The gradual acceptance of the Copernican theory of the universe Part 21

The gradual acceptance of the Copernican theory of the universe -

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----: _De Coelestium, Libri s.e.x_, with Rheticus, George Joachim: _Narratio Prima_. Thorn, 1873.

----: see also vol. III, Sources, of Prowe: _Nicolaus Coppernicus_.

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Fienus, Thomas, Fromundus, Liberti: _De Cometa Anni 1618, Dissertationes. Ejusdem Thomae Fieni Epistolica quaestio, An Verum sit Coelum moveri, et Terram quiescere?_ London, 1655. Bound with Fromundus: _Meteorologicorum_.

Fienus, Thomas: _Epistolica quaestio_. See above.

Fontana, Cajetano: _Inst.i.tutio Physico-Astronomica_. Mutinae, 1695.

Forbes, Duncan: _A Letter to a Bishop concerning some important Discoveries in Philosophy and Theology_, in _Works_. Dublin, 1755.

Foscarini, Paolo Antonio: _An Epistle Concerning the Pythagorian and Copernican Opinion of the Mobility of the Earth and Stability of the Sun ... in which the Authorities of Sacred Scriptures ... are reconciled. Written to the Most Reverend Father Sebastiano Fontoni, General of the Order of Carmelites, Jan., 1615, Naples_, in Salusbury: _Math. Coll._, q.v.

Fromondus, Liberti: _Ant-Aristarchus sive Orbis-Terrae Immobilis: Liber Unicus in quo decretum S. Congregationis S.R.E. Cardinal, an 1616 adversus Pythagorico-Copernicanos editum defenditur_. Antwerp, 1631.

----: _Meteorologicorum Libri s.e.x. Cui accessit in hac ultima Editione Thomae Fieni et Lib. Fromondi Dissertationes de Cometa Anni 1618, et Clarorum Virorum Judicia De Pluvia Purpurea Bruxelliensis_. London, 1656.

----: _Vesta, sive Ant-Aristarchi vindex adversus Iac. Lansbergium ...

in quo Decretum ... 1616 et alterum anno adversus Copernicanos terrae motores editum, iterum defenditur_. Antwerp, 1634. See also Fienus.

Gadbury, John and Timothy: _George Hartgill's Astronomical Tables_.

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----: _Dialogo sopra i due Ma.s.simi sistemi del Monde, Tolemaico, e Copernicano_. Florence, 1632. Trans. in Salusbury: _Math. Coll._, q.v.

----: _Lettera a Madama Cristina di Lorena, Grand.u.c.h.essa di Toscana_, in vol. V, _Opere_; trans. in Salusbury: _Math. Coll._, q.v.

----: _Sidereus Nuncius ... atque Medicea Sidera_, in vol. III, _Opere_.

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