The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 12

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It's not your imagination. Angels are among us, now more than ever, and not just in commercial venues. Increasing numbers of people are reporting encounters with these heavenly beings. In their encounters, angels deliver timely messages, healing remedies, and lifesaving measures.

Why are angels circling our globe so much lately? Partly because of our prayers for heavenly a.s.sistance, and partly because G.o.d and the angels know that it's time for us to heal ourselves, our lives, and our world. As we move through the millennium s.h.i.+ft, the angels are helping us heal the challenges and ills that keep us from living at our highest potential.

The angels are here to teach us that G.o.d's love answers all questions and challenges. They are here to heal us from the effects of fear. The angels are powerful healers, and you can work with them to speed up their healing efforts. The more we invite angels into our lives, the more readily our lives reflect the splendor of heaven.

There are no limits to angels' healing power. They can help us heal our relations.h.i.+ps, career concerns, finances, housing issues, and any other challenge that is troubling us. We just need to follow a few steps to help the angels help us: 1. Ask-The Law of Free Will says that angels cannot intervene in our lives without our express permission. The only exception is if we are in a life-threatening situation, before it is our time to go. Otherwise, we must ask the angels to help us.

How do you ask? you may wonder. No formal invocation is necessary to invite angels to help you. You simply need to think, Angels! and they will instantly respond. You, like everyone else, already have two or more guardian angels with you from birth until death. Nothing you can ever do, say, or think could make your angels leave you or love you less. Their love for you is powerful and unconditional!

You can also ask for more angels to join you. Either ask G.o.d to send angels to you, or call upon the angels directly. Both ways are identical, because the angels always answer to G.o.d's will. And G.o.d always wills angels to surround and comfort you whenever you ask.

2. Surrender the problem-Before G.o.d and the angels can heal your situation, you must completely give it up to them. It's a little like mailing a letter: You must release the letter from your hand before the post office can deliver it for you. So often we ask heaven to help us. Yet instead of letting this happen, we hold on to the situation, thereby blocking the angels' ability to intervene. If you really want help, completely release the problem to G.o.d and the angels!

3. Trust in G.o.d-We mustn't give G.o.d and the angels a script, in which we outline what steps we want them to follow to resolve our situation. Instead, trust that G.o.d's infinite wisdom and creativity will come up with a much better solution than our human minds could ever dream of. Remember: G.o.d's will is that you be happy!

4. Follow G.o.d's directions-After you release the problem to G.o.d and the angels, they may ask you to take some human steps to resolve the situation. These directives will come to you as either a voice, a dream, a vision, a knowingness, or an intuitive feeling.

If you're unsure of the source of these messages, ask G.o.d for validation. G.o.d and the angels will always give you loving and supportive messages, so if you ever receive a fearful or hurtful directive, do not follow it! However, if we stick closely to G.o.d in our hearts and minds, we needn't worry about so-called fallen angels interfering with us. G.o.d's Divine love is the only power that exists. The thought-forms of fear and darkness are illusions that can only "harm" us if we give them power. Therefore, after you've asked the angels for help, watch for G.o.d-given messages that will direct you on how to resolve your challenging situations. These directives are the answers to your prayers, and you must take action to help G.o.d to help you. Sometimes these directions will be action based, and the angels will ask you to go to a certain place or call a specific person, for example.

Other times, the directives will involve your mind and heart, such as when the angels ask you to forgive yourself or another. Whatever their messages, know that they come from the Source of all healing and solutions. By following these directions, your situation will be completely healed.

No situation is too big or too small for the angels to resolve it for you. Whether you want a parking s.p.a.ce, money for your bills, or better health, the angels are happy to oblige. Their greatest reward is your happiness, so if it fits with G.o.d's will, they will give you whatever brings you joy. After all, joy is your birthright, and you deserve it!

Healing Someone Else What if you wish the angels to conduct a healing on another person? For example, you'd like the angels to help a loved one in need, or a group of people in the news who have touched your heart.

It's always an act of love to ask G.o.d to send angels to another person's side. This is not a violation of the other person's free will, since they can choose whether to listen to the angels' messages. So, it is a good idea to ask the angels to surround others. G.o.d especially responds quickly to this request when it comes from parents who wish to have angelic "babysitters" attend to their children.

