Terran Times - Violet Visions Part 23

Terran Times - Violet Visions -

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The idea that he could arouse men he didn't even know, spiraled through his insides. Perhaps that was why he had become an actor in the first place-to arouse the beast inside every male he encountered. He chuckled and resumed his work to create the perfect face for Queen Niven. He pursed his lips and applied a generous slathering of vivid purple lipstick.

He stared at himself in the mirror. There was noise beyond his dressing room door-noise that garnered his attention and warned of the haste with which the stage crew readied the opening scene. He could close his eyes and imagine the burly stagehands, their muscles tight and firm, as they moved the scenery into place. He could hardly wait to take his place on the elaborate throne and watch the curtain rise.

He forced his attentions back to preparing himself for his debut. Makeup in place, he turned his attention to the hard c.o.c.k 203 Violet Visions in his lap. It pushed invitingly against the silk covering confining it, distracting him from getting dressed. He lowered his palm and covered it, feeling the sensation of warmth surrounding the long shaft.

I wonder if Carl has arrived at the theater yet?

He stifled the emotion the thought brought to his senses. He had adored Carl Montgomery for years and when he landed the part of Queen Niven, he was delighted to learn that Carl Montgomery would be directing the play. He had never worked with Carl before and for reasons he tried not to admit, he had kept his distance-as much as permitted, given the circ.u.mstances. He adored every critique Carl handed down, whether it was about his body movements, or realizing the dialogue needed tweaking a bit-he absorbed every nuance of direction the great one doled out.

I suppose I'm in love with Carl.

He glanced at his reflection in the mirror, his secret revealed at last.

Acting was his pa.s.sion-but working with the great director was his life's dream. If only he could be so fortunate as to be chosen by Carl for other productions-perhaps a Broadway presentation. His breath caught in his throat. It would be the most wonderful event in his life.

He rose and padded softly across the carpeted room. His costume hung on the back of the door closing the small room off from the rest of the theater cast. Being a star afforded certain perks. He smiled broadly. He loved being the center of attention-the star. It gave such credibility to his name, such confidence to his posture. He rose to his full height-realizing with a slight giggle that his hard c.o.c.k still strained at his crotch.

He lowered his hand and pushed the silk covering aside. It sprang against his palm, eager to be stroked.


eXtasy's Collective Mind He wound his fist around his hardness, marveling at the vivid contrast of his long purple fingernails and his pale male flesh. He spread his legs and thrust into his fist, closing his eyes and leaning his head back on his shoulders. Surely there was time for him to satisfy himself before he donned his fishnet costume-or else he'd be forced to make his debut with a hard p.r.i.c.k. He giggled slightly and tightened his grasp on his hard flesh. His hand felt good-hot, tight, holding him just the way he liked it.

He thrust his hips, setting a slow, rhythmic movement that soon brought a moist sheen of sweat to his naked body. He was nearing his time-on the verge of climax- Suddenly a knock at the door interrupted his fit of play. He paused his hand, his eyes glancing to the door. His body was on fire- This is no time for an interruption- He flexed his fingers-his p.r.i.c.k blushed from his manipulation-his belly knotted with antic.i.p.ation- "Who is it?" His voice sounded hoa.r.s.e. His breath was coming in short gasps.


Jonni pulled in a quick breath. Of all the times for Carl to come calling- "Just a moment."

He poked his hardened p.r.i.c.k beneath the tiny cover of the panty and tried to steady his breathing. He turned toward the mirror, glimpsing his flushed cheeks and pursed mouth.

Would Carl guess he had been trying to satisfy himself s.e.xually if he bid him entry?

Should he dare let him see him in his feminine silk panty?

Perhaps he should ask him to come back later.

He shook his head and mentally chided himself for having such thoughts. He couldn't possibly send the great Carl 205 Violet Visions Montgomery on his way with a hasty message to return later. One didn't treat greatness in such a shoddy manner. He pulled in a long breath and slicked one hand across his head. His shaved scalp glistened with a moist sheen of sweat. Carl would think he was nervous about debuting.

Carl knocked on the door a second time.

Jonni sucked in a quick breath and pressed his palm to his hard c.o.c.k. It was all too noticeable-engorged with s.e.m.e.n and needing release. It jutted out from his crotch in a perfect invitation to whoever gazed upon it. He felt nervous suddenly, nervous and aroused to the point that he had to force himself to walk across the room and grasp the doork.n.o.b. He paused, his hand sweaty on the bra.s.s k.n.o.b, his heart pounding in his lean chest. Suddenly he felt uneasy about letting Carl see his mode of dress. He grasped the costume hanging on the back of the door and clutched it to his chest. The pale s.h.i.+mmering net cascaded down his length, concealing the delicate panty he wore and his hard erection. He turned the doork.n.o.b and pulled the door back on its hinges.

Carl stood in the narrow hallway, his back leaning against the adjacent wall. There was a curious look on his handsome face.

He pushed his body off the support of the wall and strode through the doorway.

"Sorry to keep you waiting-"

His voice sounded shaky and worry renewed in his mind that Carl might think something was wrong. G.o.d forbid he should think he couldn't perform. He had come too far to allow such a notion to overshadow his debut.

