Tourcoing Part 6

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So ended the Battle of Tourcoing, an action which, for the interest of its scheme, for the weight of its results, and, above all, for the fine display of courage and endurance which British troops showed under conditions that should normally have meant annihilation, deserves a much wider fame in this country than it has obtained.


BOOKS _that compel_

_Supplementary Spring List, 1912_

_For him was levere have at his beddes heed Twenty bokes, clad in blak or reed ...

Than robes riche, or fithele, or gay sautrye._


_Telegrams "Lumenifer, London"_

_Telephone 6223 City_



_Complete list of "Books that Compel" post free on application_


=BRITISH BATTLE BOOKS.= By HILAIRE BELLOC. Ill.u.s.trated with Coloured Maps.

Fcap. 8vo. Cloth, 1s. net; leather, 2s. 6d. net.


The British Battle Series will consist of a number of monographs upon actions in which British troops have taken part. Each battle will be the subject of a separate booklet ill.u.s.trated with coloured maps, ill.u.s.trative of the movements described in the text, together with a large number of line maps showing the successive details of the action. In each case the political circ.u.mstances which led to the battle will be explained; next, the stages leading up to it; lastly, the action in detail. 1. BLENHEIM; 2. MALPLAQUET; 3. WATERLOO; 4.

TOURCOING. Later volumes will deal with Crecy, Poitiers, Corunna, Talaveras, Flodden, The Siege of Valenciennes, Vittoria, Toulouse.

=TRIPOLI AND YOUNG ITALY.= By CHARLES LAPWORTH and HELEN ZIMMERN. Demy 8vo, cloth. Ill.u.s.trated. Price 10s. 6d. net. A book of international importance. This is the first systematic account of the Tripoli expedition written from the Italian point of view which has yet been published in Europe. Italy's case against Turkey is fully stated, and the annexation of Tripoli, which has constantly been misrepresented by bia.s.sed critics as an arbitrary and capricious act of rapacity on the part of the Italian Government, is conclusively shown to have been an imperative political necessity. The highest authorities in Italy have heartily a.s.sisted the authors in their task of drawing up a reliable account of the inner history of the Tripoli expedition and of vindicating Italy from the many false accusations which have been levelled against her. The MSS. have been submitted to the Italian Prime Minister as well as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The book is ill.u.s.trated with portraits of leading Italians and with photographs of Libya.

=PSYCHOLOGY, A NEW SYSTEM OF.= By ARTHUR LYNCH, M.P. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. each net. Based on the study of Fundamental Processes of the Human Mind. The principles established will afford criteria in regard to every position in Psychology. New light will be thrown, for instance, on Kant's Categories, Spencer's Hedonism, Fechner's Law, the foundation of Mathematics, Memory, a.s.sociation, Externality, Will, the Feeling of Effort, Brain Localisations, and finally on the veritable nature of Reason.


Hulme. Fcap. 8vo, Cloth, price, 2s. 6d. net. The "Introduction to Metaphysics," although the shortest, is one of the most important of Bergson's writings. It not only provides the best introduction to his thought, but is also a book which even those familiar with the rest of his work will find necessary to read, for in it he develops at greater length and in greater detail than elsewhere, the exact significance of what he intends by the word "intuition." Every expositor of Bergson has. .h.i.therto found it necessary to quote "An Introduction to Metaphysics" at considerable length, yet the book has never before been available in English.

=AN INTRODUCTION TO BERGSON=. By T. E. HULME. 7s. 6d. Besides giving a general exposition of the better known parts of Bergson's philosophy, the author has discussed at some length Bergson's "Theory of Art," which may prove to many people the most interesting part of his whole philosophy, although it has so far been written about very little. At the same time this book is no running commentary on a great number of separate ideas; the author has endeavoured by subordinating everything to one dominating conception, to leave in the reader's mind a clearly outlined picture of Bergson's system. During the last few years the author has been able to discuss many points of difficulty with M. Bergson himself.


=FROM THEATRE TO MUSIC-HALL=. By W. R. t.i.tTERTON. Crown 8vo, cloth. 3s.

6d. net. This book is neither a history of the drama nor a critical study of well-known playwrights. It is an attempt to account for the weakening of the dramatic sense in modern England, and to explain the enormous importance of the music-hall, and the desperate necessity of maintaining it as a means of popular expression. The theories put forward are bold, and are likely to excite great agreement and great opposition.

=THE DOCTOR AND HIS WORK.= With a Hint of his Destiny and Ideals. By CHARLES J. WHITBY, M.D. Cantab., Author of "Triumphant Vulgarity," "Makers of Man," "A Study of Human Initiative," etc. Crown 8vo, cloth. Price 3s.

6d. net. In this book the author has reviewed the existing position of the doctor and indicated the signs of a new sociological era in which he will be called upon to accept new and important functions. The profession has in the past consisted of a mere mob of unorganised units; that of the future will be a disciplined army of experts co-operating for the good of the State. "The Doctor and His Work" may be described as a summary of the modern medical point of view. It appeals not less to the lay than to the professional reader.

=IRISH HOME RULE.= The Last Phase. By S. G. HOBSON. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. net.

=NATIONAL EDUCATION.= By BARON VON TAUBE, author of "Manual Training," "In Defence of America," "Only a Dog's Life," etc. Crown 8vo, Cloth. 3s. 6d.

net. Two basic and dominating conceptions underlie the theory of education put forward in this treatise. The first is the necessity for a national education which will evoke, foster, develop and not level down and destroy all the peculiar and unique characteristics which go to make a nation a nation, and endow it with an individuality distinct from that of all other nations. The second is the necessity for the encouragement of originality and the full development of individual capacity, as contrasted with the ma.s.s-drill measures which are all too prevalent nowadays. The author's theories are based on ascertained sociological and psychological data and on numerous practical experiments in pedagogy which have been successfully carried out by him. Discontent with the modern stereotyped system of cram education is increasing daily, and this book should prove a valuable contribution to the literature on this vitally important subject.



