The Bath Tatting Book Part 1

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The Bath Tatting Book.

by P. P.


_Raised Cornflower for the First Doyley. Ardern's crochet cotton No. 8 and Pin No. 2._

_1st Row._ Begin an oval, work 2 D (L, 2 D 8 times) draw up, but not quite close. Begin another oval, at a short distance from the last, 2 D join to the last L of 1st oval, 2 D (L, 2 D 7 times) draw up, and work 3 more similar ovals.

_2nd Row._ Turn the work down. Tie to the foundation of the last oval.

Begin an oval 2 R D (L, 2 R D 6 times) draw up, not quite close. Tie to the foundation of the next oval. Begin another oval, 2 R D join to the last L of the last oval, 2 R D (L, 2 R D 5 times) draw up. Tie to the foundation of the next oval, and work 2 more similar ovals.

_3rd Row._ Turn the work up. Tie to the foundation of the last oval of the 2nd Row. Begin an oval, 2 D (L, 2 D 4 times) draw up. Tie to the foundation of the next oval, and work 2 more similar ovals.

_4th Row._ _Plain ovals._ Turn the work down. Tie to the foundation of the last oval of the 3rd Row. Begin an oval, 9 D, L, 9 D draw close; tie to the foundation of the same, oval as before. Repeat, tying to the remaining 2 ovals of 3rd Row.

Then tie to the thread between the last oval of the 2nd Row and the 1st of the 3rd. Tie the threads together and fasten off.

_5th Row._ _Fill the figured shuttle with Evan's Boar's-head, No. 18._ Pa.s.s this cotton through the L of the 1st oval of 4th Row, until about 1/2 a yard is through; twist this thread round the little finger and work 1 D (L, 1 D 4 times), tie to the L of the 2nd oval of 4th Row. (L, 1 D 5 times) tie to the L of the 3rd oval--fasten off. Six corn-flowers are required for this Doyley.

_Centre-piece of the 1st Doyley._

_Fill both shuttles. The plain with No. 8. The figured with No. 18. Pin No. 2._

Tie these cottons together, and with the plain shuttle thread round the little finger work 6 D. Begin an oval with the figured shuttle, 2 R D.

(L, 2 R D 9 times) draw up tight. * With the plain shuttle thread round the little finger, 6 D. Begin an oval, with the figured shuttle, 2 R D (L, 2 R D 3 times) join to the 6th L of last oval, 2 R D (L, 2 R D 5 times) draw tight, and Repeat 10 times from *. Work 6 D, as before, and Begin the 12th oval, 2 R D (L, 2 R D 3 times) join to the 6th L of last oval; 2 R D, L, 2 R D join to the 4th L of the 1st oval; 2 R D (L, 2 R D 3 times) draw tight; and fasten off by drawing the fine cotton through the s.p.a.ce near the 1st st.i.tch, and tying.

_To work in the centre._

Take a piece of No. 8 cotton; draw it, in loops, through each of the 12 centre loops of the ovals, and pa.s.s the other end of this cotton 3 times through each loop--fasten off.

_For the foundation of the

_Fill the plain shuttle with No. 8_, and measure off 2 lengths of 1 1/2 yards each; tie the 3 ends together. With the 1st length twisted round the little finger work 2 D, L, 2 D, then put the second round the little finger, leave a little s.p.a.ce, and work 2 R D, L, 2 R D; repeat until there are 66 Ls on each side. Fasten it neatly into a circle, by untying the first knot and sewing the threads to each other.

_To unite this strip to the centre-piece._

_1st. Row._ _Fill both shuttles and join._ With the figured shuttle thread round the little finger make a L with the plain shuttle thread; 3 D join to _any_ L of the strip, 3 D; L, with the plain shuttle thread; 3 D join to the 1st s.p.a.ce to the right of the last join. 3 D (L with the plain shuttle thread; 3 D join to the next L to the right; 3 D 4 times).

Begin an oval, with the figured shuttle, 3 D join to the next 2 Ls of the strip; 3 D draw tight; 3 D join to the next L of the strip; 3 D tie to the last L of plain shuttle thread; 3 D join to the next L of the strip; 3 D tie to the last L, but one, of plain shuttle thread (3 D join to the next L of the strip; 3 D, L, with the plain shuttle thread; twice); 3 D join to the s.p.a.ce, next the last L to which you joined, 3 D.

