Terran Times - Violet Visions Part 13

Terran Times - Violet Visions -

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Closing his eyes, he shook his head and sighed. "I don't hurt women."

"You wanted to kill my priestess."

"Wanting and doing are two separate things, lady. For instance," he turned and waved his arm. "I've wanted to throw you down on that bed and nail you like a two-by-four since we got to this room, but I haven't."

She stared up at him, confused. "Nail me?"

He stepped closer, his large muscles rippling beneath his bronzed skin. Bending, he brought his head closer, his eyes nearly level with hers.

"It means that I would like to bang you, screw you, f.u.c.k your brains out."

"Oh!" Her body heated and moisture gathered between her legs. Even now her body was ready, willing for him to slide his hard member into her and bring her to her woman's pleasure.

Although an o.r.g.a.s.m was the only way to become fertile, all thoughts of procreation flew from her mind the minute he removed his clothing.

All she imagined, the only thing she could envision was the 103 Violet Visions moment he chose to enter her slick channel and make her his. If he kept this up, she would willingly submit to him, here and now.

His very aura overpowered hers and was an aphrodisiac of its own.

Not once since her mate pa.s.sed had another male so completely overwhelmed her senses as this male did so effortlessly. Shar'Tule was tempted, very tempted, to ignore the laws of her people and submit to his domination in all things.

"Can we get on with this? I'm dying to slide my c.o.c.k inside you."

So her new favorite wasn't immune to her mating scent. Very good. Perhaps he would lose his control soon and do just what she'd been fantasizing.

"Do all the males on your world act as dominant as you?" she asked, running her hands along his biceps as she inspected her new plaything.

"For me it's not an act," he said with a shrug, turning his head as she circled around him. He sighed again at her raised eyebrow. "I don't know. I suppose. On my world, the men are dominant. It's a patriarchal society."

She snorted disdainfully. "Utter stupidity. Dominant males are only good in bed." She shook her head. "Worlds such as yours war constantly amongst themselves, killing each other. The men can't control the urge to kill for what they wish to possess." She set the dor rod on the table next to the bed. "The women of this world seized the power from the males over three thousand years ago. We have not had one war in that time."

She licked her lips and looked up into his eyes. Something in her gaze must have told him what she wanted. He moved quickly after she released his bonds. He moved so fast, the fear of what he might do caused her to tremble and her nether parts to quiver with need.


eXtasy's Collective Mind He pinned her against the wall and held her wrists above her head. She made a show of struggling until he bent his head and covered her mouth with his and the wet velvet of his tongue slid against her lips. He pressed the lower half of his body against her. She whimpered and opened her mouth to deepen the kiss.

He released her wrists, reached down, and lifted her.

"Wrap your legs around my waist," he growled, then suckled the hardened peak of her breast into his warm mouth. She did as he ordered then bit her lip and groaned when he ground his bulge into the tender flesh between her legs.

Rafe buried his head between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and inhaled deeply.

"I love the way you smell. It makes me crazy."

Shar'Tule wrapped her arms around his head, and held on as he continued to grind his shaft against her heated flesh.

"Rafe!" she screamed, when he reached down and slid his thumb through her wet slit and circled her c.l.i.t.

"I love that you're so wet for me."

"Yes," she keened. "Talk to me. Tell me..."

"Tell you what?" he asked, before he suckled the lobe of her ear into his mouth. "Tell you what I'm going to do to you? How I long to bury my c.o.c.k in your hot mouth, pound into your hot p.u.s.s.y and tight a.s.s?"


He reached between them, positioning his c.o.c.k against her dripping channel. Hot cream covered her nether lips and coated his ma.s.sive c.o.c.k as he slid into her.

She gurgled incoherently as he seated himself deep within her. Never in her life had she ever been with a male as forceful, dominant or big as he. He withdrew slowly, sliding from her inch, by slow inch. When he withdrew almost completely, he ground his hips against her again, circling his hips against hers as he rammed himself inside her.


Violet Visions His large shaft drove into her, stretching her. She groaned against his chest as he held her hips and rammed his shaft into her aching channel. Oh, yes. Her new favorite would serve her well. Te'Lam had not been telling her a mistruth. She was certain Rafe would take her to her pleasure many times this night.

The cold wall at her back and hot male at her front only served to help her on her journey to her o.r.g.a.s.m. She would come soon. She felt it. His large, velvet over steel shaft drove inside her as she held his head to her breast and keened his name to the heavens.

