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6 Thou takest care that what thou commandest to exist, exists; thou rulest the royal Osiris like Chuti(632) and the King honors thy spirit, he glorifies thee.
7 Thou commandest Osiris to be like Khuti, the brilliant triangle which appears in the s.h.i.+ning place.
8 Thou commandest Osiris to be like the mysterious spirit which comes forth from the mysterious place.
9 Thou commandest Osiris to be like the blessed spirit which comes forth from the blessed place.
10 Thou commandest Osiris to be like the destructive spirit which comes forth from the place of destruction.
11 Thou commandest Osiris to be like the revealing spirit which comes forth from the opening.
12 Thou commandest Osiris to be like the elevated spirit which comes forth from the high place.
13 Thou commandest Osiris to be like the hidden spirit which comes forth from the Ament.
14 Deliver him from the crocodiles which frighten the spirits, like geese; let them not do their work upon the royal Osiris, in the presence of the G.o.ds armed with swords; may Osiris never fall into their furnaces, may their nets never entangle him; his spirit flies away and soars into the heavens, his spirit returns and enters into the empyrean, because the royal Osiris knows the mysteries which are in the empyrean, the secret forms of Osiris, that none of his servants know, in the secret of his hidden dwelling. Hail! the royal Osiris knows thy form, great and mysterious G.o.d.
15 Deliver the royal Osiris from the agile demons furnished with legs, from the cruel G.o.ds who pluck out hearts and who throw them into their furnaces. May they never do their work upon the royal Osiris, may they never put him in their furnaces, because Osiris is Ra; and reciprocally. His soul is that which is in the disk.
His body is in the middle of the hidden G.o.ds; they make Osiris rule, Osiris makes them rule; he commands, and he rests as you rest in the Ament.
16 The soul of Ra s.h.i.+nes in his shape, his body rests amid the invocations which are addressed to him; he enters into the interior of his white disk, he lights the empyrean with his rays, he creates it, he makes the souls remain in their bodies, they praise him from the height of their pedestal. He receives the acclamations of all the G.o.ds who open the doors, the hidden essences who prepare the way for Ra's soul, and who allow the King of souls access to the fields. He traverses his disk himself; he calls (to life) the body of Kat;(633) he places the G.o.ds of the stars upon their legs; these latter make the G.o.d An(634) come at their hours; the two sisters join themselves to him, they decorate his head, as a spirit worthy of adornment.
17 O, Ra, place the royal Osiris in thy train; he is the divine key which opens his haunts, he knows admirable means of obtaining the great victory over his enemies; Osiris is powerful through thy two eyes; walking G.o.d, the course of Osiris is thy course. Ra, the journeys of Osiris are thy journeys, Osiris makes thee rule over thy enemies, thou makest Osiris rule over his enemies, by means of the great splendor which is the splendor of Ra in the empyrean, they cry to him: Bull of the country of the dead, thou art Ra, thy body rests in peace, thou art blessed in thy mysteries.
1 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. Highly glorious Teb Temt.
2 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. Thou makest thy soul young again and thou givest birth to thy body.
3 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. Lead him into the holy dwelling.
4 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. Guide him on the good ways.
5 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. Guide him on the roads of Nun.
6 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. Guide him on the roads of Nut.
7 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. He restores the body of Osiris.
8 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. He places the corpse upon its foundation, in its place that no one knows.
9 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. He calls his body Osiris.
10 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. He sees him who is in the sarcophagus.
11 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. The rays of Aten(635) are upon his person.
12 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. He has taken the good ways.
13 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. He wors.h.i.+ps thy soul upon the horizon.
14 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. Thou speakest to him as to the G.o.d who is upon the ground.
