The Three Charters of the Virginia Company of London Part 4

The Three Charters of the Virginia Company of London -

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George Nuce, gentleman [Newce]

John Robinson Captaine Thomas Wood William Browne, shoemaker [Brown]

Roberte Barker, shoemaker Roberte Penington [Pennington]

Francis Burley, minister William Quick, grocer Edward Lewes, grocer [Lewis]

Laurence Campe, draper Aden Perkins, grocer Richard Shepparde, preacher [Shepherd]

William Sheckley, haberdasher [Sherley]

William Tayler, haberdasher [Taylor]

Edward Lukyn, gentleman [Edwin Lukin]

John Francklyn, haberdasher [Franklyn]

John Southicke [Southwick]

Peter Peate George Johan, iremonnger George Yardley, gentleman [Yeardley]

Henrie [Sh.e.l.ley]

John Pratt [Prat]

Thomas Church, draper William Powell, gentleman [Powel]

Richard Frithe, gentleman [Frith]

Thomas Wheeler, draper Franncis Hasilerigg, gentleman [Haselrig]

Hughe s.h.i.+ppley, gentleman [s.h.i.+pley]

John Andrewes, thelder, [doctor], of Cambridge [Andrews]

Franncis Whistley, gentleman [Whistler]

John Va.s.sall, gentleman Richard Howle Edward Barkeley, gentleman [Berkeley]

Richard Knerisborough, gentleman [Keneridgburg]

Nicholas Exton, draper William Bennett, fishmonger [Bennet]

James Hawood, marchaunt [Haywood]

Nicholas Isaak, merchaunt [Isaac]

William Gibbs, merchannt [William] Bushopp [Bishop]

Barnard Mich.e.l.l [Mitchel]

Isaake Mich.e.l.l [Isaac Mitchel]

John Streat [Streate]

Edward Gall John Marten, gentleman [Martin]

Thomas Fox Luke Lodge John Woodleefe, gentleman [Woodliffe]

Rice Webb [Richard]

Vincent Lowe [Low]

Samuell Burnam [Burnham]

Edmonde Pears, haberdasher Josua Goudge [John Googe]

John St. John Edwarde Vaughan William Dunn Thomas Alc.o.c.k []

John Andrewes, the younger, of Cambridge [Andrews]

Samuell Smithe [Smith]

Thomas Jerrard [Gerrard]

Thomas Whittingham William Cannynge [Canning]

Paule Caminge [Canning]

George Chaudler [Chandler]

Henrye Vincent Thomas Ketley James Skelton James Montain [Mountaine]

George Webb, gentleman Josephe Newbroughesmith [Joseph Newbridge, smith]

Josias Mande [Mand]

Raphe Haman, the younger [Hamer]

Edward Brewster, the sonne of William Brewster Leonard Harwood, mercer Phillipp Druerdent William Carpenter Tristram Hill Roberte c.o.c.k, grocer Laurence Grene, grocer [Greene]

Daniell Winche, grocer [Samuel Winch]

Humfrey Stile, grocer Averie Dransfeild, grocer [Dransfield]

Edwarde Hodges, grocer Edward Beale, grocer[10]

Raphe Busby, grocer[11]

John Whittingham, grocer John Hide, grocer Mathew s.h.i.+pperd, grocer [Shepherd]

Thomas Allen, grocer Richard Hooker, grocer Laurence Munckas, grocer [Munks]

John Tanner, grocer Peter Gate, grocer John Blunt, grocer[12]

Roberte Berrisford, grocer[13]

Thomas Wells, gentleman[14]

John Ellis, grocer Henrie Colthurst, grocer John Cranage, grocer [Cavady]

Thomas Jenings, grocer [Jennings]

Edmond Peshall, grocer [Pashall]

Timothie Bathurst, grocer Gyles Parslowe, grocer[15] [Parslow]

Roberte Johnson, grocer [Richard]

William Janson, vintener [Johnson]

Ezechiell Smith Richard Murrettone [Martin]

William Sharpe Roberte Ritche [Rich]