The angels will never usurp G.o.d's will, so if it is your loved one's "time," the angels will bring that person comfort and joy during their final days on Earth. A wonderful prayer for you to hold in your heart is, "Thy will be done." In that way, you can save yourself needless worry, and rest a.s.sured that G.o.d is taking care of everything perfectly.

Archangel Raphael: The Supreme Healer Among Angels For physical challenges such as illness or pain, there is no better healer among the angelic realm than the archangel Raphael. This angel, whose name means "G.o.d Heals," can bring instant release from suffering. Raphael glows with a beautiful emerald green healing energy. Often, the archangel surrounds painful body parts with this healing light. The light acts as a soothing balm, and as a trigger for sudden and complete healings.

Raphael, like all the inhabitants of the spirit world, can be with everyone who calls upon him simultaneously. Limitations of time or s.p.a.ce do not restrict him. So, never fear that you are interfering with Raphael's other duties when you call on him.

The healing archangel comes to your side the instant you ask for him. You can call him by thinking or saying aloud, "Raphael, please help me!" Raphael will also join the side of your loved ones, at your request.

Raphael is a powerful healer who acts like a spiritual surgeon in releasing fear and darkness from our body and mind. Sometimes, however, we call upon Raphael and then we get in the way of his healing function. For instance, we don't allow him access to our "guilty secrets" so that he can extract them from us. Or, we try to help him along by telling him what to do. Although well intended, our human actions clumsily get in the archangel's way. Consequently, after you call upon Raphael, it's best to give him full access to your body, mind, and heart. In this way, he can fulfill his G.o.d-given function to heal everything completely.

No matter if it's a hangnail or a seemingly terminal illness, call upon G.o.d and the angels for help. They don't want us to wait until we're desperate or terrified before we do so. As the angels wrote through me in the book, Angel Therapy: Call upon G.o.d's heavenly creations for help and a.s.sistance as soon as you become aware of your inner pain. A wise homeowner who smells smoke does not wait until the home is engulfed by flames before telephoning the fire department. At that point, such a call feels almost useless. Do not wait until you are overwhelmed by monumental fear before calling upon G.o.d's name.

At that moment-as in all times-He will send help and comfort to your side. Even so, you may not feel His loving arms for several minutes, as you feel barriered between many layers of fear and heaven. Smarter still is one who learns to monitor his own well-being, and who hesitates not in calling upon a heavenly creation of any form for a.s.sistance and comfort.

Learn this lesson well, then, sweetest child, and remember always to care for your inner being by calling forth help whenever needed. In that way, your ebb and flow of fear has not sharp divides, but gentle swellings that do not erode your peace of mind.

The angels are here to help you heal your life, and they want you to ask for help.


Blessings and Challenges of the Spiritual Path

What drew you to study spirituality? A desire to explore the truths of life? A search for happiness, fulfillment, and inner love? A tragedy or miraculous happenstance that pushed you to explore the spiritual side of existence? Or were you intrigued by someone's example; perhaps a spiritually minded person whom you admire?

Whatever attracted you to this path, the common thread was your desire to improve your life. Whether you sought enlightenment, answers, new skills, or peace of mind, you believed that spirituality had something positive to offer you.

Happiness Is Holy Some of my clients were raised in religions that promote suffering as a virtue. These belief systems applaud martyr lifestyles; and they create breeding grounds for guilt, fear, and resentment. So, when these individuals hop on to a spiritual path that promises happiness and abundance, they get nervous. Are happiness and abundance "correct" goals? they secretly wonder.

Those raised in Christian ideologies learn Jesus' teaching that it's easier for a camel to pa.s.s through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Yet, in other pa.s.sages, Jesus emphasizes that we should knock, and doors will open. Repeatedly, he urges us to have faith that our material needs will be met.

Most spiritual seekers understand that Jesus didn't mean to say that money was evil. Instead, he meant that the obsession with money was a deterrent to happiness in this life and the afterlife. Yet, obsession with money is a two-way street: Those who chronically worry about whether they'll have enough funds to pay their bills are spiritually identical to those who obsessively h.o.a.rd their dollars. Both types of money obsession are rooted in the fear of not having enough. And this underlying fear robs us of happiness.

