The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 17

The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection -

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If you've been feeling lately that it's time to donate or discard your unused clutter, then consider this paragraph additional validation. From an energetic standpoint, your living and working environment will feel much cleaner and more efficient without excessive objects.

A good rule of thumb is to lose any item you haven't used for the past two years. Most domestic violence and homeless shelters would be happy to receive your unwanted goods. You'll feel great if you schedule a afternoon for a ma.s.sive clean-out day.

By giving away items, you automatically invoke the Spiritual Law of giving and receiving. This means that new items will come to you, and then it will be up to your discernment whether you're simply replacing old clutter with new. A wonderful idea is to keep the circulation going by giving away something every day.

The Energy of Your Possessions After you've cleared out unused possessions, you will feel considerably lighter and more organized. The angels will next help you clear the energy in the room through a process known, logically, as "clearing."

Kirlian photographs show that material objects are affected by the thoughts of humans who are in their vicinity. One series of remarkable Kirlian photographs featured a coin that was held by the same person, who deliberately held various emotions. The coin was photographed after the person holding it had angry thoughts. Then, the same coin was photographed when the person held it with loving thoughts. The next photograph captured the coin after the person holding it had fearful thoughts. Each photograph shows a significant change in the size, shape, and color of the "aura" or energy field around the coin.

Kirlian photography is controversial, and scientists cannot agree exactly "what" the camera is capturing. Nonetheless, these photos do doc.u.ment a significant s.h.i.+ft occurring as a function of the thoughts of the person holding the coin.

Objects do tend to retain the fingerprint of their owner's dominant thoughts and feelings. This is one reason why I never purchase items from distress sales. I know that the objects retain the energy of the store owner's emotional pain and beliefs about finances. I'd rather pay full price for an object that retains a prosperous store owner's optimism.

Psychometry When I teach people how to do angel readings, we'll frequently begin by having audience members pair up and face each other in chairs. I then ask the partners to exchange metal objects such as a ring or watch with each other. By holding a person's metal possession, you more easily receive impressions and messages from their guardian angels. We call this method "psychometry."

You can try this yourself by holding someone's keys, watch, or ring in the hand you normally don't write with. This is your "receiving hand," as it absorbs energy. The hand you normally write with is your "sending hand," which gives off energy. So, holding the object in your receiving hand, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Hold the intention of talking to your guardian angels and also the guardian angels of the other person. Ask these angels any question such as, "What would you like me to know about (fill in the person's first name)?" or "What message would you like me to deliver to (name)?" or a more specific question.

Then, take a deep breath and notice any impressions that come to you: a feeling, a mental image, a thought, or words. If the other person is with you, begin telling them what impressions you receive. As you talk, you will receive other messages. This is a basic method for giving an angel reading, one that most people can do successfully the first or second time.

Clearing Your s.p.a.ce Just as objects speak volumes to us, so does the environment in which we live, work, and drive. The walls, floors, and furniture retain the energy of our dominant mind-set. So, if we or our family members are usually in a peaceful frame of mind, our house will reflect that peacefulness. It will be a sanctuary-like setting that anyone who walks in will notice and enjoy.

However, if you or the people who live with you have been involved in arguments or worries, the home's energy will retain the echoes of those problems. Just as furniture, walls, and carpeting absorb the smell of smoke, so do these objects absorb people's psychic stress.

So, your home, office, or vehicle may be retaining the energy fingerprints of everyone who has ever spent time there. For instance, your home may have absorbed negative energy from people who lived there before you did. Fortunately, you can clear your living and driving environment, and the angels will help you do so.

Here are some ways to clear any location, whether it's a home, car, store, or office: 1. Paint the walls.

2. Replace the carpeting.

3. Shampoo the carpeting.

4. Burn some sage-weed (available as incense or on a stick at any metaphysical bookstore). Hold the sage-weed incense or stick, and walk around the environment so that the smoke is distributed throughout the place.

5. Place a shallow bowl with either salt water or rubbing alcohol in the middle of each room you want cleared.

6. Place a clear quartz crystal in the middle of each room you want cleared. Make sure that the crystal is first cleared of old energy by placing it in direct sunlight or moonlight for at least four hours.

7. Ask Archangel Michael and his helpers, known as the "band of mercy," to enter and circle your environment. Michael and the angels will escort any negative energies away from your home, office, store, or vehicle.

Manifesting a Home If you desire a new home, the angels can help you find the perfect living place. They will also open doors to smooth the way so that you can easily afford to move. One thing the angels have taught me is to release the human doubts that say, "Well, it's just not possible because it's illogical." The angels rise above human logic to an elevation where all things are possible.