He wrapped his arms around her and strode to the bed, his c.o.c.k still buried deep within her. When he reached the bed, he lifted her from his shaft and dropped her on the coverlet.

"Roll over and get on your hands and knees."

She did as he demanded with no question. This is what she wanted. What she needed to reach her pleasure, to procreate.

Still she did it only for the pleasure she knew he would bring her.

Shar'Tule waited as he knelt behind her, his fingers alternately kneading and caressing her behind. His fingers slid into her channel, probing both her a.s.s and her p.u.s.s.y as her slick cream coated his hand.

Slowly, Rafe slid his c.o.c.k back into her tight channel with his fingers still buried in her a.s.s. She groaned, growing closer to her climax, closer to her ovulation.

"Isn't this enough, s.l.u.t?" He growled, still pumping his shaft into her as his fingers wriggled in the tight recesses of her a.s.s.

His movements became strained, jerky as she realized he was nearing his own climax and she had still yet to reach her own.

Disappointment washed through her when his breath hitched and she realized even this wonderful specimen couldn't bring her to her pleasure.

"Please," she cried, uncaring that she begged him for release.


eXtasy's Collective Mind "Please don't. I haven't..."

"Oh, no you don't," he snarled as he rammed himself into her again and again. "You're going to come for me, you b.i.t.c.h. I want to feel your c.u.n.t spasm around my c.o.c.k, gripping it while I shoot my load into your tight p.u.s.s.y. Do you hear me?"

A sharp crack and a stinging sensation on her a.s.s made her scream. But not with pain.

"Yes!" she keened as he slapped her a.s.s again. The added sensation and the knowledge that he was well and truly a dominant male, finally sent her to her pleasure and she screamed. "Rafe, yes. f.u.c.k me!"

Still on her knees, she pushed back as he drove forward, heightening her pleasure. He pounded into her. Ruthless in his pa.s.sion, he drilled her with abandon. Her nether parts twitched and tingled. Heat and power moved through her, and still he rode her.

Thrust after powerful thrust, his strong hands gripped her hips, his fingers digging into her until she was sure bruises would form on her skin. Yet, she didn't care. She couldn't care.

This powerful dominant male had lost his control.

Had she ever felt this empowered? By giving up her control, hadn't she regained it tenfold? Her heart beat in a maddening rhythm as he drove into her. She pushed back against him frantically matching each of his powerful forward thrusts.

Power built in her body, as it finally produced a fertile egg.

Sweat soaked their skin as their bodies clashed together. His frenzied thrusting increased and still Rafe didn't stop, didn't slow. Each stroke buried him harder and deeper into her.

When an aura of blinding white light surrounded them, she knew. She knew with everything in her that a child would come of this mating, of this loving. No, not a child. Two. She screamed out another release and her triumph as he finally gripped her 107 Violet Visions hips and growled behind her.

Twenty-five summers later...

The Throne Room of Copa Chrystal Palace on the planet of Talea...

Starr al Shar'Rafe, the current Sheika, sat on the purple webbed dais and chewed her nails. It was a deplorable habit she knew.

One she picked up from her earther father. It had been less than a year since her brother was killed in a hovercraft accident. Yet, the priestesses were adamant. She must produce an heir. Since her mother and father never had another son, it fell to her as twin of the king to produce another heir for her people.

With her mother's suggestion still fresh in her mind she pondered her dilemma. Like her mother before her, she was unable to find her woman's pleasure from the Talean men. Either they were too small or they simply didn't have enough stamina to satisfy her. Should she listen to her mother and send her priestesses back to her father's planet? How would he feel about her following in her mother's footsteps so thoroughly? She had to know, which was why she had summoned her father.

The High Priestess showed him into the chamber. He stood below the dais, his hands behind his back. If she gazed upon him with a critical eye, even she could see what it was her mother saw in him. Even at forty-nine summers, her father was still a powerfully handsome male.

"You wanted to see me, peanut?"

She blushed at the endearment. He hadn't called her that in at least five summers.

"Yes, father." She slid forward on the dais, waited for the 108 eXtasy's Collective Mind spidery vines to release her, then slid from the symbiotic plant to approach her father. "As you know, the priestesses require me to produce an heir." She cleared her throat. "I have been having trouble and mother suggested I send the priestesses back to Earth to find me a male. I wanted to know your thoughts on this."

He paced in front of her obviously upset. "I can't tell you to do that, darlin'. I won't tell you to send your priestesses to Earth to rip a man from his home, from everything he knows, just to further your planet's welfare."

She nodded. "These are your thoughts?"

