Amusements in Mathematics Part 22

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Then ab + c = denominator, and a - c, b - c, and a - b will be the three numerators. Thus, using the generators 3, 2, 1, we get 8/7, 3/7, 5/7 and we can pair the first and second, as in the above solution, or the first and third for a second solution. The denominator must always be a prime number of the form 6n + 1, or composed of such primes. Thus you can have 13, 19, etc., as denominators, but not 25, 55, 187, etc.

When the principle is understood there is no difficulty in writing down the dimensions of as many sets of cubes as the most exacting collector may require. If the reader would like one, for example, with plenty of nines, perhaps the following would satisfy him: 99999999/99990001 and 19999/99990001.


There must have been 386 doubloons in one box, 8,450 in another, and 16,514 in the third, because 386 is the smallest number that can occur. If I had asked for the smallest aggregate number of coins, the answer would have been 482, 3,362, and 6,242. It will be found in either case that if the contents of any two of the three boxes be combined, they form a square number of coins. It is a curious coincidence (nothing more, for it will not always happen) that in the first solution the digits of the three numbers add to 17 in every case, and in the second solution to 14. It should be noted that the middle one of the three numbers will always be half a square.


Here is the answer that fulfils the conditions:-- A = 4 B = 3,364 C = 6,724 D = 2,116 E = 5,476 F = 8,836 G = 9,409 H = 12,769 I = 16,129 Each of these is a square number, the roots, taken in alphabetical order, being 2, 58, 82, 46, 74, 94, 97, 113, and 127, while the required difference between A and B, B and C, D and E. etc., is in every case 3,360.


The sum of 200 doubloons might have been held by the five brigands in any one of 6,627 different ways. Alfonso may have held any number from 1 to 11. If he held 1 doubloon, there are 1,005 different ways of distributing the remainder; if he held 2, there are 985 ways; if 3, there are 977 ways; if 4, there are 903 ways; if 5 doubloons, 832 ways; if 6 doubloons, 704 ways; if 7 doubloons, 570 ways; if 8 doubloons, 388 ways; if 9 doubloons, 200 ways; if 10 doubloons, 60 ways; and if Alfonso held 11 doubloons, the remainder could be distributed in 3 different ways. More than 11 doubloons he could not possibly have had. It will scarcely be expected that I shall give all these 6,627 ways at length. What I propose to do is to enable the reader, if he should feel so disposed, to write out all the answers where Alfonso has one and the same amount. Let us take the cases where Alfonso has 6 doubloons, and see how we may obtain all the 704 different ways indicated above. Here are two tables that will serve as keys to all these answers:-- Table I. Table II. A = 6. A = 6. B = n. B = n. C = (63 - 5n) + m. C = 1 + m. D = (128 + 4n) - 4m. D = (376 - 16n) - 4m. E = 3 + 3m. E = (15n - 183) + 3m.

In the first table we may subst.i.tute for n any whole number from 1 to 12 inclusive, and m may be nought or any whole number from 1 to (31 + n) inclusive. In the second table n may have the value of any whole number from 13 to 23 inclusive, and m may be nought or any whole number from 1 to (93 - 4n) inclusive. The first table thus gives (32 + n) answers for every value of n; and the second table gives (94 - 4n) answers for every value of n. The former, therefore, produces 462 and the latter 242 answers, which together make 704, as already stated.

Let us take Table I., and say n = 5 and m = 2; also in Table II. take n = 13 and m = 0. Then we at once get these two answers:-- A = 6 A = 6 B = 5 B = 13 C = 40 C = 1 D = 140 D = 168 E = 9 E = 12 --- --- 200 doubloons 200 doubloons.

These will be found to work correctly. All the rest of the 704 answers, where Alfonso always holds six doubloons, may be obtained in this way from the two tables by subst.i.tuting the different numbers for the letters m and n.

