The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 28

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You can call upon Horus to help you with spiritual or physical vision. The invocation can be done with your eyes either open or shut. You'll probably feel a tingling in your head, especially around the eyes and between the eyebrows when you say this invocation: "Dear Horus, please lend me your eye so that I may see clearly. I ask for your intervention into my vision in all ways. Open my third eye fully so that I may see spiritually like you! Open my physical vision so that I may see clearly like you! Open my mind's eye completely so that I may see the inner plane like you! Thank you for clear sight. Thank you for releasing me from fear completely. Thank you for opening my eyes fully, that I may drink in the delicious sight of truth and beauty."


(j.a.pan) Also known as Idaten.

Ida-Ten is the j.a.panese G.o.d of law, truth, purity, legal victory, and justice.

A protector of monasteries, he has miraculous speed. As a mortal, he was a handsome young general in charge of protecting Buddhist monks, and Buddhism itself. Ida-Ten can guard against religious persecution or help you avert ridicule with respect to your spiritual beliefs.

As quiet as a church mouse, this mild-mannered deity whispers powerful, provocative advice into your ear regarding legal moves and maneuvers. Highly ethical, Ida-Ten nonetheless says, "I consider lawsuits a form of sport wherein the champion exhibits superior wit, outsmarting the other like in a game of chess."

Helps with: Justice Lawsuits, winning Protection against religious or spiritual persecution Protection of spiritual centers Truth issues INVOCATION.

Ida-Ten can be contacted as you're coming out of meditation to seal your practice with positive energy. Mentally say to him: "Precious Ida-Ten, all-loving and protective force from above, please surround my spiritual project now. Insulate me from all forms of fear so that I may be spared any harsh treatment or words. Prevent me from making judgments of any kind, and help me walk in truth while avoiding controversy. Peace is my true desire, Ida-Ten. Thank you."


(a.s.syria, Babylonia, Mesopotamia) Also known as Absus, Inanna.

A Babylonian mother and warrior G.o.ddess with multiple unique traits ranging from gentleness to motherly protection, Ishtar is also invoked for healing physical pain and maladies.

She's a.s.sociated with Venus, and some even believe her to be the embodiment of the planet itself. Ishtar openly displays her sensuality, and this may be why some fundamentalists have judged and rejected her.

As I invoked Ishtar, I clairvoyantly saw a picture of me standing with lots of ants crawling near my feet. Ishtar showed me that lower energies or thought-forms were similar to a herd of ants and other insects crawling on the ground-distracting and irritating if they crawled on one's feet, but ultimately not dangerous.

She then s.h.i.+ned a beam of light from above my head, downward, which formed a circle around me, as if I were standing in a shower of bright light. The ants couldn't penetrate the light, nor did they want to. They would crawl right up to the light and then bounce back as if they'd just run into a wall of gla.s.s.

Babylonian mother and warrior G.o.ddess with multiple unique Ishtar said, "Allow me the pleasure and honor of draping you in this robe of light, darling. I'm at your service, and know that this doesn't diminish my ability to perform humble service. I know that the n.o.blest of professions is to s.h.i.+ne beams of light to cast away shadows and to illuminate the highest of Divine wisdom. Make no mistake about it: I'm here to ease and eliminate pain, suffering, and sorrow through my protective stance.

"Allow me to s.h.i.+eld you with my barriers of light that only allow love to come s.h.i.+ning through, and filter out negativity in all forms. A positive new day s.h.i.+nes for you, as you are draped in my robe of loving light. Drink it in, Dear One. Quench your thirsty soul away from all fear."

Helps with: Child conception and parenting Compa.s.sion Healing, all kinds of Gentleness Love relations.h.i.+ps and marriage Protection against lower energies s.e.xuality War, prevention or resolution of Weather INVOCATION.

Burn a white candle and stare at the flame, or stare at any light source as you speak to Ishtar. This is an especially effective invocation if you've just experienced a negative situation and wish to shake off its effects: "Divine Ishtar, I stand in the midst of pure light with you now. Thank you for draping me in this light and showering me with the energy of love. I thirst for this love, so please quench me now. Wash away all effects of fear, and unleash me from others' fearful thoughts completely. Release me, release me, release me. Intervene with the others involved in this situation and rinse away any remaining ill feelings. I'm now free, and everyone involved is free as well. This is the truth. Thank you, Ishtar."