When we believe that suffering and lack are normal, or if we believe they are tests from G.o.d, we accept pain as a part of life. However, when we believe that G.o.d is 100 percent abundant love, and that G.o.d's creations are in His image and likeness, it follows that He didn't create pain or limitations.

In my long discussions with G.o.d, the angels, and Jesus, I'm convinced that G.o.d doesn't want us to suffer in any way. G.o.d, like any loving parent, wills for us to have happy, peaceful, and safe lives. G.o.d wants us to focus our time and energy on helping others, using our natural talents and interests. While we help others, He'll take care of supplying us with enough time, money, intelligence, creativity, and anything else we need. G.o.d knows that if we worry about having enough, we'll waste time and energy that could be put to better use.

So, G.o.d and the angels truly want to help us! However, because of the law of free will, they are only allowed to help us if we ask. This is a book that will help you know the rich experiences available to those who do ask.

Angels and the Millennium s.h.i.+ft You are very fortunate to be alive at this time in human history. For that matter, any time we are alive, it is a miracle. The angels have taught me that more souls want an Earth life than there are bodies to accommodate them. Souls actually stand in line, awaiting Divine a.s.signments on Earth. The fact that you are here, in a human body, signifies that you are a winner. G.o.d chose you to come here, knowing that you have many gifts and talents that will benefit His other children.

The angels write this to you: "You, like everyone else who is incarnated at this time, are a holy and perfect child of G.o.d. We realize you may not always feel perfect and holy, and we also realize that you often don't act that way. Nonetheless, G.o.d created your soul as a literal 'chip off the old block.' It contains G.o.d-essence, or Divine light, that can never be extinguished, soiled, or taken away from you. Nothing you could ever do would eradicate your Divine heritage."

The reason why this is a good time to be alive is because we are nearing the end of an era in which humans behave like aggressive animals devoid of spiritual awareness. We are at the edge of a time when we will collectively recover our spiritual gifts of intuition and healing. When intuition becomes accepted as a normal human characteristic, watch out, because the world is going to change drastically!

Think, for a moment, about a world populated by highly accurate intuitives. The more we accept this skill as innate, the more we will open our channels of Divine and psychic communication. Scientific studies conducted at leading universities such as Princeton, the University of Nevada, the University of Ohio, and Cornell already show evidence that each of us is potentially gifted in sending and receiving telepathic information. I say "potentially," because like any gift, we have to be aware of and practice it before we can truly master its usage.

Many people are becoming intuitive and opening themselves to Divine guidance. In my private practice, I'm awestruck by the number of high-level professionals-both male and female-who ask me for angel readings. These are folks who may have never thought about life after death, G.o.d, or spiritual issues three or four years ago. But now, in this spiritual renaissance in which we all find ourselves, the collective consciousness is looking heavenward.

Think for a moment about what our world will look like when we all regain our natural intuitive awareness. No one will be able to lie to another person ("little white lies" will fade into distant memories), which will definitely create s.h.i.+fts in our legal, educational, and political systems. Also, we won't need technological devices to communicate with each other.

I believe that a number of us have a life purpose that involves teaching others about their true spiritual origins. Many people, I believe, are still asleep with respect to the knowledge of their inner Divinity! They see themselves as a body, floating like a hapless cork, dependent on the current to tell it what to do. G.o.d and the angels know differently, however. They are aware that we create our reality through our conscious decisions and intentions.

"Your intentions create your experiences" is one of the angels' favorite phrases. What they mean is that our expectations, deep down in our heart and mind, are the scriptwriters of the movie we experience and call "life." If you ask yourself before entering any situation, "What do I truly expect to occur here?" you will become the world's greatest psychic. That's because your expectations will literally predict what will happen to you.

The Refining Process Our tastes s.h.i.+ft as a result of our spiritual study. We lose the desire for mood-altering substances, we're repelled by violence in the media, and our attraction to friends and lovers changes. The angels explain a lot of these changes as being a result of our "frequency s.h.i.+fting." They say that each person has a vibrational frequency that is visible to them, much like when we view a car's system on an oscilloscope or a person's brainwaves over a monitoring machine.

