Jasper Lyle Part 3

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Note 1. There can be no literal translation of this word of command, but the oxen understand it well,--to them it means "advance," "on."


THE s.h.i.+PWRECK.

We must now turn from the inland valley, with its homestead, its cornfields, and flocks, to a very different scene,--a scene at sea.

On the day when our friends Frankfort and Ormsby were introduced to my reader with the tempest warring round them, as they stood shelterless with May upon the open plain, a solitary s.h.i.+p neared the south-eastern coast of the great continent of Africa. The hurricane blew there with frenzied violence; the fiends of the storm were howling aloft among the shrouds, the canva.s.s cracked and rattled till it split into ribbons, and was whirled away to the winds; the rudder had been torn from its place, the masts groaned and shrieked, the waters frothed up in fountains of spray, and at intervals the heavy surges swept the decks like clouds, enveloping the vessel, and bearing it down with a force it could ill resist.

The sailors were hanging about the s.h.i.+p, but there were few on deck, and none in the shrouds, for there they could not keep their footing.

There were troops on board; the dull roll of the drum made itself audible at times, when there was a lull, and volleys of musketry mingled their signals of distress with the screams of affrighted women and children,--and, alas! alas!--with the oaths of terrible men,--for it was a convict-s.h.i.+p.

There were but momentary glimpses of the sh.o.r.e as the lightning flashes rent in twain the dark of vapour hanging about the gloomy rock-bound coast. The captain could only guess where he was, for the vessel had been driving all the night, and the character of the cliffs was his only guide now. He saw there was no help for them if the s.h.i.+p continued to lie with her head to the sh.o.r.e, and he believed that a sand-bank at the yawning mouth of a river would engulph them, unless the hand of Providence cast them to the westward of this, where, as he supposed, the sands sloped from the cliffs, on the summit of which stood a small fortified barrack, occupied by a slender garrison of British troops, who would render such a.s.sistance as their means permitted in saving the lives of such as might be fortunate enough to be cast adrift upon the coast, or be enabled to reach it by rafts, or in the launch.

The convicts had all been freed from their shackles in the early part of the night--as soon, in fact, as the desperate situation of the s.h.i.+p was ascertained; but they were kept between decks till some plan of possible relief could be devised. Some sat moodily in the corners of the s.h.i.+p, awaiting the day, in sullen, gloomy despondency. Some blasphemed; some laughed in bitterness of heart, exulting in the idea, that man's vengeance had been set at nought by a stronger power;--whether for good or evil, they did not consider. Some jeered at the soldiers, who bore the jeers with unswerving spirit; and some of the women, G.o.d help them!

jeered the loudest! One, indeed,--who had deeply considered her position, and repented,--prayed aloud, and some drew round her to listen, but these were few; others cursed their doom. One soldier's wife, a young creature with an infant in her arms, leaned against a riven mast, crying bitterly, while her husband tried in vain to comfort her. Immovable as images were most of those iron soldiers, except as they answered to the voice of command; true, even in the jaws of death, to their country and their profession, they heard the blasphemy and the jeers and the ribaldry of the wretched beings they guarded, without evincing the slightest emotion. Between the volleys of musketry, a heavy gun occasionally boomed out its signal of distress, but it was only echoed back from the gaping rocks of the dangerous coast; again the small-arms awakened no answer.

Silence,--a voice of command from the p.o.o.p, and all hands are called to lower the launch. The s.h.i.+p had struck several times against the sand, s.h.i.+vering, as though terrified at being so a.s.sailed. The gangways were guarded, and the convicts not permitted to pa.s.s. Few, indeed, attempted it, though all had been unmanacled; but discipline, in hours of difficulty and danger, is generally more than a match for strength.

The launch was lowered with a will, by those who would have no right to enter it. It was appropriated, of course, to the women and children, and those who were to have the charge of it were appointed by lot.

There was no confusion; those who drew planks turned calmly away, and went to other duties, while the guardians of the launch marshalled its pa.s.sengers in funeral order, and they were cautiously lowered into it.

There were two officers in command of the convict guard; the elder was married; his wife looked quite a child, she was barely eighteen.

Melancholy it was to see her clinging to her husband, and begging to be left with him on that deck, which began already to open its seams, and show the water boiling below. She threw herself on her knees at last, and implored him to let her die there with him.

