The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 3

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The past is splattering the present with desires for pleasures of the earthly flesh. Dear one, do not think we seek to cast shadows upon your earthly garden. Yet, the time has come when we ask you to rethink your desires in the light of what you truly want while you are upon the earth. We implore you to reconsider some of your a.s.sumptions about what it is you need. Do you truly believe the child of G.o.d could ama.s.s a wealth of fortune to take home to the Father as a child seeking a parent's approval?

What is it that you truly want, dearest one? Think long and hard upon this question, and you will turn inward and soon find the wealth that is within you. For you are a fortune of treasure, a glittering treasure chest that can multiply as many times as you feel able. Use your good fortune for the help of mult.i.tudes who will find you the instant you make this decision within yourself: "I am ready to supply the earth's needs with my riches. I seize upon my wealth within and give freely as I am replenished."

Dear heavenly child upon the earth, the joy that awaits this decision is immeasurable compared to any earthly desires. Give freely of your treasure within, and delight in the play that now comes your way! See the eyes cast heavenward as you laugh and smile with others who seek you out. Fear not that you shall exhaust your supply, for our Heavenly Creator gives as freely as you do of His own treasurehouse of good.

You are the wealth that the world seeks even now, and as you open your vaults to the others, you suddenly see your own worth. Your instrument of peace multiplies as you share it, and your storehouse overflows with ripe fruit for all who would seek its solace. Hold back from no one, but give freely of the love that is yours to share. Flow the light freely from within and without, as it through your life in steady stream.

We bid you to share in this secret: that there is but one desire that you possess, and this desire has already been met. Seek this greatest of treasures in its glorious surroundings, and you will find yourself even as you do. For you are the heavenly riches that G.o.d has promised to us all, and as you let us give to you, we seek no greater riches than what He has in store. For heaven is here, and we pa.s.s among you its seedlings of joy. Revel in its majesty, dear one, and drink upon its joy.

Live in gladness that this is so, and you will feel the stamp of quenched desires upon your brow. And in this simple quenching, you find that which all of your siblings know: that you and we are one upon His heart. One glorious child of G.o.d glittering in millions of s.h.i.+ning reflections like the facets of one jewel casting light in multiple directions from one Source. This jewel that is you!


Do you feel lost at times, sweet child? You do at times struggle to find your way, yet we stand ready to beckon you home at any time you would call for our directions. Your guidance, which places one foot surely before the other, will serve you all of your days. There is no time when your guidance is lost, yet there are times when you s.h.i.+eld yourself from knowing its course.

You doubt and switch between the steady gate of G.o.d's direction and the circling of backtracking upon yourself. As you think you are moving forward, you become disheartened upon seeing a sign of a familiar trail that signals that you have doubled back and lost your way. This is the time to sit down and not fight against yourself, for those who struggle against being lost get farther away from the trail. But the being who sits, breathes, and gazes awhile soon finds recomposure. And this resolves the dilemma of being far from the trail, in time for the sunset to lead him home.

There is no time when you are lost, dear one, though signs can seem to point in different directions and confuse you further still. You s.h.i.+ft in consciousness from one level to the next, and you worry at the awareness of this loss in focus. Do no further harm to yourself, dear one, by contemplating your "lostness" at the edge of the forest. For we will lead you back in perfect time.

There are others among you lost upon the trail, and at times you lead one another in circles going nowhere. As you cast about in sorrow, contemplating where you are going, do you ever surmise an inner voice that would lead you home? We teach you of this ready compa.s.s and offer you a chance to check its gauge. For when you let it lead you out of darkness, you trust its readiness to guide you surefootedly in troubled times. The compa.s.s is in perfect order at all times, dear one! Use it often, and it will guide you always, sure and sure.

Perhaps you do not take the time to check it frequently, and only use it when you are far away off the trail. This is also wise, as it proves to you its reliability. We are urging you to use it frequently, for in it is your Creator's wisdom, which He has packed as gear for you.

Some of you who wonder about this gauge and wish to discover its many uses, please hear this: We will gladly teach you of its presence, if you will ask us. Sit quietly in contemplation, and imagine us coming near you. As we enter into your heart with a language of feelings, use your inner ear to decipher the message that answers your questions with knowingness.

You will know we are near by our presence, which sends signals to your mind. These signals you can choose to disregard as imagination. Yet, we will draw nearer to anyone who calls us, and our warmth, we believe, is unmistakable for another presence. Ask us to show you this compa.s.s that we call "home," and we will gladly teach you its operation. For it is our honor to share in the gladness that comes from fully being a witness to the love that is within us all.