Marzials, with an Introduction by Lewis Melville. Medium 8vo, cloth. 21s.

net. These Episodes or Eastern Tales, related in the Halls of Eblis, were discovered recently by Mr. Lewis Melville in the archives of Hamilton Palace. They were conceived by Beckford as three episodes complete within themselves, which he proposed to interpolate, in the manner of the "Arabian Nights," into his famous Oriental story of "Vathek." The original in French is given after the English translation, and the reader will find this volume extremely interesting both as treasure trove and literature.

=SONNETS AND BALLATE OF GUIDO CAVALCANTI.= Translated by EZRA POUND. Crown 8vo, cloth. 3s. 6d. net. We have had many translations of the Divina Commedia, a few of the Vita Nuova. Rosetti has translated a miscellany of "Early Italian Poets," but in these "Sonnets and Ballate" of Guido Cavalcanti we have a new thing, the endeavour to present a 13th century Tuscan poet, other than Dante, as an individual. More than one Italian critic of authority has considered Cavalcanti second to Dante alone in their literature. Dante places him first among his forerunners.

=LEAVES OF PROSE=, interleaved with verse. By ANNIE MATHESON, with which are included two papers by May Sinclair. Crown 8vo. 5s. net. This volume is composed of a selection of those short studies for which Miss Matheson is so justly famous. Literature, Sociology, Art, Nature, all receive her attention in turn, and on each she stamps the impression of her own personality. The prose is soft and rhythmic, infused with the atmosphere of the country-side, while the lyrics scattered throughout the volume reflect a temperament that has remained equable under the most severe trials. No book more aptly expresses the spirit of Christianity and good fellows.h.i.+p as understood in England.

=OFF BEATEN TRACKS IN BRITTANY.= By EMIL DAVIES. Crown 8vo, cloth. 7s. 6d.

net. In this book the author, who has already won for himself a position in a surprisingly large variety of fields, goes off the beaten track in more than one direction. It is a book of travel, philosophy and humour, describing the adventures, impressions and reflections of two "advanced"

individuals who chose their route across Brittany by ruling a straight line across the map from Brest to St. Malo--and then went another way!

=IMAGINARY SPEECHES AND OTHER PARODIES IN PROSE AND VERSE.= By JACK COLLINGS SQUIRE. Crown 8vo, cloth. 3s. 6d. net. This is probably the most comprehensive volume of Parodies ever issued. The author is as much at his ease in hitting off the style of Mr. Burns or Mr. Balfour, as he is in imitating the methods and effects of the new Celtic or Imperialist poets; whilst he is as happy in his series ill.u.s.trating "The Sort of Prose Articles that modern Prose-writers write" as he is in his model newspaper with its various amusing features.

=SHADOWS OUT OF THE CROWD.= By RICHARD CURLE. Crown 8vo, cloth. 6s. This book consists of twelve stories of a curious and psychological kind. Some deal with the West Indian and South American tropics, some with London, some with Scotland, and one with South Africa. The author's sense of atmosphere is impressive, and there is about all his stories the fatalistic spirit of the Russians. They have been written over a period of several years, and show signs of a close study of method and a deep insight into certain descriptions of fevered imagination. All are the work of a writer of power, and of an artist of a rare and rather un-English type.

=LONDON WINDOWS.= By ETHEL TALBOT. Crown 8vo, cloth. 2s. 6d. net. In this little volume Miss Talbot, who is a well known and gifted singer in the younger choir of England's poets, pictures London in many moods. She has won themes from the city's life without that capitulation to the merely actual which is the pitfall of so many artists. London is seen grieving, sordid, grey, as well as magical and alluring. All who love the London of to-day must perforce respond to the appeal which lies in these moving and poignant verses.

=BOHEMIA IN LONDON.= By ARTHUR RANSOME. Crown 8vo, cloth. Ill.u.s.trated. 2s.


=SOME ASPECTS OF THACKERAY.= By LEWIS MELVILLE. Demy 8vo. 12s. 6d. net. As a literary study the book incites interest, and commands attention as a further revelation of a brilliant and many-sided literary genius. There are admirably written chapters on "Thackeray as a Reader and Critic,"

"Thackeray as an Artist," "Thackeray's Country," "Thackeray's Ballads,"

"Thackeray and his Ill.u.s.trators," "Prototypes of Thackeray's Characters,"

etc. The volume is fully ill.u.s.trated.

=ENGLISH LITERATURE.= 1880-1905. Pater, Wilde, and after. By J. M.

KENNEDY. Demy 8vo, cloth. 7s. 6d. net. Mr. J. M. Kennedy has written the first history of the dynamic movement in English literature between 1880 and 1905. The work begins with a sketch of romanticism and cla.s.sicism, and continues with chapters on Walter Pater and Oscar Wilde, who, in their different ways, exercised so great an influence on various poets and essayists of the time, all of whom are dealt with.

=ONLY A DOG'S LIFE.= By BARON VON TAUBE. Crown 8vo, cloth. 5s. net. This fascinating work was originally published in German, and is now issued in the author's own English rendering. It has been most favourably received in Germany. A Siberian hound, whose sire was a wolf, tells his own story.

The book, in fact, is a very clever satire on human nature, a satire which gains much charm and piquancy from its coming from the mouth of a masterful self-respecting hound.

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