The angels say that our frequency adjusts according to our thoughts and emotions. Those who worry, fret, and obsess have slow frequencies, while those who meditate and pray regularly have higher frequencies. As our frequencies s.h.i.+ft upward, we become attracted to higher-vibrating situations, people, food, and energies. This also means that we won't be attracted to some of the friends and events that once captivated us.

Vibrations surrounding ego issues, such as anger, violence, a lack mentality (believing there isn't enough to go around), a victim mentality (believing that other people control you or are to blame for your unhappiness), compet.i.tiveness, dishonesty, and jealousy are extremely low. High vibrations surround spiritual-mindedness, such as meditation, prayer, devotion, selfless service, volunteerism, healing work, teaching, sharing, and expressions of love.

The angels suggest that we avoid lower-vibrating situations as a means of pulling up our spiritual frequencies. They are particularly adamant about avoiding reports in the print and broadcast media that promote negativity.

Here are transcripts from two of my angel therapy sessions, in which the angels asked my clients to avoid this type of media: Doreen: There's a message coming in from your angels. They're saying that when you read, watch, or listen to the news, it is upsetting to you and is negatively s.h.i.+fting your energy in a way that is counter to what you want. This is a very strong cautionary message to you. The angels say, "Don't take this casually."

Barbara: That makes sense. I listen to the news a lot on the radio, and it does upset me, so I guess I'll reduce how much I listen to it.

During another session, the angels explained how my client's low self-esteem was exacerbated by the negative images and messages she received from watching soap operas and other dramas: Mich.e.l.le: At times I feel like a total let-down or failure, not just to myself, but to my husband and daughter. Have I done something wrong, or what am I not doing? I love my family very much and would do anything for them, but when it comes to my husband, things have changed (I think). Something is missing, and how do I-or we-get that back?

Doreen: You have done nothing wrong, although the angels show me that there is the influence of the media around you, affecting your thoughts and therefore affecting your life. Are you watching a lot of TV? [Mich.e.l.le confirms that she is].

It looks like you are absorbing negativity from TV shows, and this is influencing your thoughts and life. Can you try shutting off the TV for a week and see if that makes a difference?

Mich.e.l.le took her angels' advice and found that within one week, she no longer ran "worst-case scenario" films in her mind. She dropped the habit of viewing her life through a negative soap opera lens, and she was able to see the gentle beauty in her family life.

s.h.i.+fting Your Frequency The angels are here to help us heal in many ways, from issues and challenges that are seemingly mundane, to those that seem urgent or spiritually profound. One of the angels' healing tasks is to help us s.h.i.+ft our vibrational frequency to its highest and finest rate. They want us to make this s.h.i.+ft for two reasons. One is that this is a process of "ascension." We are all on the pathway of discovering that we are one with G.o.d. When we truly understand and live this knowledge, we are in the state of ascension.

That sort of knowledge profoundly affects your every interaction with others. Think for a moment how your life would be if you were consciously aware that everyone with whom you talked was a Divine aspect of your G.o.d-self. You would feel complete and total love for these individuals and for yourself. You would experience life as a heaven-on-earth experience.

The second reason why the angels want us to increase our frequency is because we will be better suited to our changing material world. The millennium s.h.i.+ft is going to bring about significant positive changes in our educational, government, legal, and telecommunications systems. Our eating habits will drastically change, and our life expectancy will significantly increase.

The higher our frequency, the easier it will be to adapt to these s.h.i.+fts. We will be intuitively aware of pending Earth changes, in the way animals can foresee earthquakes and storms. Our high-frequency bodies will be able to teletransport, dematerialize, and withstand events that would traumatize a denser, lower-frequency body. Higher-vibrating minds will be able to manifest any required foods or other supplies.

So, the angels want to help you adapt to a changing world by giving you energy and guidance that will s.h.i.+ft your frequency. The angels help you do so by giving you signs and signals, Divine guidance, and by intervening into your life and body. In this way, they help you maintain peace of mind. After all, peacefulness is one of our primary goals in life, and the angels are here to help us attain that end. Our angels sing with joy when they see us feeling peaceful and happy. In the next chapter, we'll look at how the angels play a part in our romantic relations.h.i.+ps.


