The Three Charters of the Virginia Company of London Part 3

The Three Charters of the Virginia Company of London -

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Arthure Venn, gentleman Saund Webb, gentleman [Sandys Webbe]

Michaell Phettiplace, gentleman William Phetiplace, gentleman [Phettiplace]

Ambrose Brusey, gentleman [Prusey]

John Taverner, gentleman George Pretty, gentleman Peter Latham, gentleman Thomas Monnford, gentleman [Montford]

William Cautrell, gentleman [Cantrel]

Richard Wiffine, gentleman [Wiffin]

Raphe Mooreton, gentleman [Moreton]

John Cornellis [Cornelius]

Martyn Freeman Raphe Freeman Andreau Moore Thomas White Edward Perkin Robert Offley Thomas Whitley George Pitt [Pit]

Roberte Parkehurste [Parkhurst]

Thomas Morris Peter Vaulore [Harloe]

Jeffrey Duppa John Gilbert William Hanc.o.c.k Mathew Bromrigg [Brown]

Francis Tirrell[Tyrrel]

Randall Carter Othowell Smithe [Smith]

Thomas Honnyman [Hamond]

Marten Bonde, haberdasher [Bond]

Joan Mousloe [John Moulsoe]

Roberte Johnson William Younge [Young]

John Woddall [Woodal]

William Felgate Humfrey Westwood Richard Champion Henrie Robinson Franncis Mapes William Sambatch [Sambach]

Rauley Crashawe [Ralegh Crashaw]

Daniell Tucker Thomas Grave Hugh Willestone Thomas Culpepper, of Wigsell, Esquire John Culpepper, gentleman Henrie Lee Josias Kirton, gentleman [Kerton]

John Porie, gentleman [Pory]

Henrie Collins George Burton William Atkinson Thomas Forrest [Forest]

John Russell [Russel]

John Houlte [Holt]

Harman Harrison Gabriell Beedell [Beedel]

John Beedell [Beedel]

Henrie Dankes [Dawkes]

George Scott [Scot]

Edward Fleetewood, gentleman [Fleetwood]

Richard Rogers, gentleman Arthure Robinson Robert Robinson John Huntley John Grey [Gray]

William Payne William Feilde [Field]

William Wattey William Webster John Dingley Thomas Draper Richard Glanvile [Glanvil]

Arnolde Lulls [Hulls]

Henrie Rowe [Roe]

William Moore [More]

Nicholas Grice [Gryce]

James Monnger [Monger]

Nicholas Andrewes [Andrews]

Jerome Haydon, iremonnger [Jeremy Haydon]

Phillipp Durrant [Philip Durette]

John Quales [Quarles]

John West Mathew Springeham [Springham]

John Johnson Christopher h.o.r.e George Barkeley Thomas Sued [Snead]

George Barkeley [Berkeley]

Arthure Pett [Pet]

Thomas Careles William Barkley [Berkley]

Thomas Johnson Alexander Bent [Bents]

Captaine William Kinge [King]

George Sandes, gentleman [Sandys]

James White, gentleman Edmond Wynn [Wynne]

Charles Towler Richard Reynold Edward Webb Richard Maplesden Thomas Levers [Lever]

David Bourne Thomas Wood Raphe Hamer Edward Barnes, mercer John Wright, mercer Robert Middleton Edward Litsfeild [Littlefield]

Katherine West Thomas Webb [Web]

Raphe Kinge [King]

Roberte Coppine [Coppin]

James Askewe Christopher Nicholls [Christopher Holt]

William Bardwell Alexander Childe [Chiles]

Lewes Tate Edward Ditchfeilde [Ditchfield]

James Swifte Richard Widdowes, goldesmith Edmonde Brundell[8] [Brudenell]

John Hanford [Hansford]

Edward Wooller William Palmer, haberdasher John Badger John Hodgson Peter Monnsill [Mounsel]

John Carrill [Carril]

John Busbridge [Bushridge]

William Dunn [Dun]

Thomas Johnson Nicholas Benson Thomas s.h.i.+pton Nathaniell Wade Randoll Wettwood [Wetwood]

Mathew Dequester Charles Hawkins Hugh Hamersley Abraham Cartwright George Bennett [Bennet]

William Cattor [Cater]

Richard G.o.ddart Henrie Cromwell Phinees Pett [Pet]

Roberte Cooper[9]

Henrie Neite [Newce]

Edward Wilks [Wilkes]

Roberte Bateman Nicholas Farrar John Newhouse John Cason Thomas Harris, gentleman George Etheridge, gentleman Thomas Mayle, gentleman Richard Stratford [Stafford]

Thomas Richard Cooper John Westrowe [Westrow]

Edward Welshe [Welch]

Thomas Brittanie [Britain]

Thomas Knowls [Knowles]

Octavian Thorne Edmonde Smyth [Smith]

John March Edward Carew Thomas Pleydall Richard Lea [Let]

Miles Palmer Henrie Price John Josua, gentleman [Joshua]

William Clawday [Clauday]

Jerome Pearsye John Bree, gentleman William Hampson Christopher Pickford Thomas Hunt Thomas Truston Christopher Lanman [Salmon]

John Haward, clerke [Howard]

Richarde Partridge Allen Cotton [Ca.s.sen]

Felix Wilson Thomas Colethurst [Bathurst]

George Wilmer Andrew Wilmer Morrice Lewellin Thomas Jedwin [G.o.dwin]

Peter Burgoyne Thomas Burgoyne Roberte Burgoyne Roberte Smithe, merchauntaylor [Smith]

Edward Cage, grocer Thomas Canon, gentleman [Cannon]

William Welby, stacioner Clement Wilmer, gentleman John Clapham, gentleman Giles Fraunces, gentleman [Francis]

George Walker, sadler John Swinehowe, stacioner [Swinhow]

Edward Bushoppe, stacioner [Bishop]

Leonard White, gentleman Christopher Barron [Baron]

Peter Benson Richard Smyth [Smith]

George Prockter, minister [Proctor]

Millicent Ramesden, widowe [Ramsdent]

Joseph Soane Thomas Hinshawe [Hinshaw]

John Baker Robert Thorneton [Thornton]

John Davies [Davis]

Edward Facett [Facet]

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