The gradual acceptance of the Copernican theory of the universe Part 23

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Record, Robert: _The Castle of Knowledge_. 3rd edit. London, 1596.

Reisch, Gregorius: _Margarita Filosofica..._ trans. into Italian by Gallucci. Venice, 1599.

Rheticus, Georgius Joachim: _De Libris Revolutionum ad Joannem Schonerum Narratio Prima_, 1539, in Copernicus: _De Revolutionibus_, Thorn, 1873.

Riccioli, Giovanni Baptista (S.J.): _Almagestum Novum, Astronomiam veterem novamque completens Observationibus Aliorum et Propriis, Novisque Theorematibus, Problematibus ac Tabulis promotam_. 2 vol.

Bologna, 1651.


----: _Apologia pro Argumento Physicomathematico contra Systema Copernicanum adiecto contra illud Novo Argumento ex Reflexo motu Gravium Decidentium_. Venice, 1669.

Spooner, W.W.: _Great Copernican Myth_; a Review of Algol by de Peyster and Allaben. Pamphlet. Tivoli, N.Y., 1901.

Salusbury, Thomas: _Mathematical Collections and Translations, first tome_. London, 1661.

Schoepffer, C.: _The Earth Stands Fast_, trans. for and ed. by J.W. de Peyster with notes and Supplement by Frank Allaben. Pamphlet. New York, 1900.

Schotto, Gaspar (S.J.): _Organum Mathematic.u.m. Opus Posthumum_, Herbipoli, 1668.

Simpson, Thomas: _Essays on Several Curious and Useful Subjects in Speculative and Mix'd Mathematicks_. London, 1740.

Sindico, Pierre: _Refutation du Systeme de Copernic expose en dix-sept lettres qui ete adressees a feu M. Le Verrier_. Paris, 1878.

Spagnio, Andrea: _De Motu_. Rome, 1774.

Tischner, August: _Le Systeme Solaire se Mouvant_. Pamphlet. Leipsic, 1894.

Toland, John: _Miscellaneous Works_. 2 vol. London, 1747.

Vitali, Hieronymo: _Lexicon Mathematic.u.m_. Rome, 1690.

Voight, Johann-Henrich: _Der Kunstgunstigen Einfalt Mathematischer Raritaten Erstes Hundert: Allen Kunstgunstigen zum l.u.s.tigen und nutzbaren Gebrauch mit Fleiss und Muhe zusammen geordnet und furgetragen_. Hamburg, 1668.

Wesley, John: _Sermon_, vol. VII in _Works_. 5th edit. 14 vol. London, 1860.

----: _Survey of the Wisdom of G.o.d in the Creation, or a Compendium of Natural Philosophy_. 3 vol. in 2. 2nd edit. Bristol, 1770.

Whiston, William: _A New Theory of the Earth_. 4th edit. London, 1725.

Wilkins, G.: _The First Book: The Discovery of a New World_. 3rd edit.

London, 1640.

----: _The Second Book: Discourse concerning a New Planet, that 'tis probable our Earth is one of the planets_. London, 1640. (Bound with _First Book_.)

"W.R.": _The New Astronomer, or Astronomy made easy by such instruments that readily shew by Observation the Stars...._ London, 1735.

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