Repeat this row 6 times, or until all the Ls of the strip have been joined in.

_In the repet.i.tions, read "the next" instead of "any" in the first join._

_2nd Row._ Hold the work in the hand, and between each oval continue working with the figured shuttle thread round the little finger. 3 D, L, 3 D tie to the last L of plain shuttle thread, 3 D. Begin a plain oval with the figured shuttle, 3 D, L, 3 D draw tight. 3 D tie to the next L of plain shuttle thread, 3 D. Take the figured shuttle and tie to the L of the plain oval, leaving about 1/4 inch of cotton. Begin an oval (close to this tie), 7 D, take the centre circle and join to the s.p.a.ce over any of its ovals; 7 D draw tight. Tie as before to the L of the plain oval; 3 D tie to the next L of plain shuttle thread, 3 D. Begin a plain oval, with the figured shuttle; 3 D join to the L of the 1st plain oval (this will be the 3rd tie in the same L); 3 D draw tight. 3 D tie to the next plain shuttle L; 3 D, L, 3 D tie to the next plain shuttle L, 3 D. Begin an oval with the figured shuttle; 3 D join to the next s.p.a.ce (to the right) of the centre piece; 3 D draw tight. 3 D tie to the next L of plain shuttle thread; and repeat this row 6 times, or until you have joined to the 12 s.p.a.ces of the centre circle--fasten off.


_To unite this Star and the Cornflowers._

_1st Row._ _Fill both shuttles as before, and join the threads._ With the figured shuttle thread round the little finger. Make a L with the plain shuttle thread, 3 D; and holding the work so as to fall over the back of the hand, join to that L of the strip which is the 1st of the two at the bottom of the; then join to the 2nd of these two Ls 3 D (L, with the plain shuttle thread; 3 D join to the next L of the strip, 3 D 4 times); L with the plain shuttle thread; 3 D join to the s.p.a.ce of the strip, next the last L to which you joined, 3 D; L with the plain shuttle thread; 3 D join to the next L of the strip 3 D; L with the plain shuttle thread; 3 D join to the next s.p.a.ce of the strip, 3 D (L with the plain shuttle thread, 3 D join to the next L of the strip, 3 D 4 times), and repeat the row 6 times.

_2nd Row._ Hold the work in the hand, with the figured shuttle thread round the little finger. Tie to the 1st plain shuttle L; 3 D, L, 3 D tie to the last plain shuttle L, 3 D. Begin a figured shuttle oval; 3 D, take a cornflower and join to the 1st L of its 5th row; 3 D draw tight.

With the figured shuttle thread round the little finger; 3 D tie to the next plain shuttle L, 3 D, L, 3 D tie to the next plain shuttle L; 3 D join to the 5th L of the last oval of the 1st row of the cornflower; 3 D tie to the next plain shuttle L (3 D, L 4 times;) 3 D tie to the next plain shuttle L; 3 D (L, 3 D 6 times) tie to the next plain shuttle L; 3 D (L, 3 D 4 times) tie to the next plain shuttle L; 3 D join to the 3rd L of the 1st oval of 1st row of the next cornflower; 3 D tie to the next plain shuttle L, 3 D. L, 3 D, tie to the next plain shuttle L; 3 D.

Begin an oval with the figured shuttle; 3 D join to the last L of the 5th row of this cornflower; 3 D draw tight. With the figured shuttle thread round the little finger; 3 D tie to the next plain shuttle L; 3 D, L, 3 D tie to the next plain shuttle L, 2 D. Begin a figured shuttle oval; 9 D join to the centre L of the 5th row of this cornflower; 9 D draw tight. With the figured shuttle thread round the little finger, 2 D. And repeat 6 times, or until all the cornflowers are joined in--when the Doyley will be complete.


_Fill the Plain Shuttle with Ardern's crochet cotton No. 8, and the figured with Evan's Boar's-head No. 18, tie these threads together; Pin No. 2._

_For the Chrysanthemums._

_1st Circle._ With the plain shuttle thread round the little finger (1 D, L 6 times).

_2nd Circle._ Tie to the 1st L (L, 1 D, L, 1 D tie to the next L 6 times).

_3rd Circle._ (L, 1 D, tie to the next L 12 times.)

_4th Circle._ (L, 1 D. Begin a plain shuttle oval; 4 D draw tight; tie to the next L 12 times.)

_5th Circle._ (L, 1 D, L, 1 D, and tie in the same Ls as the 4th Circle; 12 times.)