A couple from Virginia named Martha and Stan discovered the miracles that are possible when we let go of doubt: Martha and Stan, married ten years, dearly wanted to own a home. Martha, a woman of great faith, said prayers each evening and asked G.o.d and Jesus to help her and her husband find a residence that would be filled with love, and that would also be affordable. One evening she had a clear dream in which she toured an older house with Grandma-like charm: lace curtains; wooden floors; and in the upstairs bathroom, a beautiful basin sink with golden roses painted on the ceramic finish. Martha remembers that in her dream she felt quite at home, and she knew that she wanted to live there.

The dream was so beautiful and vivid that Martha described it in detail to Stan the next morning. The couple took the dream as a sign that it was time to look for their house. So they contacted a Realtor and began house-hunting. Two weeks into their search, as the three of them toured a house, Martha caught her breath and loudly whispered to Stan, "I think this is the house I dreamed about!" An unexplained familiarity washed over Martha, and Stan got goose b.u.mps at the thought.

As the couple entered the upstairs bathroom, they caught sight of the one detail that had so vividly stood out in Martha's dream: golden roses painted on the ceramic sink basin. "This is it!" they both exclaimed, and asked the Realtor to make an offer on the home for them.

The owner readily accepted their offer, and the couple excitedly filled out the home loan application. The day after they applied for the loan, however, Stan was laid off from his job. Since Martha didn't work, the couple was initially dejected. "How can we ever qualify for a loan without a source of income?" they wondered. So, they prayed for help and surrendered the whole matter to G.o.d, saying, "If it's G.o.d's will, we will have the house."

Within two days, Stan was hired as a commission-only salesman. The couple immediately informed the bank loan officer, who dourly exclaimed, "Well, since Stan has no track record as a salesperson, I doubt that this loan will go through. I've never seen the V.A. approve a loan unless there's a steady source of consistent income."

The bank officer was thinking on a human level and probably wasn't aware of the influence that prayers have on situations such as home-shopping. She was dumb-struck when she called Stan and Martha the following day and said, "I don't believe it. They approved your loan!" The couple hugged and happily moved into their home with the golden rose sink.

Over the years since I've been interviewing people about Divine intervention, this sort of story has become almost commonplace in my files. I've talked to dozens, perhaps hundreds, of people who have actively asked for spiritual help in selling their home, locating a new home, obtaining a loan, affording the rent or mortgage, and moving. Their stories are consistent: If you ask for help, you receive it in miraculous ways.

Shopping with the Angels The angels intervene in our material world with great joy. We never need to be shy in asking for their a.s.sistance, or worry that our request is too trivial or unimportant. We must remember that the angels are here to smooth our path so that we are free to s.h.i.+ne G.o.d's bright light. We all know that we s.h.i.+ne brighter on days when things go our way. We stand taller, smile bigger, and are more optimistic when we're "on a roll." These are also the days when we inspire others to reach for their own stars. So, let's not hesitate to ask heaven to help us to have these kinds of days more often!

The angels love to open doors for us. We can ask for their guidance in locating needed items, and then "listen" for their guidance, which always follows a request for help. The guidance may come through a thought, vision, feeling, or voice.

An interior decorator told me how the angels helped her locate an item that her client wanted for her home: One of my clients needed some accessories to finish a newly designed bedroom. I'd been searching for an alabaster lamp, one of her most desired items, for four months. On the way into an antique shop, I called on the angels to lead us to just what we needed and desired. Moments later, we found not only one alabaster lamp, but two, as well as some other elusive nightstands and accessories we required. It was easy, fun, and took hardly any time at all to shop with the angels.

A woman I know named Gail Wiggs had a similar experience. Every spring and fall, she attends a Phoenix arts-and-crafts fair. She looks forward to purchasing the fair's theme T-s.h.i.+rts, as they always feature a beautiful original silk-screen painting on the front. In the fall, she purchases a long-sleeved T-s.h.i.+rt. However, these s.h.i.+rts are extremely popular, and they sell out rapidly. So, Gail makes a point to go early to the fair so she is sure to find one. However, last fall, her busy schedule wouldn't allow her to go to the fair until quite late. She asked her angels to be sure to save her a long-sleeved T-s.h.i.+rt.