Does it sometimes seem hard to honor yourself when others guard their hearts in ways that disappoint you? Believe us that we do understand your sorrow with human behavior, as we have seen choices that we would not have made for you if we were asked. Yet, we still see the glowing goodness within each of you.

We know how close you all are to making the greatest of discoveries about yourselves! We cheer you on in times of sorrow, even when the end seems a very long time off. You are closer than you know to a time of monumental discovery, dear one, and we ask you to cling to hope along with us. For that faith will take you farther than any one human could ask you to go.

But it doesn't seem simple, does it? Perhaps you achieved a level that you hoped would reward you, yet the offering did not come. You feel downtrodden as if others had walked across your very back, ignoring the pain that is beneath their feet. You may feel useless and unworthy of the honor that we tell you is due you. Yet, there is a simple truth that is healing in this concern.

There is a risk in telling you this, yet we believe it is in your best interest to hear this: There is nothing coming to you tomorrow that you do not already have in your hearts today. So that when you seek for your goodness in tomorrow's agenda, you are always disappointed. Because the flowing that you seek is already here, in completion, darling one!

Think not that tomorrow can add to your completeness, for that would be an impossible feat. There is nothing to add to one who knows no need, such as yourself. What could be added to you tomorrow that you do not already have?

Perhaps you think you need something that is not presently within you. We ask you: What could this be? What seeming item did G.o.d not give to you, or could He not bestow upon you in this moment in which you reside now? Think not that another needs to add a thing unto you, or enrich you with an encircling that you lack in the present. For you have already earned your creation, and your Creator has promised you all the rest.

For some, there is a thought of past times that cause them to stir in guilt and unworthiness. Yet, even these beliefs are not enough to hold off G.o.d's riches! For no mortal on earth could cease the Heavenly Creator's riches from coming in steady streams for now and forever more. So we ask you to delight and dance upon these blessings that are with you as we speak. Your joy sends light-filled messages to the One who is in heaven with you. And your joy is His.

Yes, it is safe to let go of your prescriptions of what you think is due to you. These appointments that you make as scripts in context for others always lead to dis-appointments. For G.o.d casts others to you as surely as He casts you to others. Allow the others their breathing s.p.a.ce to be as they will be, and nothing can disappointment you of their making. And as your needs are ready-met, so are others spilling over with the treasures of heaven that they can also offer you. So do you see your sharing, which is within you all!


You speak of the term sweet dreams as if to differentiate them from the rest. The garden of your thoughts grows wildly at times, and its nature can seem to bloom perennials that capture your full attention. What is this period of time you call "dreams," but an opportunity to flourish in the wild expanses of your inner atrium? Your mind, which seems darkened in the light but harbors a perfect environment for lush jungles of the imagination to untangle and grow larger, and larger still.

So do you see that the mind exercises itself in the sleeping hours, while we humbly portray visions across your mind's eye for its entertainment while you are thus growing? Its lavish expansiveness is an opportunity to show you the operations of your mind. Once guarded, the mind in restfulness allows us to paint upon your canvas to ill.u.s.trate what we seek to show you. Its lavish colors intensify the nature of our interventions upon the mind, which hungers for healing.

Use dreams wisely, and seek always to use them as healing interventions. Set your intentions nightly with this prayer: "Dearest G.o.d, I seek to expand my consciousness through Your angels' interventions into the landscapes of my mind this night. I give You my open mind and heart, that You may heal my limitations in thinking, and correct my mind to truth."

Feel, then, our confirmation that your prayer is indeed heard, as we pour grateful tidings of love upon you so powerfully that all can be felt. The vibrations of your sleeping time gives us entryway when we may ply our lessons upon the backdrop of story telling and gently lead you so you may continue to impress our interventions into your waking mind.

Feel glad, then, that this is so, dear one. That G.o.d's help is inescapable is true. Yet for many, His help rings in emptiness through thoughts contaminated and busy by hopes and fears. Still, the nighttime beckons expansively as the greatest opportunity for our deepest intervention!

Use it wisely, as we say, to help along all wishes for accomplishments that serve your purpose upon this earth. We seek to guide you in all ways, and we await your slightest invitation in which we shall inspire you with infusing love. Your greatest power is unfolding even now. Can you feel it? Seize this power through angelic intervention of your dreams, and awaken refreshed, knowing that the best is possible. Seize this awesome partners.h.i.+p between angel and man, and come together in glad tidings in the night dreams.


