The Teaching of Art Related to the Home Part 3

The Teaching of Art Related to the Home -

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It will be seen that these are also measuring sticks for the judging of results. It is evident that in a short course in art a teacher can not a.s.sist girls in all situations at home in which balance may be used. Therefore it is essential that the pupils understand and use these guiding laws or rules for obtaining balance in a sufficient number of problems at school to gain independence in the application of them in other situations. Some authorities[14] term these methods for attaining results, guiding laws for procedure, or principles.


The common practice in art courses relating to the home has been to draw problems from the fields of clothing and home furnis.h.i.+ng. This has been true for the obvious reason that an endeavor has been made to interest the girl in art through her personal problems of clothing and her own room. Since in a vocational program the objective is to train for homemaking, it is essential that art contribute to the solving of all home problems in which color and good design are factors. In the selection and utilization of materials that have to do with child development, meal preparation and table service, home exterior as well as interior, and social and community relations.h.i.+ps, application of the principles of art plays a large and important part.

One of the teacher's great problems is that of determining pupil needs.

Although homes vary considerably in detail, there are many similar situations arising in all of them for which an understanding of the fundamental art principles is essential. It is important that the problems and situations utilized for developing and then applying again and again these fundamental principles shall be within the realm of each student's experience. The following series of topics may suggest some of the situations that are common to most homes and therefore be usable as the basis for problems in developing principles of art or for providing judgment and creative problems. In most of these topics, other factors such as cost, durability, and ease of handling will need to be considered in making final decisions, for art that is taught in relation to the home is not divorced from the practical aspects of it.

_Child development_--

Choosing colored books and toys for children.

Choosing wall covering for a child's room.

Choosing pictures for a child's room.

Placing and hanging pictures in a child's room.

Selecting furniture for a child's room.

Determining types of decoration and desirable amounts of it for children's clothing.

Choosing colors for children's clothing.

Making harmonious combinations of colors for children's clothing.

Choosing designs and textures suitable for children's clothing.

Avoiding elaborate and fussy clothing for children.

_Meal planning and table service_--

Using table appointments that are suitable backgrounds for the meal.

Choosing appropriate table appointments in-- Linen.




Using desirable types of flowers or plants for the dining table.

Making flower arrangements suitable in size for the dining table.

Selecting consistent subst.i.tutes for flowers on the table.

Choosing containers for flowers or plants.

Using candles on the table.

Deciding upon choice and height of candles and candlesticks in relation to the size and height of the centerpiece.

Determining when to use nut cups and place cards.

Choosing place cards and nut cups.

Arranging individual covers so that the table is balanced and harmonious.

Folding and placing napkins.

Considering color and texture of foods in planning menus.

Determining when and how to use suitable food garnishes.

_Home--Exterior_-- Developing and maintaining attractive surroundings for the house.

Choosing dormers, porches, and porch columns that are in scale with the house.

Grouping and placing the windows so they are harmonious with each other and with the house.

Planning suitable and effective trellises and arbors.

Recognizing limitations in the use of formal gardens and grounds.

Determining the use of the informal type of grounds.

Choosing house paint and considering how it may be influenced by neighboring houses.

Determining the influence of the color of the house on the choice of color for the porch furniture and accessories and for awnings.

Selecting and arranging porch furniture and accessories.

Selecting curtains for the windows of the house which are attractive from the exterior as well as from the interior.

Determining desirable shapes for trimmed hedges and shrubbery.

Selecting shrubbery and flowers that will contribute, at small cost, to the appearance of a home.

Planning the grounds of a home and the possible use of a bird bath, an artificial pool, or a rock garden.


Securing beauty rather than display.

Selecting textures that suggest good taste rather than merely a desire for display.

Choosing wall coverings that are attractive and suitable backgrounds for the home.

Selecting rugs for various rooms.

Selecting furniture that adds attractiveness, comfort, and convenience to the home.

Determining relation of beauty in furniture to the price of it.

Choosing window shades, curtains, and draperies from the standpoint of color, texture, design, and fas.h.i.+on.

Selecting appropriate accessories for the home.

Determining when to use pictures and wall hangings in the home.

Choosing pictures and wall hangings for the home.

Placing rugs, furniture, and accessories in the home.

Arranging and hanging pictures and wall hangings.

Determining the relation of type and arrangement of furnis.h.i.+ngs and accessories to the formality or informality of a room.

Avoiding formal treatment and s.h.i.+ny textures in the average home.

Planning how color may be used and distributed effectively in a room.

Determining how color schemes of rooms are affected by size, purpose, and location.

Discouraging the use of cloth, paper, and wax flowers and painted weeds in the home.

_Social and community relations_--

Determining social and community activities with which high school girls are asked to a.s.sist and for which art training is needed.

Making attractive and suitable posters for special occasions.

Selecting and arranging flowers and potted plants for various occasions.

Planning, selecting, and using appropriate decorations for special events.

Wrapping gifts and packages attractively.

Choosing and using appropriate stationery, calling cards, place cards, and greeting cards.


Determining appropriate clothing for all occasions.

Planning clothing that adds to rather than detracts from the charm of the wearer.

Planning to avoid garments and accessories that may be liabilities rather than a.s.sets.

Recognizing the relation of the "style of the moment" to the choice and combination of the clothing for the individual.

Choosing colors for the individual.

Utilizing bright colors in clothing.

Selecting harmonious color combinations in clothing.

Selecting and using textile designs in clothing.

Selecting and adapting style designs in patterns for the individual.

Improving undesirable body lines and proportions through the wise choice of clothing.

Selecting clothing accessories-- Hats.

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