It was afternoon by the time Gail took a shuttle bus to the fair. The bus stopped at an unfamiliar entrance, and the driver announced that it was the last stop. Gail entered the fair at this place-a different one than she usually used-but as soon as she entered, there was an information booth with the theme T-s.h.i.+rts in front of her.

There was one long-sleeved theme T-s.h.i.+rt left-a large-which she promptly purchased. Gail checked every other information booth as she went through the fair and rapidly discovered that no other long-sleeved T-s.h.i.+rts were left. Gail thanked her angels, and for the next two months she began getting strong messages that she was supposed to start a T-s.h.i.+rt company featuring images of angels on the s.h.i.+rts. Gail is currently starting such a business, and she is filled with joy to be able to market items that have brought her so much joy in the past.

Be Careful What You Ask For!

My husband, Michael, and I were at the airport, walking to the baggage claim area to get our four big suitcases, filled with supplies for my weekend workshop. It was late on a Friday night, and we were hungry for dinner.

I said to Michael, "Let's ask Raphael, the archangel of healers and travelers, to get the luggage off the plane right away." I then hesitated, because I knew the importance of being careful about what you ask for. If you're going to specify to the angels what you want, you better make sure to fill in all the blanks of your request carefully. So I edited my request to Raphael, "I don't mean for you to get the luggage so quickly that they fall onto the tarmac. Just please have them be on the luggage carousel right away."

I thought I was covering all of my bases with this request, but the angels taught me how they take our requests literally. As I walked away from the carousel to rent a big luggage cart, I heard Michael's voice calling for help. I turned around and saw that all four of our suitcases had come down the luggage chute simultaneously. Unfortunately, since they came out together, Michael couldn't grab them all at once. So, we waited while our bags made their trip all the way around the large carousel at the international airport. We both had the same thought: "Next time we'll be more careful about what we ask for!"

The Angels Heal Mechanical Items I used to watch my mother pray whenever our family automobile conked out. Amazingly, the engine would always reignite following her affirmative prayers. I've asked for Divine intervention for mechanical and electronic devices ever since.

In particular, Archangel Michael is wonderful at healing broken faxes, was.h.i.+ng machines, and other mechanical items. I've called on him when I'm having computer glitches, and I've had the situation immediately resolved.

A spiritual counselor named Johanna Vandenberg had a similar happy outcome when she requested that Michael help her with some plumbing: My G.o.dson's mother had asked me to change her water filter since she was extremely busy with lots of Alone in her apartment, I attempted to perform the task. It looked so simple: a sinktop domed filter-just unscrew the bottom, put in a new cartridge, and put the bottom back on again. However, I couldn't get the bottom off-it was stuck!

After 45 minutes, I finally got it loose, put in the new cartridge, and screwed on the bottom. I then turned on the water, as it's supposed to run for 15 minutes before use. But all the water began dripping out of the bottom of the filter! I took off the bottom again, put it back on, water dripping, over and over, until I was cursing. The family was coming home soon, and I felt pressured to have it repaired before they returned.

At this desperate moment, I suddenly held up my hands and yelled, "St. Michael and Raphael, please help me put in this water filter!" I took the bottom off, put it back on again, turned on the water, and it worked perfectly! Everything was fixed within 90 seconds! Later, I got a call from my G.o.dson's Mom, who thanked me profusely and said the filtered water is coming out about ten times the force it usually does, and how did I get it that way?

I was about to throw the thing out the window, feeling so frustrated trying to fix it for about an hour and a half. Yet the angels helped me so easily, so quickly, and so beautifully! As a result, there is now clean water for that family.

So, calling upon archangels is a very effective way of getting yourself out of jams involving material objects. Other people, such as Sharon, a psychotherapist I know, prefer to call upon their personal guardian angels whenever they need a.s.sistance. No call for help goes unanswered, and you can't get a "wrong number" when you put out a call for help to heaven. Sharon's guardian angel recently helped her "heal" her vehicle: The heater on my Jeep was out. As I drove to work Monday morning I felt the strong presence of an angel in my pa.s.senger seat. I asked what her name was, and I heard an inner voice say, "Angela."

I had asked for angels to guard my home and Jeep several months prior, and I felt her say that she was the angel who had been guarding my Jeep since I first asked for angelic protection for it. I asked her to contact whoever the angel was who repairs Jeep heaters, because mine has been out for about two weeks. I received an impression in my gut as if Angela had said she would do that. The very next evening, my heater started working again!


Spiritual Safety with the Angels

In truth, the world is a 100 percent safe place to live. However, it appears to be a dangerous place because of the thought-forms of fear that act like reflections of any worry or apprehension we've carried in our minds. Because we sometimes miscreate with our thoughts, the angels help to guard and protect us.

