The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 19

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Doreen: You must do this type of work; the angels say you have no choice, because it is what and who you are.

Sam: Oh, yes, I definitely have a burning pa.s.sion!

Doreen: Well, the angels show me that anything you do that involves artistic work will be enjoyable, and that there is a great potential for success. However, the angels say that you have some deservingness issues involving money. These beliefs of yours keep money one step ahead of you, instead of being in your possession in the current moment.

Your angels say that you are a very talented person, so talent is not the issue.

Sam: Oh okay, it's about knowing that I deserve to make money from my talents.

Doreen: Exactly! You've got this mental energy that keeps money from coming to you. The angels say you have an expectation that you won't have enough money.

Sam: Okay, I'm aware of that. I'm still aware that at some level I don't feel that I deserve money to come to me.

Doreen: The angels ask us to do some angel therapy on this issue right now, okay? Please take a very deep breath and see a beam of light going down through the center of your head, magnetizing any kind of stress or worries and eradicating them. I'd like to ask you to affirm with me, please: I am willing to sever any vows of poverty that I may have made in any lifetime. I sever these vows of poverty now, and they are gone.

Sam: I am willing to sever any vows of poverty that I may have made in any lifetime. I sever these vows of poverty now, and they are gone.

Doreen: Okay, great. There is just something in your subconscious mind that is seeing money a little differently than your angels would like you to see it. It's really important that you just see money as support for the beautiful work that you've been born to do, because you truly do intend to bring a lot of joy and merriment to the world through your work.

Sam: Well, that's exactly what I intend!

Doreen: You have to do this work. You have no choice because of this strong drive within you that comes from your Divine life mission. The only thing that you do have a choice about are your expectations of being supported while you do this work. That you deserve to get so that you can give.

Sam: Yes, that's definitely been an issue with me, particularly when I know that there are other people who are worse off than I. Also, in my upbringing, I've been given this message that, "poverty is holy." Even though for many years I've been intellectually aware that this message isn't true for me, it's been a difficult att.i.tude to shake.

Doreen: Exactly. Well, in your prominent past life that relates to this one, you lived in England and you dressed like a court jester, but you didn't do that. Something similar, like a vaudeville act.

Sam: I've always been kind of drawn to the idea of the traveling minstrel.

Doreen: Exactly! That's what you were! A traveling minstrel, and what you did in that life is you "made do." You would stop in one community and do your work, and then you'd find some kind farmers and they'd take you in and board you for the night. And so that's the kind of lifestyle you had-a real carefree, "it's gonna come, I'll be taken care of" att.i.tude. But it was almost like you were accepting the of life on the other hand. In this life, we want you to take your standards up a notch.

Sam: Well, I feel ready to do that. Do you think that meditation is the answer?

Doreen: I think being conscious of this underlying att.i.tude is the key for you. Your angels ask you to put your foot down to the universe and say, "Hey! I deserve to be fully supported for my work." Once you put your foot down to the universe, it really responds quickly.

Sam: Great! Well I'm at that point where I feel that I'm ready. I'm tired of doing artistic projects for big corporations, and I'm ready to follow my heart and create artwork from my soul. Do you feel that now is the right time for me to quit my regular commercial art job and go full-time into my own business?

Doreen: You should hang on to your regular job until you're really ready to do this other work, and you're ready to soar. In other words, when you have a firm knowingness that it's time. That knowingness won't come from fear or anger. It will come from a peaceful and quiet a.s.surance that simply knows, "Now is the time." After all, you do have a wife, and you do have bills, and you're not a traveling minstrel in this life. If you were a single guy, I'd say, "Just go for it now."

As soon as you're mentally ready, you'll be able to make the break. So, you decide when that is. It's not written on any stones. Do it part-time to begin with.

Sam: I know on a deep level that my work will be successful. It's just a matter of me getting over the "pre-game jitters." I don't think it's going to take too much, though, for me to gain more confidence.

Doreen: You'll become more confident soon, I agree. Your angels and I would like to have you work with two archangels to help you further with your chosen career path. One is Archangel Gabriel, who is the angel of communicators and artists and people who serve through performing arts. Gabriel is a female archangel, and she can open up many doors for you. Even if you have no sense of her talking to you, you'll feel the evidence of her presence with opportunities.

The other archangel is Michael, who stands to your right at this moment. He's the protector angel, who is there to give you the courage to move forward.

Sam: That's interesting that the issue of courage comes up, because I feel that more than anything else right now, I need courage. I feel that Gabriel's energy has certainly been with me as an artistic communicator. But the courage to believe in myself and to know that it's okay to go out there and possibly make mistakes-I feel that this is my primary objective this year.

