The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection -
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0's and 3's, such as 003 or 300-G.o.d and the ascended masters are trying to get your attention, most likely related to your Divine life purpose. Is there any guidance that you've been ignoring lately? If so, you may be feeling stuck right now. This number sequence is heaven's way of alerting you to the fact that you must do your part in the co-creation process. This means listening to and following your Divine guidance to take certain actions.
0's and 4's, such as 040 or 400-G.o.d and the angels want you to know that you are very, very loved. They ask you to take a moment to feel this love, as it will answer many of your questions and resolve any challenge.
0's and 5's, such as 050 or 500-An important message that lets you know that your life changes are in Divine and perfect order. They are a gift from G.o.d, and in alignment with G.o.d's will for your higher self.
0's and 6's, such as 006 or 066-A message from your Creator about your material life. Divine guidance from G.o.d asks you to let go of being overly focused on Earthly desires. It's not that G.o.d is asking you to live an impoverished life, but that your Creator asks you to have a more spiritual approach to having your needs met. Know that G.o.d is within you and is your source for everything you need. Simply hold faith and grat.i.tude, and be open to intuition or new opportunities that will bring your material needs to you. "Seek ye first the kingdom of G.o.d, and all the rest will be added unto you" is the heart of this number sequence's message. You can get more information on this process by reading The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price (published by Hay House) or by reading "The Sermon on the Mount" in the Gospel of Matthew.
0's and 7's, such as 007 or 070-A pat on the back from G.o.d, giving you accolades for the mental, spiritual, and physical work you've been doing. You are helping yourself and many other people with your current path, and G.o.d asks you to continue with your great work.
0's and 8's, such as 088 or 080-A message from your Divine Creator signifying that the impending endings are part of your overall Divine plan. They are answers to your prayers, and are in alignment with G.o.d's will for you. Ask G.o.d to help you allay any fears or worries you may have about these upcoming changes.
0's and 9's, such as 099 or 090-A message from your Creator signifying that the part of your life that has just ended is Divinely guided. Nothing is ever truly lost. There is no death and there are no accidents. Your recent life change, in which a significant part of your life has been halted or altered, is actually an answer to your prayer. G.o.d is letting you know that He is not taking anything away from you or "causing" your loss. Rather, your life plan or prayers called this life change to you through your own G.o.d-given power. Be willing to forgive everyone involved so that you can be light and free as you enter into a beautiful new phase of life.
"Forgiveness, Free Yourself Now" Exercise
Anyone can feel more at peace and more energized through the process of forgiveness. This process reminds me of throwing off weights when riding in a hot air balloon so you can go higher up. Old anger, fear, and resentment are dead weights that slow us and drain our vitality. Perhaps you have some weight you can throw over the side of your hot air balloon right now. When you forgive the world-including yourself-you become lighter and much less fearful.
This process takes between 30 and 60 minutes to complete, and believe me, it is a worthwhile time investment. Many clients report that this single exercise immediately transforms their lives in powerfully positive ways. Here are some steps to freedom through forgiveness: 1. Know the benefits of forgiveness-Forgiveness is different from saying, "I lose," or "I was wrong, and you were right." It is different from letting someone off the hook for a perceived wrong deed. Forgiveness is simply a way of freeing your spirit and becoming an unlimited being. Peacefulness and increased energy are the prizes, and forgiveness is the price. To me, it's a bargain.
2. Take a forgiveness inventory-(This exercise is partially based on the work of author John Randolph Price.) Write the name of every person, living or deceased, who has ever irritated you. Most people find they have a three-or four-page list and are able suddenly to remember names of people they hadn't thought about in years. Some people put down names of pets who irritated them, and almost everyone writes their own name somewhere on the list.
3. Release and forgive-In a solitary room where no interruptions are possible, go down the list one name at a time. Hold the image of each person in your mind and tell him or her, "I forgive you and I release you. I hold no unforgiveness back. My forgiveness for you is total. I am free and you are free." This process may take 30 minutes or longer. However, it's important to stick with it until the entire list is complete.
4. Do nightly releas.e.m.e.nts-Every evening before retiring, do a mental review of the day. Is there anyone you need to forgive? Just as you probably wash your face every night, it's also important to cleanse your consciousness nightly so resentment won't acc.u.mulate.
The Corral Visualization
After relaxing with several slow, deep breaths, close your eyes and get into a comfortable position.
