The Ancient Life History of the Earth Part 30

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CLa.s.s I. GEPHYREA** ("Spoon-worms").

CLa.s.s II. ANNELIDA. ("Ringed-worms"). _Ex_. Leeches**

(_Hirudinea_), Earthworms** (_Oligochoeta_), Tube-worms (_Tubicola_), Sea-worms and Sea-centipedes (_Errantia_).

CLa.s.s III. CHaeTOGNATHA** ("Arrow-worms").

_Division B. Arthropoda or Articulata_. Limbs jointed to the body.

CLa.s.s I. CRUSTACEA ("Crustaceans"). _Ex_. Barnacles and (_Cirripedia_), Water-fleas (_Ostracoda_), Brine-shrimps and Fairy-shrimps (_Phyllopoda_), Trilobites*

(_Trilobita_), King-crabs and Eurypterids* (_Merostomata_), Wood-lice and Slaters (_Isopoda_), Sand-hoppers (_Amphipoda_), Lobsters, Shrimps, Hermit-crabs, and Crabs (_Decapoda_).

CLa.s.s II. ARACHNIDA. _Ex._ Mites (_Acarina_), Scorpions (_Pedipalpi_), Spiders (_Araneida_).

CLa.s.s III. MYRIAPODA. _Ex._ Centipedes (_Chilopoda_), Millipedes and Galley-worms (_Chilignatha_).

CLa.s.s IV. INSECTA ("Insects"). _Ex_. Field-bugs (_Hemiptera_); Crickets, Gra.s.shoppers, &c. (_Orthoptera_); Dragon-flies and May-flies (_Neuroptera_); Goats and House-flies (_Diptera_); b.u.t.terflies and Moths (_Lepidoptera_); Bees, Wasps, and Ants (_Hymenoptera_); Beetles (_Coleoptera_).


Animal soft-bodied, generally with a hard covering or sh.e.l.l; no distinct segmentation of the body; nervous system of scattered

CLa.s.s I. POLYZOA ("Sea-Mosses"). _Ex_. Sea-mats (_Fl.u.s.tra_), Lace-corals (_Fenestellidoe_*).

CLa.s.s II. TUNICATA** ("Tunicaries"). _Ex_. Sea-squirts (_Ascidia_).

CLa.s.s III. BRACHIOPODA (""). _Ex_. Goose-bill Lamp-sh.e.l.l (_Lingula_).

CLa.s.s IV. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA ("Bivalves"). _Ex_. Oyster (_Ostrea_), Mussel (_Mytilus_), Scallop (_Pecten_), c.o.c.kle (_Cardium_).

CLa.s.s V. GASTEROPODA ("Univalves"). _Ex_. Whelks (_Buccinum_), Limpets (_Patella_), Sea-slugs**

(_Doris_), Land-snails (_Helix_).

CLa.s.s VI. PTEROPODA ("Winged Snails"). Ex. _Hyalea, Cleodora_.

CLa.s.s VII. CEPHALOPODA ("Cuttle-fishes"). _Ex_. Calamary (_Loligo_), Poulpe (_Octopus_), Paper Nautilus (_Arganauta_), Pearly Nautilus (_Nautilus_), Belemnites,*

Orthocerat.i.tes,* Ammonites.*



Body composed of definite segments arranged longitudinally one behind the other; main of the nervous system placed dorsally; a backbone or "vertebral column" in the majority.

CLa.s.s I. PISCES ("Fishes"). _Ex_. Lancelet** (_Amphioxus_); Lampreys and Hag-fishes (_Marsipobranchii_**); Herring, Salmon, Perch, &c. (_Teleostei_ or "Bony Fishes"); Gar-pike, Sturgeon, &c. (_Ganoidei_); Sharks, Dog-fishes, Rays, &c. (_Elasmobranchii_ or "Placoids").

CLa.s.s II. AMPHIBIA ("Amphibians"). Ex. _Labyrinthodontia_,*

Caecilians,** Newts and Salamanders (_Urodela_), Frogs and Toads (_Anoura_).

CLa.s.s III. REPTILIA ("Reptiles"). Ex. _Deinosauria_,*

_Pterosauria_,* _Anomodontia_,* Plesiosaurs (_Sauropterygia_*), Ichthyosaurs (_Ichthyopterygia_*), Tortoises and Turtles (_Chelonia_), Snakes (_Ophidia_), Lizards (_Lacertilia_), Crocodiles (_Crocodilia_).

CLa.s.s IV. AVES ("Birds"). _Ex_. Toothed Birds (_Odontornithes_*); Lizard-tailed Birds (_Archoeopteryx_*); Ducks, Geese, Gulls, &c. (_Natatores_); Storks, Herons, Snipes, Plovers, &c. (_Grallatores_); Ostrich, Emeu, Ca.s.sowary, Dinornis,* aepiornis,* &c. (_Cursores_); Fowls, Game Birds, and Doves (_Rasores_); Cuckoos,, Parrots, &c. (_Scansores_); Crows, Starlings, Finches, Hummingbirds, Swallows, &c. (_Insessores_); Owls, Hawks, Eagles, Vultures (_Raptores_).

