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=D.= _abbreviation of_ =don=
=da= _impv. sing. or 3 sing. pres. ind._ =daba= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind._ =dado= _p. p._ =dan= _3 pl. pres. ind._ =dando= _pres. p. of_ =dar=
=danza= _f._ dance
=dano= _m._ injury, damage
=dar= to give; =dar un paso= to take a step; =dar un paseo= to take a walk; =dar de comer= to feed
=dare= _1 sing. fut. ind._ =das= _2 sing. pres. ind. of_ =dar=
=de= _1 and 3 sing. pres. subj. of_ =dar=; =deme de cenar= give me supper
=de= of, from; =del= of the
=debajo de= under
=debe= _3 sing. pres. ind._ =debemos= _1 pl. pres. ind. of_ =deber=
=deber= to owe; ought, must, should
=debes= _2 sing. pres. ind._ =debian= _3 pl. imp. ind._ =debo= _1 sing. pres. ind. of_ =deber=
=decia= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind. of_ =decir=
=decidio= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =decidir=
=decidir=, =decidirse= to decide
=decir= to say, tell
=declarar= to declare
=declaro= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =declarar=
=dedo= _m._ finger
=deforme= deformed
=deja= _3 sing. pres. ind. of_ =dejar=; =se deja quemar= lets itself be burned
=dejan= _3 pl. pres. ind. of_ =dejar=
=dejar= to let, allow
=dejas= _2 sing. pres. ind._ =dejo= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =dejar=
=delante= _adv._ before, ahead; =delante de= _prep._ before, in front of
=demas=; =lo demas= the rest
=demasiado= too, too much
=dentro de= inside of, within
=derecho= straight, right
=derramaban= _3 pl. imp. ind. of_ =derramar=
=derramar= to pour out; =derrama.r.s.e= to be scattered, spread
=derrotar= to rout, put to flight
=derroto= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =derrotar=
=desaparecer= to disappear
=desaparecio= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =desaparecer=
=desaprobaba= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind. of_ =desaprobar=
=desaprobar= to disapprove
=desarmado= _p. p. of_ =desarmar=
=desarmar= to disarm
=descansar= to rest
=descender= to descend
=descendiendo= _pres. p._ =descendio= _3 sing. pret. ind._ =desciende= _3 sing. pres. ind. of_ =descender=
=desconsolado= disconsolate, downcast
=descuidado= careless, negligent, carelessly
=desde= from, since
=desea= _3 sing. pres. ind._ =deseaba= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind._ =deseado= _p. p. of_ =desear=
=desear= to desire, wish
=deseo= _m._ desire
=desesperado= in despair