Terran Times - Violet Visions Part 12

Terran Times - Violet Visions -

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"How many men have you illusion-f.u.c.ked?" he whispered.

"I don't know," she said. "Does it matter?"

"No...just that you want it so bad and never had it. Like me.

Holo-f.u.c.ks lose their appeal, much like an illusion f.u.c.k, I suppose."


Reilly bent forward and rested above her on an elbow and knees. Smiling, he stretched down and took one erect nipple into his mouth, his tongue swirling and lavering, his teeth gently nibbling. He continued to finger f.u.c.k her as he worked on one breast and then the other. He felt the first ripple of climax-hers or his? And held it at bay.

She groaned-he groaned.

Reilly kissed down her ribcage, down across the flat plain of her stomach, reaching her p.u.s.s.y.

"p.u.s.s.y?" she asked.

"You're reading my mind?"

"Of course. Why do you call my anatomy p.u.s.s.y?"

Reilly laughed against her curls. "Because I can make it purr when I lap it."

"You can't!"

Reilly leaned forward and took her into the most intimate of 95 Violet Visions kisses, his tongue lavering and scrolling, his teeth gently grazing.

She writhed from side to side, holding his head between her palms. He entered a finger into her, teasing and ma.s.saging, finding the places that caused the most intense pleasure-he felt it as she felt it, they shared the pleasure of the other until Reilly wasn't sure where he left off and she began.

Gently he pulled away from her and kissed her flesh, traveling up to her mouth, taking his weight from her with knees and elbows.

Slowly, Carmen transformed into Lorelei, all purple and silver. Her hair s.h.i.+mmered to purple, her eyes became the darkest violet.

"How can you do this, without your dome?"

"I am a dreamer, a witch."

"That explains it? Well, you don't have to transform on my account...I liked you when you were plain."

She laughed. "And that, Reilly, is why I am here with you, now. Because you wanted me when I was ugly-that was an illusion."

"I want the real woman, not the illusion."

"Most men want the illusion."

"I'm not most men," he said huskily. "Carmen."

Reilly ran his mouth over her body, tasting purple...he paused. How can a color have taste? He felt her laughter in his mind. Carmen and he were one and on her world color had taste... He probed her navel with his tongue and she moaned.

He traveled lower and he heard her purr.

"I told you I would make you purr, Carmen!"

Her eyelids fluttered open. He kissed her deeply. "I taste myself," she said.

"Does that shock you?"

"Oh no. But I will taste you, too."


eXtasy's Collective Mind "Later. For now, we're going to rock and roll."

She frowned. "What is this?"

"Sweetheart, I'll show you."

"No," she whispered. "I'll show you."

As Reilly entered her, his c.o.c.k spreading her wide, finding her deepest recesses, her song curled into his mind, heightening every cell, touching all of her...

I am yo r ur d eam, your de r sire, you on-what is it you want of me? Name it, I can do it, be all things for you. Just tell me what you want...

"This is what I want," Reilly said and moved against her.

"Wrap your legs around me, hold me hard."

"This is rock and roll?"

"Oh man, yeah!"

Reilly wrapped his mind around hers as her ankles crossed and held him at the small of his back.

He heard her singing, a deeper, more intimate song, one of pa.s.sion, of futures and possibilities and of love ...

She was the lorelei, and he was the sailor, both traversing a different sea and as they cried and moaned and loved, their thoughts and bodies merged so that only one thought held sway of pleasure given and received, a pa.s.sion among the stars that burned brighter than any supernova.


Violet Visions Servicing the Sheika By Tianna Xander heika Shar'Tule sat on her dais, the same soft color of Copa S lilies and looked out over her Serai with disdain. Not one of them had the thickness, length, or stamina to bring her to her pleasure. Not one of them would ever get her with child.

Turning, she looked to her High Priestess-a tall woman like herself, dressed in the same soft purple as the copa lilies and frowned.

"None of these chupas will ever bring me to my pleasure.

How do you and your priestesses expect me to get with child?"

She reached down and petted her favorite on his head. "You try, don't you, El'nono? You have tried many times and you have nearly succeeded." She turned an almost feral gaze out to the rest of the males gathered around her.

"I am tired, Na'apal. I am sick to death of f.u.c.king men just to hear their cries of delight while I still remain untouched by my own pleasure. Send your priestesses out to other worlds. Have them test the males before they bring them to me. Have them be 98 eXtasy's Collective Mind sure each and every one of the males you bring back can bring a woman of our race to her pleasure. I want only the biggest males of each species. Those in their prime. None more than thirty to forty summers."

She smiled a sad smile and reached up to pat her headdress.

"I do not want one older than that. My own Tule was fifty summers when he pa.s.sed over and remember what bringing me to my pleasure cost him. I just wish that the last time would have at least brought him a son, then I could have rested. But, as before, I had naught but another daughter." She stared up at the priestess. "Go. Now."

She clapped her hands and El'nono jumped to do her bidding.

"Take me to bed, my favorite. Perhaps tonight will be our lucky night."

Na'apal watched as the Sheika took her current favorite to her sleeping chamber. Only once their ruler disappeared behind her chamber doors, did she turn toward her priestesses and novitiates.

"You heard your queen. You shall each head toward a separate star system, scour all the life-giving planets and bring back a prime specimen for the Sheika's harreem. The Priestess who brings back her mate, will take my place as High Priestess when she steps down from the throne."

