Life and Writings of Maurice Maeterlinck Part 20

Life and Writings of Maurice Maeterlinck -

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Bahr, Hermann. Renaissance: _Neue Studien zur Kritik der Moderne._ Berlin: S. Fischer, 1897.

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Beaunier, Andre. _La Poesie nouvelle._ Paris: Societe du Mercure de France 1903.

Bever, Adolphe van. _Maurice Maeterlinck_, biographie precedee d'un portrait-frontispice, ill.u.s.tree de divers dessins et d'un autogr. suivie d'opinions et d'une bibliographie. Paris: Sansot, 1904.

Bever, Ad. van et Paul Leautaud. _Poetes d'aujourd'hui_, morceaux choisis accompagnes de notices biographiques et d'un essai de bibliographie. Paris: Mercure de France, 1900. Boer, Julius de._ Maurice Maeterlinck_--(_Mannen en Vrouwen van beteekenis in onze dagen_).

Haarlem: H.D. Tjeenk Willink en Zoon, 1908.

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Crawford, Virginia M. _Studies in Foreign Literature._ London: Duckworth, 1899.

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Hamel, A.G. van. _Het letterkundig Leven van Frankrijk._ Studien en Schetsen, derde Serie. Amsterdam: P.N. van Kampen en Zoon [1907].

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Harry, Gerard. _Maurice Maeterlinck._ A biographical study, with two essays by M. Maeterlinck. Translated from the French by Alfred Allinson. With nine ill.u.s.trations and facsimile. London: George Allen & Sons, 1910.

Heine, Anselma. _Maeterlinck._ ("Die Dichtung," Bd. 33). Berlin: Schuster and Loeffler, 1905.

Henderson, Archibald. _Interpreters of Life and the Modern Spirit._ London: Duckworth & Co., 1911.

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Horrent, Desire. _Ecrivains belges d'aujourd'hui, 1re serie._ Bruxelles.

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Hovey, R. Introduction to the American translation of _La Princesse Maleine_, _L'Intruse_, _Les Aveugles_, _Les sept Princesses_, _Pelleas et Melisande_, _Alladine et Palomides_, _Interieur_, _La Mort de Tintagiles_. Chicago; Stow & Kimball,

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Jackson, Holbrook. _Romance and Reality._ Essays and Studies. London: Grant Richards. 1911.

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Lazare, Bernard. _Figures contemporaines._ Paris: Perrin et Cie, 1895.

Leblanc, Georgette (Mme Maurice Maeterlinck). Introduction to Morceaux choisis. Collection Nelson.

Le Cardonnel, Georges, et Charles Vellay. _La litterature contemporaine._ Paris: Mercure de France, 1905.

Lemaitre, Jules. _Impressions de Theatre_; 8e serie. Paris: Lecene, Oudin et Cie, 1895.

Leneveu, Georges. _Ibsen et Maeterlinck._ Paris: Ollendorf, 1902.

Lorenz, Max. _Die Litteratur am Jahrhundertende._ Stuttgart: 1900.

Mainor, Yves. _M. Maeterlinck, moraliste._ Angers: 1902.

Meyer-Benfey, Heinrich. _Moderne Religion._ Schleiermacher, Maeterlinck.

Leipzig: Eugen Diederichs, 1902.

Mieszner, W. _Maeterlinck's Werke._ Eine literar-psychologische Studie uber die Neuromantik. Berlin: Richard Schroder, 1904.

Mockel, Albert. _Quelques Livres._ Liege: Vaillant-Carmanne, 1890.

(Printed for private circulation.)

Picard, Gaston. _Maurice Maeterlinck ou le mystere de la porte close._ Paris, 1912.

Poppenberg, F. _Maeterlinck_ ("Moderne Essays," 30). Berlin, 1903.

Recolin, Chr. _L'Anarchie Litteraire._ Paris: Perrin et Cie, 1898.

Reggio, Albert. _Au seuil de leur ame._ Etudes de psychologie critique.

Paris: Perrin & Cie, 1904, in 18--.

Rose, Henry. _Maeterlinck's Symbolism: The Blue Bird and other Essays._ London: H.C. Fifield, 1910.

Rose, Henry. _On Maeterlinck: or Notes on the Study of Symbols, with special reference to_ "The Blue Bird." To which is added an exposition of The Sightless. London: Fifield, 1911.

Schlaf, Johannes. _Maurice Maeterlinck._ Berlin: Bard-Marquardt & Co.

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