"Would you like a chair?" Jonni hurried to offer the director the metal folding chair sitting in the corner of the small room.

Carl Montgomery was mid-thirties, a tall man with coal black hair and equally black eyes. He had a cleft in his chin that gave 206 eXtasy's Collective Mind his countenance a refined look. And he had a way of smiling that aroused every sensory organ in Jonni's body. He accepted the chair and folded his lean body into it. Crossing one ankle across his knee, he pinned his eyes on Jonni.

"I came to wish you good luck."

Jonni almost fainted when their eyes locked. The inky depths of Carl's eyes spoke more than well wishes-or had he imagined something more? He felt confused suddenly-confused and so giddy that he needed to sit down before something extraordinary happened. He refused to admit his immediate thought about Carl and how he wanted to rush across the room and embrace him.

He forced his feet to move-to walk across the room so he could drop onto the stool at his dressing table.

"You seem nervous."

Jonni jerked his head toward the mirror-breaking their locked stare. His face bore all the earmarks of a man in the throes of mental anguish.

"Is something wrong?"

Carl rose and came to stand behind Jonni. He placed his hands on his bare shoulders and met his distressed gaze in the mirror.

"What is it?"

You merely interrupted my interlude of s.e.x play-and my body is unable to recover from your nearness when I am in such an aroused state! And do you have to touch me?

He wanted to scream the truth at the director-his idol-but it would be the end of his career. Reminding himself that he was an accomplished actor-he forced a smile to his lips. He gave his shoulders a shrug, dislodging Carl's hands-but not before the director lowered his gaze to his lap. Surprise shone on his handsome face when he saw the bulge in Jonni's lap.

Carl laughed softly. He combed one hand through his thick 207 Violet Visions black hair.

"You're big."

The comment brought an audible gasp from Jonni's throat.

His reflection in the mirror showed a deep red blush staining his powdered cheeks crimson. He clutched the net costume tightly in both fists, pressing it against his hard c.o.c.k.

Should he pretend ignorance at the comment-or acce pt the praise?

Carl strode across the dressing room, his hands clasped behind his back, a thoughtful look on his face.

"I understand about pre-debut rituals. Every actor has them-some more than others."

Jonni watched the director pace about the room. In his gut, he had the uncanny feeling that he was trying to put him at ease.

He pulled in a deep breath and reminded himself that his career was on the line-one wrong sentence could mean he might never work again.

He forced a laugh. "o.r.g.a.s.m relieves tension."

Carl smiled. He nodded his head. "Yes. I agree." He paused his pacing mere inches from Jonni. "Let's pretend I'm directing you in a scene-a s.e.x scene."

Surprise shone on Jonni's face. Curiosity welled up inside him. His hard c.o.c.k jerked in eagerness.

Carl spread his legs and propped his hands atop his hips.

"Here's the set up for the scene, Jonni. Your lover has just returned to you after a long absence. You've kept yourself chaste, awaiting his homecoming. He arrives as you awaken, a morning erection straining at your tiny bikini panty. You're delighted to see him and want to prove your love still burns hot for him."

Jonni's emotions stirred. He felt a new flush of heat rise inside him. He lowered his gaze to the front of Carl's slacks. His fly was tented-signaling the presence of an erection.


eXtasy's Collective Mind Could my wonderful, incredible director be gay?

The thought brought s.h.i.+vers of joy to his body.


The order echoed in the room, jarring Jonni into action.

This could be the performance of my life!

With shaky fingers, he laid aside the costume for the play and turned his attention to Carl's fly. It appeared to have grown since his first glance. His mouth felt dry. He licked his lips, conscious of the greasy feel of thick lipstick on his mouth. The thought of leaving lipstick smears on Carl's c.o.c.k rose in his mind.

Were they really going to have s.e.x play?

He paused his hands inches away from Carl's fly. The choice was his. He had been given the set up for the scene-he could play it out any way he wanted.


He glanced up at Carl. l.u.s.t smoldered in the director's dark eyes.

Jonni raked his fingernails across the front of Carl's pants, making him gasp. He parted his legs, thrusting his hips against Jonni's hand.


"Mmmm. I've dreamed of this moment, my darling. I've missed you so much. I've missed waking up beside you-"

He reached for the zipper and drew it down, then pulled the fabric aside and released Carl's hard p.r.i.c.k from the confines of his silk shorts. It sprang through the opening so close to his face that he felt its heat. He trailed one fingertip across its smooth round head.

"I've missed your c.o.c.k, my darling. I've missed sucking it."

He poked out his tongue and licked the bulbous head, making Carl suck in a quick breath. He wound one hand around its thick base and sucked it between his painted lips. It was hot 209 Violet Visions and big and slid across his tongue with an urgent need.

He felt Carl's hands caress his head, gently sliding across his smooth scalp and lowering to his shoulders. His fingers stroked sensually, giving him s.h.i.+vers of delight. He pulled Carl's hips closer to his face, swallowing the hot stick of flesh down his throat. He reached Carl's b.u.t.tocks and grasped the firm flesh in either hand.

