The History of Antiquity Volume Ii Part 4

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[78] Joseph. "in Apion." 1, 18; "Antiq." 8, 5, 3, 9, 14, 2.

[79] Movers, "Phoeniz." 2, 239, 240.

[80] Diod. 5, 56.

[81] In Homer Europa is not the daughter of Agenor but of Phoenix ("Il."

14, 321), just as Cadmus, Thasos, and Europa are sometimes children of Agenor and sometimes of Phoenix. In Hdt. 1, 2 it is Cretans who carry off Europa, the daughter of the king of Tyre.

[82] Diod. 4, 2, 60; 5, 56, 57, 58, 48, 49.

[83] Ephor. Frag. 12, ed. Muller.

[84] Herod. 4, 147; 2, 45, 49; 5, 58, 59.

[85] Frag. 8, 9, ed. Muller.

[86] Frag. 40-42, 43-45, ed. Muller.

[87] Frag. 163, ed. Muller.

[88] "Theog." 937, 975; Pind. "Pyth." 3, 88 _seqq._

[89] Movers, "Phoeniz." 1, 129, 131.

[90] Plut. "Pelop." c. 19.

[91] Pind. "Olymp." 2, 141.

[92] Vol. i. 271.

[93] Movers, "Phoeniz." 1, 517.

[94] Thac. 1, 8.

[95] Vol. i. 363, 364.

[96] Athenaeus, p. 360.

[97] Diod. 5, 58.

[98] Boeckh. C. I. G. 2526.

[99] Hefter, "Gotterdienste auf Rhodos," 3, 18; Welcker, "Mythologie,"

1, 145; Brandis, "Munzwesen," s. 587.

[100] Schol. Pind. "Pyth." 4, 88; Pausan. 3, 1, 7, 8; Steph. Byz.

[Greek: Membliaros].

[101] Boeckh. C. I. G. 2448.

[102] Herod. 4, 147; Steph. Byz. [Greek: Melos].

[103] Steph. Byz. [Greek: oliaros].

[104] Strabo, pp. 346, 457, 472; Diod. 5, 47.

[105] Vol. i. 378; Herod. 2, 51; Conze, "Inseln des Thrakischen Meeres,"

_e.g._ s. 91.

[106] Strabo, p. 473; Steph. Byz. [Greek: Imbros]; vol. i. 378.

[107] Herod. 2, 44; 6, 47.

[108] Herod. 1, 105; Pausan. 1, 14, 7; 3, 23, 1.

[109] Pausan. 10, 11, 5; Boeckh, "Metrologie," s. 45.

[110] Pausan. 1, 2, 5; 1, 14, 6, 7.

[111] Strabo, p. 377; Pausan. 1, 32, 5.

[112] [Greek: ATHeNAION s' g'], 1877, and below, chap. xi.

[113] Brandis, "Hermes," 2, 275 ff. I cannot agree in all points with the deductions of this extremely acute inquiry.

[114] "Il." 14, 321; 18, 593; "Odyss." 19, 178; 11, 568.

[115] "Odyss." 11, 523.

[116] Diod. 4, 60.

[117] Serv. ad "aeneid." 6, 30.

[118] Hesych. [Greek: ep' Eurugun agon]; Plut. "Thes." c. 15; Diod. 4, 65.

[119] Apollodor. 1, 9, 26; Suidas, [Greek: Sardonios gelos].

[120] Herod. 7, 110.

[121] Diod. 4, 76-78; Schol. Callim. "Hymn. in Jovem," 8.

[122] Istri frag. 47, ed. Muller.

[123] Istri frag. 33, ed. Muller.

[124] Mullenhoff, "Deutsche Alterthumskunde," i. 222.

[125] Plato, "Minos," pp. 262, 266, 319, 321; "De. Legg," _init._; Aristot. "Pol." 2, 8, 1, 2; 7, 9, 2.

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