The Dramatization of Bible Stories Part 14

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_Abraham:_ The day is hot and I am weary. I will rest myself from the heat of the day. [_He seats himself in the shade of the tent._]

_Sarah:_ It is indeed hot, and I will bring thee food and drink that thou mayest refresh thyself. [SARAH _retires into the tent._]

_Abraham_ [_rises to his feet and shades his eyes with his hands_]: Sarah, come hither! Yonder are strangers who are in need of rest. [SARAH _comes out, and she and_ ABRAHAM _kneel before them._] Welcome, strangers, seat yourselves that ye may rest. My wife, Sarah, will bring you food, and water that you may wash your feet.

_First Stranger:_ The Lord bless thee, Abraham. [_Sarah_ _and the servants withdraw, and_ ABRAHAM _and the three men seat themselves before the tent._ SARAH _returns with water and food. The strangers wash their feet and eat._]

_Sarah_ [_offering them food_]: Drink thou this fresh milk, and refresh thyself with this fruit, for ye look weary.

[_They finish eating and_ SARAH _and the servants retire._]

_Second Stranger:_ We bring thee good tidings and would speak with thee and thy wife. [SARAH _comes from within the tent._]

_Third Stranger:_ We are messengers from the Lord to tell thee that thou wilt have a son.

_First Stranger:_ He will be the father of many men and thousands will respect him. Ye shall name him ISAAC.

_Sarah:_ That cannot come to pa.s.s! For many years I have been childless, and the Lord will not give me a son.

_Abraham_ [_falling on his knees_]: Thanks be to the Lord! A son at last!

_Sarah:_ Can it be that these tidings are true? If so, it is indeed a message from the Lord! [_She too falls on her knees before them. The three men quietly leave, and when_ SARAH _and_ ABRAHAM _rise to their feet they are out of sight._]

_Abraham:_ They were angels from heaven! Our wish has been granted at last!


The following is the play as it was finally presented:


PLACE: In front of the tent of Abraham.

CHARACTERS: Abraham, a Shepherd; Sarah, His Wife; Three Strangers; Four Servants.

[ABRAHAM _and_ SARAH _come out of the tent._]

_Abraham:_ The day is hot, and I am weary; I will sit down and rest in the shade of this tree.

_Sarah:_ Yea, it is hot. I will bring thee drink and food that thou mayest refresh thyself, my good husband.

[SARAH _goes into the tent._ ABRAHAM _sees three strangers approaching. He stands up, shades his eyes with his hands, and looks out over the desert. He calls to_ SARAH.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 7.--The three guests bless Abraham and Sarah]

_Abraham:_ Sarah, my wife, come hither! Lo, I see three strangers approaching over the desert.

[SARAH _comes out of the tent and looks also._]

SARAH: They will be weary and in need of rest. I will hasten and prepare food and drink for them also.

[SARAH _goes away._ ABRAHAM _rises to meet the strangers: he falls on the ground before them._]

_Abraham:_ Welcome, strangers, to the tent of Abraham! If I have found favor in thy sight, pa.s.s not away, I pray thee!

Let now a little water be fetched and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree; and I will fetch a morsel of bread, and this will strengthen your hearts; after that ye shall pa.s.s on.

_The Three Strangers:_ So do as thou hast said, good Abraham.

[ABRAHAM _turns to the servants who are standing near._]

_Abraham:_ Haste ye, bring water; fetch a calf, tender and good. [_Servants hasten away._] [_To the strangers_]: Sarah, my wife, will make ready three measures of fine meal and knead it into cakes.

_First Stranger:_ Our host, Abraham, is a true servant of the Lord.

_Second Stranger:_ We are indeed weary; we have journeyed far across the desert.

[_Servants appear with water and food._ SARAH _also brings food to them._]

_Sarah:_ Drink thou this fresh milk, and refresh thyself with these dates, for ye look weary.

_Third Stranger:_ This is indeed a rest.

[SARAH _goes into the tent and the strangers finish eating. The strangers rise to go._]

_Abraham:_ Tarry yet awhile with us.

_First Stranger:_ We thank thee, good Abraham, but we must be on our way.

_Second Stranger:_ We would speak with thee and thy wife, Sarah. Where is thy wife?

_Abraham:_ Sarah, come hither.

[SARAH _appears._]

_Third Stranger:_ We bring you a message from the Lord. You shall have a son, and his name shall be Isaac. He shall be the father of many men, and thousands shall respect him.

_Sarah:_ Surely, this cannot come to pa.s.s!

_Abraham:_ Thanks be to G.o.d for this great gift!

[SARAH _and_ ABRAHAM _fall down on their knees before the strangers. The strangers stretch out their hands to bless them._]

_Three Strangers:_ The Lord will bless you, Sarah and Abraham!

[_The strangers depart._ ABRAHAM _and_ SARAH _arise._]

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