Angelic Interventions in Your Love Life

The angels can help us heal our relations.h.i.+p problems if we ask for their help. Mentally call to your guardian angel, or to the angel of the other person in the relations.h.i.+p, and witness the miracles that occur.

Finding New Love A woman named Beth asked her angels to help her find "Mr. Right," and they went to work immediately as heavenly matchmakers. She told me the following story about how the angels helped her heal her love life: I never really thought much about angels, but one day I heard you mention on a radio show that you have to ask the angels for help. So, I decided to give it a try. I asked them if they could help find a good man for me. Less than a week later, I met a wonderful man. We clicked instantly. I believe he and I were meant for each other. The goals and things we have in common are awesome. So, needless to say, I have a new outlook on angels. I've started asking for their help more often.

The Couple That Forgives Together . . .

The angels also help couples in committed relations.h.i.+ps strengthen their bonds of love. Barbara was a student in my spiritual counseling course. She excelled at angel readings and had wonderful studying and homework skills. Barbara truly was interested in, and committed to learning about, spirituality and healing. During one of the, I conducted angel readings on a few of the students. Barbara was one of them.

Her question to the angels, during our session, concerned the fact that she and her husband, John, had been arguing a lot. She asked whether the angels saw a divorce coming, or whether she was supposed to stay in the marriage. Through me, the angels said, "The purpose of your marriage is complete. You now have the option of staying together or parting ways. It is completely your choice." Barbara decided she wanted to stay married, so she began praying for spiritual intervention.

I'll let Barbara describe what happened after she surrendered her marriage to G.o.d and the angels: My husband and I had been dealing with marital problems for about a year. Sunday evening after the angel-reading session in which I gave my marriage to G.o.d, my husband hit a spiritual bottom. For many months, we both had been living in resentment and bitterness toward each other. After going into a rage, John asked me if we could talk. I knew the angels were protecting me because I had asked them to surround me, and I was very calm through all of this.

John told me he didn't know where G.o.d was in our turbulent marriage. I reminded him that G.o.d can't work through us unless we let Him in. Well, at that moment, John did cry out for G.o.d to come in and help him. The angels were also nudging me, saying, "Okay, Barbara, you know what to do! It's time to start walking your talk!" I walked him through the Forgiveness Corral Exercise [this powerful healing exercise is reproduced in the Appendix of this book].

I explained to John about the ego, and told him that it was our egos who were arguing-not our true selves. We shared into the wee hours of the morning about G.o.d and our spiritual beliefs. Our relations.h.i.+p turned a major corner. I stayed home from work with John the next day, and we continued to share and rebuild. It was an incredible experience. We talked about us both making the choice to recommit ourselves to our love and to our relations.h.i.+p.

The next day, on a beautiful sunny, John and I completed the "Forgiveness, Free Yourself Now" exercise [this exercise, required for graduating from my spiritual counseling certification program, also appears in this book's Appendix]. We drove to one of our favorite spots and found a place where there was a stream with a very small waterfall, so we could hear water flowing.

We sat side-by-side, but in parallel worlds, each working silently on our own forgiveness list. When I finished my list, I walked down to the water to do the releas.e.m.e.nt part of the exercise. The two names at the end of the list were John's and mine. I forgave myself down by the water, but saved the releas.e.m.e.nt of forgiveness with John to do in person once I rejoined him on the embankment.

Before leaving the stream, I saw a tiny lavender b.u.t.terfly flutter beside me. John told me that as he said each person's name on his forgiveness list, he mentally held the person in his hand, then opened his hand and released the person as a b.u.t.terfly. After we completely forgave and released each other, we continued to enjoy the beauty and serenity of our surroundings. We both felt so light and free!

The love we currently feel toward one another and toward ourselves is unlike anything we have felt! It is as if both of us have been through, as John put it, a spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical overhaul! There has been such positive movement this week.

I am convinced that John's unforgiveness toward himself was what was at the root of his depression. Now that the unforgiveness is gone, the veil of depression is lifting. My own resentment and bitterness toward him are dissolved as well. Our forgiveness of ourselves and each other has allowed us to see one another through new eyes. It amazes me how diminished we had both allowed our internal sparks to become, and how that spark has once again become a flame.

