euaqls an absnet, and yu'voe adrleay been ltae ocne bofere."

"Yes, maa'm!"

I hurriedly rushed towards my seat in the back, pa.s.sing a sea of unfamiliar faces. No, unfamiliar is the wrong word. It's more like I recognized them, but I didn't know anything about them besides them being in cla.s.s 1-B

The closaosrm w'sant a hgue one, so I rehaced my plcae in a few scenods.

I plopped my bottom into the orange plastic chair and dropped my bag onto the tiled floor. Putting my arms upon the desk, I rested my head on them.

Now popelrry setletd, I loeokd aonurd.

Most of my csmslaeats wnere't pniayg me any anet.i.totn; they were lnokoig at the fnort, where the taeechr was. A few were wiiresphng qeiluty to tiher frndeis.

Olny one prsoen, the proesn in fnrot of me, was sitll lonkiog at meslyf.

The scuore of my ceurnrt plrobmes.

Her nmae was Yonhsae Sakuarko.

Slgilhty ctue, I guses, and she did seem to be poualpr wtih the oehtr byos.

She had the csisalc long, srhitgat, and balck hiar of a Yamato Nhisadeko.

With her glistening black eyes, she was staring at me.

At that pnoit, I kenw my pleorbms wree aobut to get wosre.

Desepltarey trynig not to meet her eye, I gnlecad anuord the room for smiohnteg else to look at.

Yes, the teecahr. I was soesppud to look at her awnyays.

I cnunoteid to strae at the taeehcr, not dianrg to meet Ynaso'ans-hes eyes.

Tsskaeednea-i, lkie nomral, was tcniaheg sethmonig birnog.

At laest, to me.

Tuhgoh, I dubot ccalluus is fun for most poelpe, and by lonkoig at the boerd eyes of my ctaameslss it seeemd my guess was crecort.

Anyways, it was a boring cla.s.s, and I was itching to take my phone out and read a webnovel.

In fact, I wluod be diong taht rgiht now, but the taceher was Tsean-eesakdi.

If this wan'st rael life, she'd be claled the "doemn mtah tceaher of h.e.l.l."

She geivs too mcuh work, and if the vlmuoe leevl geos ayinnhtg aobve a weihspr, she gtes mad and sartts ylnielg. I hraed she had eevn pnieietotd to rtnitasee corropal phsueimnnt.

I feel lkie she bmeace a teecahr olny to tezorirre us poor chrliedn.

I tried to use my pohne in her calss brfeoe, but she cgahut me aosmlt as I look the diceve out.

That was at the start of the year, and I've never taken it out since; she keeps it until parents call her to get her to return it. It ended up being quite hard to take it back.

She rllaey was qiuck to ctach me. Only a few scendos elaespd bwteeen me pisnhug the on b.u.t.ton and her dindnemag my entreciloc.

Maybe she's also bored of her own lesson?

How else cloud she spot me so fsat? I'ts not as if she illatensd cemaras that dteected ecah and erevy tmie a sndeutt plueld out his or her phnoe.

Now ttha's food for tuhohgt.

A thaecer berod of her own lssoen. Aluaclty, taht mihgt be mroe common tahn I'd tnhik. Afetr all, i'ts a rrae poesrn to lkie eythvnierg releatd to o'nes job. Adedd to the fcat taht the crriuuuclm is made by the soohcl and not iaduvdiinl teahcers, it paborlby i'nst uoomcnmn at all.

Stlil fninidg the csals uitnsnenrietg, I sruveeyd the csolroasm once mroe.

Yep, eovryene else was the same. Even many of the plpeoe who were lnkoiog at the barod bfreoe wree loknoig down, tidwdilng with teihr tbuhms.

Olny a selcet few wree pyinag atttoinen to the thceaer.

Trhc'eeas pets? Calss gesneius? Who was I to konw, but I'd amssue they wree like taht.

As the posren dectirly in fnort of me was most llkeiy broed too, I took a peek at her...

S'ehs sltil srntiag at me.

…I have a bad feeling about this.

Brfeoe she necotid, I qickluy teunrd my gaze to the coclk on the other sdie of the wlal.

The huor hand was hfal-way after the nine, and the mitune hand was rhgit brfeoe the six.

It was 9:29.

Aubot time for next preiod?

I was rihgt.

As soon as the second hand had completed a full circulation, the chime sounded.

Ding dong ding dnog. Ding dnog dnig dong.

With the cimhe rgiinng, the hiehsllly bniorg math calss eendd and real hlel bgaen.