Put in another way, for every holding of Alfonso the number of answers is the sum of two arithmetical progressions, the common difference in one case being 1 and in the other -4. Thus in the case where Alfonso holds 6 doubloons one progression is 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 + ... + 43 + 44, and the other 42 + 38 + 34 + 30 + ... + 6 + 2. The sum of the first series is 462, and of the second 242--results which again agree with the figures already given. The problem may be said to consist in finding the first and last terms of these progressions. I should remark that where Alfonso holds 9, 10, or 11 there is only one progression, of the second form.


In order that a number of sixpences may not be divisible into a number of equal piles, it is necessary that the number should be a prime. If the banker can bring about a prime number, he will win; and I will show how he can always do this, whatever the customer may put in the box, and that therefore the banker will win to a certainty. The banker must first deposit forty sixpences, and then, no matter how many the customer may add, he will desire the latter to transfer from the counter the square of the number next below what the customer put in. Thus, banker puts 40, customer, we will say, adds 6, then transfers from the counter 25 (the square of 5), which leaves 71 in all, a prime number. Try again. Banker puts 40, customer adds 12, then transfers 121 (the square of 11), as desired, which leaves 173, a prime number. The key to the puzzle is the curious fact that any number up to 39, if added to its square and the sum increased by 41, makes a prime number. This was first discovered by Euler, the great mathematician. It has been suggested that the banker might desire the customer to transfer sufficient to raise the contents of the box to a given number; but this would not only make the thing an absurdity, but breaks the rule that neither knows what the other puts in.


The puzzle amounts to this. Find the smallest square number that may be expressed as the sum of more than three consecutive cubes, the cube 1 being barred. As more than three heaps were to be supplied, this condition shuts out the otherwise smallest answer, 23 + 24 + 25 = 204. But it admits the answer, 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 = 315. The correct answer, however, requires more heaps, but a smaller aggregate number of blocks. Here it is: 14 + 15 + ... up to 25 inclusive, or twelve heaps in all, which, added together, make 97,344 blocks of stone that may be laid out to form a square 312 312. I will just remark that one key to the solution lies in what are called triangular numbers. (See pp. 13, 25, and 166.) 136.--THE SULTAN'S ARMY.

The smallest primes of the form 4n + 1 are 5, 13, 17, 29, and 37, and the smallest of the form 4n - 1 are 3, 7, 11, 19, and 23. Now, primes of the first form can always be expressed as the sum of two squares, and in only one way. Thus, 5 = 4 + 1; 13 = 9 + 4; 17 = 16 + 1; 29 = 25 + 4; 37 = 36 + 1. But primes of the second form can never be expressed as the sum of two squares in any way whatever.

In order that a number may be expressed as the sum of two squares in several different ways, it is necessary that it shall be a composite number containing a certain number of primes of our first form. Thus, 5 or 13 alone can only be so expressed in one way; but 65, (5 13), can be expressed in two ways, 1,105, (5 13 17), in four ways, 32,045, (5 13 17 29), in eight ways. We thus get double as many ways for every new factor of this form that we introduce. Note, however, that I say new factor, for the repet.i.tion of factors is subject to another law. We cannot express 25, (5 5), in two ways, but only in one; yet 125, (5 5 5), can be given in two ways, and so can 625, (5 5 5 5); while if we take in yet another 5 we can express the number as the sum of two squares in three different ways.

If a prime of the second form gets into your composite number, then that number cannot be the sum of two squares. Thus 15, (3 5), will not work, nor will 135, (3 3 3 5); but if we take in an even number of 3's it will work, because these 3's will themselves form a square number, but you will only get one solution. Thus, 45, (3 3 5, or 9 5) = 36 + 9. Similarly, the factor 2 may always occur, or any power of 2, such as 4, 8, 16, 32; but its introduction or omission will never affect the number of your solutions, except in such a case as 50, where it doubles a square and therefore gives you the two answers, 49 + 1 and 25 + 25.

