Schweigger on Squint Part 11

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N.B.--_J. & A. Churchill's Descriptive List of Works on Chemistry, Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Botany, Photography, Zoology, the Microscope, and other Branches of Science, can be had on application._

Practical Anatomy: A Manual of Dissections. By CHRISTOPHER HEATH, Surgeon to University College Hospital. Sixth Edition. Revised by RICKMAN J. G.o.dLEE, M.S. Lond., F.R.C.S., Demonstrator of Anatomy in University College, and a.s.sistant Surgeon to the Hospital. Crown 8vo, with 24 Coloured Plates and 274 Engravings, 15s.

Wilson's Anatomist's Vade-Mec.u.m. Tenth Edition. By GEORGE BUCHANAN, Professor of Clinical Surgery in the University of Glasgow; and HENRY E.

CLARK, M.R.C.S., Lecturer on Anatomy at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary School of Medicine. Crown 8vo, with 450 Engravings (including 26 Coloured Plates), 18s.

Braune's Atlas of Topographical Anatomy, after Plane Sections of Frozen Bodies. Translated by EDWARD BELLAMY, Surgeon to, and Lecturer on Anatomy, &c., at, Charing Cross Hospital. Large Imp. 8vo, with 34 Photolithographic Plates and 46 Woodcuts, 40s.

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Harvey's (Wm.) Ma.n.u.script Lectures. Prelectiones Anatomiae Universalis.

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Manual of the Dissection of the Human Body. By LUTHER HOLDEN, Consulting Surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Edited by JOHN LANGTON, F.R.C.S., Surgeon to, and Lecturer on Anatomy at, St. Bartholomew's Hospital.

Fifth Edition. 8vo, with 208 Engravings. 20s.

_By the same author._

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Diagrams of the Nerves of the Human Body, exhibiting their Origin, Divisions, and Connections, with their Distribution to the Various Regions of the Cutaneous Surface, and to all the Muscles. By W. H.

FLOWER, F.R.S., F.R.C.S. Third Edition, with 6 Plates. Roya. 4to, 12s.

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By the same Authors.

A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence. Eleventh Edition. Crown 8vo, with 56 Engravings, 14s.


Poisons, In Relation to Medical Jurisprudence and Medicine. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, with 104 Engravings, 16s.

Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence. By FRANCIS OGSTON, M.D., late Professor in the University of Aberdeen. Edited by FRANCIS OGSTON, Jun., M.D. 8vo, with 12 Copper Plates, 18s.

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