The English Language Part 114

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25. Gif eof brece mannes hus nihtes and he wyre aer ofslaegen, ne sy he na manslaeges scyldig, e him sloge. Gif he syan aefter sunnan upgonge is de, he bi mansleges scyldig and he onne sylfa swylte, butan he nyddaeda waere. Gif mid him cwic.u.m sy funden aet he aer stale, be twyfealdum forgylde hit.

26. Gif hwa gewerde ores monnes wingeard oe his aeceras oe his landes awuht, gebete swa hit man geeahtige.

27. Gif fyr sy ontended ryt to baernenne, gebete one aefwerdelsan se aet fyr ontende.

28. Gif hwa ofaeste his friend feoh, gif he hit sylf stael, forgylde be twyfealdum. -- 1. Gif he nyste, hwa hit staele, geladige hine sylfne, aet he aer nan facn ne gefremede. -- 2. Gif hit onne cucu feoh waere and he secge, aet hit here name oe aet hit sylf acwaele, and he gewitnesse haebbe, ne earf he aet gyldan. -- 3. Gif he onne gewitnesse naebbe, and he him ne getriewe ne sy, swerige he onne. {592}

30. a foemnan e gewunnia onfon galdorcraeftigan and scinlaecan and wiccan, ne laet u a libban.

32. And se e G.o.dgeldum onsaecge ofer G.o.d aenne, swelte deae.

33. Utanc.u.mene and aeteodige ne geswenc u no, foron e ge waeron aeleodige on aegypta land.

34. a wudewan and a steopcilde ne sceaa ne hi nawer deria. Gif ge onne elles do, hi cleopia to me and ic gehire hi, and ic eow onne slea mid minum sweorde and ic gedo paet eowra wif bi wudewan and eowre bearn by steopcilde.

35. Gif u feoh to borh gesylle inum geferan, e mid e eardian wille, ne nide u hine swa nidling and ne gehene u hine mid y eacan.

36. Gif man naebbe butan anfeald hraegle hine mid to wreonne and to werianne and he hit to wedde sylle, aer sunnan setlgange sy hit agyfen.

Gif u swa ne dest, onne cleopa he to me and ic hine gehyre, foron e ic eom swie mildheort.

37. Ne tael u inne drihten, ne one hlaford aes folces ne werge u.

38. ine teoan sceattas and ine frumripan gangendes and weaxendos agyfe u

39. Ealle aet flaesc aet wilddeor laefan, ne etan ge aet ac sylla hit hundum.

40. Leases mannes word ne recce u no aes to gehyranno, ne his domas ne geafa u, ne naene gewitnysse aefter him ne saga u.

41. Ne wend u e na on aes folces unraed and on unriht gewillon hiora spraece and gecleps ofer in riht, and on aes unwisestan lare u ne geafa.

42. Gif e ores mannes gymeleas feoh on hand, eah hit sy in feonde, gecye hit him.

43. Dem u swie emne; de dem u oerne dom paem welegan oerne am earman, ne oerne am leofran oerne am laran ne deme u.

44. Onscuna u a leasunga.

45. Sofaestne man and unscildigne, ne acwele u one aefre.

46. Ne onfo u naefre medsceattum, foron hi ablenda ful oft wisra manna geoht and hiora word onwenda.

{593} 47. am aeleodigan and utanc.u.menan ne laet u na unculice wi hine, ne mid nanum unrihtum u hine ne drecce.

48. Ne swerigen ge naefre under haeene G.o.das, ne on nanum ingum ne cleopien ge to him.



_Edited and Translated by J. M. Kemble._

Hwaet we Gar-Dena, in gear-dagum, eod-c[.y]ninga, r[.y]m ge-frunon-- hu a aeelingas ellen fremedon-- oft Sc[.y]ld Scefing, sceaen(a) reatum, moneg[=u] maegum, meodo-setla of-teah-- egsode eorl-- s[.y]an ['ae]rest wear fea-sceaft funden; he aes frofre ge-ba(d), weox under wolcnum, weor-m[.y]ndum ah; o [=] him ['ae]g-hwl[.y]c ara ymb-sittendra, ofer hron-rade, hran scolde, gomban g[.y]ldan-- [=] w['ae]s G.o.d c[.y]ning-- aem eafera w['ae]s aefer cenned, geong in geardum, one G.o.d sende folce to frofre; f[.y]ren-earfe on-geat, [=] hie ['ae]r drugon,


lange hwile, him aes lif-frea, wuldres wealdend, worold-are for-geaf-- Beo-wulf w['ae]s breme, bl['ae]d wide sprang, Sc[.y]ldes eafera, Scede-landum in-- swa sceal (wig-fru)ma ge-wircean-- fromum feo-giftum, on faeder-(feo)rme; [=] hine, on [.y]lde, eft ge-wunigen wi(l)-ge-sias, onne wig

leode ge-l['ae]sten, lof-d['ae]d[=u] sceal, in maegage-hwaere, man ge-eon---- him, a Sc[.y]ld ge-wat to ge-scaep hwile fela-hror feran on frean wae re-- hi h[.y]ne a aet-b['ae]ron to brimes faroe, sw['ae]se ge-sias, swa he selfa baed; {594} enden wordum weold wine Sc[.y]ldinga leof land-fruma lange ahte---- aer aet he stod hringed-stefna, isig and ut-fus, aeelinges faer; a-ledon a leofne eoden, beaga br[.y]ttan, on bearm scipes, m['ae]rne be m['ae]ste: aer w['ae]s madma fela of feor-wegum fraetwa ge-l['ae]ded.