William Stannerd, inholder [Stannard]

John Stocken William Strachey, gentleman George Farmer, gentleman Thomas Gypes, clothworker Abraham Dawes, gentleman [Davies]

Thomas Brockett, gentleman [Brocket]

George Bathe, fishmonger [Bache]

John Dike, fishmonger Henrie Spranger Richard Farringdon [Farrington]

Chistopher Vertue, vintener Thomas Baley, vintener [Bayley]

George Robins, vintener Tobias Hinson, grocer Urian Spencer [Vrian]

Clement Chach.e.l.ley [Chicheley]

John Searpe, gentleman [Scarpe]

James Cambell, iremonnger [Campbell]

Christopher c.l.i.therowe, iremonnger [c.l.i.theroe]

Phillipp Jacobson Peter Jacobson, of Andwarpe William Barckley [Berkeley]

Miles Banck, cutler [Banks]

Peter Highley, grocer [Higgons]

Henrie John, gentleman John Stoakley, merchauntailor [Stokeley]

The companie of mercers The companie of grocers The companie of drapers The company of fishmongers The companie of gouldsmithes The companie of skynners The companie merchauntailors The companie of haberdashers The companie of salters The companie of iremongers The companie of vintners The companie of clothworkers The companie of dyers The companie of bruers The companie of lethersellers The companie of pewterers The companie of cutlers The companie of whitebakers The companie of waxchaundlers The companie of tallowe chaundlers The companie of armorers The companie of girdlers The companie of butchers The companie of sadlers The companie of carpenters The companie of cordwayners The companie of barbor chirurgions The companie of painter stayners The companie of curriers The companie of masons The companie of plumbers The companie of inholders The companie of founders The companie of poulterers The companie of cookes The companie of coopers The companie of tylers and bricklayers The companie of bowyers The companie of fletchers The companie of blacksmithes The companie of joyners The companie of weavers The companie of wollmen The companie of woodmonngers The companie of scrivenors The companie of fruterers The companie of plasterers The companie of brownebakers The companie of stacioners The companie of imbroderers The companie of upholsters The companie of musicions The companie of turners[16]

The companie of baskettmakers The companie of glasiers John Levett, merchaunt [Levet]

Thomas Nornicott, clothworker [Nornicot]

Richard Venn, haberdasher Thomas Scott, gentleman [Scot]

Thomas Juxson, merchauntaylor [Juxon]

George Hankinson Thomas Leeyer, gentleman [Seyer]

Mathew Cooper George Butler, gentleman Thomas Lawson, gentleman Edward Smith, haberdasher Stephen Sparrowe John Jones, merchaunt [John] Reynold, brewer [Reynolds]

Thomas Plummer, merchaunt James Duppa, bruer Rowland Coytemore [Coitmore]

William Sotherne [Southerne]

George Whittmoore, haberdasher [Whitmore]

Anthonie Gosoulde, the younger [Gosnold]

John Allen, fishemonger Symonde Yeomans, fishmonger [Simon]

Launcelot Davis, gentleman John Hopkins, an alderman of Bristoll John Kettlebye, gentleman [Kettleby]

Richard Chene, gouldsmithe [Clene]

George Hooker, gentleman Roberte Shevinge, yeoman [Chening]

[Footnote 5: All names in brackets supplied from text in]

[Footnote 6:'s footnote: "The adventurers names are vastly confused and different in the different M. S. copies of this charter. I chose the two fairest and most correct copies, that I met with, to transcribe from; and altho' they both agree in writing this name, Sir _Edward Sands_, or _Sandis_, yet they are both certainly wrong, as might be easily proved, were it worth while, and would not be too tedious. I was also much puzzled to adjust and set right others of the names; and altho' I was at no small pains in collating the copies, and in consulting and referring to other ancient letters patents and papers, yet I will not affirm that I am not often mistaken. But however erroneous and perplexed the names of the adventurers may be, yet I found the main body, and material parts of the charter, very clear, full, and correct."]

[Footnote 7: Omitted from]

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