The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 30

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(Ireland) Also known as Mab, Medb, Medhbh, Madb, Queen of Connacht.

A powerful warrior G.o.ddess whose name means "intoxicated woman," Maeve is renowned for her strong will and her ability to manifest whatever and whomever she wants. She's a.s.sociated with the menstrual cycle and feminine beauty. Maeve is also a fairy queen and land G.o.ddess who is loved by horses.

Call upon Maeve anytime you need guidance about natural and alternative healing methods. For instance, when you're in a health-food store, ask Maeve to guide you to vitamins, minerals, herbs, and oils to help with whatever situation you need a.s.sistance with. Like a friendly and wise shopping companion, Maeve will steer you to the right products or books to use.

I spoke with her near a river laced with fragrant flowers outside Dublin, Ireland. The area was rich with beautiful fairies who were tending to the flowers. Maeve came quickly when I called her, and she told me: "I oversee the magical kingdom of the fae. I'm not one of the fairy folk, but I delight and am invoked in their Divine plan and mission. Therefore, when you call upon them, you likely also call upon me. My mission is to be a leader, and to untwist spells so that they can be purified and centered before their delivery to the fairy folk. You might say that I'm a mediator or translator between them and yourselves, making sure that the wishes they grant you are of the highest value.

"Unlike the angels on-high, the fairy folk live in more of a time density and must use their time wisely. So must you! You can ask me to ferret out your material wishes, as I'm also keen to provide for you in the highest way. Yet I help you avoid possessions that would in fact 'keep' you and require such high maintenance as to distract you from your lighted pathway.

"I'm especially fond of the healers among you, and must admit a special penchant for the youth involved in healing ambitions. Ask me for advice on herbal alchemy, potions, oils, and elixirs. I infuse them with magical energies of the highest caliber!"

Helps with: Alchemy Aromatherapy Elementals, connecting with (especially the fairies) Feminine beauty, strength, and attractiveness Healers, beginning pract.i.tioners, students of healing, or would-be healers Herbology Horses, healing and protecting Menstrual cycles INVOCATION.

Maeve comes whenever or wherever she's needed; however, you may find that your initial conversations with her are clearer and easier to discern if you begin speaking with her outside in nature, especially where flowers grow freely. Look at a flower and imagine the fairies flitting in and out of the petals, tending them with joy and love. Then mentally say: "Queen Maeve, it is I [state your name]. I'd like to get to know you, and I respectfully ask for your mentors.h.i.+p in my healing work and on my spiritual path. I'm sincerely dedicated to healing, and I promise to continue taking good care of the environment. I'm willing to help in your mission of world healing, and ask that you take me under your powerful wings and guide me clearly and powerfully. Thank you for opening doors to my healing work and career."


(Buddhist; Chinese; New Age) Also known as Buddha of the Future; Future Buddha; Lord Maitreya, Lord Maitreya Maitri, Happy Buddha, Hotei, Laughing Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, Miroku-Bosatsu.

Historians disagree about Maitreya's history. Many scholars believe that he was a monk named Sthiramati who showed great compa.s.sion and kindness toward others. It's said that Sthiramati was so committed to bringing about happiness that he was bestowed the name Maitreya, which means "the loving one."

However, he's sometimes called Hotei, who was a T'ang Dynasty monk renowned for giving candy to children. Chinese Buddhists believe that Hotei was one of Maitreya's incarnations. Others believe that Maitreya incarnated during the time of Krishna as the famous Ris.h.i.+ written of in the Vedas, and also during the time of Goutama Buddha's Earth life.

In some Buddhist populations, it's believed that Maitreya is the bodhisattva (enlightened one) who is successor to Goutama Siddhartha as the next Buddha. He's often portrayed as a smiling Buddha with a protruding belly, called "the Laughing Buddha."

It's prophesied that between 4- and 5,000 years after Goutama Buddha left his physical body, Maitreya will reappear on Earth in human form when Buddhism needs reigniting. Maitreya will then teach and lead people through example, and eventually replace Goutama Buddha as the Buddha.

In New Age circles, he's called Lord Maitreya, and he's viewed as a member of the Great White Brotherhood, along with Jesus, Saint-Germain, and Archangel Michael. He's said to be a master of the sixth ray of light of enlightenment and ascension.

I spoke with Maitreya while seated in front of a large Laughing Buddha statue, which seemed to become animated as soon as I mentally began talking with him. A friend of mine, Lynnette Brown, was seated next to me and also heard similar messages from him and saw him move and speak.