What is this thing we call "ego," because it is not a thing at all! Its essence is unfolding to many of you as the greatest illusion of all time. Yet, its power stands ready to block you with the paradox that, though not a thing, it also serves as a gatekeeper of the illusion of many of the experiences that you believe you have.

Let us explain further what is this thing/not-thing. To begin with, you chose a time in which to serve in a capacity of a demi-G.o.d of your own making. This decision was born of an ego mind that, behind you, served in no greater capacity than to whisper such minglings that would prepare you to take this "great adventure" into self-services.h.i.+p.

The belief that you could hold yourself captive, and yet serve no single purpose other than to enslave yourself in this kingdom of your own making, was the ego's awakening into captivity. Yet its actions serve no barrier in which G.o.d's trust-which is immeasurable in its capacity-cannot seep into every instance of your mind! There are no walls to keep G.o.d away from you, yet in consciousness, you can serve as your own barrier, which seemingly "protects" you from His greatness.

He is your greatest ally, yet your ego seeks to make you its master by enfolding you in dens of lies about the ego-functions, which only serve a destructive purpose. Which is to say, really, it serves no purpose at all. For that which is destructive is no-thing, and not to be feared, therefore. And would you throw away all of heaven for even a tiny instance of serving in this capacity of slave to your own ego? Think not that normal living is captured on the film of the ego's own creation. For that which you seek-what we call peace and happiness-is within the realm of now.

The tenderness and the mercy that G.o.d rains on you bathes you in His healing glory, where you share His mind as your own. Be joyful in this awakening, precious one, that what you have made to serve you is nothing but this grand illusion. Like a child's paper dolls, they can be folded back into the toy chest for now, in trade for the real livelihood of G.o.d's kingdom of heaven as it is present here and now upon the gentle earth.

There is nothing to fear, yet the ego would have you believe differently. Seek not its stature, or its lofty elevations, for there is nothing above you in this kingdom. G.o.d shares equally among you all of his riches. The edge that you seek from your siblings is nothing but His purpose in disguise. For he who is your sibling is authorized to bestow these gifts upon your anointed head, and you are showered with the suns.h.i.+ne together in joyful revelation that the kingdom is here, the kingdom is here.

No more waiting, no more antic.i.p.ation. They are the slaves of the ego, dearest children. The time of your glad tidings is now, not in the distant future. Breathe it in, drink it in merrily. For G.o.d wills for His holy children to dance merrily amongst themselves, singing in joyful tribulation and dancing at His song. Give thanks that this is so, dearest child, and seek no further for that which is here among you now. For it is here, and it is now, and it is very, very good!


Who is shamefaced among you, that they seek to hide from their eternal holiness? Did the weight of self-judgment cause you to stir in a rush of embarra.s.sment that you s.h.i.+eld from your siblings? Seeking solace in aloneness, he who licks his mortal wounds soon finds capture within these words: that the greatest pain comes from within, as does its release. So let us pause a moment here, as we gain resolve for its release.

See in this moment, within your inward spiritual eyes, a picture of one who is like you and who is cast in the clothing of the immortal and eternal. Do you see the glow of warmth emanating from this being's holiness? This picture we bring you is of the one who is you! Now as you cast your eyes upon your own light, do you bask in gladness at the recognition of your true power? Do you sense the capacity of this mighty being who is yourself?

The one Who is great casts His power through your mighty being, and yet you who see yourself lowly cannot conceive of a power this great within your mortal self. The owners.h.i.+p of power belongs to all, holy child! There is no one among you any greater or smaller than all the rest. For nowhere on this great expansiveness of earth could G.o.d have set a more perfect creation than that which is you.

As you marvel upon your true magnificence within you, do you see its ma.s.sive power to move all of mankind in inspiration so sweet that mortals cannot taste it? This limitation that you have cast upon your self in humble drudgery-it enslaves you. Do not discount yourself with shame, sweet and tender child. For one of such grace and holiness as yourself has no shame to beleaguer the inner makings of G.o.d's very image and likeness.

Humble yourself before His greatness, yes, that is true. As is it true that you shall learn by the lessons that cause you to grow. Bestow your greatness upon the world, as you are eternally ready in this present moment to unleash His valor for all to see through your s.h.i.+ning example. Timid though you may seem, His blazing honor is unmistakable to those whose eyes fall upon the lighted rays of your being. Dim not these rays with false humility, dear one, and fear not that humility requires you to s.h.i.+ne not!