Doreen: Yes, absolutely. Since late 1998, we have all been experiencing a new energy that calls for us to live in complete integrity, and to let go of things that aren't honoring our true self. If we don't let go of them, we feel more and more pain. You really must do this work. Then, add on top of the mix this new energy of 1999, and you have to let go of this old stuff and move forward.

Sam: Yes, I definitely sense that strongly. On the last job I was working on, making a commercial brochure, I was feeling a heaviness that I hadn't felt on previous jobs. It was as if the heaviness was telling me, "It's time to move on." Yet I'm not feeling any anxiety that's pus.h.i.+ng me forward. It's more of a peaceful strength.

In the next chapter, you'll read about Earth angels who help us in surprising ways. You may discover that you are actually an Earth angel.


Incarnated Angels, Elementals, Walk-Ins, and Star People

I'm often asked if angels ever incarnate in human form. The answer is most definitely yes. Hebrews 13:2 makes mention of this fact when it says, "Be careful when entertaining strangers, for by so doing, many have entertained angels unawares." In other words, you may have interacted with angels who look like humans without being aware that they actually were these heavenly beings. In fact, you may be an incarnated angel and not know it.

To me, an angel is anyone who acts angelically. In this respect, then, all of us are incarnated angels from time to time. People have come from all over the universe to live on Earth during this millennium s.h.i.+ft. In my private psychic counseling practice, I've been able to get to know many people whose origins are not of this Earth. I've learned that there are many incarnated extraterrestrials (E.T.'s), angels, elementals, and walk-ins on the planet right now.

In the ultimate sense, we are all one-one with G.o.d, with each other, with the angels, and the ascended masters. Each of us has the same Divine spark of G.o.d-light within our core. Like multiple leaves attached to the same tree, we have the same source, and we affect each other.

However, in this illusory world where we appear to be separated beings, we do have outward characteristics that distinguish us from one another. For instance, those who are born male have an energy that is distinct from those who are born female.

There are also different wavelength energy patterns, depending on your lifestyle. Someone who, for example, spends most of his time drinking alcohol in a bar will have a different countenance and energy from someone who spends most of his time praying and meditating. Your energy pattern is affected by the places where you hang out, the people with whom you a.s.sociate, and the thoughts that you predominantly think.

In the same way, there are souls who have "hung out" in most of their lives in different types of incarnations or locales. Not every child of G.o.d incarnates on Earth as a human. Some beings choose lives on other planets and other dimensions. If they have had several lives in these other places, their countenance and energy patterns reflect these surroundings and experiences. Then, when they do choose to come to Earth for an incarnation, they carry the energy patterns of their previous lives in these other places and dimensions.

Many "lightworkers" (people who are compelled to help others, especially in spiritual ways) have had previous incarnations in other dimensions or planets. They chose to incarnate in human form upon Earth at this time to act as Earth angels during the millennium s.h.i.+ft.

In order to adjust to Earth life, they "borrowed" past-life memories from the Akas.h.i.+c Records (the afterlife plane library that contains records of everything that has ever happened to anyone). These borrowed past-life memories serve as buffers or cus.h.i.+ons, so the soul will know what to expect on this planet. After all, Earth is considered one of the more volatile planets on which to incarnate. The level of aggression, violence, and pessimism here is considered quite high in the galaxies. A wonderful book on the topic of borrowed past-life memories is Keepers of the Garden by Dolores Cannon.

Not everyone who is an incarnated angel, star person, elemental, or walk-in is here for the first time. Those who act as Earth angels may choose to come here repeatedly. They retain the energy pattern of their realm of origination, so, for example, an incarnated angel has been in that form over her many lives.

Star People The first time I worked with an incarnated E.T.-whom I call a "star person," I was startled. She defied all of my stereotypes about extraterrestrials. She looked a lot like an ordinary person (although there are some subtle, but key physical distinctions among star people that I've listed below). Yet, until I psychically discerned that she was working with a s.p.a.cecraft, I had no clue that she wasn't from Earth.

When I told my client that I was seeing her working and traveling on a large s.p.a.cecraft, she readily agreed. She, unlike some of my subsequent star person clients, was very aware of her origins. Since working with this first star person, I've had the opportunity to work with a dozen more, and I found some interesting patterns among them: * Distinctive eyes-Star people have eyes that are almond shaped or shaped like crescents, with the bars pointing down like on a letter n. Think of Bette Midler's eyes, and you've got the picture.

