Terran Times - Violet Visions Part 24

Terran Times - Violet Visions -

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He cleared his throat, "Uh, I am here to..."

A small spotlight focused on a woman who almost blended with the hue of the room. Her body suit and headdress were all that she wore aside from the vine-like bracelets on her hand.

"You are here to Psiber. Please relax and allow me to proceed."

The green gem in the center of her headdress glowed with power as her lavender eyes became blank. Her voice was soothing and very far away. "Just relax and let me read your desires."

He felt a light, delicate touch on his mind and then his 214 eXtasy's Collective Mind experience began.

A strong wind blew through the room, changing the utilitarian setting into a heavily wooded glade. In mere moments, he stood in the center of a verdant forest, watching and waiting for what would come next.

He caught a flicker of motion out of the corner of his eye. As he focused on it, he saw a woman in a flowing gown dancing lightly through the trees. She held a set of pipes to her lips and the wild music began to warm him from his soul outwards.

Her spritely dance caught his attention as the gauzy panels of her gown alternately exposed and concealed her legs and hips.

Her golden hair swung heavily around her as she danced and he was transfixed. His body responded to the sensual movements of the wood nymph and his soul echoed in satisfaction at the music that her lips produced.

He waited until she came closer then stepped out from behind a tree that had partially concealed him from her attentions.


She started in surprise but didn't stop her tune. She trilled and danced around him until the song wound to a close.

"h.e.l.lo." She smiled and put the pipes down on a nearby rock. "I haven't seen you around here before."

"This is my first time here."

"Oh. That's wonderful." Her gleaming smile warmed him, the welcome in her eyes was also having an effect.

"Would you care to show me around?"

She wrapped one hand around his arm and tugged, "Of course, come with me."


Violet Visions What followed was a trail through glades and sun-kissed meadows. Waterfalls threw rainbows through the air wantonly. At each new venue, she danced a little for him, twirling and spinning until the diaphanous skirts she was wearing flew up around her thighs. Each step seemed to draw her closer to him, the gauzy silks of her clothing wrapping lovingly around his legs as her thigh rubbed against his.

It was near one of the streams that sparkled in the afternoon sun that she faced him with an expectant look. He took the cue and drew her into his arms, stroking her lower lip with his, then teasing her mouth to open.

The warmth was heaven. She was so hot and so wet that he trembled at the thought of what would lay between her thighs if he could get up the nerve.

His erection prodded at the zipper of his trousers and he groaned as she rubbed her hips slowly against him. As his lips kept possession of hers, her hands began to undo his trousers and released his throbbing c.o.c.k into her hands.

The delicate coolness of her fingers against his hot, turgid shaft was torture. He heard her giggle as he shuddered in her grip and he thrust his hips forward, pressing against her and rubbing the flared head of his c.o.c.k into the silken valley between her thighs.

In moments, he had set up a jerky rhythm and he pulled back before he spent, trying to delay his release. He pulled his mouth from hers with a groan and knelt in front of her, intent on working out a few of his fantasies before he succ.u.mbed to the urge to bury himself in her wet heat.

His hands drew the gauzy fabric from her shoulders, giving a sharp tug when it snagged on the ample curve of her breast. As each was uncovered, he leaned forward to lave the tip with his tongue. Unable to resist, he drew each nipple into his mouth in 216 eXtasy's Collective Mind turn and suckled until her sigh and the s.h.i.+ft of her hips against him a.s.sured him of her response.

He switched from breast to breast with his teeth and tongue, murmuring in encouragement as her fingers wove into his hair to hold him to her.

Her head fell back as she gasped with the pressure and pleasure that he was delivering to her body.

Her thighs rubbed together and he scented the heat that he was causing, a musky and wild scent that teased at his nostrils and begged him to investigate further.

His hands ran along her rib cage, coaxing the crumpled fabric around her waist to slither to the ground. She murmured in excitement as his hands encouraged her thighs to part. He slid his hands between her thighs and took her weight on his palms, lifting her c.u.n.t to his lips.

Ohh, she tasted so sweet. A slow lap of his tongue opened the petals of her s.e.x, and a torrent of honeyed musk greeted his efforts. Cupping the firm cheeks of her a.s.s, he drew her to him with his slow and steady pace, licking from a.n.u.s to c.l.i.t in an inexorable rhythm.

He didn't know how long he drank from her, growing more intoxicated with every taste, until finally, the flick of his tongue on her c.l.i.t brought her to a shuddering and squealing climax.

