Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon Part 37

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Conch_. BECK in _Pfeiffer, Symbol. Helic._ BENSON, _Ann. Nat. Hist._ vii. 1851; xii. 1853, xviii, 1856. BLAINVILLE, _Dict. Sc. Nat.; Nouv.

Ann. Mus. His. Nat._ i. BOLTEN, _Mus._ BORN, _Test. Mus. Caecs. Vind._ BRODERIP, _Zool. Journ._ i. iii. BRUGUIERE, _Encyc. Method. Vers._ CARPENTER, _Proc. Zool. Soc._ 1856. CHEMNITZ, _Conch. Cab._ CHENU, _Illus. Conch._ DESHAYES. _Encyc. Meth. Vers.; Mag. Zool. 1831; Voy.

Belanger; Edit. Lam. An. s. Vert.; Proceed. Zool. Soc._ 1853, 54, 55.

DILLWYN. _Deser. Cat. DOHRN, _Proc. Zool. Soc._ 1857, 58; _Malak. Blatter; Land and Fluviatile of Ceylon._ DUCLOS, _Monog.

of Oliva._ FABRICIUS, _in Pfeiffer Monog. Helic.; in Dohrn's MSS._ FeRUSSAC, _Hist. Mollusques._ FORSKAL, _Anim. Orient._ GMELIN, _Syst.

Nat._ GRAY, _Proc. Zool. Soc._ 1834, 52; _Index Testaceologicus Suppl.; Spicilegia Zool.; Zool. Journ._ i.; _Zool. Beechey Voy._ GRATELOUP, _Act. Linn. Bordeaux,_ xi. GUERIN, _Rev. Zool._ 1847. HANLEY, _Thesaur.

Conch,_ i.; _Recent Bivalves; Proc. Zool. Soc._ 1858. HINDS, _Zool. Voy.

Sulphur; Proc. Zool. Soc._ HUTTON, _Journ. As. Soc._ KARSTEN, _Mus.

Lesk._ KIENER, _Coquilles Vivantes._ KRAUSS, _Sud-Afrik Mollusk._ LAMARCK, _An. sans Verteb._ LAYARD, _Proc. Zool. Soc._ 1854. LEA, _Proceed. Zool. Soc._ 1850. LINNaeUS, _Syst. Nat._ MARTINI, _Conch. Cab._ MAWE. _Introd. Linn. Conch.; Index Test. Suppl._ MEUSCHEN, in _Gronor.

Zoophylac._ MENKE, _Synop. Mollus._ MULLER, _Hist. Verm. Terrest._ PEt.i.t, _Pro. Zool. Soc._ 1842. PFEIFFER, _Monog. Helic.: Monog.

Pneumon.; Proceed. Zool. Soc._ 1852, 53, 54, 55. 56; _Zeitschr.

Malacoz._ 1853. PHILIPPI, _Zeitsch. Mal._ 1846, 47: _Abbild. Neuer Conch._ POTIEZ et MICHAUD. _Galeric Douai._ RANG, _Mag. Zool._ ser. i.

p. 100. ReCLUZ, _Proceed. Zool. Soc._ 1845; _Revue Zool. Cur._ 1841: _Mag. Conch._ REEVE, _Conch. Icon.; Proc. Zool. Soc_: 1842, 52.

SCHUMACHER. _Syst._ SHUTTLEWORTH. SOLANDER. in _Dillwyn's Desc. Cat.;_ SOWERBY, _Genera; Species Conch.; Conch. Misc.; Thesaur.

Conch.; Conch. Illus.; Proc. Zool. Soc.; App. to Tankerrille Cat._ SPENGLER, _Skrivt. Nat. Selsk. Kiobenhav._ 1792. SWAINSON, _Zool.

Ill.u.s.t._ ser. ii. TEMPLETON, _Ann. Nat. Hist._ 1858. TROSCHEL, in _Pfeiffer, Mon. Pneum; Zeitschr. Malak._ 1847; _Wiegm. Arch. Nat._ 1837.

WOOD, _General Conch_.]

Aspergillum Javanum. _Brug._ Enc. Met.

sparsum, _Sowerby_, Gen.[1]

clavatum, _Chenu,_ lll.u.s.t. Conch.

Teredo nucivorus. _Sp_ Skr. Nat. Sels.[2]

Solen truncatus. _Wood_, Gen. Couch.

linearis, _Wood_, Gen. Conch.

cultellus, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

radiatus, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.

Anatina subrostrata, _Lam._ Ani. s. Vert.

Anatinella Nicobarica, _Gm._ Syst. Nat.

Lutraria Egyptiaca, _Chemn._ Couch. Cab.

Blainvillea vitrea, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.[3]

Scrobicularia angulata. _Chem._ Con. Cab.[4]

Mactra complanata, _Desh._ Proc. Zl. Soc.[5]

tumida, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.

antiquata, _Reeve_ (as of _Spengl._), C. Icon.

cygnea, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.

Corbiculoides, _Deshayes_, Pr. Zl. S. 1854.

Mesodesma Layardi, _Deshayes_, Pr. Zool. Soc. 1854.

striata, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.[6]

Cras-atella rostrata, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

sulcata, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Amphidesma duplicatum, _Sowerby_. Species Conch.

Pandora Ceylanica, _Sowerby_, Couch. Mis.

Galeomma Layardi. _Desh._ Pr. Zl. S. 1856.

Kellia peculiaris, _Adams_, Pr. Zl. S. 1856.

Petricola cultellus, _Desh._ Pr. Zl. S. 1853.

Sangumoiaria rosea, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

Psammobia rostrata, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

orcidens, _Gm._ Systems Naturae.

Skinneri, _Reeve_, Conch. Icon.[7]

Layardi, _Desh_. P.Z. Soc. 1854.

[Footnote 1: A. dichotomum, _Chenu._]

[Footnote 2: Fistulana gregata, _Lam._]

[Footnote 3: Blainvillea, _Hupe._]

[Footnote 4: Latraria tellinoides, _Lam._]

[Footnote 5: I have also seen M. hians of Philippi in a Ceylon collection.]

[Footnote 6: M. Taprobanensis, _Index Test. Suppl._]

[Footnote 7: Psammotella Skinneri, _Reeve._]

lunulata, _Desh_. P.Z. Soc. 1854.

amethystus, _Wood_, Gen. Conch.[1]

rugosa, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.[2]

Tellina virgata, _Linn._ Syst. Nat.[3]

rugosa, _Born_, Test. Mus. Caes. Vind.

ostracea, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.

ala, _Hanley_, Thesaur. Conch. i.

inaequalis, _Hanley_, Thesaur. Conch. i.

Layardi, _Deshayes_, P.Z. Soc. 1854.

callosa, _Deshayes_, P.Z. Soc. 1854.

rubra, _Deshayes_, P.Z. Soc. 1854.

abbreviata, _Deshayes_, P.Z. Soc. 1854.

foliacea, _Linn._ Systema Naturae.

lingua-felis, _Linn._ Systema Naturae.

vulsella, _Chemn._ Conch. Cab.[4]

Lucina interrupta, _Lam._ Anim. s. Vert.[5]

Layardi, _Deshayes_, Pr. Zool. Soc. 1855.

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