Zoological Illustrations Volume I Part 19

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Green Aracari, beneath paler; throat whitish, round the orbits blue; bill with two lateral longitudinal grooves.

P. sulcatus. _Swainson, in Journal of Royal Inst.i.tution, vol._ 9. _p._ 267.

All those species of the Linnaean Toucans having a long wedge-shaped tail, and the nostrils pa.s.sing through the upper part of the bill, are comprehended by Illiger and other continental writers under this genus.

They have been called by the French Aracari; which name I have retained as an English generic distinction. They inhabit the same country and situations as the real Toucans, which are distinguished by having a short, broad, and even tail, and the nostrils placed behind the bill.

A fine example of this very rare bird I first met with in the small collection sent to my excellent friend, E. Falkener, Esq. from the Spanish Main. I have since noticed another which was in Mr. Bullock's museum, and is now in the possession of Lord Stanley: these are the only two specimens known.

This bird was first described by me in the Journal of the Royal Inst.i.tution near a year ago. When Professor Temminck was in England, I showed him the ma.n.u.script description and drawing which I had then made: he a.s.sured me he had never seen the bird before, otherwise than in Bullock's museum. A short time after, my account of it was published. I observe, however, that in the new edition of his Manuel he gives this name to a new bird of his own: no description however follows, and it is therefore impossible to say if the Professor intends it for this identical species.

We must postpone any further observations on this family, and conclude by giving the original description above alluded to.

Total length twelve inches, of which the bill in extreme length measures three. It is much curved, and more attenuated than any of the Aracaris, being thickest at the base; from which it narrows to a sharp point at the tip. The upper part is convex, and somewhat thickened; the sides are compressed, and the upper mandible has two broad slightly indented grooves on each side: the base has a few transverse wrinkles, and the serratures deep and unequal. The lower mandible half the depth of the upper, the sides concave, and the teeth less. The colour (in the dried bird) black; the base of the lower and the upper half of the superior mandible rufous, the base with a whitish marginal line. The nostrils are more lateral than usual, being placed in a line with the eye; the orbits naked and reddish brown, the feathers encircling which (particularly beneath the eye) are vivid cerulean blue. The whole upper plumage is parrot green, paler beneath, with a gloss of golden yellow on the cheeks and sides: throat dusky white. Wings short, five inches long, and rounded; inner shafts of the quills black, margined with whiteish. Tail cuneated, green, four inches and a half long, the four middle feathers equal. Legs dusky black.

Pl. 45


RAMPHASTOS carinatus,

_Sharp-billed Toucan._


_Rostrum capite longius, maximum, cra.s.sum, inane, cultratum, basali margine incra.s.satum; maxillae angulo frontali subtruncato transverso: Nares verticales, pone maxillae basin sitae; tomia serrata; lingua angusta, pennacea; cauda brevis, aequalis; pedes scansorii._ Illiger.

Prod, p. 212.

Typus Genericus _R. erythrorynchus_ Lath.

Bill very large, longer than the head, thick, light, curved, and thickened at the basal margin; the frontal angle transversely sub-truncated, margins serrated. Nostrils vertical, behind the base of the bill. Tongue slender, long, and feathered. Tail short, even. Feet scansorial.

Generic Type _Red-billed Toucan_ Lath.


_R. niger; gula flava; fascia pectorale tegminibusque inferioribus rubris; rostro viridi, apice rubro; mandibula superiore culmine carinato flavo, lateribus macula aurantia; inferiore caeruleo variegata._

Black; throat yellow; pectoral bar and under tail covers red; bill green, tip red; upper mandible carinated and yellow above, the sides with an orange spot; lower mandible varied with blue.

Yellow-breasted Toucan. _Edwards, pl._ 329.

Ramphastos Tuca.n.u.s. Yellow-breasted Toucan. _Gen. Zool._ 8, 362, (_excluding the Synonyms._)

No tribe of Birds appear so void of that symmetry of form that in general pervades the feathered creation, as the Toucans and Aracaris in the new, and the Hornbills in the old continent. A question naturally arises, why the bills of these birds should be so monstrously out of proportion, and what possible use they can be applied to. The elucidation of these questions is highly interesting, and calls for the most accurate observations to be made in their native regions. It will be sufficient for the present, however, to point out, with regard to the Linnaean Toucans, that the accurate observations and anatomical knowledge of my valued friend Dr. Traill, F.R.S.E., of Liverpool, have clearly proved that an immense number of nerves and fibres fill the cavity of these bills, all connected with the organs of smelling, which are in the highest state of development.

