The Verse of Alfred Lichtenstein Part 2

The Verse of Alfred Lichtenstein -

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Sometimes, when I am shaving a chin, Knowing that a whole life Is in my power, that I am now master, I, a barber, and that a missed stroke, A slice too deep, cuts off the round, cheerful head That lies before me (he is thinking of a woman, Books, business) from his body, As though it were a loose b.u.t.ton on a vest-- I am overcome. Then the feeling came over me... this animal.

Is there. The animal... both my knees knock.

And like a small boy tearing paper Without knowing why, And like students who kill gas lamps, And like children who turn so red When they tear the wings of captured flies, So I would like to do the same, As if it were a slip, To make a scratch with my knife on such a chin.

I would too gladly watch the red stream of blood spray.


A certain Rudolf called out: I have eaten too much.

Whether it's healthy is very questionable.

After such a greasy lunch I really feel uncomfortable.

But I belch beautifully and smoke Cigarettes now and then.

Lying on my heavy belly, I chirp nothing but songs of spring.

Longingly, as though on a ramp The voice squeals from the throat.

And like an old lamp The wind blackens the bitter soul.

A Barkeeper's Coa.r.s.e Complaint

It's enough to make me throw the chair through the panes of the mirror Into the street-- There I sit with raised eyebrows: All bars are full, My bar is empty--isn't that terrific...

Isn't that strange... isn't that enough to make you puke,,, The d.a.m.ned jerks--the miserable phonies-- Everyone goes right by me...

b.l.o.o.d.y mess...

Here I am burning gas and electricity-- May G.o.d and the devil d.a.m.n me to h.e.l.l: d.a.m.n It all... why is my bar the only empty one...

Grumpy, reproachful waiters standing around-- It is my fault-- Not one d.a.m.ned person comes to the door-- Cramped in a corner I sit with a hopeful face.

No customers come.-- The food rots, the wine and bread.

I might as well shut the joint.

And cry myself to death.

A Trouble-making Girl

It's certainly late. I must earn something.

But they're all going right by today with smug expressions on their faces.

They don't want to give me a single good-luck penny.

It's a miserable life.

If I come home without money The old lady will throw me out.

There is hardly anyone on the street any more.

I am dead tired and freezing.

I was never so miserable in my life.

I move around here like a piece of meat.

Finally someone comes over: An extremely well-dressed man-- But in this life one can't tell much By appearances.

He's also quite older. (they have more money, Young ones tend to cheat you.) We are face-to-face.

I raise my clothes above the knee.

I can get away with that.

That's the big draw..

Like flies to the light The guys are drawn to us goats...

The John is certainly standing over there.

He is staring. He winks. Now I'll go right by him...

I think: he will give me a big piece of gold.

Then I get drunk in secret on expensive liquor, That's still the best: sometime--alone To be drunk quietly, for myself-- Or I can buy new shoes...

I won't have to go around in mended socks-- Or... sometime I won't go out walking the streets.

And take a rest from the guys-- Or... I'm already looking forward to this...

I'm so happy-- Here comes Kitty.

And scares the man off.

The Drunkard

One must guard oneself ever so carefully against Howling, without any reason, like an animal.

Against pouring beer over the faces of all the waiters, And kicking them in their faces.

Against shortening the disgusting time Spent lying in a gutter.

Against throwing oneself off a bridge.

Against hitting friends in the mouth.

Against suddenly, while dogs bark, Tearing the clothes off a well-fed body.

Against hurling into any old beloved woman's Thighs one's dark skull.

A Lieutenant General Sings

I am the Division Commander, His Excellency.

I have attained what is humanly possible.

A lovely consciousness.

In front of me Important people and chiefs of regiments Bend their knees, And my generals Obey my commands.

G.o.d willing, my next command will be An entire military corps.

Women, drama, music Do not interest me much.

Compared to parades and battles, That does not amount to much.

Would that there were an endless war With b.l.o.o.d.y, howling winds.

Ordinary life Has no charm for me.

Falling in the River

Drunk, Lene Levi walked In the neighboring streets nightly Back and forth, screaming, "auto."

Her blouse was opened, So that one saw her fine, fascinating Underclothing and skin.

Seven h.o.r.n.y little men ran After Lene.

Seven h.o.r.n.y little men chased Lene Levi for her body, Thinking about what it costs.

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