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=habian= _3 pl. imp. ind. of_ =haber=
=habilidad= _f._ ability, talent
=habitacion= _f._ room
=habitante= _m._ inhabitant
=hablaban= _3 pl. imp. ind._ =hablado= _p. p. hablan 3 pl. pres. ind._ =hablando= _pres. p. of_ =hablar=
=hablar= to speak
=hablaremos= _1 pl. fut. ind._ =hablaron= _3 pl. pret. ind. of_ =hablar=
=hable= _1 and 3 sing. pres. subj. of_ =hablar=; =hable Vd.= speak
=habran= _3 pl. fut. ind._ =habrian= _3 pl. cond. of_ =haber=
=hace= _3 sing. pres. ind._ =hacen= _3 pl. pres. ind. of_ =hacer=
=hacer= to do, make; =hacer la corte= to pay attentions to; =hacer de persona= to exalt oneself, show off; =hacer pedazos= to break into pieces; =hacer una pregunta= to ask a question; =hace frio= (=calor=) it is cold (hot); =hace mucho frio= (=calor=) it is very cold (hot); =hacia frio= (=calor=) it was cold (hot); =hace (hacia) sol= the sun is (was) s.h.i.+ning; =hace mal tiempo= the weather is bad; =hace muchos anos= many years ago; =hace tres anos= three years ago; =hace mucho tiempo= a long time ago
=haces= _2 sing. pres. ind._ =hacia= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind. of_ =hacer=
=hacia= toward
=haciendo= _pres. p. of_ =hacer=
=hacha= _f._ axe
=haga= _1 and 3 sing. pres. subj. of_ =hacer=; =haga Vd.= do
=hagan= _3 pl. pres. subj. of_ =hacer=; =que lo hagan have= them make it
=hago= _1 sing. pres. ind. of_ =hacer=
=hallado= _p. p._ =hallando= _pres. p. of_ =hallar=
=hallar= to find
=hallaras= _2 sing. fut. ind._ =hallo= _1 sing. pres. ind._ =hallo= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =hallar=
=hambre= _f._ hunger; =tener hambre= to be hungry; =tener mucha hambre= to be very hungry
=han= _3 pl. pres. ind. of_ =haber=; =han de= are to, have to, must
=hara= _3 sing. fut. ind._ =hare= _1 sing. fut. ind. of_ =hacer=
=has= _2 sing. pres. ind. of_ =haber=; =has de= you are to, you must
=hasta= _prep._ until, as far as, up to; =hasta que= _conj._ until; =hasta aqui= as far as this
=hay= there is, there are; =no hay que one= (you) must not; =no lo hay= there isn't any
=he= _1 sing. pres. ind. of_ =haber=
=he=: =he aqui= behold, here is (are)
=hecho= _p. p. of_ =hacer=
=herido= _p. p. of_ =herir=
=herir= to wound, strike
=hermana= _f._ sister
=hermano= _m._ brother
=hermoso= beautiful, fair
=hicieron= _3 pl. pret. ind of_ =hacer=
=hidalguia= _f._ n.o.bleness, liberality
=hierba= _f._ gra.s.s
=hierbecillas= _f. pl._ gra.s.s, blades of gra.s.s
=hierro= _m._ iron
=hija= _f._ daughter
=hijo= _m._ son; _pl._ children; =hijo mayor= eldest son; =hijo menor= youngest son
=hirio= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =herir=
=hizo= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =hacer=
=Holanda= _f._ Holland
=hombre= _m._ man
=honor= _m._ honor
=honrar= to honor
=hora= _f._ hour
=horma= _f._ shoemaker's last