Maitreya said, "Laughter is sacred. Laugh more, play more, and sing more to harmonize yourself with the natural world. Even humming moves your vibrational chord outward to mesh with the universe and all of humanity. Music is a gift bestowed upon all of us, from the Allness. Nirvana itself is a song, a dance, and a play. Delight in the unfoldment of this great musical that you call 'life.' And call upon your enlightenment, not through striving, but on the wings of laughter and song.

"There will come a day when joy will reign once again. Nirvana is joy and carefree laughter. When you laugh, you're most connected to the Infinite, because the breath emitted through laughter is the Allness. A heart filled with gaiety, mirth, playfulness, and laughter is a heart filled with Nirvana-essence. Be childlike eternally, Beloved Being, and worry not about your ancestors or of creation-it in itself is locked in a tight chamber of safety that nothing can permeate or destroy. Life itself is eternal, and an unfoldment of joy.

"By centering your mind on the intention of enjoying yourself, you are centered in the moment, and thus you capture the full flavor of that moment as deliciously as sweet, juicy fruit. Savor its delectable sensations and all of its variety, for life is a banquet and a feast. And just as in a buffet, where you must try various platters to attain the experience that teaches you your likes and dislikes, so must you also gain knowledge through a wide range of experiences. And thus you can be selective as to that which you place on your platter and partake into your belly. Enjoy the process, and be unafraid to taste and sample new selections put before you.

"Laughter truly is the best medicine of all-you take yourselves far too seriously, and in so doing, you edge out the secret of harmony on your planet: living in joy. Today, seek out ten people who are not smiling, and go out of your way to put a smile on their face. In that way, you will have lit ten candles of light amid darkness."

Helps with: Joy Laughter and a sense of humor Lovingness Peace, global and personal INVOCATION.

Imagine, or look at, a picture of the Laughing Buddha-with his huge smile, arms extended joyfully upward, and his large belly protruding. His whole manner exudes the complete release and bliss of a good laugh. Imagine yourself rubbing his belly, and feel how "contagious" his laughter and joy are! Perhaps you'll notice yourself smiling, giggling, or even laughing out loud. Notice how your heart fills with warm love, peace, and utter security.

Mentally tell Maitreya about any situation or relations.h.i.+p that troubles you, and notice how he helps you release anxiety. He vows to intervene if you promise to continually monitor yourself for worry, and immediately give all of your concerns to him. Feel the weight lifted from your shoulders, and know that there's nothing to fear.

After spending time with Maitreya, watch a funny movie, read a humorous book, or swap silly stories with a friend. The point is to fully release the situation to him through the follow-up process of engaging in play, laughter, and comedy.

Mary, the Beloved Mother

(Judeo-Christian, Catholic) Also known as Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Virgin Mary, Queen of the Angels.

Mary's historical data isn't well known, as the four Gospels that describe her don't go into much detail. Other doc.u.ments about Mary, such as the Proto-Evangelion of James, discuss her birth, childhood, and adulthood-however, scholars can't agree on the validity of such texts. And then there are the New Age books, which provide information about Mary's life based on channeled or regressed information.

The Gospels say that Mary lived her life in Nazareth, which was a small working-cla.s.s village. She lived with her husband, Joseph; her son, Jesus; and-according to historians-Joseph's four sons and one daughter from his first marriage. Because Joseph worked outside the home as a carpenter or furniture maker, Mary likely spent most of her time tending to family and household needs. Most women in Mary's time didn't receive any education or literacy training. Historians and religious scholars speculate that Mary led a difficult life, struggling to raise enough money for food and taxes, and trying to avoid the dangers of ongoing military and political uprisings.

New Age authors speculate that Mary may have taken baby Jesus to Qumran and temporarily lived among the Essenes, where they both learned the mystical secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls. They also hypothesize that the brothers and sisters in the household were also offspring of Mary and Joseph.

Many modern-day people, especially children, have seen visions of Mother Mary in places such as Fatima, Lourdes, and Guadalupe. Mary's apparitions and the messages that she delivers to those who see her help us recognize the presence of miraculous masters among us.

Mary has been called "the Queen of the Angels," and her famous interactions with Archangel Gabriel during the annunciation certainly herald this t.i.tle. Her present persona, too, is definitively angelic: She's among the most loving, patient, and kind of the ascended masters. The angels love her, and they work with her to effect miracles. Yet, behind her gentleness, there's a firm "mother bear" who lovingly warns us to shape up.

Mary is especially concerned with children, and she counsels us to use wisdom, intelligence, and love in our parenting decisions. She's especially watchful of the new "Indigo and Crystal Children," who bring gifts of salvation to the planet. Mary will a.s.sist anyone whose life purpose involves helping these young ones, and she will open doors to child advocates. She helps those whose intentions are benevolent toward children, including those who seek to abolish chemicals that harm children's psyches, including dietary pesticides and additives, and psychoactive medications such as Ritalin.

