World Record Chapter 32

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World Record Chapter 32   32. Unpleasant premonition

Genius scientist, Albert shook his shoulder when he watched the video on the screen.

That was the hole opened by the subject of research. And, Albert who thought that it can even withstand a direct hit from a ballistic missile, became fl.u.s.tered.

『T-This is bad, Boss!』

At the same time as that, the stack of doc.u.ments on the table falls.

[d.a.m.n! If I know this will happen, I should have saved that guy for it!]

That's right. That guy.

Since he sent that guy, complete destruction is a matter of course, but in other words, it means that this laboratory is short in defence right now.

However, his brain is telling him to 『run away』.


[You sure have absurd physical strength as usual]

Nakajima who muttered so, looked up at the huge hole.

Although Nakajima-sensei herself is also specialized in physical strength, still, she falls far short of Iwato's strength.

[......Nn? What are you saying?]

When she turned towards the voice, there's a destroyed army of mechanized soldier.

In addition, "Come to think of it, I have never saw Iwato fight before". Nakajima-sensei thought so, but

[......Aren't these mechanized soldiers at least a Monster cla.s.s?]

That's right. The soldiers defeated by Iwato just now, were all Monster Among them, there's clearly a Mythical Beast cla.s.s. Regarding its Battle Rank, it's probably around 40.

Nakajima-sensei thought so, and she felt the chill on her spine.

(If by any chance that it's true, then this laboratory is more dangerous than what the Special Forces think...... Well, probability wise, it's unlikely to be true)

That's right. Even if it's 10000 to 1, such thing is impossible.

Upon thinking that far, she still think that "Can a Divine Beast cla.s.s be a worthy opponent for Iwato?".

The sound of breathing can be heard ahead of the pa.s.sage, and Iwato also turned towards the sound upon realizing it.

Relying on the lights set up throughout the pa.s.sage, and they can see lower Monster cla.s.s among it. With this, the worst thought was crushed for now.

[......Why am I doing the most?]

While exchanging words, they started to run to the pack.


[What are those two monsters!?]

Such shout full of grief resounded.

What he saw on the screen was this laboratory's guards were literally instant killed. The time for those two to annihilate the guards is approximately less than 4 seconds.

(Ku, as expected, brute force approach is difficult......!)

When Albert was clenching his teeth while thinking so, he showed a stiff smile as he ignores the warning from his brain.

[How about this!?]

At the same time as those words, changes happen on the screen.

Albert who saw that, snickered as the two who were steadily advancing, begin to slow down.

[Fu,fuhaha! How's it!? As expected, even you can't withstand vacuum state......]



It happened in just a blink of an eye.

And, upon seeing that, Albert slams his fists onto the table.

[What are they!? It's ridiculous to be able to move in vacuum state! Are they even humans!?]

Just as he said.

Albert desperately encouraged his heart that was going to break, and he begins to type at the nearby computer to set traps that are more lethal than the one before.

[Fu, fufufu, if vacuum state doesn't work, then I can just mix in poison gas! If it still doesn't work, then I can just create a lethal poison swamp at the bottom of the pitfall! If it still doesn't work, I can just use physical attacks that can't be dodged!]

He said so as he smiles forcefully.

He persuade himself so as he pressed the Enter b.u.t.ton, and turned his eyes to the screen.

This gas has a special trait that it will become harmless in less than 5 seconds if it touches the air, but that's why, he can use it without any considerations like this.

He muttered so in his heart while looking at the screen.

『Nn? What's this gas? This looks bad for body......HA! Is this what the so-called pa.s.sive smoking!?』

"Are you really a human?". What a perfectly fitting phrase.


『Uoo, this looks like a swamp that can melt clothes』

He thrusts his arm to the diamond hard inner wall and avoided it. And, Albert who saw that, he abandoned various things.

[Yosh, you guys. From now, gather all the soldiers into the final room. Because the next one would probably be destroyed, act as fast as possible]

What shown on the screen was the subject of research crawling out of the pitfall and the red haired woman who reach out her hand to him.

[It's inevitable. An all-out war]

He muttered so, and turned back.

Iwato who have crawled out of the poison swamp, stopped the falling ceiling with one hand, and knocked down every poison arrows shot from every direction with his hands. He also broke through other traps with physical.

[Yes? What is it......]


Although Nakajima-sensei was surprised that Iwato received an attack properly, there's a figure standing with a stance of swinging the hand down on where he stood.

But, it's standing with two legs, and also wearing armor. And above all--the overwhelming strength that can be felt just by standing.

Nakajima-sensei had such intuition.

He won't die with a surprise attack of that extent.

Those words are more than enough to induce an unpleasant premonition.

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