Ne hrde ic c[.y]mlicor ceol ge-g[.y]rwan, hilde-waepnum and heao-w['ae]dum, billum and b[.y]rnum him on bearme laeg madma menigo, a him mid scoldon on flodes aeht feor ge-witan.

Nalaes hi hine laessan lac.u.m teodan, eod-ge-streonum, on a d[.y]don e hine, aet frum-sceafte, for on-sendon, ['ae]nne ofer e, umbor-wesende.

a g[.y]t hie him a-setton segen (g[.y]l denne, heah ofer heafod-- leton holm ber(an) geafon on gar-secg: him w['ae]s geomor-sefa murnende mod---- men ne cunnon secgan, to soe, sele raedenne, haele under heofen[=u]

hwa aem hlaeste on-feng.



_From Warton's History of English Poetry,_ _Ed._ 1840. Vol. I. p. lxvii.

_Translated_ by R. Taylor.

aethelstan cyning, eorla drihten, boorna beah-gyfa, and his brother eac, Eadmund aetheling, ealdor langne tir, geslogon aet secce, sweorda ecgum, ymbe Brunanburh.

Bord-weal clufon, heowon heatho-linda, hamora lafum, eaforan Eadweardes.

Swa him geaethele waes from cneo-maegum thaet hie aet campe oft, {595} with lathra gehwaene, land ealG.o.don, hord and hamas, hettend crungon.

Scotta leode, and scip-flotan, faege feollon.

Feld dennade, secga swate, sith-than sunne up, on morgen-tid, maere tuncgol, glad ofer grundas, G.o.des candel be orht, eces Drihtnes; oth-thaet sio aethele gesceaft, sah to setle.

Thaer laeg secg monig, garum ageted, guman northere, ofer scyld scoten.

Swylc Scyttisc eac, werig wiges saed.

West-Seaxe forth, ondlangne daeg eorod-cystum, on last laegdon lathum theodum.

Heowon here-flyman, hindan thearle, mec.u.m mylen-scearpum.

Myrce ne wyrndon heardes hand-plegan, haeletha nanum, thara the mid Anlafe, ofer ear-geblond, on lides bosme, land gesohton, faege to feohte.

Fife laegon, on tham campstede, cyningas geonge, sweordum aswefede.

Swylc seofen eac eorlas Anlafes; unrim heriges, flotan and Sceotta.

Thaer geflymed wearth Northmanna bregu, nyde gebaeded, to lides stefne, litle werede.

Cread cnear on-flot, cyning ut-gewat, on fealowe flod, feorh generede.

Swylc thaer eac se froda, mid fleame com, on his cyththe north, Constantinus, har hylderinc Hreman ne thorfte meca gemanan.

Her waes his maga sceard, freonda gefylled, on folc-stede, beslaegen aet secce; and his sunu (he) forlet on wael-stowe, wundum-forgrunden, geongne aet guthe.

Gylpan ne thorfte, beorn blanden-feax, bill-geslehtes, eald inwitta; ne Anlaf thy ma, mid heora here-lafum, hlihan ne thorfton, {596} thaet hi beadu-weorca beteran wurdon, on camp-stede, c.u.mbol-gehnastes, gar mittinge, gumena gemotes, waepen-gewrixles, thaes the hie on wael-felda with Eadweardes eaforan pleG.o.don.

Gewiton hym tha Northmen, naegledon cnearrum, dreorig daretha laf, on dinges mere, ofer deop waeter, Dyflin secan, eft Yraland, aewisc-mode.

Swylce tha gebrother, begen aet samne, cyning and aetheling, cyththe sohton, West Seaxna land, wiges hremige.

Laeton him behindan, hra brittian, salowig padan, thone sweartan hraefn, hyrned-nebban; and thone hasean padan, earn aeftan hwit, aeses brucan, graedigne guth-hafoc; and thaet graege deor, wulf on wealde.

Ne wearth wael mare, on thys igland, aefre gyta, folces gefylled, beforan thissum, sweordes ecgum, thaes the us secgath bec, ealde uthwitan, sith-than eastan hider Engle and Seaxe up becomon, ofer brade brimu Brytene sohton, wlance wig-smithas, Weales ofer-comon, eorlas arhwate, eard begeaton.




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