A woman named Mary Frances sent me this story explaining how Mary helped her and her children: "I was 39, pregnant, and quite large. My daughter was seven years old. We were taking care of a friend's daughters on this day and decided to drive to the coast to gather We drove the car into a very sandy lot, parked, and enjoyed the day at the beach. Then we all got into the car, and lo and behold, we couldn't get out of the deep sand. The wheels of the car were stuck. We all got out to see if the car would move without our weight in it, but it wouldn't. Nothing seemed to work. We were stuck, and all alone in a very isolated location!

"My daughter began crying and praying aloud. She said, 'Oh, dear Virgin, you've said that we should call you anytime we need your help. We're stuck in the sand, my mother is pregnant, and I can't push the car as I'm too small. Please, please, please.' The other two girls laughed and asked me, 'Does she really believe this?' I answered, 'Of course she does!'

"It was getting dark, though, and we all began to worry-when from out of nowhere, a pickup truck with three men came into view. The men stopped and pushed us out of the sand, and we were on our way in no time. I couldn't help but look at my friend's daughters and say, 'See?!'"

I frequently call upon Mary for help with healings and guidance, and I always find that she fills my heart with the sweetest warmth and love. I recently asked Mary for a message when I visited a shrine dedicated to her at the magnificent (circa 1200) cathedral in Cologne. My lower back felt stiff and sore from traveling, so I also lit a white candle in front of her statue and asked her for a healing. My candle joined dozens of others in a beautiful ceremony of lighted prayers.

I knew that Mary was with me when I felt her familiar calling card of loving warmth in my heart. The warmth encompa.s.sed my entire chest and stomach and caused my breath to deepen.

"Compa.s.sion," she repeated swiftly in one of my ears in the sweetest voice-like the music of the wind blowing through springtime leaves. "Compa.s.sion is what the world hungers for most, which means love coupled with an understanding of the other person's point of view and feelings.

"So much strife stems from an aggressive desire for compa.s.sion-a desire to force the other parties involved to agree with you, because everyone is too afraid to admit that they can see and understand why the other acts in this way. Throw down your arms and come to me for a reuniting with all others. Throw your arms around me and feel my embrace! Allow me to soothe shattered nerves and hurt feelings.

"Come to me, those of you who are afraid. I shall help you rise above all strain and suffering so that you may see the unlimited viewpoint of all others. You will see that those whom you fear or resent are merely children who are afraid, too.

"Lay down your arms, humanity. You are weary from constantly defending yourselves against imagined dangers that are of your own making. Be unafraid of truth, which overcomes all fear. And the hard and fast truth that never wavers is that your Father loves you eternally. Allow me to pour this love in your direction and cover you with its healing power. You may bathe in this well of Divine love at any time, simply by reconnecting your thoughts to those of G.o.d's. How to do that? Through having compa.s.sion for yourself and others. If you are unable to reach this state, allow me to a.s.sist you. For, like your Father, I shall love you always eternally."

As I stood up and walked out of the cathedral, I no longer felt any back pain.

Helps with: Children, adopting Children, all other issues related to Children, support for those who help Fertility Healing of all kinds Mercy INVOCATION.

Mary comes to anyone who calls upon her, regardless of that person's religion or past behavior. She's all-loving and all-forgiving. When she appears, you may smell fragrant flowers or see sparkles of cornflower-blue lights. You'll feel a sense of peace and safety, as if a powerful and loving mother has just entered a child's bedroom to chase away nightmares and replace them with sweet dreams.

Invoke Mary by imagining or looking at a picture or statue of her, or call upon her aloud or mentally: "Beloved Mary, Queen of the Angels and Mother of Jesus, I ask for your help. [Describe the issue.] Thank you for showering this situation with your blessings and giving me insight, so I may learn and grow from this experience. Thank you for showing me G.o.d's will so that we all may have peace."


(Judaism; New Age) Melchizedek's name is said to mean "king of righteousness" or "genuine or rightful king." He was a Canaanite priest-king of Salem (now known as Jerusalem) and was a teacher of Abraham. Ancient mystical texts describe him as one who conducts spirit releas.e.m.e.nt on a ma.s.sive scale, working in conjunction with Archangel Michael.

