The Dramatization of Bible Stories Part 17

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The parables were given in the following order:


[_Ten virgins with their lamps are waiting for the bridegroom._]

_First Virgin:_ The bridegroom tarries; let us rest here awhile.

_Other Virgins:_ Yea, let us rest.

[_They all sit down and go to sleep._]

_A Cry Without:_ Behold, the bridegroom cometh! Go ye out to meet him!

[_All the virgins get up hurriedly. The five wise ones, with oil in their lamps, stand in readiness. The five foolish ones are in great confusion._]

_First Foolish Virgin:_ We have no oil! Our lamps are gone out!

_Second Foolish Virgin_ [_speaking to the five wise virgins_]: Give us of your oil--we have none.

_First Wise Virgin:_ Not so, lest there be not enough for ourselves and for you. But go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

[_The foolish virgins hasten away._]

_A Cry Without:_ Behold, the bridegroom cometh! Go ye out to meet him!

[_The_ BRIDEGROOM _comes in, followed by a few attendants. He walks by, and the five wise virgins follow him. They go in a door which is closed after them. The foolish virgins come hurriedly back and rush to the door. They beat on it and call out several times._]

_Foolish Virgins:_ Lord, Lord, open unto us!

[_The door opens and the_ BRIDEGROOM _stands there._]

_Bridegroom:_ Depart, I know you not!


During the work on this play the question arose as to the kind of lamps that were used at the time of the story. The children looked up pictures and descriptions, and from these they made themselves lamps out of plasticene or clay. Fig. 8 is a photograph of one of the scenes taken out of doors. The lamps can be seen, also the simple costumes which the children worked out.


[_The_ MASTER _of the feast stands in his door and speaks to his servant._]

_The Master:_ Go, bid my friends come to the supper, for all things are now ready!

[_The servant bows; the_ MASTER _goes into the house.

The servant walks down the street, and as he meets people he delivers his_ MASTER'S _message._]

_Servant_ [_to the men as they come by_]: My Master bids thee come to his feast, for all things are now ready!

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 8.--The wise and foolish virgins]

_First Man:_ Say to thy Master that I have bought a piece of land and must needs go and see it. I pray thee have me excused.

[_The servant bows and the man on. The servant delivers the message to the second man._]

_Second Man:_ I have bought five yoke of oxen; I must go to prove them. I pray thee have me excused.

_Third Man:_ I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.

[_The servant goes back to his_ MASTER'S _house; the_ MASTER _comes out to meet him._]

_Servant_ [_falls on his knees before his_ MASTER]: O sir, I did as thou commandedst, but one by one they made excuse, and would not come to thy supper. One man had just bought a piece of land and must go to see it; another had bought five yoke of oxen, and was on his way to prove them; and another had just married a wife. All begged that thou excuse them.

_Master_ [_shows great anger_]: What! They that are bidden refuse to come to my feast! Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the maimed, and the halt, and the blind!

[_The_ MASTER _goes into his house, and the servant again walks down the street._]

_Servant_ [_as he meets the lame, the halt, and the blind_]: Come! My Master invites you to a great supper, which is now prepared at his house!

[_Each person, or group of persons, bows and thanks him with such remarks as_]--

_Maimed, Halt, Blind:_ We thank thee; we will be there. We gladly accept this invitation.

[_The_ MASTER _stands in the door to receive his guests as they come. When they are all in, the servant comes back to his_ MASTER.]

_Servant:_ Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room.

_Master:_ Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. For I say unto you that none of those men that were bidden shall taste of my supper!

[_The servant bows_; _the_ MASTER _goes in._]




PLACE: The road from Jerusalem to Jericho.

CHARACTERS: A Traveler, Thieves, a Priest, a Levite, a Samaritan.

[_A man comes along the road carrying his bundle over his back. Many thieves rush out from ambush and attack him. Some knock him down and rob him, while others are looking anxiously up and down the road. After beating and cutting the man they go off, thinking that he is dead._

_As the traveler lies groaning and begging for water, a priest comes along the road, but when he sees the man he by on the other side of the road. Also a Levite comes along, and after looking at the man by on the other side of the road._

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