World Record Chapter 28

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28. Dhampir

TL note: I think it’s Dhampir. Otherwise, maybe a lesser vampire.

The next day.

And when that happens, of course, the best friend who’s existence is becoming faint recently, makes a move–

[Hahaha! At last, you have been abandoned, you d.a.m.n riajuu! Hee! Serves you right!]

[Shut up! This accommodation training! If your not there, there will only be one male character which is ME! In other words, this accommodation training, I’ll……]
[Yeah, yeah. It’s your life. So do what you want]

Iwato rejects Eita’s shout as he hangs his bag to the side of his desk, and he tries to take out his lunch–

[Ah, come to think of it……]

He recalled that he didn’t buy lunch at the convenience store today.

Taking that morning into account, it’s already obvious.
Iwato told a merciless truth to Eita who’s muttering [You have finally been abandoned. Even I think it’s miraculous that a mob character like you started to be popular……].

[Ah, I see. A handmade bento]
[Ba○s!!] (TL note: Not sure what this is)

Due to the resentment, Eita threw the ball that he grip to the floor while chanting the magic word of destruction.

By the way, Hiragis.h.i.+ Eita is a member of the baseball club.

During lunch break.

Of course, it’s probably what Iwato expected. A handmade bento, but–

[Hey, isn’t this too much?]

Iwato muttered so upon looking at the almost 10 level bento.
Of course, he thought that 『Probably Karen will eat almost all of it』 in his mind, but the truth is more interesting till it’s–not laughable.

[How’s this! I did my best to make it for Master!]
[Yes, we did our best after waking up early in the morning. So, please eat all of it without holding back, okay?]


There’s no way I can eat all of it.

As a result–

[O-Oh……I’m……Iwato is happy?]

He said an outrageous lie.

It’s a blessing in disguise.

Iwato’s throat sounded, and he opened the bento starting from the most top level that’s placed on the floor instead of the desk. And, for some reason, for each time he opened the bento, the cla.s.s falls into silence.
Well, of course he knew what’s the reason……

[……What’s this?]
[[Bento(you know)?]]

No–absolutely no.

The top is filled with rice and karaage, then followed with broccoli and banana, and lastly, liquids. It’s quite impressive that it didn’t leak out.
Anyway, what he wants to say is,

[You two……do you know what is a bento?]

For Iwato, the brains of these two girls who made this bento, is impossible to understand.
Although the two’s faces stiffens by Iwato’s words, Iwato continues the a.s.sault.

[First, there’s no chopsticks]

[Second, why there’s only one kind in each boxes?]

[Third, this banana……isn’t it rotten?]

Terrible. This is the first time I see such a terrible bento.

By that action, Karen and Ayame open their eyes wide, but it seems that these two only understands that [something is wrong] in this bento, and they cast down their eyes frustratingly.

[Come on, you two. Let’s go buy a chopsticks at the school store……Wait, does the school store sell chopsticks……?]

By those words, the two raises their head quickly.

That’s definitely not because of pity, and it’s also not doing it for the sake of the girls just like a light novel protagonist.
To put it in words–it’s for himself.

[Although a lot of it is not good, the karaage looks delicious. I’m looking forward to eat it]

He said so and smiles.
Whether or not it’s a smile upon understanding the girl’s feelings. Only G.o.d knows.

The next day.

Iwato, Tsumugu and Karen were gathered at the living room by Ayame.

[So, what’s the important thing you want to say?]

That’s right. Ayame began to said so with a serious face at the same time as she finished her dinner. Thus, creating this situation now.

And, Ayame who heard that,

[Today, um……I want to tell the three of you about something I haven’t told up until now……]

“Something I haven’t told up until now”.

For Iwato, it’s the King of Black Coffin.

For Karen, it’s the weakest superpower.

The three think so right away–

[Do you know about……the demi-humans?]

Upon hearing those words, they guessed it.


That’s literally a life-form that differs from the human.

However, they are always born with monstrous strength.

For example, a merman which has fish abilities and a transformed lower half.

They, people who are a little different from human, are called as 『Demi-humans』. Why they are born in such appearance? It is still a mystery that hasn’t been clarified.

However, it’s a truth that the population of demi-humans is small, and it’s quite rare to find one in a town.
And, what Ayame wanted to say is for sure–

[Actually, I’m……a vampire 『demi-human』]

She closed her eyes tightly and confessed.

However, they are clearly a different existence than the human. Even if people don’t discriminate them, they will surely avoid them.

And, above all–

[Eeh!? Your reactions is so weak!]

–Surely, they have acquired the conviction of not minding such thing.

[Well, even if you say demi-human, demi-human just have animal ears and tail, and the Battle Rank is just higher than human, isn’t that right?]
[Nn…also…there’s a demi-human…among the World Recorder]

And what came to the two’s mind is that human weapon who has ears of a dog or wolf and the Battle Rank that easily surpa.s.sed 100.

After all, she is one of the few people who can put up a good fight against Iwato.

Returning back to the subject.

Ayame took a breath of relief upon seeing their usual reactions, and at the same time, Iwato began to talk.

[Vampire demi-human–in your case, you might be called as 『Dhampir』, but how about the abilities and weaknesses of the vampire? Like transforming or cross]
[Ah! I also want to know that!]

There’s a limit of being usual.
Ayame muttered so in her mind, and she puts her hand at her chin and ponders.

[Basically, I don’t have any weaknesses. I’m okay with crosses, I can eat garlic, and I can also drink pure water normally. As for the abilities, my recovery ability is certainly high. When I had a bone fracture, it healed in just one day. As for transformation……well, I can only conceal my wings]


When Ayame drops her hand from her chin, she averts her eyes from them.

[The most important one is I need to take in blood to continue living……]

She spoke with a little solitary.

At the present time, the government will sent blood pack to them once every half month, but for Ayame, she can’t help to think that this act is what differs her from a human. She detested such act.

[Hee, somehow, it’s amazing]

Iwato said so while resting his chin in his hands.

[I’m certainly surprised because you don’t look like a demi-human, but that doesn’t mean that something will change, right? Ayame is Ayame. You revealed that you’re a vampire because you wanted us to believe in you, right? No one bad will do such a thing]

Something warm flowed on Ayame’s cheeks.

Because, before she was saved by the King of Black Coffin, she was bullied because of the truth during elementary school. And also, she understood that the demi-human discrimination still haven’t disappear from this world completely.
That’s why, although she knew it, still, her heart bear uneasiness as she revealed the truth to the people she like.

And–that uneasiness has now disappeared.

[Something like demi-human, is just a kind of status. Growing animal ears, scales, and wings. You should live your life proudly because you are more superior than human]

When he realized it, Ayame’s crying, and Tsumugu and Karen pat her back.
Iwato thought that [Huh?……Did I do it again?] in his mind, while

[……Y-You made me fall in love with you to this extent. So, please take responsibility and marry me, okay……?]

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You're reading World Record by Author(s): Mori Takuwan, 森たくわん. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 1575 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.