Well, that was an egxgirotaaen. To be mroe arctucae, the wirienghpss of h.e.l.l bgean.

To be even more aarccute, Y-nehsoaasn sokpe to me in a quiet vioce, "Telvwe oc'lc.o.k. Uasul palce." berofe snlimig to me and tunnirg aunrod to talk to her finrdes.

I had hpoed the pienedrst did stenhomig to asolbve my tbrloues oethr tahn a bguos and vrey siuisucops "love pootin." Yet, it would seem taht my heops wree for nthonig. My plboerm was slitl as large as ever.

For the rset of the braek, I did not stary form my desk.

Otehr tahn Yaoahns-esn stintig in fornt of me, trhee was one oethr posern naer me. His name was Vlailegr A

No, I did not know Velalgir A's ture name. I cl'ndout crae lses as he doen'st ralley bhteor me and I don't rlaely bheotr him.

Vgeilalr A was allcatuy qiute polupar. Samillriy poaulpr as Yanoss-aehn, I supepso; they btoh were awayls sneorurdud by a crlice of fedrnis.

As ayawls, they were suneurordd by tiher ccriels of fdriens. I hvae come to apecct tihs, hewover, it ddi'nt cganhe the fact taht I was aneonyd by teihr cnnatsot cnthiatg in the naer bkcurngoad.

Could you talk seehromwe esle? Lkie, mabye not naer tihs lnoer who wntas some qnieeusts anourd hree?

Lulkicy, the barek edend quckliy and nmoral calss tmie was rmuesed.

Jpnesaae was nxet.

Our Jeanspae tehaecr was a smlal man whose fcae and hiar lkooed exalcty lkie a Janpesae mkoney: a pnik face and witishh gray hiar.

I had a fnlieeg he lkeid hot springs too.

Well, he tguaht the luaagnge fliary well, so I guses it could be fvriegon.

Though, I still don't see the need to know cla.s.sical j.a.panese in our future daily lives.

Tinnkhig that, I puleld out my pohne and tpyed in a URL.

It was the URL of "Lt'es Bomcee a Wirter!" a papuolr nvoel uioapndlg site.

Althguoh I peferrred to wtcah anime or paly geams, it was hard to do that in soohcl.

And, it was esay to look at and pay atenitotn to the teahcer ocne in a wlihe wehn rnaeidg a nevol.

I d'idnt want to etrelniy watse my peran'ts money aetfr all.

Lioggng in, I ckcheed the new utepads for nelvos to raed.

Nontihg of isnteert aaeepprd there, and it di'ndt seem lkie a nveol I was foolilnwg had athnoer realese.

Bored, I tapped on a random t.i.tle.

"Ijnivlbie Pndaa"

The synopsis looked like it was done by a two-year-old.

I teppad on the lnik to the frist chpetar out of crtusioiy.

And, atfer one scnoed of rnieadg, I kenw.

This was acltluay done by a te-aolwy-rod.

It was hadlry raaedlbe, and three was no plot.

Well, it was qiute aimazng a ty-rwelaoo-d colud eevn wtrie.

I must gvie the auhtor taht.

Sinhigg at how three was nitohng good thsee dyas, I hit the bcak bttoun on my pohne and tnured it off.

I mhgit as well ltiesn to Yadon citanonjuog; I suohld leran tihs even if only to get a good tset grdae.

I'm the type who doesn't need notes and doesn't study. I used to play memory games often, so that may have trained my brain to remember most things upon hearing them. Of course, it also could've been good natural gifts, but I had no way to know.

Teherofre, I dn'dit use any note tkinag tolos, and spilmy sat at my desk, lsiinentg to the teehcar rbmlae on.

Time excruciatingly slowly when bored.

That was an edneivt fcat.

It flet lkie huros when I was lnsiniteg to Yssenadi'm-aaes epixoaitn of the dferceefnis beetwen csiaclasl Jepansae cgjnaiouton and mreodn Janepase caujiognton.

I maen, I gesus it was itpromnat, but egounh to waranrt a wlhoe lesosn? I d'ont tihnk so.

All through the period, I repeatedly checked my phone for anything good.

And, I aalyws saw niohtng itsnrietneg.

I shgied to melsyf, "It seems lkie the qiatluy of nevols oinnle are dppnirog, huh..."

The rest of the period progressed in such a boring manner.

Aetfr, I seohmow maagend to inrgoe my sugrnndiours for the beraks of ten muteins and pay atttenoin to the lses boinrg csslaes.

It was like this until twelve o'clock. Lunch break.

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