Now, directly a number is decomposed into its prime factors, it is possible to tell at a glance whether or not it can be split into two squares; and if it can be, the process of discovery in how many ways is so simple that it can be done in the head without any effort. The number I gave was 130. I at once saw that this was 2 5 13, and consequently that, as 65 can be expressed in two ways (64 + 1 and 49 + 16), 130 can also be expressed in two ways, the factor 2 not affecting the question.

The smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of two squares in twelve different ways is 160,225, and this is therefore the smallest army that would answer the Sultan's purpose. The number is composed of the factors 5 5 13 17 29, each of which is of the required form. If they were all different factors, there would be sixteen ways; but as one of the factors is repeated, there are just twelve ways. Here are the sides of the twelve pairs of squares: (400 and 15), (399 and 32), (393 and 76), (392 and 81), (384 and 113), (375 and 140), (360 and 175), (356 and 183), (337 and 216), (329 and 228), (311 and 252), (265 and 300). Square the two numbers in each pair, add them together, and their sum will in every case be 160,225.


Mrs. Sandy McAllister will have to save a tremendous sum out of her housekeeping allowance if she is to win that sixth present that her canny husband promised her. And the allowance must be a very liberal one if it is to admit of such savings. The problem required that we should find five numbers higher than 36 the units of which may be displayed so as to form a square, a triangle, two triangles, and three triangles, using the complete number in every one of the four cases.

Every triangular number is such that if we multiply it by 8 and add 1 the result is an odd square number. For example, multiply 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 respectively by 8 and add 1, and we get 9, 25, 49, 81, 121, which are the squares of the odd numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. Therefore in every case where 8x + 1 = a square number, x is also a triangular. This point is dealt with in our puzzle, "The Battle of Hastings." I will now merely show again how, when the first solution is found, the others may be discovered without any difficulty. First of all, here are the figures:-- 8 1 + 1 = 3 8 6 + 1 = 17 8 35 + 1 = 99 8 204 + 1 = 577 8 1189 + 1 = 3363 8 6930 + 1 = 19601 8 40391 + 1 = 114243 The successive pairs of numbers are found in this way:-- (1 3) + (3 1) = 6 (8 1) + (3 3) = 17 (1 17) + (3 6) = 35 (8 6) + (3 17) = 99 (1 99) + (3 35) = 204 (8 35) + (3 99) = 577 and so on. Look for the numbers in the table above, and the method will explain itself.

Thus we find that the numbers 36, 1225, 41616, 1413721, 48024900, and 1631432881 will form squares with sides of 6, 35, 204, 1189, 6930, and 40391; and they will also form single triangles with sides of 8, 49, 288, 1681, 9800, and 57121. These numbers may be obtained from the last column in the first table above in this way: simply divide the numbers by 2 and reject the remainder. Thus the integral halves of 17, 99, and 577 are 8, 49, and 288.

All the numbers we have found will form either two or three triangles at will. The following little diagram will show you graphically at a glance that every square number must necessarily be the sum of two triangulars, and that the side of one triangle will be the same as the side of the corresponding square, while the other will be just 1 less.

[Ill.u.s.tration +-----------+ +---------+ |...../.| |... ./.| |... ./. .| |.../. .| |.../...| |. ./...| |. ./... .| |./... .| |./.....| /.....| /... ...| +---------+ +-----------+ ]

Thus a square may always be divided easily into two triangles, and the sum of two consecutive triangulars will always make a square. In numbers it is equally clear, for if we examine the first triangulars--1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28--we find that by adding all the consecutive pairs in turn we get the series of square numbers--9, 16, 25, 36, 49, etc.

The method of forming three triangles from our numbers is equally direct, and not at all a matter of trial. But I must content myself with giving actual figures, and just stating that every triangular higher than 6 will form three triangulars. I give the sides of the triangles, and readers will know from my remarks when stating the puzzle how to find from these sides the number of counters or coins in each, and so check the results if they so wish.

