Zoological Illustrations Volume Ii Part 11

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Much might be said on the affinities which connect this with several other genera. Among the most striking is that existing between them and the _Noctuae_ (_N. Patroclus_ Fab.) by means of _Pap. Leilus_ Lin. which thus stands between the night and the day-flying Lepidoptera. Many of the insects placed in our division of _Graeci caudati_, are allied to _Danaus_ Lat. by the larva of both having retractile hornshaped processes, and the two genera seem still further connected by _Papilio similis_ and _dissimilis_ in one group, and by _P. Priamus_ in the other; while the clear winged species from New Holland seem to indicate an affinity with the _Heliconiae_.

The laborious and important investigations of M. Savigny into the structure of the mouth of these insects are too well known, to require a more particular notice in this slight sketch of the subject.

PAPILIO Polymetus.


_P. (Trojani orbiculares) alis atris; superis fascia breviori (foeminae alba) antice alba, postice cyanea, inferis dentatis, macula coccinea quadripart.i.ta._

Papilio (T. orb.) wings black, superior, with a short white band, which is blue at the base (in the female entirely white); inferior dentated, with a four cleft crimson spot.

Papilio Polymetus. _G.o.dart in Ency. Meth._ vol. ix. p. 35. _no._ 28.

First described by M. G.o.dart; unless, indeed, it may hereafter prove a variety of _P. Lycander_ (Cramer, Pl. 29. C. D.) which approaches as near to the male, as _P. Hippason_ does to the female. The first s.e.x is here represented at the upper and under figures; the middle is of the female, which M. G.o.dart has not described. It is a native of Brazil; I found it at Bahia only in certain woods, and subsequently met with a variety in the province of Rio Janeiro, differing only in being much larger.

Pl. 93


PAPILIO Pandrosus.


_P. (G. Caud.) alis atris, fascia communi posticarumque lunulis marginalibus flavis; his caudatis, punctorum rubrorum striga intermedia._ G.

_Pap. (G. Caud.)_ wings black; with the common band and marginal lunules on the lower wings, yellow; lower wings with obtuse tails, and a row of red dots between the nerves.--_G.o.dart._

Pap. Pandrosus. _G.o.dart. En. Meth._ _vol._ ix. _p._ 62. _No._ 101.

M. G.o.dart has antic.i.p.ated me in the first publication of this, and a great many other newly discovered Brazilian insects; it has, however, not been figured; and I take this opportunity of expressing my doubts, whether this and the next are not s.e.xes of the same species, rather than two, permanently distinct. I have not, at this particular time, the means of referring either to my notes or my collections, by which the recollection I have on the subject might be in some way confirmed; and, until this is done, it is much better retaining the two insects as distinct species: the figures of both will show their very close resemblance, in every thing but the bands on the upper surface of the wings. I found them common in the province of Rio de Janeiro.

Pl. 94


PAPILIO Torquatus.


_P. (G. Caud.) alis atris; anticis fasciis duabus, posticis disco lunulisque marginalibus, flavis: his caudatis, punctorum rubrorum striga intermedia._--G.o.dart.

_P. (G. Caud.)_ Wings black; two bands on the anterior wings, and marginal lunules on the posterior, yellow; lower wings with obtuse tails, and a row of red dots between the nerves.

P. Torquatus. _Cramer_, _pl._ 177. _fig. a. b._ _G.o.dart. En. Meth._ v.

9. _p._ 62.

It is singular that Fabricius appears to have overlooked this species, sufficiently well figured by Cramer to point out its leading characters, though very inferior to the beauty of the insect. M. G.o.dart has, however, recorded it in his account of this superb genus in the _Encyclopedie Methodique_; and the minute and clear descriptions which this able entomologist has given throughout that work, merit the highest eulogium.

Our own figures will, however, render a detailed description in this place unnecessary.

M. G.o.dart says, this insect is found both in Guiana and Brazil. In the latter country, I met with it only in the province of Rio de Janeiro, where it is common.

Pl. 95


CINNYRIS chalybeia,

_Lesser collared Creeper._


_Rostrum elongatum, gracillimum, arcuatum, apice acutissimo, integerrimo, ad basin depressum, lateribus compressis, marginibus inflexis, subtilissime dentatis; mandibula inferiore convexa. Lingua jaculatoria, tubularis, furcata? Nares basales, breves, nudae, ovatae, membrana fissa, juxta rostri marginem et basin aperiente, tectae.

Remigum penna prima brevissima, secunda pennis 4 proximis paribus brevior._

Ob.--_Maris cauda pennis elongatis 2 ornata, hypochondriorumque pennae longiores._

Typ. Gen. _Upupa Promerops_ Lin.--_Certhia famosa_ Lin.

Bill lengthened, very slender, arched, the base depressed, the sides compressed, the tip very sharp and entire, the margins bent inwards and minutely dentated; under mandible beneath convex. Tongue retractile, tubular, forked? Nostrils basal, short, and broad, covered by a naked oval membrane which opens by a slit near the margin of the bill. First quill feather very short; the second shorter than the four next, which are of equal length.

_Ob._--Male generally with long feathers in the tail, and the side feathers under the wings rather lengthened.

Generic Types. _Cape Promerops, and s.h.i.+ning Creeper._ Lath.

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