(Egypt) Also known as Divine Mother, G.o.ddess of the Mysteries, G.o.ddess of Nature, Isis Myrionymos, Lady of Magic, Lady of Sacred s.e.xuality, Mistress of Hermetic Wisdom.

Isis is a multifunctional Egyptian moon G.o.ddess who embodies femininity, motherhood, magic, healing, and power. She married her brother Osiris and launched on a career teaching women across Egypt about home-life skills. While she was away, her other brother Seth murdered Osiris. Upon discovering the murder, Isis helped revive her husband from the dead, and they conceived a son, Horus.

Egyptian scholars regard Isis as the original high-priestess of magic. Legend says that Isis convinced Ra to reveal his secret name to her. Once she heard the name, Isis was automatically privileged to receive a complete understanding of high magic. (Thoth, the G.o.d of high magic, helped her refine and direct her knowledge.) It's said that Isis used a magical rod for her healings and manifestations, and used rattles to remove negative energies and lower spirits.

Isis is considered an Underworld Queen due to her resuscitation of her dying (and then dead) husband, and also due to her work escorting the dead in general. Her protective wings are engraved around Egyptian sarcophaguses, as they symbolize Isis's ability to renew the souls of the dead.

When I called upon Isis, I heard her say, "I am Isis, Egyptian queen of the Nile!" And there she was: a beautiful woman wearing a shawl of large bird wings outstretched like the largest eagle's wing span. She was very feminine, thin, and elegant-the epitome of cla.s.siness. She was constantly observing, watching everything like a hawk. I could tell that she had a blunt, to-the-point side to her, expressing her powerful leaders.h.i.+p qualities.

She said, "Have patience with yourself [she meant everyone, in a universal sense] while you're still growing and learning. Give countless thanks to yourself for your baby steps along the way. Although they may seem insignificant to you, they're major milestones for your inward self.

"Celebrate each step," Isis repeated. "As you appreciate every task that you complete, every kindness that you exhibit, everything-no matter how seemingly small-very soon life takes on the quality of a grand celebration. This is the ant.i.thesis of separation from the Divine, and it's your magic elixir for the ages."

A beautiful friend of mine, Insiah Beckman, had a powerful experience with Isis when she traveled to Egypt in 1999. She's been actively working with Isis ever since. She told me: "In Egypt, I became one with all life near the Temple of Isis. I could hear the ground, the pebbles, the gra.s.s, the Nile, the trees, and everything around me speak. I heard these beautiful voices say to me: 'Welcome home! Welcome home! You have come home again. This is where you lived many, many lifetimes ago!'

"A message was then channeled to me to reclaim who I am and begin my work. I knew then that I incorporated the energy of the G.o.ddess Isis that I had left behind in my last lifetime on Earth. The Isis energy is the energy of the Divine Mother-it's the loving and nurturing energy that all the Divine Mothers carry. I believe that they are one and the same, and that they're reincarnations in different forms and cultures to meet the times.

"My experience is this expansiveness that I feel at times, when my heart and energy field totally open up and incorporate all life with love and compa.s.sion. My prayer every day is for love, peace, understanding, and respect among all cultures, races, religions, and all life. I abhor any form of disharmony that puts my energy field totally out of sync."

Helps with: Divine magic Feminine strength, power, and beauty Joy Self-esteem INVOCATION.

Picture Isis standing behind you with her eagle wings extended, as if you have wings yourself. As you breathe, feel her power infused within you. Notice the loving and graceful energy of her strength. Be aware of the blissful feelings of peace as you say: "Beautiful Isis, G.o.ddess of peaceful power, please infuse me with your graceful strength and your loving confidence. Help me be like you: refined, poised, confident, and loving. Help me soar like an eagle in all ways, inspiring and helping others as I fly high. Thank you."


(Celtic) Also known as Esyllt, Iseult, Isolde, Ysolt, Ysonde.

Isolt is the G.o.ddess of love and pa.s.sion in relations.h.i.+ps, who helps enhance s.e.xual satisfaction, and offers a.s.sistance in finding a soulmate. Princess Isolt was the daughter of an Irish king during the reign of Arthur of Camelot. The various and conflicting legends about her pa.s.sionate and tragic romantic entanglements with Tristan, prince of Cornwall, have earmarked Isolt as a G.o.ddess to the lovelorn.

