Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon Part 42

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Sowerbyi, _Kiener_, Coquilles Vivantes (teste Sir E. Tennent).

Pleurotoma Indica, _Deshayes_, Voyage Belanger.

virgo, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Turbinella pyrum, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

rapa, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert. (the Chank.) cornigera, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

spirillus, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

Cancellaria trigonostoma, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.[10]

scalata, _Sowerby_, Thesaur. Conch.

articularis, _Sowerby_, Thesaur. Conch.

Littoriniformis, _Sowerby_, Thes. Conch.

contabulata, _Sowerby_, Thes. Conch.

Fasciolaria filamentosa, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

trapezium, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

Fusus longissimus, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

colus, _Linn._ Mus. Lud. Ulricae.

toreuma, _Deshayes_, (as Mur. t. _Martyn_).[11]

laticostatus, _Deshayes_, Mag. Zool. 1831.

Blosvillei, _Deshayes_, E. Meth. Vers., ii.

Pyrula rapa, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.[12]

citrina, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

pugilina, _Born_, Test. Mus. Vind.[13]

ficus, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

ficoides, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Ranella crumena, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

spinosa, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

rana, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.[14]

margaritula, _Deshayes_, Voy. Belanger.

Murex baustellum, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

adustus, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

microphyllus, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

anguliferus, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

palmarosae, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

ternispina, _Kiener_, (as of _Lam._), Coquilles Vivantes.

tenuispina, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

ferrugo, _Mawe_, Index. Test. Suppl.[15]

Reevea.n.u.s, _Shuttleworth_, (teste _c.u.ming_) Triton a.n.u.s, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.[16]

mulus, _Dillwyn_, Descript. Cat.

retusus, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

pyrum, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

clavator, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.

Ceylonensis, _Sowerby_, Proc. Zool. Soc.

lotorium, _Lam._ (not _Linn_.), An. s. Vert.

lampas, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

Pterocera lambis, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

millepeda, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

Strombus canarium, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.[17]

succinotus, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

fasciatus, _Born_, Test. Mus. Caes. Vind.

[Footnote 1: Conch. Cab. f. 1926-7, and N. melanostoma, _Lam._ in part.]

[Footnote 2: Chemn. Conch. Cab. 1892-3.]

[Footnote 3: N. glauciua, _Lam._ not _Linn._]

[Footnote 4: A species (possibly Javanicus) is known to have been collected. I have not seen it.]

[Footnote 5: Not of _Lamarck_. D. atrata. _Reeve_.]

[Footnote 6: Philippia L.]

[Footnote 7: Zeit. Mal. 1846 for T. argyrostoma, _Lam._ not _Linn._]

[Footnote 8: Buccinum pyramidatum, _Gm_. in part: B. sulcatum, var. C.

of _Brug_.]

[Footnote 9: Teste c.u.ming.]

[Footnote 10: As Delphinulat.]

[Footnote 11: Ed. _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.]

[Footnote 12: P. papyracea, _Lam._ In mixed collections I have seen the Chinese P. bezoar of _Lamarck_ as from Ceylon.]

[Footnote 13: P. vespertilio, _Gm_.]

[Footnote 14: R. albivaricosa, _Reeve_.]

[Footnote 15: M. anguliferus var. _Lam._]

[Footnote 16: T. cynocephalus of _Lamarck_ is also met with in Ceylon collections.]

[Footnote 17: S. incisus of the Index Testaceologicus (urceus, var.

_Sow_. Thesaur.) is found in mixed Ceylon collections.]

Sibbaldii, _Sowerby_, Thesaur. Conch. t.

lentiginosus, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

marginatus, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

Lamarckii, _Sowerby_, Thesaur. Conch.

Ca.s.sis glauca, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.[1]

ca.n.a.liculata, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Zeylanica, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

areola, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

Ricinula albolabris, _Blainv_. Nouv. Ann. Mus. H. N. i.[2]

horrida, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

morus, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Purpura tiscella, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.

Persica, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

hystrix, _Lam._ (not _Linn._) An. s. Vert.

granatina, _Deshayes_, Voy. Belanger.

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