She clapped her hands together, signaling her desire for her devotees to leave the room, so that she could have her pick of the Serai. Did she want one man for tonight or perhaps a menage would better satisfy her carnal needs?

"Come with me, worthless male!" the tiny priestess said, jerking 99 Violet Visions the chain attached to the shackles on the man she pushed in front of her. The large dor rod glowed brightly in her hand as she reached out to prod him forward with it.

He was not happy. He jumped and moved forward when she touched him with the rod, but didn't make a sound. He merely glared back at her, giving her a look that clearly stated he would shove it somewhere painful if he ever got hold of it.

Sheika Shar'Tule sat forward on her throne. Spidery spindles of the purple Copa vines wrapped lovingly around her back. The symbiotic plant that held her within its secure web, gently released her as she neared the edge of the seat. She straightened her headdress and purple mesh sarong that barely covered her woman's places and addressed her priestess.

"Te'Lam, what have you brought for my pleasure?" Standing, she moved slowly down the few steps to circle the large man.

"Good, very good. I am compelled to look up at him. Did he bring you to your woman's pleasure?"

"Yes, Sheika," she replied. Her face colored prettily as she gazed on the man with longing. "He brought me to my pleasure many, many times."

Shar'Tule raised her brow. "Many times in one night?" She circled around him again and reached out to grasp a firm b.u.t.tock. "Such a treasure you are." Leaning closer, she whispered in his ear. "If you bring me to my pleasure and gift me with a male child, then perhaps I will release you. Would you like that?"

He jerked against his chains, his muscles bulging with the strain of his exertions. "I would like to be in a room alone with her, in the dark." He pointed at Te'Lam before his gaze returned to her. She smiled as she watched the fire flare in his eyes. There were few who could resist her beauty.

The priestess shrank back behind Shar'Tule, still holding the 100 eXtasy's Collective Mind dor rod in a firm grip.

"He wishes to kill me, Sheika."

"d.a.m.n straight, I do." He glared at her, his black eyes menacing. "No man likes to take a woman home for a good, old-fas.h.i.+oned screw and wake up chained in some G.o.dforsaken cell being hauled to who knows where."

He pulled at his bonds again and his pectoral muscles rippled with the effort. His ebony hair fell over his bronzed face and Shar'Tule s.h.i.+vered with constrained desire.

"Where are you from, my favorite?" She heard El'nono gasp behind her and ignored his muttered pleas.

The male's eyes narrowed as she sauntered around him. Her nipples peaked when her gaze lowered to the telltale bulge beneath his rough trews. The color, similar to her own royal colors, made her curious.

"Are you a king?"

The male snorted. "Only of my castle, lady."

"A fitting mate for one such as myself." She continued to circle around him. He stood immobile, only his head and eyes turned to follow her movement.

Shar'Tule turned to her priestess.

"His..." she ran her hand up his solid arm to his shoulder, then down his back. His muscles quivered beneath her soft touch. "...I wish to know his size, Te'Lam." She knew her allure.

She knew no male could resist her charm and any who could, would only be that much more of a challenge.

Te'Lam stepped forward, just out of his reach. "He is nearly as long and thick as my forearm, Sheika."

Shar'Tule felt her eyes widen as she gazed down at the tiny forearm that was still quite large for a male's c.o.c.k. "Truly?" She swallowed and cleared her throat. "My favorite, what a treasure you truly must be. Perhaps I shall keep you after all."


Violet Visions She ran her hands down the front of his rough trews and felt his man-part grow and thicken beneath her hand. "Oh, my. I see my priestess didn't exaggerate. Perhaps I should take you to my chambers now, rather than wait for the moons to reach their zenith." She took the lead chain and the dor rod from her priestess and led him from the room.

Heat radiated from the male as he strode next to her. She looked up at him. "Why do you not struggle against me?" He glanced down at her an unreadable look in his eyes as he ambled beside her. He acted as though he had no cares in the world.

This male certainty intrigued her. His att.i.tude, his size, his...rough manner. How rough will he be, I wonder?

"What good would it do me? I have no idea where I am or how to get home." He shrugged, reached down to grab his still growing bulge and smiled. "Besides, you gave me this raging hard-on and, since you seemed willing, I figured you could help me get rid of it. There's always time for thinking of escape later."

Shar'Tule led him into her room. The welcoming scent of the bed made of Copa vines permeated the chamber. She removed her mesh covering and turned to him, offering herself to him like a gift. This was the one place, the only place she would ever relinquish control to a male who was not King. A king was always the son of the queen. Any other male was just a device for breeding an heir.

"In this chamber only, you may call me Shar. What is your name, my favorite?" she asked on a gasp as he buried his face between her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Rafe," his growled response and frenzied suckling excited her more fully and she wrapped her arms around his head, 102 eXtasy's Collective Mind drawing him close.

"Remove your trews, I would touch you."

He pulled back, meeting her gaze with confusion.

"Oh!" His face split in a wonderful grin that made her nether parts quiver with need. He removed the constraining material and Shar'Tule licked her lips.

"You're so very large." She could only hope he would instinctively know what to do to bring her to her pleasure for she was bound by the laws of her people to never speak of such a thing. A female was always strong, always dominant. She could not admit to being anything less. To wanting less. "Will you try to harm me if I release you from your bonds?"

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