15 O, Ra, come to the King! truly. He is one of thy Nine G.o.ds.
_Section I_
1 Thou art what he is, Ra, thou givest birth to the royal Osiris, thou makest him exist like thyself, G.o.d of the two horizons; the birth of Osiris is the birth of Ra in the Ament, and reciprocally; the birth of Osiris in the heavens is the birth of the soul of Ra in the heavens, and reciprocally; the life of Osiris is the life of Ra, and reciprocally; the development of his body is the development of Ra's body. Ra conceived, Tum gave birth to Osiris; it is the young Chepra; Nut brings Osiris into the world, she nourishes Osiris, like Ra's soul which issued from her.
2 O, Ra who art in the Ament ...(636) who art in the empyrean, deliver Osiris from thy conductors who separate souls from their bodies, the agile beings who move quickly in thy places of torment. May they never seize Osiris, may they never take him, may they never quicken their steps toward him, may they never put him in their places of torture, may they never cast their toils round him, may they never place him upon their altars, may he never tremble in the land of the condemned, may he never be lost in the Ament. He walks as the G.o.d of the horizon walks, he takes Ra's steps, he wors.h.i.+ps the G.o.d who is on the earth, he honors the mysterious bodies ...(637) they say to Osiris: Hu and Sa; they call him this, because he is like the spirit of Hu and Sa(638) in his creations; he makes the sacred tree grow he is not ignorant of it. There are cries of joy in the mysterious region, for Ra sets under the form of Osiris, and reciprocally. Rejoice, you the dead, render praises to Ra, and Ra renders praises to you. Ra comes forth from the cow Mehur,(639) he sets in Netur;(640) Osiris comes forth from Nehur like the sun, he sets in Netur like Temt. The name of the King is the name of Ra, Ammehur,(641) the setting of Osiris, it is his setting, Amnetur.(642)
3 The G.o.ds of the empyrean bless him, the hidden G.o.ds rejoice over him; they say to him: thy person is the G.o.d of the country of the dead, thy form is Teb Temt. The hidden G.o.ds speak to the royal Osiris, they rejoice on seeing him; (they say to him:) Hail, blessed and perfect one, who comest forth from Tonen, the G.o.d who destroys the forms; it is great, thy essence, spirit, shadow that no one destroys, that lives where you live. He knows the essences of the primitive beings, he knows the mysterious flames of the empyrean, for he attains to holy and mysterious things.
4 The two G.o.ds speak to the royal Osiris, they rejoice on seeing him, this blessed, perfect spirit; (they say to him:) This is one of us. The G.o.ds speak to the royal Osiris, they rejoice when they see him, him, the splendor of Ra, the splendor of the two G.o.ddesses that appears in Heset,(643) the supplicant Heset addresses the guardians who watch over the doors, who devour souls and who swallow the shades of the dead; when they approach them, they are led by them to the place of destruction: O guardians who watch over your doors, who swallow souls and devour the shades of the dead; when they approach you, you lead them to the place of destruction; Oh! allow this blessed this most holy spirit, to be in the dwelling of the Akher;(644) it is a spirit like Ra glorious like Osiris. This is what Heset the supplicant says before the royal Osiris.
5 O Heset, make him come, O Heset, guide the royal Osiris, O Heset open to him the empyrean, give him the lot of the G.o.d of the empyrean; he puts the veil _nems_(645) upon his head at the bottom of the dwelling of the Ament. Hail to thee, he has reached thee; Heset, guide him on the good way, he speaks to thee, he glorifies thee by his invocations, and thou rejoicest on seeing his spirit; Heset, the supplicant, open the doors which are in the empyrean, open his spheres to him, for the club is in the hand of Osiris, and he grasps his lance; his club strikes the enemies, and his lance destroys the rebels; his dwelling is that of the G.o.d of the two horizons; his throne is Ra's throne; for he is the Horus of the two horizons.(646) He is beautiful, this spirit, he is perfect, he is powerful in both his hands.
6 The two great G.o.ds speak to the royal Osiris; they rejoice on his account; they celebrate his victorious strength, they give him their protection, they send him their spirit of life; (they say to him:) He is brilliant like the spirit of the horizon that is the dwelling of Ra in the heavens;(647) they communicate their words to him, they give him the power by their authority. He opens the door of heaven and earth like his father Ra; a spirit s.h.i.+ning in the place where they burn the offerings, in the arms of Osiris.
