Special Method in the Reading of Complete English Classics Part 18

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A short narrative of the Trojan War.

Story of the Odyssey (Church). The Macmillan Co.

Library book for general reading. Simple.

The Story of Roland (Baldwin). Scribner's Sons.

Large book for library. Good.

The Hoosier School Boy (Eggleston). Scribner's Sons.

American Explorers (Higginson). Lee & Shepard.

Excellent descriptions of early explorations. Good source material for pupils and teachers. Also for sixth grade.

The Children's Life of Abraham Lincoln (Putnam). A. C. McClurg. Also for sixth and seventh grades.

Four American Naval Heroes (Beebe). Werner School Book Company. Sixth grade also.

A simple narrative of great naval conflicts.

Lobo, Rag, and Vixen (Seton). Scribner's Sons.


Beginnings of New England and Discovery of America, two volumes (Fiske). Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.

Good library books for teacher.

Sesame and Lilies (Ruskin). The Macmillan Co.

A very stimulating and suggestive book for teachers.

The Golden Age (Kenneth and Grahame). John Lane.

Moral Instruction of Children (Adler). D. Appleton & Co.

Childhood in Literature and Art (Scudder). Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.

An instructive book for teachers.

Readings in Folk Lore (Skinner). American Book Co.

Valuable source book.

Wilderness Ways (Long). Ginn & Co.

Entertaining to both teachers and pupils.

The Story of Our Continent (Shaler). Ginn & Co.

An interesting geological history of North America.

Historical Tales, English (Morris). J. B. Lippincott.

Excellent materials for reference work.

Westward Ho! (Kingsley). The Macmillan Co.; University Publis.h.i.+ng Co.

A good story of the time of Elizabeth, Drake, and Raleigh.

Samuel de Champlain (Sedgwick). Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.

A short and interesting biography. Other books of the same Riverside Biographical Series are, William Penn, Lewis and Clark, George Rogers Clark, and Paul Jones.

History and Literature (Rice). Flanagan.

A brief pedagogical treatment of the whole subject of literature and history for the elementary school.

Ivanhoe (Scott). Ginn & Co.; D. C. Heath & Co.; Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.; American Book Co.; The Macmillan Co.

The Deerslayer (Cooper). The Macmillan Co.

House of Seven Gables (Hawthorne). Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.

Drake and his Yeomen (Barnes). The Macmillan Co.

Hard Times (Charles d.i.c.kens).

Mechanical methods in education described.

Wake Robin (Burroughs). Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.

A book of pleasing nature observation and study.

Pioneers of France in the New World, and La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West (Parkman). Little, Brown, & Co.

Excellent and interesting historical material for the teacher.

The Men Who Made the Nation (Sparks). The Macmillan Co.

Interesting biographical material.

The Age of Chivalry (Bulfinch). Lee & Shepard.

An important treatise on this subject. Library book.

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