"Marmaduke, my love, my husband, do not send me from you;" and, turning to the captain, who gently implored her, for the sake of her unborn infant, to endeavour to save herself, she replied, in a voice of indescribable calmness, "Sir, those whom G.o.d has joined, let no man put asunder; I will not leave my husband."

Then a boy mids.h.i.+pman came forward, and begged the officer to take _his_ place in the launch, but Captain Dorian would not leave his men; and now everything was prepared to cut away the boat from the s.h.i.+p, and Mrs Dorian stood firmly by her husband.

I have alluded to the knowledge, such as it was, that the captain had of the coast they had been nearing for so considerable a time. He was not mistaken in his conjectures that they were within gun-range of a part of the sh.o.r.e guarded by a garrison of British soldiers.

See a signal!--the clouds have been lifted by the merciful hand of Providence; and, though the answering gun from the tower of the little fort cannot be heard, in consequence of the wind setting in-sh.o.r.e, and the elements outvying each other in noise at sea, the flash is distinctly visible. Captain Dorian persuades the poor young creature that there is help close at hand; appeals to her in the character of a soldier, who expects his wife to a.s.sist him in setting an example of firmness; points out to her the selfishness of her wish to remain thus unmanning him in his military duties; and, pa.s.sive, stupified, at last, she suffers him to carry her to the s.h.i.+p's side, and she takes her place in the launch.

Dorian looked at her as she lifted her eyes in a wild way to him. She stretched out her hands, as if imploring him to call her back. A white-crested wave sweeps over her, and throws her down; she tries to rise; she sees her husband with clasped hands praying for her; she waves hers in reply, and Dorian is called away on duty.

He speaks coolly and decidedly; he gives the necessary orders to an old sergeant, but is stopped by the screams of the unhappy women on the deck, who are hoping that the launch may come back for them. A strong rope had been affixed to the s.h.i.+p, and it had been decided that this, being also connected with the launch, should be fastened ash.o.r.e by any means that the will of Providence might offer. The rope was strong, but the rottenness of the s.h.i.+p's timbers was proved in a sudden and appalling manner. The poor soldiers had congregated in that part of the vessel to which the rope had been made last. I have already said that the seams of the deck had opened, leaving here and there a large s.p.a.ce; still the captain, officers, and crew were in hopes that she would hold together till she was driven on the sands, and by that time they antic.i.p.ated further help by means of the launch, the rope, and perhaps some surf-boats, if the detachment possessed any, as was probable, from the garrison being a depot for stores brought thither by coasters.

An awful crash took place; the great s.h.i.+p parted, and the poor anxious watchers of the launch were precipitated into the foaming ocean.

The miserable convicts rushed upon what remained of the deck. They shouted, they sang, they chattered, they uttered ribald jests; they climbed the rigging, and swung aloft. It gave way under their feet.

Some seemed to revel in the freedom of the unchained air; they cl.u.s.tered along the yards like bees. Now the s.h.i.+p's bows are drawn into the surge; now the shattered p.o.o.p sinks beneath the waves; now the sea overwhelms the decks, sweeping living aid inanimate things in its vortex; and now, oh G.o.d! the great beams gape and yawn and part asunder, and see the wretches are jammed in between; a mast is s.h.i.+vered, a block falls, and strikes an old man down; his eyes burst from their sockets, his head is bruised and battered, his limbs quiver, and his fingers are convulsed. The deck opens again; the bounding: sea bursts up, and draws into its relentless jaws more than one victim!

The s.h.i.+p was fairly breaking up. Some rushed to the forecastle, some looked despairingly from the p.o.o.p--Between the fore and after part there was soon an impa.s.sable gulf.

At the scream, which drew the attention of Dorian and his sergeant from the arrangements they were making, the former rushed to the p.o.o.p. He saw the brave fellows who had been swept off struggling in the waters, trying to regain the shattered vessel. They perished every one of them!

At any other time he would have been stunned by the sight, but his eyes are strained beyond it; fixed in an aching gaze upon the launch, he can distinguish no one in her now; her pa.s.sengers seem all huddled together: he turns round on hearing the mast cras.h.i.+ng over the s.h.i.+p's side; he is shocked at the sight of the mutilated old man. Again he turns; his eyes seek the rocks, above which he has seen the flash of the signal-gun; he fancies he hears the echoes rolling along the cliffs; he distinguishes another momentary light; the launch is hidden between two watery mountains, but she rises; he would give worlds to use a spy-gla.s.s, but it is impossible; but he needs it not; he sees the launch again with terrible distinctness. She has turned over, she goes down! He sees no more; many of his gallant soldiers have perished in the boiling element beneath him, and he springs forward in his despair to join his flair and child-like wife.