_6th & 7th Circles._ (L, 1 D tie to the next L [or Ls made in the 5th and 6th circles] 48 times.)

_8th Circle._ (1 D, L 5 times); 1 D attach to the 4th L of the 5th circle. Attach to the 6th L of the 5th circle (1 R D, L 5 times); 1 R D (attach to the next L but 1, of the 7th circle, twice). Repeat 6 times from the beginning of the 8th circle, attaching successively to the 8th and 10th, 12th and 14th, 16th and 18th, 20th and 22nd, 24th and 2nd, loops of the 5th circle. Tie together and fasten off. Work 6 similar chrysanthemums.

_For the intermediate Designs._

_Fill the plain shuttle with No. 8 cotton, and without cutting off from the skein._--Begin a plain oval; 9 D, L, 9 D draw tight. Work 2 more similar ovals close to each other. With the skein thread round the little finger work 1 R D (L, 1 R D 14 times). Begin a looped oval (1 D, L 15 times); 1 D draw tight and tie round the foundation thread of this oval. With the skein thread round the little finger (L, 1 R D 8 times).

Begin a 2nd looped oval (1 D, L 5 times); 1 D join to the 10th L of last oval; 1 D (L, 1 D 7 times) draw tight, and tie as before. With the skein thread round the little finger (L, 1 R D 10 times); 10 single st.i.tches; tie to the 2nd L, after the join, of last oval; 20 single st.i.tches tie to the thread above the 3 plain ovals (1 D, L 14 times), 1 D. Begin a looped oval (1 R D, L 15 times); 1 R D draw tight, and tie as before.

With the skein thread round the little finger (L, 1 D 8 times). Begin a looped oval, 1 R D (L, 1 R D 5 times) join to the 10th L of last oval; 1 R D, L, 1 R D join to the s.p.a.ce between the 10 and 20 single st.i.tches; 1 R D (L, 1 R D 5 times) draw tight, and tie as before. With the skein thread round the little finger (L, 1 D 9 times) draw 1 thread through the L before the beginning of the single st.i.tches, and fasten off. Work 6 similar designs.

_To join the Chrysanthemums and the Designs._

_Fill the figured shuttle with Evan's Boar's-head, No. 18; and do not sever from the reel._--Taking care to hold the design with the right side up; tie to the 3rd L of the 1st 9. With the reel cotton round the little finger, 2 D (L, 2 D 8 times). Begin an oval, 10 D join to the L before the beginning of the single st.i.tches; 10 D draw tight, and tie round the foundation thread. With the reel cotton round the little finger (L, 2 D 9 times) tie to the 3rd L of the 2nd 9 of the design; 2 D (L, 2 D 4 times), take a chrysanthemum and join to any L of its 7th circle, not yet joined to; 2 D (L, 2 D 3 times) tie to the 6th L of the 2nd 8 of the design; 2 D (L, 2 D 4 times) join to the next unjoined L of the chrysanthemum, to the right; 2 D (L, 2 D 3 times) tie to the 1st L of the 2nd 8 of the design; 2 D (L, 2 D 8 times). Begin an oval, 8 D join to the 11th L of the 2nd 14 of the design, 8 D draw tight and tie as before. With the reel thread round the little finger (L, 2 D 6 times) attach to the L of the 1st plain oval of the design. Begin an oval, 8 D, L, 8 D draw tight. Attach to the L of the 3rd oval of the 2nd and in succession to the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 1st designs. With the reel thread round the little finger, work 2 D tie with the reel thread, successively, to each of the 6 last Ls, working 2 D after each tie.

Begin an oval, 8 D join to the 11th L of the 1st 14 of the last design joined to; 8 D draw tight and tie as before. Tie with the reel thread to the next 4 Ls, and work 2 D between each tie; (L, 2 D 4 times) tie to the 1st L of the 1st 8 of the same design; 2 D (L, 2 D 3 times) join to the 2nd unjoined L of Chrysanthemum to the right of the last join; 2 D (L, 2 D 4 times) tie to the 6th L of the 1st 8 of this design; 2 D (L, 2 D 3 times) join to the next unjoined L of Chrysanthemum to the right of the last join; 2 D (L, 2 D 8 times). Repeat from the beginning 6 times, or until all the chrysanthemums and designs are joined in, then draw one thread through the 1st made L and fasten off.

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