Her body collapsed against his hands, and he lay her down on the crumpled remains of her dress.

Finally, he could address the throbbing pressure in his c.o.c.k.

With a smile of welcome, her thighs raised and knees bent, beckoning him into her moist heat. And oh, G.o.ds, was she hot.

He raised his hand to stroke across her forehead, down to her lips, caressing her throat, trailing between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and over her curved stomach to the fiery welcome that awaited him.

He crawled over her and rubbed the dripping head of his 217 Violet Visions c.o.c.k into the slick channel that was begging him to enter. Who was he to refuse such an invitation?

With a groan he plunged to the hilt, shuddering at the heat and depth of her welcome. It was almost painful to pull out and thrust back in, but it felt fantastic.

Each thrust rubbed the head of his c.o.c.k against her tight channel and squeezed him in the most welcome embrace that he had ever felt. It was perfect. Better than anything that he had ever imagined-and it was going to last forever, this torture and pleasure.

Forever came on rather quickly. He felt his b.a.l.l.s pulling up toward his body one moment, and the next he was groaning and shaking in the most painfully fantastic release he had ever had.

He collapsed onto the nymph beneath him, and with her hands twined in his hair, he fell asleep.

Business at Phantazia was good. When she had started the company, she had been a little unsure of the market, but her unique services had proved her niche without much trouble.

Eleanor stood and stretched. The service robots were cleaning up her client, and her muscles were sore from the restriction of her pose. Most of her customers didn't even realize that she was an actual human. They preferred to believe that she was an android. It also didn't hurt that she left that suggestion in their minds before they left her establishment.

Based on the strength of his climax, this was one satisfied customer. He would be able to report to his wife that he had not had s.e.x with another woman while on his business trip. The Psiber link was just that. A psychic link between minds.

All Eleanor had done was convince his mind that his fantasy 218 eXtasy's Collective Mind was living and breathing in front of him. He had not physically touched another being while in her establishment.

As her business cards said-Psiber-It's all in your head, and we bring it out.

She c.o.c.ked her head as he began to wake and stepped around the shadowed corner that housed her break room. She only had ten minutes before her next client. It would be best if she grabbed something to eat. All that psychic s.e.x made her hungry.


Violet Visions Vylet Ultra By Astrid Cooper ylet Ultra sat upon her throne, but no ordinary throne, and V no ordinary queen. The throne resembled a huge sh.e.l.l, the psychic enhancers disguised as an anemone, waving slightly as if stirred by a breeze.

Vylet was Queen of all she surveyed and what she surveyed now brought a frisson of pleasure up her spine, across her stomach and into her core, hidden by the artful placement of her legs.

Look, my minions, but do not touch. Not ever, touch.

She ruled by pleasure, at least the antic.i.p.ation of it- occasionally she granted one of them a release, a sample of a deeper delight that might be theirs, if they did her bidding, bowed to her soul and body.

She ran a tongue over her lips, her fangs jagging in the soft flesh of her mouth, as she admired the body before her.

This man, this captive, brought to her drugged, in chains. A human.


eXtasy's Collective Mind Humans were a remarkable species...resilient, tough and ruthless, but that ruthlessness hid a vulnerability and weakness that she could exploit. Ah! The contradictions and the possibilities that humans presented her. It was with a man that she could evoke the most powerful essence.

Vylet tilted her chin and one of her servitors dragged the man to his feet.

For a moment his legs refused to hold his weight and he sagged between his captors. Then some spark of strength, a stubbornness that denied his weakness, forced him to stand. He raised his head, his jaw and eyes locked in defiance.

"b.i.t.c.h!" he said, flinging off the servitors.

She merely smiled, her attention lingering over his frame. He had been stripped of his s.p.a.cer's overalls and now he was naked to her gaze. Yet her gaze hardened with anger. His body was torn and bruised. She had been insistent-no harm was to be done to him. If punishment was to be meted out, she would be the one, the only one to do it.

"He fought us, lady, destroyed five before we brought him down." A servitor bowed, its voice nervous.

She dismissed the robot and gazed upon her property. He was tall, wide of shoulder, narrow of hip with long muscled legs, bronzed skin. Golden hair in disarray around a face that might be called handsome, with eyes the color of the sun-the sun of her world. That thought made her heart constrict. She drew in a steadying breath. Now was not the time to show weakness.

Vylet stared at her captive. His eyes smoldered. This man was danger. Her mind and body tingled at the thought. All to the good...danger held its own powerful aphrodisiac.