Descriptions of Melchizedek's history are conflicting. In the Dead Sea Scrolls, he's called Michael, and there's some allusion to Melchizedek being one and the same with Archangel Michael and Jesus. This latter speculation is echoed by Apostle Paul's letters to the Hebrews, in which Paul discusses Melchizedek and Jesus as both being great high priests, and that Melchizedek was a foreshadowing to Jesus' appearance on Earth. The Eastern spiritual text Nag Hammadi also discusses Melchizedek as being a past incarnation of Jesus Christ.

According to The Book of Enoch, Melchizedek was the child of Noah's brother, Nir. Nir's wife died before giving birth, and Melchizedek was delivered posthumously from his mother's womb. However, there's other speculation that he's actually Noah's son Shem.

It is said that Melchizedek made the first offering of bread and wine to Abraham for his military victory. He's even depicted as holding a cup or chalice in a stone sculpture from the Chartres Cathedral in France. Saint Paul spoke of Jesus Christ as a priest according to the order of (or in the succession of) Melchizedek because Jesus later inst.i.tuted the use of bread and wine in the Eucharistic sacrifice at the Last Supper. The Council of Trent even discussed Melchizedek offering bread and wine, and then Jesus inst.i.tuting it at the Last Supper.

In New Age circles, Melchizedek is thought of as a group of high-level spiritual beings who are custodians and teachers of ancient esoteric secrets. The group is sometimes called "the Cosmic Priesthood" or "Order of Melchizedek." This group was described in Psalms: "The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, you are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek."

When I called upon Melchizedek, an extremely tall man with piercing blue eyes appeared before me. He showed me that he oversees a switching station into which stream various colors of the rainbow. These hues are the energies of universal vibrations, given off by everything: the planets and stars; organizations; and thoughts and emotions.

Melchizedek said: "I am part of the regulating program that balances and harmonizes all energies. These energies are flowing continuously, and they form the basic structure of the universe. All substances are formulated from these agents. All atomic particles revolve around them, too. So, to rearrange the substance of some situation, you must call upon the internal colors to rearrange it so that differing amounts of those colors exist, and the order in which they appear is changed.

"A reduction in red essence, for instance, reduces the pain threshold. As the tolerance for pain is reduced, the situation must become softer and gentler. The formulas for re-creating situations using the colors are a sacred science that is very complex. It's probably best for you to involve my organization in the process. We operate on the Law of Noninterference with your Earth operations. However, we do make ourselves readily available to those who direct their attention toward us and pose requests for our a.s.sistance."

Melchizedek showed me how his regulatory system could instantly rearrange and reorganize matter by remixing its energy color components. This could be used to undo a negative situation, to increase flow and supply, and to create or attract new substances or situations.

Helps with: Correcting an unpleasant situation Esoteric understanding Manifestation Purification s.h.i.+elding against psychic attack Spirit releas.e.m.e.nt Therapy involving colors (that is, Aura-Soma, chakra clearing, crystals, Feng Shui, Reiki, etc.) INVOCATION.

"Wisdom of Melchizedek, power of Melchizedek, order of Melchizedek, I invite and invoke your presence and protection. Melchizedek, thank you for clearing away all lower energies thoroughly! Melchizedek, thank you for purifying me and this situation. Melchizedek, thank you for rearranging this situation so that it reflects only the highest spiritual laws and energies. Divine wisdom, power, and order now guide my actions, thoughts, and words; and I am safe and protected in all ways."


(Celtic; United Kingdom) Also known as Merddin, Myrddin, Merlyn, Emrys.

Acontroversial figure-did he really live, or was he merely a legend?-Merlin represents the great old sage-wizard archetype. He's known as a powerful magician, a spiritual teacher, and a psychic visionary who helped King Arthur during fifth-century Camelot in Wales. He's a.s.sociated with the G.o.ddesses of Avalon and Glas...o...b..ry, including Viviane, Guinevere, and The Lady of the Lake.

Those who question his reality as an actual human being say that Merlin may have been based upon an ancient Druid mystic. In any event, biographical information about him is seemingly nonexistent. However, many divinities didn't lead physical lives, but they're still quite powerful and real among us in the spirit world. Merlin is one of them. Although some New Age philosophers argue that Merlin was an early incarnation of Saint-Germain, I and many of the peers whom I respect have interacted with Merlin's spirit as a personality quite distinct and apart from Saint-Germain.

Merlin is happy to give lightworkers a magical leg-up; however, he always cautions that we use our "inner wizards" in the name of spiritual service and not for self-gain.

I thought it was fitting to ask Merlin to speak to readers of this book while I sat at the Stonehenge circle in England. He said, "Welcome to the Mystery School, where both dark and bright mysteries reside together. I'm the champion of both dark and light, recognizing the power within both forces if they're approached fearlessly, but with uncompromising respect for their force. If it's an increase in magical knowledge, spell-casting, or inner strength or power that you seek, by all means call upon me. I'm pleased to teach and guide, but be aware that I'm perceived as a powerful taskmaster, one who doesn't take lightly to gluttony or indolence. Be prepared to work hard without compromise when you invoke me."

