The History of Antiquity Volume I Part 22

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[505] Athar-ath, _i.e._ Astarte-Athe; Brandis, "Munzwesen," s. 431.

Diod. 2, 4, 30. 2 Maccab. xi. 26.

[506] Herod. 1, 105. Pausan. 1, 14, 7.

[507] Lucian, "De Dea Syria," c. 16. The cutting off of the hair which Lucian mentions is also a vicarious custom.

[508] Justin. 18, 3.

[509] Movers, "Phoeniz." Encycl. v. Ersch. s. 388, ff.

[510] 2 Kings xxiii. 7. Ezek. xxiii. 40, ff.

[511] Movers, "Phoeniz." 1, 197, 579; Munter, "Tempel der Gottin von Paphos," and the Syrian coins in De Luynes, "Numismatique," pl. 1.

Lucian, "De Dea Syr." 13, 28. On the pillars of Marathus and Paphos, Gerhard, "Kunst der Phoeniker," s. 23.

[512] Xenoph. "Anab." 1, 4; Diod. 2, 4; Lucian, _loc. cit._ 14.

[513] Lucian, _loc. cit._ 33, 39.

[514] Stark, "Forschungen," s. 248, ff.

[515] Avien. "Ora maritima," v. 305.

[516] De Bell. Parth. 28.

[517] Judges xiv. 23; 1 Samuel, v. ff.

[518] Gesenius, "Monum. Tab." 25. Silius Ital. Pun. 3, 104.

[519] Osborne, "Egypt," p. 144.

[520] Baudissin ("Jahve et Moloch," p. 47) regards the amalgamation of Moloch and Adar as of later origin; to me the connection between Saturn and the sun (Diod. 2, 30) appears of later origin.

[521] _e.g._ Diod. 20, 65.

[522] Justin. 18, 6. 19, 1; Plin. "H. N." 36, 4.

[523] Curtius, 4, 15, ed. Mutzell; "Porphyr. de Abstinentia," 2, 56.

[524] Euseb. "Praecept. Evang." 4, 26.

[525] 2 Kings iii. 27; see below.

[526] Diod. 13, 86.

[527] Diod. 20, 14.

[528] Plut. "De Superst.i.tione," p. 171; Sil. Ital. 4, 767.

[529] Numen virginale; virgo caelestis.

[530] De Luynes, "Numism." pl. v.; Hockh. "Kreta," 1, 98.

[531] Lucian, "De Dea Syria," 4, 32; Augustin, "De Civitate Dei," 2, 26.

[532] Movers, "Religion der Phoen." s. 605, 611, 621 ff.

[533] Procop. "De bello Persico," 2, 28.

[534] Lucian, "De Dea Syr." 15, 27, 43, 50, 51.

[535] Movers, "Religion der Phoen.," s. 681.

[536] "Our Lord Melkarth, Baal of Tyre," as he is called in an inscription found at Malta.

[537] Herod. 2, 44; Plin. H. N. 37, 75; Theophr. "De Lap." 25.

[538] Thus Virgil says of the minstrel of Dido: "Canit errantem lunam, solisque labores," aen. 1, 742.

[539] Joseph. Ant. 8, 53; Movers, "Religion der Phoenizier," s. 150.

[540] Athen. p. 392; Movers, _loc. cit._ s. 536.

[541] 1 Kings xviii. 28.

[542] Plaut. "Merc." 4, 6.

[543] Cic. "De Nat. Deorum," 3, 23; 1 Macc. v. 43; 2, xii. 26.

[544] Pausan. 3, 23, 1.

[545] Movers, "Phoeniz." 2, 230.

[546] Sil. Ital. 4, 81, 819; Justin. 18, 6.

[547] Virg. "aen." 1, 742.

[548] Hesychius: "[Greek: Europon skoteinon platy. Europe he chora tes dyseos e skoteine."] That Europe is Astarte follows from Hesychius: [Greek: "h.e.l.lopia, heorte Europes en Krete]." The "Etymolog. Mag." pp.

232, 333, says: "Europa was anciently called h.e.l.lotia, '[Greek: hoti hoi Phoinikes ten parthenon h.e.l.lotian klousin].'" Eloth signifies "G.o.ddess."

[549] Jeremiah vii. 18; xliv. 17-23.

[550] Pindar, "Pyth." 3, 90; Cic. "De Nat. Deor." 3, 23.

[551] Appian, "De Reb. Hisp." c. 2; Movers, "Kolonieen der Phoenizier," s. 63 ff. We shall see below what a conglomeration of fables the Greeks have gathered round the wandering Astarte, who rides on a bull and is represented with the crescent of the moon, and a cow's horns. With them she is not only Europe whom the Bull-Zeus carries from Phoenicia, who is sought by Cadmus the son of Phoenix. In her crescent and cow's horns they also recognise their Argive Moon-G.o.ddess, Io, and represent her as wandering to Phoenicia and Egypt, where Isis, who here again wears the cow's horns or head, or is entirely represented as a cow, becomes their Io. The wanderings of Dido-Astarte then became confused with the stories of Helena, with the wanderings and fortunes of the foundress of Carthage, and the travels of aeneas, the favourite of Aphrodite, were directed to the most famous seats of the wors.h.i.+p of Ashera.

[552] Noldeke, "Inschrift des Mesa."

[553] Serv. ad aen. 2, 632; Gerhard, "Kunst der Phoeniker," s. 36, 38.

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