Protector Angels G.o.d and the angels ensure that we and everything we own are safe and protected. Of course, this still means that we have to ask for their help and then listen to and follow the guidance that we receive. My friend Mary Ellen discovered this rule in a dramatic-and near-tragic-way: She and her friend Nancy, both American college students in their 20s, were on a strictly budgeted vacation in Germany. They were hitchhiking across the countryside, which was a cultural norm at the time. Two U.S. army trucks stopped to pick up the two women, and they each got in separate trucks. I'll let Mary Ellen tell the rest of the story in her own words: The driver of the truck I was in had rather unethical intentions. He started to attack me. I was thinking as fast as I could and praying for help to thwart his advances. I told this young New York soldier that I was not that kind of woman. And he said he didn't care. Just then, an invisible male voice outside of my left ear, very audibly to me said, "Tell him you will tell."

I didn't think that would work, so I said, "How would you like your sister to come to Europe and make love to a stranger?" I figured he would see that she would not do that and neither would I.

The invisible male voice outside of my left ear repeated, "Tell him you will tell." I thought that would be a nutty thing to say and that it would not possibly deter any attacker.

The funny part now is that I never thought it odd to hear the voice. Maybe if I had said, "Do you hear that little voice?" the soldier would have thought I was crazy and left me alone!

So, I said, "If you don't get off of me, I will pull my knife on you." Now, this sounded tough, but I had a knife for my bread-and-cheese picnic. "That won't bother me." He then pulled up his s.h.i.+rtsleeves and showed knife marks all up and down his arms from New York street fights.

I thought, Uh-oh.

The male voice outside my left ear screamed, "TELL HIM YOU WILL TELL!" I thought, Sheesh, if a knife won't work, why would that statement?

But I had nothing left to say, so I said, "I'll tell."

Well, this guy leaped off of me. I was so stunned. He said, "You wouldn't!"

And my brain is thinking, Here I am in a country where I don't speak the language, I don't have anyone to call or tell, and I did not even know where we were.

So I said, "Yes, I will tell."

He started the truck and in silence drove me to the depot where the other truck was with Nancy. She was worried about me and glad to see me drive up. I never told her about the voice, but I know that I was saved by G.o.d, the angels, and my prayers for protection.

I had a similar experience, also with a happy outcome. I was exercising on a rooftop area that had a treadmill. About halfway into my workout, I noticed a man sitting in a car across the street. It appeared that he was staring up at me, and I felt a creepy feeling, as if I were his prey.

At first I tried to ignore or rationalize the situation. After all, why would someone stare at me? I was dressed very conservatively, with a baggy sweats.h.i.+rt, loose sweatpants, and no makeup. Yet, my intuition said that this man was staring at me with dishonorable intentions.

I had two choices: I could stop exercising and leave, or I could try a spiritual approach. I opted for the latter. Mentally, I held the intention of talking with this man's guardian angels. I told them that this man was frightening me, and would they please ask him to leave? I felt a sense of peace, and about three minutes later, I heard his engine ignite and gratefully watched him drive away.

One week later, a woman approached me and said that she had noticed this man staring at me on three different occasions. She gave me his license plate number since his behavior had alerted her. However, after that day when I had a discussion with his angels, no one ever saw him again!

Road Protection The angels protect us in many ways. Sometimes the slow driver ahead of us is an angel in disguise. A woman I'll call Rebecca related this story to me about just such an angel: I once had a guy pull out in front of me from a parking s.p.a.ce while I was driving through a small city where I once worked. His car was driving a little slower than I would have driven. Then, as we approached an intersection, a car zoomed right through a red light (we still had a green light). If I hadn't been cut off by the guy pulling out from the parking s.p.a.ce, I would have been in the middle of that intersection when the car ran its red light, and I don't think I'd be here today!

Heaven also protects us in ways that defy Earthly laws. For example, if your car is running low on fuel, the angels will make sure that you reach your destination safely. For instance, they'll help you keep driving until you reach a gas station, even if you're out of fuel. Or, if you do run out of gas, the angels will send a rescuer to your aid quickly.

Miriam, an elderly woman I interviewed, told me that she was stuck on the side of a desolate road with a flat tire one afternoon. Unsure of how to change a tire, she prayed for a.s.sistance. Within moments, a man and woman walked up to her and offered to help. As the couple changed Miriam's tire, she noticed that they had simply "appeared" without a car. There were no buildings from which the couple could have emerged. After the new tire was on the car, the couple vanished as mysteriously as they had appeared. As a psychologist, I knew that Miriam was a lucid and intelligent adult who wasn't hallucinating or exaggerating as she told me this story.