CLa.s.s V. MAMMALIA ("Quadrupeds"). _Ex_. Duck-mole and Spiny Ant-eater (_Monotremata_**); Kangaroos, Phalangers, Opossums, Tasmanian Devil, &c. (_Marsupialia_); Sloths, Ant-eaters, Armadillos (_Edentata_); Manatees and Dugongs (_Sirenia_); Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises (_Cetacea_); Rhinoceros, Tapir, Horses, Hippopotamus, Pigs, Camels and Llamas, Giraffes, Deer, Antelopes, Sheep, Goats, Oxen (_Ungulata_); Hyrax (_Hyracoidea_**); Elephants, Mastodon,* Deinotherium* (_Proboscidea_); Seals, Walrus, Bears, Dogs, Wolves, Cats, Lions, Tigers, &c.

(_Carnivora_); Hares, Rabbits, Porcupines, Beavers, Rats, Mice, Lemmings, Squirrels, Marmots, &c. (_Rodentia_); Bats (_Cheiroptera_); Moles, Shrew-mice, Hedgehogs (_Insectivora_); Lemurs, Spider-monkeys, Macaques, Baboons, Apes (_Quadrumana_); Man (_Bimana_).


ABDOMEN (Lat. _abdo_, I conceal). The posterior cavity of the body, containing the intestines and others of the viscera. In many Invertebrates there is no separation of the body-cavity into thorax and abdomen, and it is only in the higher _Annulosa_ that a distinct abdomen can be said to exist.

ABERRANT (Lat. _aberro_, I wander away). Departing from the regular type.

ABNORMAL (Lat. _ab_, from; _norma_, a rule). Irregular; deviating from the ordinary standard.

ACRODUS (Gr. _akros_, high; _odous_, tooth). A genus of the Cestraciont fishes, so called from the elevated teeth.

ACROGENS (Gr. _akros_, high; _gennao_, I produce). Plants which increase in height by additions made to the summit of the stem by the union of the bases of the leaves.

ACROTRETA (Gr. _akros_, high; _tretos_, pierced). A genus of Brachiopods, so called from the presence of a foramen at the summit of the sh.e.l.l.

ACTINOCRINUS (Gr. _aktin_, a ray; _krinon_, a lily). A genus of Crinoids.

ACTINOZOA (Gr. _aktin_, a ray; and _zoon_, an animal). That division of the _Coelenterata_ of which the Sea-anemones may be taken as the type.

aeGLINA (_aegle_, a sea-nymph). A genus of Trilobites.

aePIORNIS (Gr. _aipus_, huge; _ornis_, bird). A genus of gigantic Cursorial birds.

AGNOSTUS (Gr. _a_, not; _gignosko_, I know). A genus of Trilobites.

ALCES (Lat. _alces_, elk). The European Elk or Moose.

ALECTO (the proper name of one of the Furies). A genus of _Polyzoa_.

ALETHOPTERIS (Gr. _alethes_, true; _pteris_, fern). A genus of Ferns.

ALGae. (Lat. _alga_, a marine plant). The order of plants comprising the Sea-weeds and many fresh-water plants.

ALVEOLUS (Lat. _alvus_, belly). Applied to the sockets of the teeth.

AMBLYPTERUS (Gr. _amblus_, blunt; _pteron_, fin). An order of Ganoid Fishes.

AMBONYCHIA (Gr. _ambon_, a boss; _onux_, claw). A genus of Palaeozoic Bivalves.

AMBULACRA (Lat. _ambulacrum_, a place for walking). The perforated s.p.a.ces or "avenues" through which are protruded the tube-feet, by means of which locomotion is effected in the _Echinodermata_.

AMMONITIDae. A family of Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods, so called from the resemblance of the sh.e.l.l of the type-genus, _Ammonites_, to the horns of the Egyptian G.o.d, Jupiter-Ammon.

AMORPHOZOA (Gr. _a_, without; _morphe_, shape; _zoon_, animal).

A name sometimes used to designate the _Sponges_.

AMPHIBIA (Gr. _amphi_, both; _bios_, life). The Frogs, Newts, and the like, which have gills when young, but can always breathe air directly when adult.

AMPHICYON (Gr. _amphi_, both--implying doubt; _kuon_, dog). An extinct genus of _Carnivora_.

AMPHILESTES (Gr. _amphi_, both; _lestes_, a thief). A genus of Jura.s.sic Mammals.

AMPHISPONGIA (Gr. _amphi_, both; _spoggos_, sponge). A genus of Silurian sponges.

AMPHISTEGINA (Gr. _amphi_, both; _stege_, roof). A genus of _Foraminifera_.

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