* Pet.i.te frames-Most incarnated star people have small bones, and they are thin and short in stature.

* "Wallflower" looks-They tend to have very plain facial features, and most of them dress very casually. It's as if they want to blend into the background and not call attention to themselves.

* Unusual auras-Star people have auras with stripes pointing away from the body, with the colorings of rainbows. Humans and beings from Earthly dimensions have auras that surround the body like an eggsh.e.l.l. These distinctive aura patterns show up on Kirlian and aura photographs.

* Diffused life purposes-Their life purposes are to "help as needed." Star people hold open doors for strangers and let people go ahead of them in long lines, without caring whether they get a thank you in response. They are here to be nice, to collectively diffuse the planet of stress and violence. Because of this diffused life purpose, star people don't usually have a specific life purpose, but instead, they've agreed to help whoever needs help. So, they frequently have ordinary jobs where they can reach a lot of people through their encouraging words and uplifting att.i.tudes.

* A love of peace and honesty-They have very little tolerance for dishonesty and violence. They came from planets where these traits are nonexistent, so they do not know how to cope with humans who are inauthentic, manipulative, or violent. Because of this lack of coping skills with common Earth problems, incarnated E.T.'s are often mislabeled with psychiatric disorders, including attention deficit disorder (ADD) and schizophrenia.

* Unusual relations.h.i.+ps and family patterns-Because their planets have different customs about family life, childbirth, reproduction, and s.e.x, many star people don't contract to have Earthly marriages or children. They feel out-of-sync with Western culture's romantic images because this isn't their style. In addition, they know that family life would interfere with the lightwork that they contracted to do during their lifetime. Very often, a female star person will fall in love with a much younger man, who is a soulmate from their star group.

* Feeling like they are different-Star people know, deep down, that they aren't from Earth. They often spend their lives feeling like they don't fit in here. One star person said, "I've always had this sense that I was dropped off here on this planet, and I've been waiting for someone to return and take me home." They feel, deep down, that their biological family isn't their "true" family, and they wonder if they were adopted.

Incarnated Angels Another group of people whom I've gotten to know in my private practice are the incarnated angels. They, too, have distinguis.h.i.+ng characteristics: * They look like angels-Both male and female incarnated angels have sweet facial features, usually with heart-shaped faces and childlike features. A high percentage of female incarnated angels bleach or highlight their hair blonde.

* Relations.h.i.+p challenges-Incarnated angels have a history of co-dependent relations.h.i.+ps due to their predisposition to giving, nurturing, and rescuing others. They also can see the best in everyone, so they often stay in abusive relations.h.i.+ps longer than the average person would tolerate. Incarnated angels often have a history of multiple marriages and divorces.

* Compulsive behaviors and weight issues-Incarnated angels usually have histories of compulsive behaviors, especially overeating, and they are often overweight. They turn to food or other substances to deal with their emotional issues, especially if they are disconnected from their spirituality.

* Professional helpers-They are natural healers and helpers and often have healing or service work professions such as nursing, ma.s.sage therapy, social work, the airline industry, or teaching. Strangers pour out their hearts to them, and they often say, "I don't know why I'm telling you such private things about myself. There's just something about you that I feel I can trust."

* Givers, not receivers-Incarnated angels are very generous people who sometimes have difficulty receiving. Consequently, they can manifest lack in their lives by blocking the flow of money, love, energy, and other natural resources from coming into their lives. Incarnated angels are very sensitive to others' feelings, often to the point of ignoring their own needs. This can lead these angels to feel frustrated or resentful when their own needs aren't met.

Incarnated Elementals The incarnated elementals are another group of "Earth angels" who are here to help. They are humans whose origination is the elemental kingdom, which consists of the leprechauns, fairies, brownies, and elves. Here are their distinguis.h.i.+ng characteristics: * Celtic heritage or appearance-They often have reddish hair, fair skin, and light eyes. Their ancestry is Irish or British.

* They look like elementals-Incarnated leprechauns look like the leprechauns depicted in children's books, both in their body appearance and in their facial features. The same holds true for incarnated elves and brownies. Incarnated fairies are usually slender and willowy females who are moderate to tall in height. It's rare to see an overweight or short incarnated fairy.

* Characteristic clothing-Incarnated elementals often dress in outfits that you might think would be characteristic of their particular elemental species. For instance, an incarnated leprechaun would dress in green outfits and prefer to wear comfortable shoes. Incarnated fairies opt for flowing, diaphanous gowns. And incarnated brownies often wear coa.r.s.e, heavily woven outer garments, similar to that of a friar or monk.