Acting like superheroes, the angels are also able to affect physical matter to avert accidents. Karen Noe, a spiritual counselor from New Jersey, tells the following remarkable story of how the angels saved the day: My eight-year-old son, Timmy, and I were in a supermarket parking lot on an extremely steep hill. A very busy street with four lanes of traffic is at the bottom of this hill. As we headed for my car, I saw a shopping cart rolling very fast down the hill, heading straight for the busy road. If it had continued at this rate, it would have gone into the street and would have definitely caused an accident!

As I saw it going down the hill, I immediately said, "G.o.d, please stop that cart . . . now!" The cart stopped right then and there, in the middle of the hill, on an incline! There was no one in the section of the parking lot where the cart stopped! Then, a man came out of nowhere and moved the cart in the other direction on top of a parking so that it couldn't roll anymore, and as I turned my head to tell my son to look what was happening, the "man" literally disappeared!

My son is so accustomed to us calling on the angels for everything that he just said, "It's an angel again," as though he has seen this kind of thing every day (which he does).

Karen's request for help, coupled with the unwavering faith that she and her son held, created this miracle. All we need to do is ask, and then have some inkling of faith-even if the faith is fleeting. Still, I want to say that when people do experience tragic losses, it doesn't mean that G.o.d or the angels has abandoned them. Losses occur for many reasons, including the fact that it may be someone's time to go. Yet, I always believe that when we ask for help and listen to it when it comes, the angels help us to either escape danger or considerably lessen its effects.

White Light A wonderful way to ensure the safety and stability of your home and possessions is to surround them with "white light." White light is an angel energy that has a life force and intelligence all its own. When you surround yourself or your possessions with white light, you've put up a s.h.i.+eld that ensures its protection.

So, if someone with harmful intentions comes near you or the item surrounded with white light, that person won't be able to cause harm. They will be compelled to leave you and your possessions alone without understanding why they were repelled. In some cases, the person may not even see you or your items, almost as if the white light makes objects invisible to people with negative intentions.

It's easy to surround yourself, your loved ones, or your items with white light. Simply close your eyes and visualize white light surrounding the entire outline of the person or object. Imagine what the person or item would look like with an eggsh.e.l.l of white light completely covering them. Once you've been able to see this in your mind's eye, the task is complete!

If fears about burglars or fires keep you awake at night, you'll sleep soundly when you ask the angels to help you. Simply visualize your home surrounded by white light. Next, visualize a large guardian angel posted next to each door, and even each window if you like. With the light and the guardian angels watching over you and your home, you will sleep safe and sound.

You can also surround your children and other loved ones with white light for spiritual insulation. I also like to surround the car or plane that I'm traveling in with white light. I often ask for extra angels to escort and buffer my vehicle as well.

In addition, whenever you walk into a location where any kind of negativity or earthbound mentality exists, surround yourself with white light. If you tend to be clairsentient (also known as empathic, intuitive, or sensitive), you may be to absorbing negative energy from these environments. Clairsentient people tend to be acutely aware of other people's feelings, and they can easily soak up others' negativity. The result is that the clairsentient may often feel drained or discouraged.

To prevent these negative emotions, clairsentients might visualize a triple seal of light around themselves: first a layer of white light, followed by a second layer of emerald-green light for healing, and then a layer of purple light. The third layer acts like a b.u.mper that deflects any negative influences.

The angels also say that clairsentients need to spend regular time outdoors. According to the angels, nature acts like a "smoke absorber" and removes negative energies that the clairsentient has taken in. The angels strongly recommend that clairsentients keep potted plants next to their beds, especially broad-leafed plants such as pothos and philodendrons. The plants absorb residue or negativity from the body while one is asleep, much like they remove carbon monoxide from our air.

Finding Lost Items When I was a young girl, I lost my little coin purse while walking home from school. That night, I cried about my loss, but my mother rea.s.sured me by asking me to affirm, "Nothing is lost in the mind of G.o.d." She explained that although I didn't know where my purse was, G.o.d could see it right at that very moment.

I fell asleep, affirming repeatedly, "Nothing is lost in the mind of G.o.d," feeling full faith that G.o.d would bring my purse back to me. When I opened my eyes the next morning, there was my little red coin purse, sitting right next to my bed. My mother swore that she had nothing to do with its recovery. To this day, she says the same thing, and I believe it truly was a miracle brought about by my complete faith in G.o.d's power.