+----------------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | Number | Side of | Side of | Sides of Two | Sides of Three | | | Square. | Triangle. | Triangles. | Triangles. | +------------+---------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ | 36 | 6 | 8 | 6 + 5 | 5 + 5 + 3 | | 1225 | 35 | 49 | 36 + 34 | 33 + 32 + 16 | | 41616 | 204 | 288 | 204 + 203 | 192 + 192 + 95 | | 1413721 | 1189 | 1681 | 1189 + 1188 | 1121 + 1120 + 560 | | 48024900 | 6930 | 9800 | 6930 + 6929 | 6533 + 6533 + 3267 | | 1631432881 | 40391 | 57121 | 40391 + 40390 | 38081 + 38080 + 19040 | +------------+---------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------+ I should perhaps explain that the arrangements given in the last two columns are not the only ways of forming two and three triangles. There are others, but one set of figures will fully serve our purpose. We thus see that before Mrs. McAllister can claim her sixth 5 present she must save the respectable sum of 1,631,432,881.


We were required to find the smallest number of cannon b.a.l.l.s that we could lay on the ground to form a perfect square, and could pile into a square pyramid. I will try to make the matter clear to the merest novice.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 1 4 10 20 35 56 84 1 5 14 30 55 91 140 Here in the first row we place in regular order the natural numbers. Each number in the second row represents the sum of the numbers in the row above, from the beginning to the number just over it. Thus 1, 2, 3, 4, added together, make 10. The third row is formed in exactly the same way as the second. In the fourth row every number is formed by adding together the number just above it and the preceding number. Thus 4 and 10 make 14, 20 and 35 make 55. Now, all the numbers in the second row are triangular numbers, which means that these numbers of cannon b.a.l.l.s may be laid out on the ground so as to form equilateral triangles. The numbers in the third row will all form our triangular pyramids, while the numbers in the fourth row will all form square pyramids.

Thus the very process of forming the above numbers shows us that every square pyramid is the sum of two triangular pyramids, one of which has the same number of b.a.l.l.s in the side at the base, and the other one ball fewer. If we continue the above table to twenty-four places, we shall reach the number 4,900 in the fourth row. As this number is the square of 70, we can lay out the b.a.l.l.s in a square, and can form a square pyramid with them. This manner of writing out the series until we come to a square number does not appeal to the mathematical mind, but it serves to show how the answer to the particular puzzle may be easily arrived at by anybody. As a matter of fact, I confess my failure to discover any number other than 4,900 that fulfils the conditions, nor have I found any rigid proof that this is the only answer. The problem is a difficult one, and the second answer, if it exists (which I do not believe), certainly runs into big figures.

For the benefit of more advanced mathematicians I will add that the general expression for square pyramid numbers is (2n + 3n + n)/6. For this expression to be also a square number (the special case of 1 excepted) it is necessary that n = p - 1 = 6t, where 2p - 1 = q (the "Pellian Equation"). In the case of our solution above, n = 24, p = 5, t = 2, q = 7.


The money paid in every case was a square number of s.h.i.+llings, because they bought 1 at 1s., 2 at 2s., 3 at 3s., and so on. But every husband pays altogether 63s. more than his wife, so we have to find in how many ways 63 may be the difference between two square numbers. These are the three only possible ways: the square of 8 less the square of 1, the square of 12 less the square of 9, and the square of 32 less the square of 31. Here 1, 9, and 31 represent the number of pigs bought and the number of s.h.i.+llings per pig paid by each woman, and 8, 12, and 32 the same in the case of their respective husbands. From the further information given as to their purchases, we can now pair them off as follows: Cornelius and Gurtrun bought 8 and 1; Elas and Katrun bought 12 and 9; Hendrick and Anna bought 32 and 31. And these pairs represent correctly the three married couples.