The royal Osiris rests in the mysterious dwelling, he s.h.i.+nes like the G.o.d of the luminary, the dwelling of Ra of the horizon.(648) The royal Osiris is Ra; and reciprocally, he is the spirit of Osiris, he rests (in him).
7 He reaches the G.o.ds of the pyramid; these latter praise him on seeing the happy arrival of Osiris; they address him as Ra of the horizon; praise be to Ra! cheers for the spirit of the horizon, praises to the spirit of Ra! Praise his spirit that inhabits the empyrean, invoke him who is in his disk, bear him to him who created you, carry him unto the pyramid, since you are the G.o.ds who accompany Ra Osiris. Here is Osiris, carry him into the hidden sanctuary of Osiris, the lord of years(649) who is under the care of the two Rehti. Carry him into the hidden dwelling where Osiris resides, carry him into the funeral monument which is in the Ament, the mysterious sanctuary of the G.o.d who is at rest; bear him, open your arms to him, stretch out your hands to him, take off your veils before him, for he is the great essence whom the dead spirits do not know; it is Ra, the G.o.d of the two horizons, and Osiris, the King of the Ament, who send him.
8 The royal Osiris is one of you, for his diadem is a vulture; his face is a sparrow-hawk, his head is Ra; his eyes are the Rehti, the two sisters; his nose is Horus of the empyrean; his mouth is the King of the Ament; his lungs are Nun; his two hands are the G.o.d Secheni;(650) his fingers are the G.o.ds who seize him; his body is Chepra; his heart is Horus, the creator; his chest is the G.o.ddess of life; his spleen is the G.o.d Fenti;(651) his lungs are the G.o.ddess Heti; his stomach is Apu; his intestines, the G.o.d with the mysterious names;(652) his back is the corpse-G.o.d; his elbows are Makati; the nape of his neck, Horus Thoth; his lips Mehur; his phallus is Tonen;(653) ...(654) the G.o.ddess of Cher; ...(655) the two hidden G.o.ds; his sitting posture the two G.o.ddesses; his legs, he who traverses the hidden places; his s.h.i.+n-bones are _uraeus_.
His members are G.o.ds, he is throughout a G.o.d, no one of his members is without a G.o.d, the G.o.ds are of his substance. The royal Osiris is an intelligent essence, his members guide him, his flesh opens the way to him, those who are born of him create him, they rest when they have given birth to him. The royal Osiris is he who gives them birth, it is he who begets them, it is he who makes them exist; his birth is that of Ra in the Ament, Ra gives birth to the royal Osiris, he causes his own birth.
_Section II_
1 O Ra, open to his spirit, for the royal Osiris knows what there is in the empyrean, he is the great mummy, Osiris, the King of the Ament; he is Osiris, he is perfect like Osiris, he is blessed like Osiris, his club is that of Osiris, his sword is that of Chentament, his sceptre is that of Sahou, he is the great one, the King of the blessed, for he is the original one, he who knows the mysteries, the greatest of the holy ones in the empyrean. He is happy, the spirit Keschi who makes his own law in the Ament, he speaks to what is born of him,(656) Osiris Chentament.
2 Hail to thee, inhabitant of the empyrean, praised be what is in thee; hail to thee, inhabitant of the empyrean, the weeping G.o.ds cut their hair in honor of thee, they clap their hands, they revere thee, they weep before thee, thy spirit rejoices in their fear, thy body is blessed.
3 Hail to thee, inhabitant of the empyrean, G.o.d seated upon his throne, who boldest the sceptre _hik_,(657) King of the empyrean, Prince of the Aker, great Prince crowned with the _urer_,(658) great G.o.d who hides his dwelling, Lord of wisdom, Chief of the powers.