They were found afterwards cast ash.o.r.e, strange to say, not far from each other; and the captain of the detachment, as commandant of the fortress, read the funeral service over them with a faltering voice; they sleep together in a grove of oaks. The spot was chosen because the trees that flourished there reminded pa.s.sers-by of England.

Signals were now distinctly heard from the heights, and soldiers were gathered on the cliffs watching the ill-starred convict-s.h.i.+p. Oh, to see the arms of the maddened wretches stretched towards the sh.o.r.e!

Some, like Captain Dorian, cast themselves in a frenzy upon the angry waters; some strive to lash themselves to spars; another boat is lowered, with provisions hastily thrown into it; three or four bold spirits tempt the surges in the fragile bark, and it is swept towards the river's mouth, is whirled round in the sparkling eddies, and disappears.

It is of one of these "bold spirits" I have to speak.

I have said that the convicts were relieved from their fetters as soon as the vessel became unmanageable.

Sternly awaiting his fate in a dark corner of the labouring and bunting s.h.i.+p, sat a man of some eight-and-twenty years of age; his arms were clasped round a gun, and thus he steadied himself as well as he could.

Strangely indifferent he seemed to the howling of the winds, the rattling of the cordage, the falling of spars, the crash of timbers, and the imprecations of his fellow-convicts amid the scream of frightened women. At times he sneered at the frantic gestures of a soldier's wife, who was sitting on the deck, with a baby on her lap, rocking herself to and fro and bemoaning her hard fate, and that of her family, most bitterly, at the same time directing her husband and children in certain preparations for leaving the s.h.i.+p, if they should be so fortunate as to succeed in doing so. Her advice and admonitions were interlarded with various expressions of terror, sorrow, affection, and anxiety.

"Oh, Micky O'Toole! Och, wirasthrue, my darlint; sure when we played at the same door-step as childer, I didn't think we'd come to this. Och, Larry, my child, the mother that owns you is breaking her heart. Alice, say your prayers, fast--say them fast, allannan; true for ye, my darlints, this day we'll be in glory; pray up, Ally, pray up, Larry, the saints be wid us. Micky O'Toole, what did you do wid the little bundle of cloth I put up to go ash.o.r.e wid? Oh, the vanity of me; sure didn't the priest tell me I'd be punished for setting myself up wid a sunshade (parasol), when you were made a corpular. Ochon a rhee, my heart is broke!

"They'll be missing us at the harvest, Micky; they'll be dancing widout us, and we drowned--drowned. Oh, Micky!" A wailing cry from the baby made its mother weep more bitterly, but still she occasionally recalled her scattered wits to console her children.

Not far from Lee, the convict, was stretched, in a listless att.i.tude, a young man, who seemed little more than twenty years of age. He also was one of the condemned; but no one could have recognised him as a criminal by his appearance, which was exceedingly prepossessing. His thoughts were apparently wandering; for though his countenance expressed awe, there was resignation also. He was looking for a better life than the career mapped out before him as a felon. In the great crisis taking place, there was hope for him somewhere. The wretched welcome any change. He awaited it pa.s.sively.

But his heart was touched at sight of a penitent creature, who bewailed her past errors in an agony of self-reproach, as she uttered the names of father, mother, brothers, and sisters; at times exclaiming, "Oh Jamie, Jamie, ye'll be sorry when ye hear of poor Jessie's end."

"Mother, mother!" was the last appeal of the unhappy young woman, as she was washed away by the booming waves through a gap in the wreck.

But Lee saw not this; he was smiling at the scene between Mrs O'Toole and her family.

Ere long he had unlashed the boat, a.s.sisted in throwing in provisions, and, casting himself into the frail vessel with two other comrades, committed himself to what he called chance.

At length the muskets ceased their roll, the drum its sullen round. The s.h.i.+p had struggled bravely; the fore and after parts sometimes jamming each other, and then parting. Both were now engulphed. The death-cry rose above the roar of the foam, and the noise of falling spars and blocks; and sea-chests, s.h.i.+p furniture, all that had been carefully gathered together by the hand of man, were cast into the ocean.