"I want him washed, thoroughly, his wounds treated. He is to be groomed and made ready," she said and clapped her hands.

The servitors descended on the man and he spun around, facing 221 Violet Visions them, going into a defensive crouch, though his wrists were held together by energy restraints.

"What do you want with me?" he demanded, struggling between the iron claws of his captors. He yanked them around as he faced her.

"What I want with you, human, is nothing more than you are prepared to give."

"I'll give you nothing. f.u.c.k you!"

"That you may. If it pleases me to be f.u.c.ked. What is your name?"

"Go to h.e.l.l."

"h.e.l.l and I are old companions. It has many names and many incarnations. Shall I show you a taste of h.e.l.l, or heaven?"

"What difference would it be if you're the one doing the showing?"

She laughed and stood up, shaking back her purple hair, revealing her body to him. His eyes widened-in fear, yes! But also in appreciation.

What did he see, she wondered? She touched her mind to his, plunged into his thoughts and body...

G.o.ddam it! She was something else. Admiration amid the fear swept through him. And something more terrifying-desire. He wanted to f.u.c.k the smile from her face, f.u.c.k her until she died and then some. She was tall, she'd reach his height, slender, shapely legs and wide hips and full b.r.e.a.s.t.s and a slender waist.

Her eyes were purple, her lips a darker shade of violet that matched her hair. Her p.u.s.s.y was s.h.i.+elded by a of indigo hair. His gaze fastened on it, and his heart pounded against his ribs while his c.o.c.k and b.a.l.l.s tightened painfully. Every nerve ending fired and he swallowed painfully.

She laughed and the sound severed their psychic link.

"You've no right to do that!" he said.


eXtasy's Collective Mind "Ah, the universal being may possess another against their will, whether it be mental or physical. How quaint!

How pathetic-a law made for weak-minded fools who have no understanding of the true nature of possession." She drew in a steadying breath and forced a smile. "But here my law is the only law to be recognized and I will possess you as I choose and when I am finished, you might be allowed to live. If you please me."

"I'll die first before I-"

"No, you won't die, not until I decide. I hold your life in my hands, human. Take him away and have him prepared."

He was hauled away and he went, struggling. The dome doors slid shut after him, blanketing his curses.

You play a dangerous game, Vylet, she told herself. Desperate and Dangerous...

She pushed aside the purple curtains forming the inner boundaries of her boudoir and paused.

He lay upon her bed, arms and legs tied, so that he was open to her. Washed and groomed, he was presentable-he might even be what she would call 'handsome', but he was not required to be pleasing to the eye, but pleasing to her body. As for that-it remained to be seen if he would.

She had also bathed and preened herself, covering her body with a diaphanous purple gown embroidered with s.h.i.+mmering crystals. She saw him take in her transformation and saw, too, his reaction. His c.o.c.k was turgid, thrust upwards, the shaft head swollen. His eyes burned pure hatred. Good. Hatred was good.

Soundlessly, she glided across the floor and stood at the base of the divan, his feet on either side of her hips. She touched his toes with the tip of her claw and traced the underside of the foot, 223 Violet Visions smiling as he flinched.

"You are sensitive. That bodes well for what lies ahead."

Vylet leaned forward and let her b.r.e.a.s.t.s touch his knees, her taut nipples hard against his flesh. He groaned. Her nails sc.r.a.ped up and down his legs, finally skirting his inner thigh. Upwards, her claws probed, until she touched his swollen sacs. Her nail pressed into the vulnerable flesh and he thrashed his head from side to side.

"Heaven and h.e.l.l, human mine," she whispered. "What is your name?"

"f.u.c.k you!"

She laughed. "f.u.c.k you? That is a strange name. I will call you Gold." His skin was golden, his eyes a darker gold flecked with green, his hair of burnished gold. A unique combination, like she had never seen before.

"Call me what you want, b.i.t.c.h, and when I'm free, you'll call me death. I'll kill you."

"You will never be free, Gold."

He glared at her, his mouth a furious slash in his face. His eyes defied her, but his body betrayed him. She pounced upon his vulnerability and teased his phallus, palming him and pumping slow, then fast, measuring his reactions. He breathed hard. He was fighting her restraints, as he fought her ministrations.

She climbed upon the divan, and on her knees inched her way up between his thighs. She leaned forward and allowed her flesh to touch his-mauve skin to gold. She took her hair and swept it over his s.e.x, lightly flaying. He s.h.i.+vered and groaned and thrashed beneath her.

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