The reader may here desire to know how we may determine the maximum number of ways in which a number may be expressed as the difference between two squares, and how we are to find the actual squares. Any integer except 1, 4, and twice any odd number, may be expressed as the difference of two integral squares in as many ways as it can be split up into pairs of factors, counting 1 as a factor. Suppose the number to be 5,940. The factors are Here the exponents are 2, 3, 1, 1. Always deduct 1 from the exponents of 2 and add 1 to all the other exponents; then we get 1, 4, 2, 2, and half the product of these four numbers will be the required number of ways in which 5,940 may be the difference of two squares--that is, 8. To find these eight squares, as it is an even number, we first divide by 4 and get 1485, the eight pairs of factors of which are 1 1485, 3 495, 5 297, 9 165, 11 135, 15 99, 27 55, and 33 45. The sum and difference of any one of these pairs will give the required numbers. Thus, the square of 1,486 less the square of 1,484 is 5,940, the square of 498 less the square of 492 is the same, and so on. In the case of 63 above, the number is _odd_; so we factorize at once, 1 63, 3 21, 7 9. Then we find that half the sum and difference will give us the numbers 32 and 31, 12 and 9, and 8 and 1, as shown in the solution to the puzzle.

The reverse problem, to find the factors of a number when you have expressed it as the difference of two squares, is obvious. For example, the sum and difference of any pair of numbers in the last sentence will give us the factors of 63. Every prime number (except 1 and 2) may be expressed as the difference of two squares in one way, and in one way only. If a number can be expressed as the difference of two squares in more than one way, it is composite; and having so expressed it, we may at once obtain the factors, as we have seen. Fermat showed in a letter to Mersenne or Frenicle, in 1643, how we may discover whether a number may be expressed as the difference of two squares in more than one way, or proved to be a prime. But the method, when dealing with large numbers, is necessarily tedious, though in practice it may be considerably shortened. In many cases it is the shortest method known for factorizing large numbers, and I have always held the opinion that Fermat used it in performing a certain feat in factorizing that is historical and wrapped in mystery.


The girls' names were Ada Smith, Annie Brown, Emily Jones, Mary Robinson, and Bessie Evans.

141.--SAt.u.r.dAY MARKETING.

As every person's purchase was of the value of an exact number of s.h.i.+llings, and as the party possessed when they started out forty s.h.i.+lling coins altogether, there was no necessity for any lady to have any smaller change, or any evidence that they actually had such change. This being so, the only answer possible is that the women were named respectively Anne Jones, Mary Robinson, Jane Smith, and Kate Brown. It will now be found that there would be exactly eight s.h.i.+llings left, which may be divided equally among the eight persons in coin without any change being required.



Our ill.u.s.tration will show how to cut the st.i.tches of the patchwork so as to get the square F entire, and four equal pieces, G, H, I, K, that will form a perfect Greek cross. The reader will know how to a.s.semble these four pieces from Fig. 13 in the article.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 1.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 2.]


It will be seen that one cross is cut out entire, as A in Fig. 1, while the four pieces marked B, C, D and E form the second cross, as in Fig. 2, which will be of exactly the same size as the other. I will leave the reader the pleasant task of discovering for himself the best way of finding the direction of the cuts. Note that the Swastika again appears.

The difficult question now presents itself: How are we to cut three Greek crosses from one in the fewest possible pieces? As a matter of fact, this problem may be solved in as few as thirteen pieces; but as I know many of my readers, advanced geometricians, will be glad to have something to work on of which they are not shown the solution, I leave the mystery for the present undisclosed.


The line A B in the following diagram represents the side of a square having the same area as the cross. I have shown elsewhere, as stated, how to make a square and equilateral triangle of equal area. I need not go, therefore, into the preliminary question of finding the dimensions of the triangle that is to equal our cross. We will a.s.sume that we have already found this, and the question then becomes, How are we to cut up one of these into pieces that will form the other?

First draw the line A B where A and B are midway between the extremities of the two side arms. Next make the lines D C and E F equal in length to half the side of the triangle. Now from E and F describe with the same radius the intersecting arcs at G and draw F G. Finally make I K equal to H C and L B equal to A D. If we now draw I L, it should be parallel to F G, and all the six pieces are marked out. These fit together and form a perfect equilateral triangle, as shown in the second diagram. Or we might have first found the direction of the line M N in our triangle, then placed the point O over the point E in the cross and turned round the triangle over the cross until the line M N was parallel to A B. The piece 5 can then be marked off and the other pieces in succession.