Carl thrust his hips against Jonni's mouth. He moaned deep in his throat. He clutched Jonni's head in both hands.

He thrust his hips faster and faster until he released his load down the back of Jonni's throat. He ground his crotch against Jonni's face, holding his head in his hands, milking his c.o.c.k.

Jonni could hardly believe what just happened. He felt flushed and tasted Carl's s.e.m.e.n in his mouth. He pulled back slightly, forcing Carl to release his head from his grasp. His emotions were soaring out of control. And his c.o.c.k was so hard his b.a.l.l.s were aching. He pulled his mouth away from Carl's crotch and rose from the stool.

Carl had ordered him to play out the scene-he stroked one hand across his erection and turned his a.s.s to Carl. "How do you like my new panties? I wore them just for your homecoming, darling." He strode back and forth in front of Carl, modeling the underwear for him.

Carl watched with greedy eyes. His c.o.c.k hung limply through the fly opening of his slacks. He reached one hand out and pulled Jonni against his side. He ran his hand across his chest and lowered it to his crotch.

"I've missed you dressing up for me."

Jonni smiled and placed one fingertip on Carl's lips. "My gentle director, you have the role of my lover." He giggled and pressed his body to Carl's side.

"I was an actor before I became a director." Carl laughed 210 eXtasy's Collective Mind deep in his throat.

An arched brow rose. "This is by far the greatest role of my life." He pressed his chest to Carl's s.h.i.+rt front and leaned in to kiss him. Surprise shot through him when Carl raised his hand and grasped the back of his head, taking command of the kiss.

His mouth was hot and pressed hard against Jonni's lips. He delved his tongue inside and slicked its tip along his gum. He beckoned to his tongue and sucked it inside his mouth.

Jonni's senses soared out of control. Carl was every bit the lover he wanted and needed. He gave himself over to his sensual kisses, pressing his lean body into his suit-clad form, reveling in the intimacy they shared. His c.o.c.k pushed into Carl's crotch, urging his hand to grasp and fondle.

They moaned in unison as Carl pushed down Jonni's silk bikini and stroked his hard shaft. Momentarily he dropped to his knees and sucked his c.o.c.k inside his mouth. He fondled his b.a.l.l.s and made little mewing sounds as he sucked and sucked, giving Jonni the o.r.g.a.s.m he had long awaited.

He couldn't help but release a low pleasurable moan when he shot his wad. It felt so exquisite, so wonderful and incredible. He gazed down at the famous head clasped against his crotch and smiled through his ecstasy. Of all the men to have s.e.x with-he felt privileged to be sucked off by the great Carl Montgomery!

He didn't want to pull out of Carl's hot mouth, he wanted to stay right there, his body rigid in the middle of the dressing room, his hands clasping his n.o.ble head, his c.o.c.k in his mouth-forever- A knock sounded on the closed door, startling them both.

Jonni darted his eyes toward the clock on the wall and discovered it was nearing time for the curtain to rise. He tried to gather his senses-tried to ready himself mentally for the upcoming role he was cast to play. He released Carl's head and 211 Violet Visions turned to pick up his costume from the dressing table. Glimpsing his reflection in the mirror, he saw his lipstick was smudged and his powder blush ran across his cheeks from the beads of sweat on his face.

Panic overtook his body. His legs trembled as he stepped out of the silky bikini panty tangled around his ankles. He was due on stage in five minutes! He couldn't be late for his debut!

"Let me help you."

Steady hands took the net costume from his grasp and held it while he poked one leg inside, then the other. Raising the garment to his waist, he poked his arms inside the sleeves while Carl smiled at him and spoke soft words of encouragement.

"You are going to be a big hit, Jonni. The audience will adore you." He stroked his shaved head while he helped him place his headdress in the right position. "You look the part of Queen Niven! You're lovely." He leaned toward him and pressed his lips against his. "I have other roles in mind for you. Together we will take Broadway by storm."

Jonni laughed suddenly. He pulled in a steadying breath.

"Do you mean it? We shall be a team-director and-"

"Star, Jonni. You are my star. Now, go out there and wow the audience."

Jonni's insides were shaking. The most wonderful thing had just occurred and he could barely contain his emotions. He wanted to fling himself into Carl's arms and- He stroked one finger across Carl's lips, removing the trace of lipstick from their kiss.

"I must hurry."

He left the dressing room on quick feet, anxious to take his place upon the alien throne. This would be the greatest debut of his life-but certainly not the last. He felt victorious for having gained the lead role-and grateful to Carl for giving him the 212 eXtasy's Collective Mind opportunity. Glancing over his shoulder, he returned the smile Carl aimed at him.

"Break a leg, Jonni!"


Violet Visions Psiber By Viola Grace is hands trembled as he opened the door. The room on the H other side slowly came to light as he moved into the open s.p.a.ce. His clothing was left in the previous room, he was nude and uncertain.

A lavender hue took over his senses as he took a seat in the chair in the center of the room, as instructed. It conformed to his body and he instantly relaxed. It was so soothing.

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