For as He encircles you with gifts of gladness, so too do you s.h.i.+ne these rays of awareness upon all that your capacity would reach. There is none among you for whom these words cannot heal, and yet your doubts can s.h.i.+eld you from this experience, so release them upon us. Give to us this day your armaments of fatigue and faithlessness, that we may s.h.i.+eld you instead with the true medals that come of grace and joy. For there is no valor in self-capture, and He beckons you to follow His call to glory among yourselves in the name of each other. For you are His most perfect children of the high, not fallen from grace in any mortal way.

Embarra.s.sment is eradicated as He s.h.i.+nes his patient understanding upon each thought you offer to His healing power. s.h.i.+ne away all din of shame as you proffer them to G.o.d, heavenly child, and feel the erasure of moments that you thought were cause of pain. See with silly laughter how easily they melt away when they are lifted to heaven's glory and given over to He who can bestow all things with His eternal grace. He is the creative solver of all that would mar the awareness of His holiness within all mortal men, yet still you seek for vengeance upon yourself for that which you never did!

Guilt creeps silently in the silent night and strangles its victims with a suffocating pillow upon their head. Let not this captor in among you, and sing not its song to beckon it to your awaiting window ledge. Did we not tell you but a moment earlier of His pervading grace that rushes to heal you of every seeming mortal sin? There is no thing in His holy vision that ceases to lift the sparkle in His eye at your sight. For He who loves you so completely cannot fathom of that which could bring you down in stature. Be like Him, then, in seeing yourself with wistful eyes that captures only the image of you who are lovely in His sight.


How is it possible for a holy child of G.o.d, who is ripe with fullness, to feel empty? Did you lose sight of your riches and thus believe you were devoid of the fruits to which you aspire? We judge you not for this oversight, yet we seek to upright your thinking in the truth that is happily yours to own and share.

There is nothing outside of your holiness for which you must seek. This truth may surprise those who surmise an emptiness, and believe they must fill it. What would you seek to collect that you have not already in your possession? Surely, the riches of the kingdom are installed deeply within your soul. For there is nothing that you could receive that would make you fuller than you are at present. And there is nothing you could give away that could disperse you who are eternally holy.

The thought of lack gives way to the experience of such, and so we bid you to release this perception to we who can cleanse you of its painful residue. The might with which you are able to disdain your present conditions is the essence of the holiness that uproots all instances that would bring you shadows instead of fruition. Use that mighty will of yours in full alignment with His holiness, for it draws to you that which is needed in sustaining the inward humanly needs.

Yet even still, the dwelling nature of the thought upon the need increases the illusion of the lack. Rid yourself, dear one, of every seeming thought you think you hold that gives unloving pictures of the life you lead. Do you share His wish that you hold a heavenly picture of your earthly dream? Give us, then, your troubles and sorrows so we may deliver them for purification. Hold nothing from our loving arms, for we would cast all painful thoughts away from your mighty love.

Tenderly now, reveal to yourself the truth of your glory and wisdom. See now, by our light, the reflection of your Creator that blinds away the vision of emptiness and fills you to overflow with love. Those who are thirsty, drink long at His trough and replenish your being with holy nourishment. For you are dearly loved in all ways, and we bid you to give to yourself, as your Maker seeks to give to you now.

Give us your sorrows and troubles, and release yourself in freedom, which is your one true desire. Soar in the heavenly knowledge of this plent.i.tude that is yours, and allow us the sweetness of establis.h.i.+ng steady communication with you. We revel in your gladness, which is full like the nectar of sun-ripened fruit. Believe in your fullness, dear one, and you shall seek no further for that which is you.


Do you see in your brother's eye a gleam that you seek for your own? This monster that we call "envy" has held many captive to its origin, which is fear. When you seek to capture the status of a brother and surpa.s.s him in his deed, look squarely at the desire and you will recognize what is there. For love is the essence of all that you are, and you shan't deviate from your true nature, now or ever. That which you envy within another is eternally in you, for love is all that you are and all that you will ever be.

Do you imagine that your brother's action will capture the attention of a being who bestows love capriciously? Is there an imagined envy of this love being unreplenished when it is given to those who seem to have more than another? For the wealth of one is not necessary for the wealth of another, yet the love that is within us all spreads evenly among us in all ways.