I have seen many attempts at a solution involving the a.s.sumption that the height of the triangle is exactly the same as the height of the cross. This is a fallacy: the cross will always be higher than the triangle of equal area.


[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 1., FIG 2.]

First fold the cross along the dotted line A B in Fig. 1. You then have it in the form shown in Fig. 2. Next fold it along the dotted line C D (where D is, of course, the centre of the cross), and you get the form shown in Fig. 3. Now take your scissors and cut from G to F, and the four pieces, all of the same size and shape, will fit together and form a square, as shown in Fig. 4.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 3., FIG. 4.]


[Ill.u.s.tration +===========+===========+- | | : | | : | | : | | : | | : +-----------+===========+===========+ | / : | : | / : | : | / : | : | / : | : | / : | : +===========+===========+===========+===========+ ]

The solution to this puzzle is shown in the ill.u.s.tration. Divide the figure up into twelve equal triangles, and it is easy to discover the directions of the cuts, as indicated by the dark lines.


[Ill.u.s.tration +-----------------------------------------+ | . /| | . / | | . / | | / / | | / . / | | / . / | | / . / | | / ./ | | +--------------------+ | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / . / | | / . / | | / . / | | / . / | | / . | | / . | | / . | |/ . | +-----------------------------------------+ ]

The diagram explains itself, one of the five pieces having been cut in two to form a square.


[Ill.u.s.tration ... . _ ... | A . | . C | | | . | / . |______________________/ | | ... B ..... - _ . | . . | . . | . | | | D | E | | | . | . . | . . | . _ _ . | . . -+- ..... - - . | G| F | | - - ..... - _ _ - . . | . - -+- . . - - . | H | - - . . - _ _ - ]

The secret of the bun puzzle lies in the fact that, with the relative dimensions of the circles as given, the three diameters will form a right-angled triangle, as shown by A, B, C. It follows that the two smaller buns are exactly equal to the large bun. Therefore, if we give David and Edgar the two halves marked D and E, they will have their fair shares--one quarter of the confectionery each. Then if we place the small bun, H, on the top of the remaining one and trace its circ.u.mference in the manner shown, Fred's piece, F, will exactly equal Harry's small bun, H, with the addition of the piece marked G--half the rim of the other. Thus each boy gets an exactly equal share, and there are only five pieces necessary.



Square A is left entire; the two pieces marked B fit together and make a second square; the two pieces C make a third square; and the four pieces marked D will form the fourth square.


The diagram on the next page shows how to cut into five pieces to form a square. The dotted lines are intended to show how to find the points C and F--the only difficulty. A B is half B D, and A E is parallel to B H. With the point of the at B describe the arc H E, and A E will be the distance of C from B. Then F G equals B C less A B.

This puzzle--with the added condition that it shall be cut into four parts of the same size and shape--I have not been able to trace to an earlier date than 1835. Strictly speaking, it is, in that form, impossible of solution; but I give the answer that is always presented, and that seems to satisfy most people.


We are asked to a.s.sume that the two portions containing the same letter--AA, BB, CC, DD--are joined by "a mere hair," and are, therefore, only one piece. To the geometrician this is absurd, and the four shares are not equal in area unless they consist of two pieces each. If you make them equal in area, they will not be exactly alike in shape.




Nothing could be easier than the solution of this puzzle--when you know how to do it. And yet it is apt to perplex the novice a good deal if he wants to do it in the fewest possible pieces--three. All you have to do is to find the point A, midway between B and C, and then cut from A to D and from A to E. The three pieces then form a square in the manner shown. Of course, the proportions of the original figure must be correct; thus the triangle BEF is just a quarter of the square BCDF. Draw lines from B to D and from C to F and this will be clear.