"Yes. Those are my thoughts. If you were hoping for my blessing, I cannot and will not give it." He turned and left the chamber without a backward glance.

Now what would she do?


Violet Visions Loving the Sheika By Bonnie Rose Leigh tarr looked around her in ut er amazement. Never had she S seen such glorious trees. They stood so tal she had to crane her neck to see them and still their tops were well beyond her sight. The green leaves swayed gently in the breeze, and the rough white bark on their trunks astonished her.

She turned to her High Priestess in awe. "Have you ever seen such things before, Te'Lam?"

She gave Starr an indulgent smile. It was only then she remembered that of course Te'Lam had seen these wondrous things before. She'd been the one to bring her earther father to Talea to begin with. "How foolish of me. You must still think me naught but a child."

"Don't be silly, Sheika. You may be young, and full of joy and exuberance, but a child you are not. Once you find your mate, you'll find your center. Only then, will you become the woman you are meant to be."

"You are so wise, and yet, I fear that even were I to find a 110 eXtasy's Collective Mind mate here on my father's home world and bring him home with me as my consort, that I'll never truly fit in on Talea."

Te'Lam looked at her the way she'd done since Starr was but a babe, as though she could see straight into her soul and know all her secret fears and fantasies. "Is that your belief, Sheika?

Truly and honestly?"

She could feel her eyes well with tears. She snorted and turned her back on her High Priestess. On Talea it was forbidden to appear weak, and crying in front of others could definitely be construed as such. "I cannot but think back on my father's words before I left home, Te'Lam."

"And what did he tell you, my Sheika?"

After making sure her eyes were no longer teary, Starr turned back toward her advisor. She could blame her emotional responses on her father's earther heritage if anyone questioned her, though no one would dare. And even that thought depressed her. She just wanted to be respected for herself, not her position.

And loved. What she wouldn't give to have a loving mate, an equal to rule by her side, not forced to stand behind her as custom dictates. Was that so very much to ask?

She sighed, tucking her hands in the front pockets of the rough trews her father favored. She knew Te'Lam awaited her answer, so she kept all trace of sadness and confusion out of her voice when she again spoke. "He said, 'Do what makes you happy, peanut. Don't worry about what is expected of you. Just follow your heart.'"

Starr once again tipped her head toward the heavens, amazed at the beauty all around her. Millions of twinkling stars hung above her head, s.h.i.+ning their light upon her. It felt like a benediction. It felt like she'd finally come home.

"And what does your heart say, Sheika?"

Could she be honest with her? Could she for once voice her 111 Violet Visions true feelings without worrying about what others felt, what others thought? She swallowed past the thick knot in her throat. "My heart says I'm finally where I'm supposed to be." She turned to ask her closest advisor, "Is that crazy?"

Te'Lam tilted her head, a secretive smile wreathed her face.

"I think you'll be just fine now, Sheika."

What did she mean by that? Darkness seemed to be falling fast. Soon it would be too dark to see the trail that led outside these protected woods. They had no time to tarry so she couldn't find out either. With regret, she changed the subject. "As you've been here before, I will follow where you lead. I trust your judgment, Te'Lam."

Her High Priestess nodded and turned toward the narrow trail they'd follow into town. Starr gingerly followed, unused to walking on such forested terrain. "How will I find a mate, Te'Lam?"

"You must go to where the men congregate. It is the quickest way. We must first find suitable lodging and clothing for your search. Only then will you be ready to start your mate hunt."

"And you know where we can go about finding such things?"

she asked, moving a large branch out of her way as she continued to trail behind her advisor.

"Much has already been taken care of."

Starr raised startled eyes, trying to penetrate the inky darkness and glimpse her priestess' face, though that was impossible with Te'Lam in front of her. "What do you mean, High Priestess?"

"Your mother had me make arrangements for all potential mates taken from their worlds. For those who were sent back home with their memories of Talea wiped clean, she didn't want to leave them with no place to call their own."

"So she wasn't completely ruthless then?" Relief swam 112 eXtasy's Collective Mind through Starr. For so long she'd been upset at her mother's apparent cruelty to take what she wanted without thought for other's wants and needs.

"No she wasn't. Though the males did not know we'd made arrangements for them. She disrupted their lives enough by taking them from all they knew and loved. She would not do more harm by leaving them homeless upon their return."

Perhaps thinking she'd said enough, Te'Lam dropped the subject. "You will stay in your father's home. A caretaker has lived there for many years, awaiting his return."

"And where will the caretaker live?"

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