4 Hail to the inhabitant of the empyrean, thy son Horus rests in thee, thou communicatest thy orders to him, thou permittest him to s.h.i.+ne like An of the empyrean, the great star who creates his names,(659) who knows the empyrean and who traverses the interior of it, he, the son of Ra, proceeding from Tum. The royal Osiris is thy son, thou communicatest thy orders to him, thou permittest him to s.h.i.+ne like An of the heavens, the great star who creates his names,(660) who knows the empyrean and who traverses the interior of it, he the son of Ra, proceeding from Tum. He rests in the empyrean, he rejoices in the dusk, he enters in there and comes forth, the arms of Tonen receive him, the blessed lift him, they stretch out their hands toward him, the ...(661) guide him. Praise him ye blessed, exalt the royal Osiris, ye blessed! Rejoice over him, as over Ra, extol him like Osiris, he has placed your offerings before you, he accords you the favor of receiving your portion as his father Ra commanded. He is his darling, he is his descendant upon the earth, and the blessed show him the way. Let him arrive in the empyrean, and let him penetrate into the good Ament. The royal Osiris fixes the crown upon the head of Osiris, he offers his casket to Seb, he presents Sah with the sceptre, he gives the royal diadem to him whose name is Ammon.
5 Look at him, ye blessed, let him receive a perfect intelligence, let him s.h.i.+ne like the G.o.d of mysteries, deliver him from the G.o.ds of the pillory who fasten to their posts. May they never bind Osiris to their posts, may they never put him in the place of destruction, for he is the descendant of Osiris who permits him to receive the diadem in the empyrean.
6 He is sublime, the spirit of Ra in the Ament, his body is blessed there, the spirits rejoice when they develop their forms in the zones of the empyrean, before the soul of Ra, the inhabitant of the empyrean, and Teb Temt who rests in his covering. Hail, yes, hail! Hail spirit of Ra, hail, spirit of the royal Osiris like Temt! Hail, royal Osiris who art Ra, and reciprocally! O Temt who art Ra, and reciprocally, hail!
7 The royal Osiris is one of you. He gives birth to you, he gives you your names, he makes you perfect; ha! he sends his body into you; ha! he is your creator. Look at him, he s.h.i.+nes like him who proceeds from you; he honors his father, perfect, blessed, blessing his mother; look at him, make his essence sublime and make him like him who destroys his forms;(662) show the way to his spirit, set him upon your pedestals, make him rest in his members, show him his dwelling in the midst of the earth, open your doors to him, unfasten the bolt.
8 O Ra, O Teb-Temt, guide the royal Osiris following the direction of the spirits, following the course of the G.o.ds. The royal Osiris is in his gateway (in presence of the) navigating G.o.ds; the royal Osiris is the only one, the guardian of his doors, he who puts the G.o.ds in their places. He is upon his pedestal in the empyrean, he is the possessor in the midst of the possessors, he is at the extremities of the empyrean, he is blessed in the infernal regions. He rests in the Ament among the spirits who are in the members of the Ament. The royal Osiris is Ra's darling, he is the mysterious phnix, he enters in peace into the empyrean, he leaves Nut in peace; the royal Osiris has his throne in heaven, he traverses the horizons in Ra's train, he is at peace in the heavens, in Ra's fields, his share is upon the horizon in the fields of Aalu; he traverses the earth like Ra, he is wise like Thoth, he walks at will, he hastens in his course, like Sahu with the mysterious names, who becomes two divinities. The royal Osiris becomes two divinities. What Ra produces, the royal Osiris produces; he gives a spiritual existence to what he loves; he does not give it to what he hates. The royal Osiris is the Chief of the G.o.ds who make offerings to the spirits, he is powerful in his course, he is the courageous being who strikes his enemies.
9 O ye G.o.ds, O ye blessed who precede Ra and who escort his spirit, do to the royal Osiris as to Ra, tow him with you in the same way that you conduct Ra and the two navigating G.o.ds in the heavens; the royal Osiris is Ra himself, and reciprocally; he is the Chief of his wors.h.i.+ppers who gives life to the forms.