Helps with: Alchemy Crystals Divine magic Energy work and healing Prophecy and divination Psychic abilities Shape-s.h.i.+fting Time-warping INVOCATION.

During his mortal lifetime, Merlin rarely spent time indoors. He frequently left Camelot to meditate by himself in the forest, and only went back when he was called upon by Arthur and others for a.s.sistance. For this reason, it's best to invoke Merlin when you're outside, especially among trees.

Before you even call on him, Merlin knows of your intentions. He knows who you are, what situation you're requesting help with, and the best solution. But he waits before approaching you, first scanning you to see if you're a student who's willing to learn over the long haul-or if you're someone who just wants a quick fix.

Merlin comes to those who have a sincere desire to learn the spiritual secrets of alchemy, Divine magic, and manifestation skills that will be used in the light and not for personal glorification. He emphasizes to his students that these skills must never be used to harm or destroy anyone or anything physically or emotionally. Merlin's knowledge is his prized possession, and he shares it willingly with those whose hearts are loving and pure.

It doesn't hurt to call upon Merlin even if you're not sure that you're ready. He knows. Simply think his name and mentally ask him to come and a.s.sist you. If you're ready to learn and work, you will feel his presence and mentally hear his words. If you're not ready, Merlin will guide you to an archangel or master who can prepare you for readiness. Either way, thank Merlin for his loving care.


(Judeo-Christian) The Prophet Moses was called upon by G.o.d to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt and to the "promised land of milk and honey" in Israel. He and the 12 tribes of Israel wandered through the desert and across the vast lands. Finally, after 40 years of constant travel, Moses was compelled to climb Mount Sinai, where he received an a.s.surance from G.o.d that his people would be led to their promised land. Moses received Commandments from G.o.d that he was asked to deliver to the Israelites. These Commandments formed the basis for monotheism-the First Commandment being not to wors.h.i.+p any other G.o.ds.

Moses was born in 15th-century B.C. Egypt to Amram and Jochebed. The Pharoah, who was threatened by the increasing power and wealth of the Jewish people, ordered the murder of all newborn Jewish babies. Moses' mother placed her baby in a waterproof reed basket and set him to float down the Nile river, where she hoped he would attract the attention and compa.s.sion of the Pharaoh's daughter. Her plan worked, and Moses was raised in the palace of the Pharaoh as if he were born of royalty.

Biblical accounts that tell of G.o.d teaching Moses to perform miraculous feats include: Moses striking a rock that gave forth enough water to quench the thirst of an entire congregation and their animals; parting the Red Sea and walking through it; having clear conversations with G.o.d through a burning bush; making a serpent turn into a rod; and others. He was a testament to the miracle of faithfully following Divine guidance.

Moses helps spiritual aspirants and teachers of all faiths and religions, and he's one of my own guides. While I was sitting on New Zealand's western coastline, Moses gave me a profoundly stirring message. His words continue to help and intrigue me: "Striving inherently places the intention forward into the future, with your focus and intent being centered on subsequent gains and improvement. So much better to stay with your current situation and attain enjoyment, and extract the sum of lessons gained from that scenario before moving on to a new game plan. Withdraw your future plans, and concentrate instead upon this moment. Notice where you are, how you arrived there, and the circ.u.mstances that led to your arrival.

"Once an understanding has been met, turn to the next moment, and so forth. Future-tense focus keeps you trapped in a vacuum that obliterates your ability to draw nurturing, lessons, guidance, and sustenance from the present. The monumental lessons for all mortals is to learn an appreciation for whatever circ.u.mstances arise. Do not seek to switch to a new situation until you have fully extracted every minute enjoyment out of your present one. Life is about what's happening to you presently-that's all that matters."

Helps with: Authority figures, dealing and negotiating with Clear communication with G.o.d Courage Faith Leaders.h.i.+p Miracle-working INVOCATION.

Moses' life story is a testament to accepting a leaders.h.i.+p role, even if you feel unsure or unqualified to perform that function. In the same way, Moses can help you "step up to the plate" and do the best job possible. Anytime that you feel uncertain about your power or abilities, call upon Moses: "Beloved Moses, please lend me your courage, and help me overcome fear and cast out doubt. I ask you to fill my heart with faith in my G.o.d-given abilities. Please guide my words and actions so that I may lead and guide others according to G.o.d's will. Thank you."

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