World Record Chapter 35

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World Record Chapter 35 35. Mahou Shoujo(Physical)

The students who're running about trying to escape.

And, a far superior enemy.

[[It's woman(right)!]]

--have prepared.

They said so, and starts running.

It's an attack that can hurt an ordinary person just by it.

『Huh? Just throwing rocks』

One blow.

However, Ayame who have thought of such option after fighting against Karen, showed no impatience and unleashed her next move.

[『Gravity Manipulation』]

That's the technique used on Karen on the other day.

Although it's probably more effective if the order is reversed--this time, Ayame has allies.


And, a brutal blow by Eita's Killing Bat.

Lightly--he really brushed them off as if brus.h.i.+ng off a fly.

Eita wipes his sweats due to that unexpected power.

What she said is certainly true, but if someone were to ask that "Can you still say it upon experiencing the current battle?", almost everyone will say "No".

While receiving their attentions, Karen confirms that almost all of the students are not looking at her now, and she takes a breath.

[Macbeth-sensei told me to never use 『Transform』 in front of people, but I guess it's inevitable this time]

Upon hearing those words, Ayame and Eita recalls.

And, why she can summon weapons like it's natural?

--No, even the scenery around her, changes to glittery things.

After all, those words are all different languages. If it's translated, it means 『Erase』『Kill』『Hit』『Kick』.

And--a few seconds later.

[Mahou Shoujo, Komauchi Karen! I'll punish you in the place of Master!]

A genuine Mahou Shoujo wearing a blue frilly dress was there.


That's natural. During training, even Iwato froze when he saw her Mahou Shoujo form. It's impressive to that extent--and above all, it's unrealistic.

[Of course~]

An immediate reply.

That Karen said so in this serious matter. So it's probably right......

[My Battle Rank and superpower are still far lower than him though......]

--If it's only taijustu, I can take him on perfectly.

At an instant, Karen disappears, and the Ultimate Polar Bear moves to urgent evasion in a hurry.

Ayame and Eita who saw that, and also the Ultimate Polar Bear, had a hunch--that this girl is definitely 『strong』.

The level of strength is basically decided by the Battle Rank.

However, regarding Karen, she's not limited to it.

If it's only her taijutsu, she can even take on an A rank member easily. With the 『magic』 called weapon summoning, she probably can make a living as a B rank member.

Hence, he's a monster that has an extraordinary Battle Rank. Let's express it like that.

Hence, her Battle Rank drops to at most a third-rate. It probably can be expressed in that way.

Whether it's the superpower that made her weak or she has more strength in her while being held back by the superpower.

Then, no matter how weak her superpower is and how much her Battle Rank drops--only her taijutsu is top-notch.

Immediately after that, Karen transformed her hammer into a 『crowbar-like weapon』, and changed course aiming at the Ultimate Polar Bear. Holding up her weapon and charges.

He unleashes a large swing as if wanting to finish her in one blow.

She steps on his arm and runs up to his shoulder. And, swings down--


the weapon's pointed edge aiming at his cranium.


Roaring scream. Bursting blood.

And, the perpetrator, Karen gets down from the Ultimate Polar Bear's shoulder, and said this at him.

[The current me is on par with Tsumu-san if it's only taijutsu, you know?]

By those words, Ayame and Eita get excited.

Although Eita have never seen the person before, he had the opinion that if it's Iwato's sister, she should be strong.

Karen became a little pleased by those words, but

『Then, I should just......kill the rest』

because of that, she was late.

By the time she thought of that, Karen has already run off, and ahead of her is the students who felt fear after failing to escape. They don't think that the Ultimate Polar Bear is heading to their direction--No, their eyes couldn't chase his speed.

Karen guards right away with her arms.

First, the bones of her both arms are broken for sure.

She managed to get out of the inner wall.

But still, she tries to stands up......

『Ha~i, one arm』


The Ultimate Polar Bear grinds his leg on her crushed arm even more as if her found a new joy--Adding more pain to Karen.

[Uoraaaaaa!! Get away!]

The Ultimate Polar Bear suddenly was blown off a few meters to the side. The metal bat hit exactly on the wound received from Karen just now.


Adding more pain to the Ultimate Polar Bear. He held his head and he stumbles a step forward when trying to stop.

[T-This is terrible......]

The state of Karen having a crushed right arm that's probably impossible to recover, and having wounds all over her body.

[Ah! Karen! This may hurt a little, but please endure it!]

Ayame who thought of the possibility of bleeding to death, quickly hold down her wounds forcibly with her superpower.

『You two also, execution』

At an instant, the two were blown off.

The pain is something that they had never felt before in their life. And, a shadow appeared--at him who's writhing in agony.

『Your attack hurts. That's why, I'll kill you--first with respect and killing intent』

Upon hearing those words, he--Hiragis.h.i.+ Eita, had a stiff smile.


A pinch greater than the previous one.

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You're reading World Record by Author(s): Mori Takuwan, 森たくわん. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 1268 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.