The Mermaid of Druid Lake and Other Stories Part 6

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EVELYN--I'm sorry, Genevieve. I was only teasing you.

SHE--Well, I can't stand for it. I'll forgive you, though. Say, are you going to see "Madam b.u.t.terfly"? You don't know? Well, I'm going tomorrow night with Jack. He asked me today when I called him up about the other.

He has got seats in the second row. I'm going to put on all my best regalia. No, not the blue. A pink chiffon. You've never seen it. It's a beauty. Well, goodbye. See you Friday.


(Ten Minutes Later.)

HE--Please give me Madison 6-4-8-6-y. Is this Mr. Smallwood's home? Is Mr. Jack Smallwood there? No? Well, when do you expect him? You don't know? Thank you. Curse the luck! Just when I thought it looked easy.


(9 A. M. Friday, October 26.)

HE--St. Paul 9-8-6-3. h.e.l.lo! is Mr. Jack Smallwood in the office? Yes, if you please. Jack, this is Carroll Vincent--no, no, Vincent. Say, old man, saw you at Ford's last night. Fine-looking girl with you--stunningly dressed--beautiful features--who is she?

JACK--Say, Carroll, what the devil is all this between you two who have never met? I'm over seven, you know, and I've shed my sweet innocence.

HE--I don't know what you mean, old man.

JACK--Ah yes, you do! And if you don't come up to the Captain's office and settle I'll blast your reputation with her forever. There's some mystery in it all. First, Genevieve Pratt asks me about you. Then when I saw you last night she twisted her neck so, to look at you, that I thought I'd have to summon medical help. Now you call me up to talk about her. What's the game? Put me wise.

HE--Fact is, old man, Miss Pratt and I are on the same line.

JACK--Same line? What kind of line?

HE--Same 'phone. Two-party line. b.u.t.t in on her the other night. b.u.t.t out. b.u.t.t in again next night. Apologized eighteen times. Must meet her, especially since she's such a smasher.

JACK--All right, Carroll boy. I'll fix it for you, now I understand.

HE--Make it soon, for Heaven's sake.


(Friday, November 2.)

HE--Give me Madison 7-9-3-1-m, please. No, no; I want the other party on this line. Don't buzz that bell so loud in my ears. h.e.l.lo! Is that Mr.

Pratt's? Oh! is this you, Miss Pratt? You're looking well this evening.

This is Carroll Vincent.

SHE--Feeling tiptop, thank you. Did you get wet in the rain last night?

HE--No; it stopped pouring almost as soon as we left your house.

SHE--I'm glad of that. I want to thank you for the chocolates you sent this evening. You said you were going to send a book.

HE--I know I did. I tramped the town over to get that novel, but every shop was out of it. Then I did not like you to think I had forgotten you so soon, and I sent the bonbons.

SHE--It certainly was sweet of you. They're nearly all gone already.

HE--Mercy, mercy--don't make yourself sick! I wouldn't have you that way.

SHE--You wouldn't have me any way, would you?

HE--Give me the chance. But I'm afraid you're a "jollier," Miss Pratt.

SHE--You're the first to tell me.

HE--Did you say "first" or "fiftieth"? There was a noise on the wire just then.

SHE--I know you're a flirt.

HE--Never! I've got my fingers crossed.

SHE--Those eyes of yours were not made for nothing.

HE--Neither were yours. Jack said so last night. By the by, he's a capital fellow. I'll never get over being grateful to him for bringing us together.

SHE--I think he's just fine.

HE--You're speaking very zealously. Do you know I'm almost jealous of him when I hear you talk like that.

SHE--I'm a loyal champion for my friends, you'll find. I have but few, and those I keep.

HE--Do you ever add to the list?

SHE--That's for you to discover.

HE--Count me in, please.

SHE--Well--I'm willing to try to do so.

HE--Thanks, awfully. By the way, they've pledged me their word that a copy of that novel will be here tomorrow. May I bring it around Sunday evening?

SHE--Why, I could be reading the book all day Sunday.

HE--Then I'll make it tomorrow night. Will that suit?

SHE--I have no engagement, and will be glad to have you.

HE--Good-bye until then.


(Thursday, December 6.)

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