I invoked her while sitting in an inverted boat that had been made into a temple, high above the Irish sea on a misty morning. Before any spirits would agree to talk with me on this day, the fairies first asked me to remove trash that someone had left on the sand. Once I did so, they opened the way for my transmissions.

I then called upon Isolt, the G.o.ddess of pa.s.sion and s.e.x. I was told that she was out of range "at a very high frequency." Finally, as I invoked further, I was clairvoyantly shown a rainbow with lightning bolts radiating from its underside. "Isolt is a ray," I was told, a heavenly energy of deep, genuine, playful, and all-consuming love. "Sprinkle it on any occasion like sugar," I was told playfully. Far more than a heroic G.o.ddess ent.i.ty, Isolt is an energy beam that spreads when we tap in to it. I was told that we can use it for our love lives whenever and as often as possible. It's healing, and also aphrodisiac-like in its attracting power.

Helps with: Breakups, separations, and divorces-healing from Pa.s.sion, reigniting Romantic love, attracting INVOCATION.

Put your hand on your chest and feel your heart beating. Imagine rainbow-colored rays of energy emanating from your hand, encircling your heart. Then call on Isolt: "Loving Isolt, please send pa.s.sionate energy filled with healthy and romantic love through my hand and into my heart. Thank you for healing anything that could block me from enjoying pa.s.sion and romance completely. Thank you for opening my heart to true love."


(Judeo-Christian) Also known as Jeshua, Lord and Savior, Lord Jesus, Christ, Sananda.

What we know about Jesus of Nazareth comes from the four Gospels and the letters of Paul in the New Testament. Since the Gospels were written 70 or more years after the physical pa.s.sing of Jesus, it's obvious that none of the authors met Jesus during his human lifetime. Their accounts, then, are based upon secondhand (or more) information pa.s.sed down through time. No historian who lived during the time of Jesus' human life mentioned him in written accounts of that time period. Yet, there's no arguing the impact that this man has made on humanity up to the present day. Everything from the Gregorian calendar to religious inst.i.tutions, from wars to spiritual healings, are based on his life in some way.

Many people report seeing apparitions of Jesus, and they often experience miraculous healings as a result. My books Angel Visions and Angel Visions II contain several stories about Jesus' miraculous powers. Testimony also comes from those who pray for Jesus' intervention . .. who then witness a miracle that they know was a result of those prayers. Other people report feeling deep love and comfort when they sense Jesus' presence near, or within, them.

Many have studied Jesus' approach to healing sickness, and they've applied those principles to garner impressive results. Many Christian and New Thought churches emphasize Jesus' teachings about love and forgiveness, and promote these methods as ways to cure personal and worldly ills.

There's a widespread belief that Jesus is watching over the world and its inhabitants, ensuring that harm doesn't befall us. In New Age circles, Jesus is believed to be the head of the Great White Brotherhood, a committee of great spiritual teachers and healers overseeing the spiritual renaissance on the planet.

My own experiences with Jesus are lifelong and extensive. I call upon him before every healing session, and have always found him to be the greatest healer among my friends in the spirit world. He is equally powerful with people and divinities of all religious and nonreligious backgrounds, and emanates unconditional love that can heal someone plagued by guilt, fear, and unforgiveness.

Helps with: Clear communication with G.o.d Divine guidance and direction Faith issues Forgiveness Healing of all kinds Manifestation Miracles INVOCATION.

Picture Jesus standing in front of you. From your heart, send him as much love as you can feel and imagine. Notice what happens next: The love is returned to you, magnified manyfold. Keep sending and receiving this love, monitoring your breath to make sure that you're breathing in this healing energy.

At the same time, mentally tell Jesus anything that's bothering you, minor or major. Pour your heart out to him, and reveal your deepest secrets-he's absolutely trustworthy and will always use this information in a positive way. Then, ask him to intervene and give you direction as to how to heal the situation. Don't tell him how to heal it; just know that it's in his loving hands, and that he will work directly with G.o.d to create a peaceful resolution for everyone involved. Give thanks in your heart, and let go.


(Hindu; India) Also known as Black Mother, Kali-Ma, Raksha-Kali.