I've taught that affirmation to many people, and have since received many letters from people who say they've also experienced miraculous recoveries of lost items by repeatedly affirming, "Nothing is lost in the mind of G.o.d."

You can also ask your angels to help you locate lost items. I had just moved into a new home, and my office supplies were in disarray in various boxes. I couldn't find my checks and needed them to pay some bills. I implored my angels, "Please, where are my checks?"

I heard a voice say, "Check the closet!"

As I opened the cluttered closet, I felt my attention and hands guided immediately to a large bag. There was my checkbook, exactly where my angel's voice said it would be.

A woman named Jenny had lost her keys, which included the ones to her car, home, and post office box. She and her husband searched everywhere, with no luck. Two days after losing her keys, Jenny and her husband were in their garage talking. She was getting ready to drive to the grocery store, using her husband's car since she had no key to drive her own. She was really upset that she couldn't find her keys, and said aloud to G.o.d, "Please help me find my car keys now!" As soon as she'd finished the sentence, Jenny looked at an inverted empty coffee can in the garage. It seemed to glow from within, and she was irresistibly drawn to it. Her husband didn't notice, distracted by his project.

As she picked up the coffee can, Jenny saw the unmistakable glimmer of her car keys beneath it. "How could that be?" she wondered. "I remember looking under the coffee can twice for the keys, and they weren't there before." A woman of great faith, though, Jenny didn't question the miracle that had occurred immediately after she'd asked G.o.d for help. Instead, she decided to surprise her husband, who was still preoccupied with his project.

Jenny got into her car and lightly tapped the horn. "Bye, honey, I'm going to the store now!" He absentmindedly waved at her, and as Jenny pulled out of the driveway, he suddenly realized that his wife was driving a car for which she had no keys. He ran after her, and they both laughed as Jenny explained about the Divine guidance that had led her to find them Heaven also helps us replace ruined items, as spiritual counselor Maria Stephanson, whom you met earlier, discovered: I was invited to a black tie event and purchased a stunning blouse for $155 at a very exclusive shop. This was a big thing for me. I am the original "shop for the bargain" person and have never spent more than about $25 for a blouse. It was something I knew I could wear during the holidays and special occasions.

About a month after the event, a very close friend of mine had a formal affair, and, trusting her completely, I let her borrow my blouse. After wearing it, she took it to the cleaners, and it was completely ruined. She was devastated, cried her eyes out, and didn't sleep all night prior to telling me. She had called the cleaners and the shop where I'd purchased it, and they both requested the receipt before they would even attempt to refund the money. She wanted to replace it, but at the shop where I purchased the blouse, it was the only one they had. I felt a little bad, but I actually felt worse for my friend.

Now, my problem was that I could not find the receipt anywhere. I searched high and low for a full day, ripping everything apart and finally had resolved in my mind that this was one more thing I could just say good-bye to. However, I had just attended a one-day workshop with Dr. Virtue and started thinking about how she had given me some ways to communicate with our angels. I also listened to the Divine Guidance tapes.

So, I decided to ask my angels, "If, in fact, I do still have this receipt somewhere, could you just show me where?" I immediately got the feeling to check a drawer in my kitchen. The message was so powerful that I spun around on my heels and walked straight to the drawer and opened it, absolutely knowing that the receipt would be there. And I was right!

I laughed, gave thanks, and brought the receipt to my friend. She told me she would take it to the cleaners and get a refund. The next day, she surprised me with the blouse! She had taken a chance and had gone to the shop. They had just gotten one in, and it "just happened" to be my size. They were very kind and replaced it with no questions. So not only did my angels help me find the receipt, but there was a blouse just sitting there waiting for me!

Lost and Found Money Of the Divine intervention stories that I receive, some of the more heartwarming ones involve people who lose their purses or wallets and then recover them through miraculous means. These stories not only reaffirm my faith in G.o.d and the angels watching over us, but also bolster my faith in the essential goodness of humankind. A counselor named Gayle Earle told the following uplifting story about how her angels and good people helped her find her wallet: I accidentally left my wallet in the shopping cart at the grocery store. I went home, unpacked my groceries, and was back in my car on my way to the next store. I asked my angels, "Okay, which store should I go to today for the rest of the stuff I need?" I did not get a clear response, so I felt frustrated. Then I received the message, "Do you know where your wallet is?" I realized that I could not find it.

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