Hymns and Spiritual Songs Part 2

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Hymn 1:10.

The blessedness of gospel times; or, The revelation of Christ to Jews and Gentiles, Isa. 5. 2 7-10. Matt.

13. 16 17.

1 How beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion's hill!

Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal!

2 How charming is their voice!

How sweet the tidings are!

"Zion, behold thy Saviour King, He reigns and triumphs here."

3 How happy are our ears That hear this joyful sound, Which kings and prophets waited for, And sought, but never found!

4 How blessed are our eyes That see this heavenly light!

Prophets and kings desir'd it long, But dy'd without the sight.

5 The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ; Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts leant the joy.

6 The Lord makes bare his arm Thro' all the earth abroad Let every nation now behold Their Saviour and their G.o.d.

Hymn 1:11.

The humble enlightened, and carnal reason humbled; or, The sovereignty of grace, Luke 10. 21 22

1 There was an hour when Christ rejoic'd, And spoke his joy in words of praise; "Father, I thank thee, mighty G.o.d, "Lord of the earth, and heavens, and seas.

2 "I thank thy sovereign power and love, "That crowns my doctrine with success; "And makes the babes in knowledge learn "The heights, and breadths, and lengths of grace.

3 "But all this glory lies conceal'd "From men of prudence and of wit; "The prince of darkness blinds their eyes, "And their own pride resists the light.

4 "Father, 'tis thus, because thy will "Chose and ordain'd it should be so; "T'is thy delight t' abase the proud, "And lay the haughty scorner low.

5 "There's none can know the Father right "But those who learn it from the Son; "Nor can the Son be well receiv'd, But where the Father makes him known."

6 Then let our souls adore our G.o.d That deals his graces as he please, Nor gives to mortals an account Or of his actions, or decrees.

Hymn 1:12.

Free grace in revealing Christ, Luke 10. 21.

1 Jesus, the man of constant grief, A mourner all his days; His spirit once rejoic'd aloud, And tun'd his joy to praise.

2 "Father, I thank thy wondrous love, "That hath reveal'd thy Son "To men unlearned; and to babes "Has made thy gospel known.

3 "The mysteries of redeeming grace "Are hidden from the wise, "While pride and carnal reasonings join "To swell and blind their eyes."

4 Thus doth the Lord of heaven and earth His great decrees fulfil, And orders all his works of grace By his own sovereign will.

Hymn 1:13.

The Son of G.o.d incarnate; or, The t.i.tles and the kingdom of Christ, Isa. 9. 2 6 7.

1 The lands that long in darkness lay Now have beheld a heavenly light; Nations that sat in death's cold shade Are bless'd with beams divinely bright.

2 The virgin's promis'd Son is born, Behold th' expected Child appear; What shall his names or t.i.tles be?

The Wonderful, the Counsellor.

3 This infant is the mighty G.o.d Come to be suckled and ador'd Th' eternal Father, Prince of Peace, The son of David, and his Lord.

4 The government of earth and seas Upon his shoulders shall be laid His wide dominions still increase, And honours to his name be paid.

5 Jesus the holy child shall sit High on his father David's throne, Shall crush his foes beneath his feet, And reign to ages yet unknown.

Hymn 1:14.

The triumph of faith; or, Christ's unchangeable love, Rom. 8. 33 &c.

1 Who shall the Lord's elect condemn?

'Tis G.o.d that justifies their souls, And mercy like a mighty stream O'er all their sins divinely rolls.

2 Who shall adjudge the saints to h.e.l.l?

'Tis Christ that suffer'd in their stead, And the salvation to fulfil, Behold him rising from the dead.

3 He lives, he lives, and sits above, For ever interceding there: Who shall divide us from his love?

Or what should tempt us to despair?

4 Shall persecution, or distress, Famine, or sword, or nakedness?

He that hath lov'd us bears us thro', And makes us more than conquerors too.

5 Faith hath an overcoming power, It triumphs in the dying hour; Christ is our life, our joy, our hope, Nor can we sink with such a prop.

6 Not all that men on earth can do, Nor powers on high, nor powers below, Shall cause his mercy to remove, Or wean our hearts from Christ our love.

Hymn 1:15.

Our own weakness, and Christ our strength, 2 Cor. 12. 7 9 10.

1 Let me but hear my Saviour say, "Strength shall be equal to thy day,"

Then I rejoice in deep distress, Leaning on all-sufficient Grace.

2 I glory in infirmity, That Christ's own power may rest on me; When I am weak, then am I strong, Grace is my s.h.i.+eld, and Christ my song.

3 I can do all things, or can bear All sufferings, if my Lord be there; Sweet pleasures mingle with the pains, While his left hand my head sustains.

4 But if the Lord be once withdrawn, And we attempt the work alone, When new temptations spring and rise We find how great our weakness is.

5 [So Samson, when his hair was lost, Met the Philistines to his cost; Shook his vain limbs with sad surprise, Made feeble fight, and lost his eyes.]

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