Ancient States and Empires Part 37

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Translated, with the author's sanction and additions, by the Rev. W. P.

d.i.c.kSON, Regius Professor of Biblical Criticism in the University of Glasgow, late Cla.s.sical Examiner in the University of St. Andrews. With an Introduction by Dr. LEONHARD SCHMITZ.


Four Volumes crown 8vo. Price of Volume I., $2.50.

Dr. Mommsen has long been known and appreciated through his researches into the languages, laws, and inst.i.tutions of Ancient Rome and Italy, as the most thoroughly versed scholar now living in these departments of historical investigation. To a wonderfully exact and exhaustive knowledge of these subjects, he unites great powers of generalization, a vigorous, spirited, and exceedingly graphic style and keen a.n.a.lytical powers, which give this history a degree of interest and a permanent value possessed by no other record of the decline and fall of the Roman Commonwealth. "Dr.

Mommsen's work," as Dr. Schmitz remarks in the introduction, "though the production of a man of most profound and extensive learning and knowledge of the world, is not as much designed for the professional scholar as for intelligent readers of all who take an interest in the history of by-gone ages, and are inclined there to seek information that may guide them safely through the perplexing mazes of modern history."


"A work of the very highest merit; its learning is exact and profound; its narrative full of genius and skill; its descriptions of men are admirably vivid. We wish to place on record our opinion that Dr. Mommsen's is by far the best history of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Commonwealth."-_London Times._

"Since the days of Niebuhr, no work on Roman History has appeared that combines so much to attract, instruct, and charm the reader. Its style-a rare quality in a German author-is vigorous, spirited, and animated.

Professor Mommsen's work can stand a comparison with the n.o.blest productions of modern history."-_Dr. Schmitz._

"This is the best history of the Roman Republic, taking the work on the whole-the author's complete mastery of his subject, the variety of his gifts and acquirements, his graphic power in the delineation of national and individual character, and the vivid interest which he inspires in every portion of his book. He is without an equal in his own sphere."-_Edinburgh Review._

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_The above volumes sent, post-paid, to any address by the publishers upon receipt of price._

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M1 The Creation.

M2 The garden of Eden.

M3 Adam and Eve.

M4 Primeval Paradise.

M5 Situation of Eden.

M6 Glory of Eden.

M7 The temptation.

M8 The Devil.

M9 His a.s.sumption of the form of a serpent.

M10 The disobedience of Eve.

M11 The Fall of Adam.

M12 The effect.

M13 The penalty.

M14 Introduction of sin.

M15 Expulsion from paradise.

M16 The mitigation of the punishment.

M17 Industry-one of the fundamental conditions of life.

M18 Cain and Abel.

M19 The descendants of Cain.

M20 The deluge.

M21 The probable condition of the antediluvian world.

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