A short notice on this subject will be found in the Linnaean Transactions; but as my learned friend is pursuing his inquiries further on the subject, I shall for the present confine my remarks to the individual here ill.u.s.trated, observing that no birds are so little understood, even in regard to the species, as these.

The indefatigable Edwards appears the first who noticed this bird. His description, though in the quaint style of the day, is clear and comprehensive; and his figure strengthens it, both being made from the living bird. Yet Dr. Latham has quite overlooked it as a variety of another species; and Dr. Shaw, although he copies Edwards's account, gives references which belong to other birds. It is not in the costly work of Le Vaillant, and indeed seems (from its excessive rarity) to have escaped the notice of all modern ornithologists. The perfect bill of the bird is, however, in my possession, minutely agreeing with Edwards's account; and also an original sketch in oil of another individual, by an unknown artist, with a note stating it was done from the life at Exeter 'Change. All these testimonies put the existence of the bird beyond any doubt.

Having seen only the bill, which is well described by Edwards, I shall close this article with such part of his description as appears necessary.

"The bill is very large, compressed sideways, having _a sharp ridge along the upper part_; the upper mandible is green, with a long triangular spot of yellow colour on each side, and the ridge on the upper part yellow; the lower mandible is blue, with a shade of green in the middle, the point is red, it hath about five faint dusky bars, which cross the joinings of the two mandibles. The iris of the eye is a fair green colour; round the eye is a broad s.p.a.ce of naked skin of a violet colour: the throat and breast are of a bright yellow, below which is a bar of scarlet feathers; the covert feathers of the tail are white above, beneath of a bright red; the legs and feet are all of a blue or violet colour." Edwards says it was brought from Jamaica, but doubts its being rather a native of the continent: he says they are very rarely brought home alive.

The bill is full six inches long, and the whole figure on the same scale, both in this and in Edwards.

Pl. 46


BULIMUS citrinus,

_Citron Bulimus._



_B. testa obovata; spira conica, in medio sub-cra.s.sata, apertura longiore: spira anfractibus 6 in suturam depressis; labio exteriore basi subcontracto; umbilico subclauso._

Sh.e.l.l obovate; spire conic, slightly thickened in the middle, longer than the aperture, and of six volutions depressed on the suture; outer-lip slightly contracted at the base; umbilicus nearly closed.

Bulimus citrinus, _var._ B. _Bruguiere Encycl. Meth._ 314. _no._ 27.

_Martini_ 9. _tab._ 110. _fig._ 930.

This variable species is perhaps the most beautiful and delicate in its colouring of all the terrestrial snails; yet, although figured by several of the older writers, so little justice has been done it, that we make no apology for introducing it into the present work, both on this account, and for the purpose of giving such a discriminative specific character as may lead to the inquiry, how far all the numerous varieties mentioned by authors really belong to this species or not. As far as my own observation goes, I have found that the thickened spire, the depression of the whorls on the suture, and the narrowness or contraction of the mouth at the base, afford the only constant characters; for, in regard to colour and the situation of the mouth, both appear subject to great variation, the latter being as often reversed as regular. Martini's is the only figure that can be safely quoted for this variety.

I am indebted to Mrs. Bolton, of Storr's-hall, Windermere, for the loan of this and several other rare it formerly belonged to Mr. Jennings, and appears an old sh.e.l.l, being heavy in proportion, the umbilicus thickly closed up, and the outer-lip very thick. Another I have seen at Mrs.

Mawe's, and one is in the British Museum: but the finest specimen in colour and preservation is in the possession of my friend W. J. Broderip, Esq., of Lincoln's-Inn: from this it seems the spiral whorls are finely and delicately marked by transverse elevated striae, while those on the basal volution are striated transversely, though in a less regular manner.

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