Probable Futures The angels rarely say that our future is set in stone. Instead, they say our probable futures are based on our current train of thought. If my clients' thought patterns s.h.i.+ft in a significantly positive or negative way, so will their future. This is what they explained to my client, Kevin, when he expressed fears about his future and marriage: Kevin: My child will be leaving home shortly-mostly, I believe, to get away from the way things are here. I can't say I blame him. Things are not always pleasant; in fact, sometimes they get pretty bad. After he leaves, will he be okay, and what will become of my home life? Will it get better or worse? Will my spouse and I remain together or go our separate ways?

Doreen: The angels say that you are going through some major changes right now. They are grateful that you are contemplating your inner world and are taking responsibility for many parts of your life. The angels caution you, however, not to blame yourself; just to take inventory and make adjustments to your course based on your a.s.sessment.

Your marriage isn't set in stone right now. You truly have the power to save the marriage and make it work; however, you must have faith and keep a loving, positive outlook. You may need to get additional support to keep this positive outlook, such as a counselor, a spiritual study group, or a close friend to talk to.

No one is blaming you for anything, except in your expectations. However, if you believe that others are blaming you, you will experience this as a self-fulfilling prophecy. We certainly hope that you will make the choice to experience the miracles of healing that the angels seek to help you enjoy. You will be in my prayers.

Love Never Dies The following case shows how a good marriage is truly forever, even when one spouse dies. Often, the deceased spouse becomes an angelic matchmaker for the survivor: Annette: I have been seeing a guy whose wife pa.s.sed away, and I feel that someone is telling me it's okay. Could this be a message from an angel or even his wife? I feel it's a comforting message.

Doreen: Yes, you are very intuitive! His wife is encouraging you in this relations.h.i.+p because she can see the positive effect it has on him. She is above any feelings of jealousy and just wants to see love-the only thing that is real and that matters-to s.h.i.+ne radiantly in both of you.

Congratulations on manifesting a wonderful relations.h.i.+p and for being in touch with your natural gifts of intuition!

Ma Bell, Angel Bell The angels always emphasize the importance of truthful and clear communications in our relations.h.i.+ps. A therapist who has taken my angel therapy courses reported the following case of how the angels helped a couple to clearly communicate: My client had tried numerous times to get her boyfriend on her cell phone but kept getting only static. She was really upset because she needed to get in touch with him right away. I then suggested (knowing one of her guardian angel's names was Bell), "Why not ask Bell to help you?" She did, and the very next moment, the line was perfectly clear, and she was able to deliver her urgent message! Afterward, she said she never thought to ask her angels for something like that.

Angel Prayers for Your Love Life Here are two examples of prayers to use while working with the angels to heal your love life. Make your own variations of these prayers to suit your circ.u.mstances if you'd like. You can say prayers aloud, mentally or in written form. G.o.d and the angels hear all your thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Prayer is a very powerful way to connect with heaven for the purposes of healing.


Dear G.o.d, I ask that You and the romance angels help me be in a wonderful love relations.h.i.+p with my soulmate. Please give me clear guidance to find my soulmate, and help us to meet and enjoy one another without delay. I ask for Your help in creating circ.u.mstances so that I may be in this wonderful soulmate relations.h.i.+p right away. Please help me heal and release any blocks in my mind, body, or emotions that would make me afraid of great love. Please help me hear and follow Your Divine guidance that leads me to find and enjoy this soulmate relations.h.i.+p. I know that my soulmate is searching for me with the same amount of fervor with which I am searching for this person. We both ask that You bring us together and help us know and accept the blessings of great love. Thank You.


Dearest G.o.d, I ask that You and the angels help me heal my love life. I am willing to release any unforgiveness I may be harboring toward myself and my partner, and I ask that the angels cleanse me of all anger or resentment now. Please help my partner and me see each other through the eyes of love. I ask that all effects of our mistakes be undone in all directions of time. Please work with my partner so that we may have harmony, romance, friends.h.i.+p, respect, honesty, and great love for one another. Please renew our love. Thank You.

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