Now a man, lifted on the crest of a wave, saw his wife, and struggled to reach her; but she was swept past him with her eyes glaring madly. Now a woman, with features all convulsed, s.n.a.t.c.hed up some pa.s.sing child, and cast it from her when she found it was not her own. Now the prow neared the sh.o.r.e, and a young officer sprang from the bowsprit into the sea; dizzy with the leap, he closed his eyes--and opened them--oh, blessed hour!--in a tent pitched on the cliff for the reception of those cast on the strand.

The detachment of English soldiers had a.s.sembled on the cliff at the first signal of distress fired from the convict-s.h.i.+p. They had waited there from midnight until dawn, knowing by the nearer sound of the guns and small-arms that she must be driving towards the sh.o.r.e; but they could give no aid; they could only abide the issue patiently, and meanwhile make such preparations as might possibly be useful.

The barrack they occupied was situated on the western bank of a river, the entrance to which, in the present agitated state of the open ocean, formed almost a Maelstrom. As day dawned, and the convict-s.h.i.+p was seen driven in-sh.o.r.e, it was evident to the lookers-on that she must go to pieces; for fringing the sh.o.r.e was a narrow line of sharp and jagged rock, and at the very edge of this the s.h.i.+p's bows were already beating.

Still it was doubtful on which side of the river she might be cast ash.o.r.e, or whether, indeed, she might pa.s.s the whirlpool foaming at its mouth; for the ledge or shelf, over which the breakers burst with increased violence every hour, extended across the opening, and made a bar, which rendered it unnavigable. On either side of the stream the sands stretched for miles, and the ocean washed the sh.o.r.e with a hoa.r.s.e and endless roar; but not with such destructive powers as it did above or below the river's mouth. On the western side, especially, there was more chance for the poor creatures struggling for their lives, inasmuch as the sands beneath the cliffs were not of that s.h.i.+fting nature which rendered anchorage impossible on the eastern limits; besides which, whoever escaped drowning, by being flung upon the eastern bank, stood a chance of having his brains dashed out by detached of rock that had rolled from the cliffs, and were embedded in the sh.o.r.e. Near the mouth of the stream, indeed, many an incautious rider, on his way from Kafirland, had been well-nigh overwhelmed by the quicksands.

Fortunately for those who had outlived the storm so far, the tide drew the two divisions of the wreck, partially submerged as they were, on the safer bank of the stream; the colonial side, in feet, of a river dividing the territory of the British settlers from the "neutral ground"

of the savage inhabitants of the north-east. It was found afterwards that the two portions of the ill-fated s.h.i.+p had been connected by means of various spars and cordage interlaced beneath the waters; but she had not been many minutes fairly among the breakers ere she literally crumbled to pieces, and scattered her timbers on the waters.

Out of three hundred souls, not more than eighty were saved. Some swam till their strength was exhausted, some gave themselves up to their fate like the young soldier, who spread out his arms, closed his eyes, and plunged from the p.o.o.p to the sea; some clung to spars, boxes, tables, hencoops, anything that came in their way. All who reached the sh.o.r.e received the hospitable care of the kind soldiers of the fort, and afterwards pursued their different routes and destinies as Providence directed, after preserving them for the fulfilment of its own wise and grand purposes.

The boat which had been disengaged almost unperceived by Lee, and the two other convicts, continued to buffet the waves most gallantly. It reached the entrance of the river--here the rowers used their strong arms for a time in vain, and there seemed no other prospect than that of being engulphed, when suddenly the boat rose, as if lifted in air, over the bar of rocks I have described, and, shot into the stream, was sucked into a kind of whirlpool, where it spun round like a top, filled and went down for a few minutes, but came back to the surface empty. Lee was drawn down with his fellows; his eyes and ears filled, and his senses failed him: he had an indistinct vision of the convulsed features of the other two struggling below him, and of a gurgling sound from one who tried to scream; but all afterwards was blank till he came to his recollection stretched on a bed of sand, which ran inland from a creek overhung with bush.

It was a considerable time before he could bring himself to understand the reality of his position; but at length he rallied his intellect, and sat up to look around him.

The storm still raged--not a vestige of the wreck was to be seen, and the boat, broken in pieces, was lying high and dry between the rocks, with which the bush was intersected; the body of one poor drowned wretch was floating, all swollen and disfigured, in the creek. Jasper Lee rose by a sudden impulse, and scrambled as far from the sight as his cramped and aching limbs would allow him; the stunted bush or scrub, by which he tried to climb the cliffs, gave way in his hands, his feet slipped on the streaming and slippery weeds; but he reached a ledge at last, and taking "heart of grace," he scanned the prospect before him.

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