The hurt that is in your heart in the name of envy is from the sharpened stone that seals off the awareness of love's ever-presence. Would you not ask us to hurl back this stone so the light of dawn's day can s.h.i.+ne deeply with freshness so sweet that no envy could enter its picture? For there is no hurdle that you must climb to elevate yourself among your brothers. Your envy is attraction to that which seems light, but is instead to pull down a brother so that you may climb. Think not that one is possible without the other, for in togetherness we all are elevated to the highest mountain! The light s.h.i.+nes freely among us, flooding all in its light for the mere price of looking upward.

Those who would envy: Turn away from darkness and come into the light of knowing that you are dearly loved. Pull away from suspicions that lead you nowhere, and turn to Him who dwells within your heart. For envy cuts the strings that tie you to one another, and pulls with pain and sorrow.

Your Creator does not love one more than another, and there is no removal of that which is yours. Rest a.s.suredly in this certain knowledge, dear one, for you are among His holy plent.i.tude of love in all your being. His thought graces you with sure and steady mercy, as even His love washes clean your thoughts that would bar you from receiving fully of your holy gifts. Reach deeply into your heart and cast away that which is sorrow. For your holy altar is worthy of the clean and the wise.

Then gently correct the thought that taught you otherwise, dear one, and rest not a moment longer in hunger for another's daily bread. There is plenty to go around for all, and your joy comes freely as you pa.s.s along a serving to your brother on the left and your brother on the right. Serve plentifully, and rest a.s.sured that more is given to you gladly. This is indeed your holiness, conceived in the fruit of action.

For when you look upon a brother as reflecting the greatness within that which is you, your joy is unsurpa.s.sed by any accomplishment upon this earth!

You are holy indeed. Amen.


Do you feel weary, dear one? Beaten down by life's heavy packages, upon which you shoulder many burdens? Allow yourself a moment of respite, then, for as you breathe sweet and gentle air into your lungs, we sprinkle the oxygen with our tenderness. You ache and you long for time away from your pressures, yet you refuse to give this joy to yourselves.

We sit in wonderment as we watch you again and again browbeat yourselves into submission. The necessity of talking yourselves into continuing this submission is evidence enough to show its unnatural nature, we think. Yet, without relaxation, humanity cannot thrive. The time is now for you to sit in idle contemplation of that which is valuable in the Universe. When you spend time alone with the Maker, your heart beats in glad time with His own universal rhythm.

The century mark soon dawns upon us, dear children, and we hasten your awakening through these golden moments of silence. Yet, we hurriedly chase after each of you as you press on and on. You hear our urging to slow down and rest in silence, in between the breaths you gasp as you thrust yourself forward into the world.

We see the inscription of fear upon your sweating brow, and we see that this fear keeps you from operating upon your longings for silence, sweet silence. You rush and you scurry, and now you are tired. Yet, be glad for this moment of fatigue, dearest child of G.o.d. For as you rest your weary mind and body, we lay down beside you and tell you our stories.

You will not be weary long, when you hasten our appearance through your steady calls. The time of angels is unlike the time of man, and we witness to your longings for Love through our steady gaze upon G.o.d as we stay by your side. Draw close to us, then, for the quenching of all that you desire. Feed upon our nourishment, direct from the Creator, and give your heart a steady supply.

There is no more longing within the heart that eternally drinks of its Maker's stream of love. Feel your hunger vanish and your own supply replenished by necessity, which you put off no longer from yourself. Yes, it is true that you deserve this one pleasure that you can rightfully give to yourself, so do not put it off a moment longer.

Whatever you are doing at the moment, it is fine to put it down now. We angels will stand ready as you take your moment of well-deserved rest. Breathe in the Creator's love now, as we build a heart bridge from G.o.d's Mind to yours. You'll travel this bridge more swiftly now, as you will now know when you are lonely for reunion with Him. Compare each moment of your day to this moment of reunion with the Creator, and you will never again allow yourself to be far from Him in your holy mind.

Incessant prayer is all that is asked of you to be upon this bridge, in permanence. A steady flow of thoughts from your mind to His, which flow ceaselessly in illuminated union. For you and G.o.d are one, united even between we angels. The ceaseless flow of love is beautiful to bestow and witness, and your heart hungers for this even now. Drink, drink, drink, sweet child! Drink until your heart feels quenched by the love. Never stop but for a moment to contemplate your situation, but stay afloat in the love, for that is where the answers are.

The stillness of this love carries you throughout your day, and steadies your mind in all your circ.u.mstances. Give thought to Him continuously, and you shall want for nothing. And you shall not fatigue.


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