English Travellers of the Renaissance Part 11

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Pilgrim-Book of the Ancient English Hospice attached to the English College at Rome from 1580-1656, and Diary of the same college 1578-1773, printed by Henry Foley in _Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus_, vol. vi.

Pluvinel, Antoine. _Le Maneige Royal ou lon peut remarquer le defaut et la perfection du chevalier, en tous les exercices de cet art, digne de Princes, fait et pratique en l'instruction du Roy par Antoine Pluvinel son Escuyer, Conseiller en son Conseil d'Estat, son Chambellan ordinaire, et Sous-Gouverneur de sa Majeste. Le tout grave et represente en grandes figures de taille douce par Crispian de Pas, Flamand, a l'honneur du Roy, et a la memoire de Monsieur de Pluvinel_. Paris, 1624.

Raymond, John. _Il Mercurio Italico, Communicating a Voyage made through Italy in the yeares 1646 and 1647 by J.R., Gent_. London, 1648.

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Sandys, George. _A Relation of a Journey begun An. Dom. 1610. Foure Bookes, Containing a description of the Turkish Empire of Aegypt, of the Holy Land, of the Remote Parts of Italy, and the Ilands adjoyning_.

London, 1615.

Schottus, Franciscus. _Itinerarii Italiae Rerumque Romanarum libri tres a Franc. Schotto I.C. ex antiquis novisque scriptoribus, iis editi qui Romam anno Iubileii sacro visunt. Ad Robertum Bellarminum S.R.E. Card.

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s.h.i.+rley, James. _Dramatic Works and Poems_. Ed. A. Dyce. 6 vols. London, 1833.

Sidney, Sir Philip. _Correspondence with Hubert Languet_, collected by S.A. Pears. London, 1845.

Smith, Richard. Sloane MS. 1813, containing the Journal of R. Smith, Gentleman, who accompanied Sir Edward Unton on his travels into Italy in 1563.

Spelman, William. _A Dialogue or Confabulation between two travellers which treateth of civile and pollitike gouvernment in dyvers kingdomes and contries_. MS. c. 1580, edited by J.E.L. Pickering. London, 1896.

Stanhope, Philip, Second Earl of Chesterfield. _Letters to several celebrated Individuals of the time of Charles II., James II., William III. and Queen Anne, with some of their replies._ London, 1829.

State Papers, Domestic, 1547-80. Vols. xviii.-xx. _pa.s.sim_, in the Public Record Office, London. (For correspondence of Sir William Cecil with his son Thomas Cecil in Paris.)

Stow, John. _A Survey of London_. Reprinted from the text of 1603 and edited by C.L. Kingsford. Oxford, 1908.

Strype, John. _Life of the Learned Sir Thomas Smith, Secretary of State of King Edward the Sixth, and Queen Elizabeth_. Oxford, 1820.

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Talbot MSS., in the College of Arms, London. Vol. P. fol. 571. (For correspondence of Gilbert Talbot in Italy in 1570.)

Taylor, John. _All the Works of John Taylor the Water Poet. Being Sixty-Three in number, collected into one volume by the Author_. London, 1630.

Temple, Sir William. _Observations upon the United Provinces and the Netherlands._ London, 1673.

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Wey, William. Itineraries of William Wey, Fellow of Eton College, to Jerusalem, A.D. 1458 and A.D. 1462; and to Saint James of Compostella, A.D. 1456: from the MS. in the Bodleian. Printed for the Roxburghe Club.

London, 1857.

Whetstone, George. _A Remembrance of the wel imployed life and goodly end of George Gaskoigne Esquire, who deceased at Stalmford in Lincolnes.h.i.+re the 7 of October 1577. The reporte of Geor. Whetstone Gent. an eye witness of his G.o.dly and charitable end in this world_.

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Addison, Joseph. _Remarks on Several Parts of Italy ... in the years 1701, 1702, 1703_. London, 1705.

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