Kali is a Hindu aspect of Devi, who is the ultimate G.o.ddess. Kali is the G.o.ddess of the endings of cycles, the death and transformation energy that lets go of the old and brings in the new. Some are threatened by Kali's seemingly destructive power; however, Kali is actually a loving energy that helps free us of fear. She only destroys that which could keep us in bondage, or which could slow or divert our Divine mission, in the same way that a loving mother would take away dangerous items from her children.

Kali has the personality of a high-energy, supercharged woman on a clear mission. She has an impatient artist's temperament, like a stage mom who knows what needs to be done and doesn't have time to argue. She says, "My pa.s.sions have overwhelmed many who have likened me to a silver storm of fury. They've called me fickle, temperamental, and wrathful. Yes, my pa.s.sion does have an edge, as it is forthrightness unleashed.

"I say, 'If you aren't willing to help me, or let me help you, then at least get out of my way.' When you invoke me, get ready for unbridled action. It may feel like I push you along too fast, and it may feel unsafe. But I a.s.sure you that I'm simply helping you through doors that open so that we can proceed as light-beings. We have much catching up [with the mission] to do, and dilly-dallying only further thwarts our efforts.

"Do not procrastinate, delay, or fear the change that always accompanies action and moving forward. Do not be afraid of making the wrong decision; rather, fear living in indecision. I am Kali, single-minded focus mixed with fiery pa.s.sion and deep caring about many causes."

Kali told me that she, like a lot of women, has been called a "b.i.t.c.h," when she's simply being powerful and unwavering.

Helps with: Courage Determination Direction Focus Motivation Protection Tenacity INVOCATION.

Kali comes immediately if you think of her name: "Kali, Kali, Kali." She arrives like a sudden and powerful rainstorm, with purpose and determination. She's excellent at extracting the heart of the problem from any situation presented to her. So, if you tell her that you want help with your love life, for example, Kali will see the true underlying issues. She'll give you very clear, forceful direction, without mincing any words.


(Hindu; India) Also known as The Divine One.

The Hindu Trinity includes Brahma, s.h.i.+va, and Vishnu, the three G.o.ds who create, protect, and oversee the life cycles on Earth. The G.o.d Vishnu incarnates whenever he's needed in physical form to overcome inhumane practices. Krishna is the eighth incarnation (also called an avatar) of Vishnu.

Krishna incarnated at midnight on the eighth day of the season of Bhadrapada (the Hindu word for "late summer") sometime between 3200 and 3100 B.C. He delivered the Hindu spiritual text, the Bhagavad Gita. Today, Krishna is one of India's most popular deities.

Krishna's legends portray him as a romantic figure, and many paintings show him and his partner, Radha (one of the G.o.ddess Lakshmi's incarnations) exhibiting beautiful romantic love. Some Feng Shui experts recommend placing a picture of Krishna and Radha in the romance corner of your home to manifest a soulmate relations.h.i.+p.

Krishna is a deliverer of joy and happiness. When you call upon him, you'll likely feel a swelling of warm, loving energy in your heart and belly. He says, "Never underestimate the healing power of love. Its depths are further than the reaches of any ocean, and there is no barrier that it cannot overcome. Use this power within your mind that is everlasting, with no need to hold back, as it's a constantly renewable resource to use again and again. Pour love over every situation, and watch the rewards you will reap!"

Helps with: Blessings Food, purifying and spiritualizing Gardening, crops, and flowers Joy Relations.h.i.+ps Romantic love Spiritual awakening Vegetarianism INVOCATION.

Krishna loves to connect with people through the offering of, and blessing of, food. Prior to eating something, look at the food and mentally call upon Krishna. Tell him that the food is your offering to him. As he accepts your gift, he will bless and purify the food with his highly spiritualized energy. Thank him, and then completely ingest his blessings by eating the food slowly, enjoying each bite completely. Have a mental conversation with him while you're eating this food. You'll notice that the experience is like being with a very wise dining companion who offers you stellar wisdom and sage advice.

* For those of you unfamiliar with Feng Shui, it is the ancient Chinese art of placement. As part of Feng Shui practice, one is directed to situate certain items in specific areas of one's domicile in order to effect a certain goal. For example, if you wish to find a soulmate, you would place objects that symbolize love in the "romance corner"-usually the far right quadrant of one's home. For more information, please consult Terah Kathryn Collins's book The Western Guide to Feng Shui (Hay House, 1996).

Kuan Ti

(China) Also known as Kuan Jung, Kuan Yu.

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