* Mischievous personalities-They are to playing practical jokes, sometimes to the point of seeming pa.s.sive-aggressive in their joking. It can be difficult to know if an incarnated elemental is kidding or being serious. Part of this personality aspect comes from the elemental's distrust or even dislike of humans.

* An alignment with nature-The elementals have a life purpose to protect Mother Earth and her animals from humans. So, elementals are best at careers that involve plants or animals, outdoor retreats; or ecological service work. They would be very happy doing volunteer work teaching humans, especially children, to respect animals and the planet. An incarnated elemental should never work in an office or anywhere where they are cooped up indoors. Most incarnated elementals relate to animals and plants better than they do to humans. As a result, many of them are reclusive or shy.

* Manifesting skills-Incarnated elementals are excellent at focusing their thoughts and quickly experiencing the results in reality. They can manifest ma.s.sive wealth if they put their minds to it. However, incarnated elementals who focus on pessimism also can manifest problems and poverty very quickly, too.

Walk-Ins The fourth type of Earth angel is called a "walk-in." This is a being who incarnated through mutual agreement with a "walkout," someone who left his or her being during an accident, illness, or while sleeping.

The walk-in is a highly evolved spiritual being with a lightworker life purpose. The walk-in needed to incarnate in a hurry for his or her purpose and decided to bypa.s.s the usual method of developing as a fetus, being born, and growing up. Instead, the walk-in soul located a living human who was not happy being alive. Perhaps the walk-in found a depressed or suicidal person, or a child who had difficulty adjusting.

The walk-in soul then communicated, usually through dreams or thought-transfer, to the depressed person and said, "I will take over your responsibilities for you, and you will be able to go home to heaven without any negative repercussions a.s.sociated with suicide." If the walk-out agreed to vacate his or her body and allow the walk-in full residency, then the two began to have trial swaps in which they tried out the arrangement several times.

If everything went smoothly, the walk-out then incurred a life-changing event such as a major illness or an accident. On occasion, the switch occurs when the walk-out is sleeping instead of during a crisis situation, but this is rare. At the agreed-upon time, the walk-out left his body, and the walk-in took up permanent residency.

Unlike a possession or attachment, the body only contains one soul, that of the walk-in. As everything is done with the full permission and cooperation of the walk-out, no negative or dark energies are involved.

The walk-in takes over the memory banks of the walk-out, and may not be aware that he or she is a walk-in. There are no set physical traits of a walk-in, since beings of all varieties become walk-ins and walk-outs. However, here are the distinguis.h.i.+ng characteristics of a walk-in's life: * Drastic personality change-Immediately after the walk-in occurred during an illness or accident, the person's friends and family members begin remarking, "You're so different-I almost feel like I don't know you anymore!"

* Lifestyle change-Newly incarnated walk-ins often find that they don't like the walk- out's lifestyle, so they make changes after coming into the body. They may divorce their spouse, quit their job, or move away. As part of the agreement with the walk-out, however, they take care of the previous person's responsibilities even during the transitions. So, lifestyle changes are handled as responsibly as possible.

* Name change-The walk-in may find that the previous person's name doesn't suit him or her. So, they may choose to change their first name, adopt a spiritual name, or change their full name.

If You Are an Earth Angel All four of the Earth angel groups are highly intuitive, yet they often have difficulty trusting their intuition. Partially, this comes from years of trying to adapt to Earth life. After all, the customs here are so foreign to their natural inclinations that star people and incarnated angels eventually learn to discount their inner feelings.

If you wonder whether you belong to any of these groups, then your inner guidance can tell you more. Before you go to sleep, say this affirmation to your higher self and spiritual group: "Please give me a dream with clear messages about my origin that I will easily remember upon awakening." You might also write this phrase on a piece of paper and place it under your pillow. When your subconscious is emotionally prepared, you will have a vivid lucid dream that will help you understand more about yourself.

Earth has many gifts to give to the world, including love, light, and lessons. My prayer is that, if you are among the above groups, you will open your heart and allow yourself to enjoy your time on this magnificent planet.


Number Sequences from the Angels

The angels do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. In this way, they help us heal our own lives. However, we often discount the signs that they give us, writing them off as mere coincidences or our imagination.

The angels say: "We can't write our messages to you in the sky.

You've got to pay attention and believe when you see

any patterns forming in your life-especially in

response to any questions or prayers that you've posed.

When you hear the same song repeatedly or see the

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