Imagine that you are standing in a country field. A road is leading to you-one that brings all your material, emotional, and spiritual supplies. The road through a corral to get to you. The corral has two gates: one facing the road, and one facing you. If both gates are open, supplies readily flow to you, and your gifts to the world flow from you.
Whenever we hold unforgiveness toward someone, we imprison that person in our minds where we mentally flog them with our p.r.o.nouncements of guilt and blame. The image of the person we resent is "corralled" in our consciousness, and the gates to the corral slam shut like prison doors. You necessarily go into the corral along with the person you've judged in order to monitor their imprisonment. So, both gates are shut, and your locked corral blocks your flow and supply.
Look inside your corral right now and see who's there. See the high price you pay for corralling these people. If you are ready to forgive, imagine the gates of your corral automatically opening. Visualize whoever is in the corral walking out, free, happy, and forgiven. Wish them well. If this seems difficult, try forgiving the person instead of their deeds. As you forgive, feel the release, the relief, and the renewed energy as your resentment lifts. Check to make sure that you're not in the corral alone out of an ego judgment you hold against yourself.
Recheck your corral often, especially when you feel tired, ill, or afraid. You'll find that these are the times when you have the most people (including yourself) locked into your corral. Once you open the gates and clear the corral, your emotions and energy level will improve.
Angel Affirmations
Say these affirmations daily to increase your self-confidence and self-love. You can record them in your own voice, which will give you a powerful affirmations tape, or photocopy this page and post them in a prominent place. Add your own personal affirmations related to your goals and desires.
I am now surrounded by angels.
The angels s.h.i.+ne the love of G.o.d upon me and through me.
I accept this love from G.o.d and the angels.
I deserve love.
I deserve happiness.
I deserve health.
I deserve help from heaven, and I accept it now.
I call upon G.o.d and the angels to help and guide me.
I listen to my inner voice and feelings.
My inner voice and feelings is guidance from G.o.d and the angels.
This guidance is everything I need.
I follow my guidance in full faith.
I know that G.o.d and the angels love me and are guiding me right now.
I accept the angels' love.
I accept love.
I love.
I am love.
I am loving.
I am very loved.
Everyone loves me.
I love everyone.
I forgive everyone.
I forgive myself.
I send G.o.d's love to everyone I meet.
I guard my thoughts carefully and only allow positive and loving thoughts to come through.
There is an abundance of love in the world.
There is enough for everyone.
There is plenty to go around.
I have an abundance of everything.
I attract wonderful, loving people into my life.
My angels and I enjoy new opportunities to give service to the world.
I am rewarded constantly.
My life is harmonious and peaceful.
I am peaceful.
I am radiant.
I am joyful.
To G.o.d, the archangels,
and the ascended masters . . .
with eternal grat.i.tude and
appreciation for their
Divine love, lessons, and support.
So many wonderful beings, on Earth and Heaven, collectively helped to create this book. I first want to thank Steven Farmer, my twin flame and amazing husband. My deepest appreciation to Louise L. Hay, Reid Tracy, Jill Kramer, Christy Salinas, Leon Nacson, and all of the Hay House angels. Many blessings to Bill Christy for his help with researching two of the more elusive fellows in the spirit world! Thank you to my family for being so loving, supportive, and open-minded, including Bill and Joan Hannan, Ada Montgomery, Charles Schenk, Grant Schenk, Nicole Farmer, Catherine Farmer, Susan Clark, and Nancy Fine.
Thank you to Mary Kay and John Hayden, Mairead Conlon, and Marie and Ted Doyle for bringing Steven and me to Ireland, and for providing us with the beautiful home in the midst of Marie's magical fairy glen. Thank you to Bronny Daniels, Lynnette Brown, Kevin Buck, Johnna Mich.e.l.le, and Carol Michaels for your support (and the Reiki) during the writing of this book. Many blessings to Sharon George for the beautiful artwork that graces the cover.
I also want to thank those who submitted stories about their interactions with the ascended masters. And a huge bouquet of grat.i.tude to those who read my books, use my oracle cards, listen to my audio programs, and attend my seminars. I am honored to work with you, and I appreciate your support very much.
And, as to my heavenly friends, there are no words to express my love and appreciation for the constant care and companions.h.i.+p you provide for me . . . for all of us. Thank you for guiding my words and research throughout the writing of this book.
I couldn't have done it without you all!