Paul the Peddler Part 10

Paul the Peddler -

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"You'll see him to-night, mother. He's coming round this evening to let me know how he's got along, and hand over the money he's taken."

"You'd better be quiet now, George, and go to sleep, if you can. I'll make you some warm tea. I think it'll do you good."

Meanwhile Paul a.s.sumed charge of George Barry's business. He was sorry his friend was sick, but he congratulated himself on getting into business so soon.

"It's more respectable than selling prize packages," thought Paul. "I wish I had a stand of my own."

He was still a street merchant, but among street merchants there are grades as well as among merchants whose claim to higher respectability rests upon having rent to pay. Paul felt that it was almost like having a shop of his own. He had always looked up to George Barry as standing higher than himself in a business way, and he felt that even if his earnings should not be as great, that it was a step upward to have sole charge of his stand, if only for a day or two.

Paul's ambition was aroused. It was for his interest to make as large sales as possible. Besides, he thought he would like to prove to George Barry that he had made a good selection in appointing him his subst.i.tute.

Now, if the truth must be told, George Barry himself was not possessed of superior business ability. He was lacking in energy and push. He could sell neckties to those who asked for them, but had no particular talent for attracting trade. He would have been a fair clerk, but was never likely to rise above a very moderate success. Paul was quite different. He was quick, enterprising, and smart. He was a boy likely to push his way to success unless circ.u.mstances were very much against him.

"I'd like to sell more than George Barry," he said to himself. "I don't know if I can, but I'm going to try."

The day was half over, and probably the most profitable, so far as business was concerned. Paul had only four or five hours left.

"Let me see," he said to himself. "I ought to sell six neckties to come up to the average of half a day's sale. I wonder whether I can do it."

As his soliloquy ended, his quick eye detected a young man glancing at his stock, and he observed that he paused irresolutely, as if half inclined to purchase.

"Can't I sell you a necktie to-day?" asked Paul, promptly.

"I don't know," said the other. "What do you charge?"

"You can have your choice for twenty-five cents. That is cheap, isn't it?"

"Yes, that's cheap. Let me look at them."

"Here's one that will suit your complexion," said Paul.

"Yes, that's a pretty one. I think I'll take it."

"You have to pay twice as much in the shops," continued Paul, as he rolled it up. "You see, we have no rent to pay, and so we can sell cheap. You'll save money by always buying your neckties here."

"The only objection to that is that I don't live in the city. I am here only for a day. I live about fifty miles in the country."

"Then I'll tell you what you'd better do," said Paul. "Lay in half a dozen, while you are about it. It'll only be a dollar and a half, and you'll save as much as that by doing it."

"I don't know but you are right," said his customer, whom the suggestion impressed favorably. "As you say, it's only a dollar and a half, and it'll give me a good stock."

"Let me pick them out for you," said Paul, briskly, "unless there's something you see yourself."

"I like that one."

"All right. What shall be the next?"

Finally, the young man selected the entire half-dozen, and deposited a dollar and a half in Paul's hands.

"Come and see me again," said Paul, "and if you have any friends coming to the city, send them to me."

"I will," said the other.

"Tell them it's the first stand south of the Astor House. Then they won't miss it."

"That's a good beginning," said Paul to himself, with satisfaction.

"Half a day's average sales already, and I've only been here fifteen minutes. Let me see, what will my profits be on that? Three s.h.i.+llings, I declare. That isn't bad, now!"

Paul had reason to be satisfied with himself. If he had not spoken, the young man would very probably have gone on without purchasing at all, or, at any rate, remained content with a single necktie. Paul's manner and timely word had increased his purchase sixfold. That is generally the difference between a poor salesman and one of the first cla.s.s.

Anybody can sell to those who are anxious to buy; but it takes a smart man to persuade a customer that he wants what otherwise he would go without. The difference in success is generally appreciated by dealers, and a superior salesman is generally paid a handsome salary.

"I don't believe George Barry would have sold that man so many ties,"

thought Paul. "I hope I shall have as good luck next time."

But this, of course, was not to be expected. It is not every customer who can be persuaded to buy half-a-dozen ties, even by the most eloquent salesman. However, in the course of an hour more, Paul had sold three more to single customers. Then came a man who bought two. Then there was a lull, and for an hour Paul sold none at all. But business improved a little toward the close of the afternoon, and when it was time to close up, our young merchant found that he had disposed of fifteen.

"My share of the profits will be ninety-three cents," thought Paul, with satisfaction. "That isn't bad for an afternoon's work."



Paul transferred his frame of goods to a neighboring office at the end of the afternoon, the arrangement having been made by George Barry, on first entering into business as a street merchant. This saved a good deal of trouble, as otherwise he would have been compelled to carry them home every night and bring them back in the morning.

"Well, Paul," asked his mother, when he returned to supper, "have you found anything to do yet?"

"I have got employment for a few days," said Paul, "to tend a necktie stand. The man that keeps it is sick."

"How much does he pay you, Paul?" asked Jimmy.

"Half the profits. How much do you think I have made this afternoon?"

"Forty cents."

"What do you say to ninety-three cents? Just look at this," and Paul displayed his earnings.

"That is excellent."

"I had good luck. Generally, I shan't make more in a whole day than this."

"That will be doing very well."

"But I shall make more, if I can. One fellow bought six neckties of me this afternoon. I wish everybody would do that. Now, mother, I hope supper is most ready, for selling neckties has made me hungry."

"Almost ready, Paul."

It was a humble meal, but a good one. There were fresh rolls and b.u.t.ter, tea and some cold meat. That was all; but the cloth was clean, and everything looked neat. All did justice to the plain meal, and never thought of envying the thousands who, in their rich uptown mansions, were sitting down at the same hour to elaborate dinners costing more than their entire week's board.

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