Hymns and Spiritual Songs Part 17

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1 I'm not asham'd to own my Lord, Or to defend his cause, Maintain the honour of his word, The glory of his cross.

2 Jesus, my G.o.d, I know his Name, His Name is all my trust, Nor will he put my soul to shame, Nor let my hope be lost.

3 Firm as his throne his promise stands, And he can well secure What I've committed to his hands Till the decisive hour.

4 Then will he own my worthless name Before his Father's face, And in the new Jerusalem Appoint my soul a place.

Hymn 1:104.

A state of nature and of grace, 1 Cor. 6. 10 11.

1 Not the malicious or profane, The wanton or the proud, Nor thieves, nor slanderers shall obtain The kingdom of our G.o.d.

2 Surprising grace! and such were we By nature and by sin, Heirs of immortal misery, Unholy and unclean.

3 But we are wash'd in Jesus' blood, We're pardon'd thro' his Name; And the good Spirit of our G.o.d Has sanctify'd our frame.

4 O for a persevering power To keep thy just commands!

We would defile our hearts no more, No more pollute our hands.

Hymn 1:105.

Heaven invisible and holy, 1 Cor. 2. 9 10. Rev. 21. 27.

1 Nor eye has seen, nor ear has heard, Nor sense nor reason known What joys the Father hath prepar'd For those that love the Son.

2 But the good Spirit of the Lord Reveals a heaven to come: The beams of glory in his word Allure and guide us home.

3 Pure are the joys above the sky, And all the region peace; No wanton lips, nor envious eye Can see or taste the bliss.

4 Those holy gates for ever bar Pollution, sin, and shame; None shall obtain admittance there But followers of the Lamb.

5 He keeps the Father's book of life, There all their names are found; The hypocrite in vain shall strive To tread the heavenly ground.

Hymn 1:106.

Dead to sin by the cross of Christ, Rom. 6. 1 2 6.

1 Shall we go on to sin Because thy grace abounds, Or crucify the Lord again, And open all his wounds?

2 Forbid it, mighty G.o.d, Nor let it e'er be said That we whose sins are crucify'd Should raise them from the dead.

3 We will be slaves no more, Since Christ has made us free, Has nail'd our tyrants to his cross, And bought our liberty.

Hymn 1:107.

The fall and recovery of man; or, Christ and Satan at enmity, Gen. 3 1 15 17 Gal. 4. 4. Col. 2. 15.

1 Deceiv'd by subtle snares of h.e.l.l Adam our head, our father fell, When Satan in the serpent hid Propos'd the fruit that G.o.d forbid.

2 Death was the threatening; death began To take possession of the man; His unborn race receiv'd the wound, And heavy curses smote the ground.

3 But Satan found a worse reward; Thus saith the vengeance of the Lord, "Let everlasting hatred be "Betwixt the woman's seed and thee.

4 "The woman's seed shall be my Son, He shall destroy what thou hast done, "Shall break thy head, and only feel "Thy malice raging at his heel."

5 [He spake; and bid four thousand years Roll on;--at length his Son appears; Angels with joy descend to earth, And sing the young Redeemer's birth.

6 Lo, by the sons of h.e.l.l he dies; But, as he hung 'twixt earth and skies, He gave their prince a fatal blow, And triumph'd o'er the powers below.]

Hymn 1:108.

Christ unseen and beloved, 1 Pet. 1. 8.

1 Not with our mortal eyes Have we beheld the Lord, Yet we rejoice to hear his Name, And love him in his word.

2 On earth we want the sight Of our Redeemer's face, Yet, Lord, our inmost thoughts delight To dwell upon thy grace.

3 And when we taste thy love, Our joys divinely grow Unspeakable, like those above, And heaven begins below.

Hymn 1:109.

The value of Christ and his righteousness, Phil. 3. 7 8 9.

1 No more, my G.o.d, I boast no more Of all the duties I have done; I quit the hopes I held before To trust the merits of thy Son.

2 Now for the love I bear his Name, What was my gain I count my loss, My former pride I call my shame, And nail my glory to his cross.

3 Yes, and I must and will esteem All things but loss for Jesus' sake O may my soul be found in him, And of his righteousness partake.

4 The best obedience of my hands Dares not appear before thy throne; But faith can answer thy demands By pleading what my Lord has done.

Hymn 1:110.

Death and immediate glory, 2 Cor. 5. 1 5-8.

1 There is a house not made with hands, Eternal and on high: And here my spirit waiting stands Till G.o.d shall bid it fly.

2 Shortly this prison of my clay Must be dissolv'd and fall, Then, O my soul, with joy obey Thy heavenly Father's call.

3 'Tis he by his almighty grace That forms thee fit for heaven, And as an earnest of the place, Has his own Spirit given.

4 We walk by faith of joys to come, Faith lives upon his word; But while the body is our home We're absent from the Lord.

5 'Tis pleasant to believe thy grace, But we had rather see; We would be absent from the flesh, And present, Lord, with thee.

Hymn 1:111.

Salvation by grace, t.i.tus 3. 3-7.

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