THE point was to find a general rule for forming a perfect square out of another square combined with a "right-angled isosceles triangle." The triangle to which geometricians give this high-sounding name is, of course, nothing more or less than half a square that has been divided from corner to corner.

The precise relative proportions of the square and triangle are of no consequence whatever. It is only necessary to cut the wood or material into five pieces.

Suppose our original square to be ACLF in the above diagram and our triangle to be the shaded portion CED. Now, we first find half the length of the long side of the triangle (CD) and measure off this length at AB. Then we place the triangle in its present position against the square and make two cuts--one from B to F, and the other from B to E. Strange as it may seem, that is all that is necessary! If we now remove the pieces G, H, and M to their new places, as shown in the diagram, we get the perfect square BEKF.

Take any two square pieces of paper, of different sizes but perfect squares, and cut the smaller one in half from corner to corner. Now proceed in the manner shown, and you will find that the two pieces may be combined to form a larger square by making these two simple cuts, and that no piece will be required to be turned over.

The remark that the triangle might be "a little larger or a good deal smaller in proportion" was intended to bar cases where area of triangle is greater than area of square. In such cases six pieces are necessary, and if triangle and square are of equal area there is an obvious solution in three pieces, by simply cutting the square in half diagonally.



The ill.u.s.tration shows how to cut the four pieces and form with them a square. First find the side of the square (the mean proportional between the length and height of the rectangle), and the method is obvious. If our strip is exactly in the proportions 9 1, or 16 1, or 25 1, we can clearly cut it in 3, 4, or 5 rectangular pieces respectively to form a square. Excluding these special cases, the general law is that for a strip in length more than n times the breadth, and not more than (n+1) times the breadth, it may be cut in n+2 pieces to form a square, and there will be n-1 rectangular pieces like piece 4 in the diagram. Thus, for example, with a strip 24 1, the length is more than 16 and less than 25 times the breadth. Therefore it can be done in 6 pieces (n here being 4), 3 of which will be rectangular. In the case where n equals 1, the rectangle disappears and we get a solution in three pieces. Within these limits, of course, the sides need not be rational: the solution is purely geometrical.



As I gave full measurements of the mutilated rug, it was quite an easy matter to find the precise dimensions for the square. The two pieces cut off would, if placed together, make an oblong piece 12 6, giving an area of 72 (inches or yards, as we please), and as the original complete rug measured 36 27, it had an area of 972. If, therefore, we deduct the pieces that have been cut away, we find that our new rug will contain 972 less 72, or 900; and as 900 is the square of 30, we know that the new rug must measure 30 30 to be a perfect square. This is a great help towards the solution, because we may safely conclude that the two horizontal sides measuring 30 each may be left intact.

There is a very easy way of solving the puzzle in four pieces, and also a way in three pieces that can scarcely be called difficult, but the correct answer is in only two pieces.

It will be seen that if, after the cuts are made, we insert the teeth of the piece B one tooth lower down, the two portions will fit together and form a square.


A regular pentagon may be cut into as few as six pieces that will fit together without any turning over and form a square, as I shall show below. Hitherto the best answer has been in seven pieces--the solution produced some years ago by a foreign mathematician, Paul Busschop. We first form a parallelogram, and from that the square. The process will be seen in the diagram on the next page.

The pentagon is ABCDE. By the cut AC and the cut FM (F being the middle point between A and C, and M being the same distance from A as F) we get two pieces that may be placed in position at GHEA and form the parallelogram GHDC. We then find the mean proportional between the length HD and the height of the parallelogram. This distance we mark off from C at K, then draw CK, and from G drop the line GL, perpendicular to KC. The rest is easy and rather obvious. It will be seen that the six pieces will form either the pentagon or the square.

I have received what purported to be a solution in five pieces, but the method was based on the rather subtle fallacy that half the diagonal plus half the side of a pentagon equals the side of a square of the same area. I say subtle, because it is an extremely close approximation that will deceive the eye, and is quite difficult to prove inexact. I am not aware that attention has before been drawn to this curious approximation.

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