Hymns and Spiritual Songs Part 12

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1 [Hark, the Redeemer from on high Sweetly invites his favourites nigh; From caves of darkness and of doubt, He gently speaks, and calls us out:

2 "My dove, who hidest in the rock, "Thine heart almost with sorrow broke, "Lift up thy face, forget thy fear, "And let thy voice delight mine ear.

3 "Thy voice to me sounds ever sweet; "My graces in thy countenance meet; "Tho' the vain world thy face despise, "'Tis bright and comely in mine eyes."

4 Dear Lord, our thankful heart receives The hope thine invitation gives: 'To thee our joyful lips shall raise The voice of prayer, and of praise.]

5 [I am my Love's, and he is mine; Our hearts, our hopes, our pa.s.sions join: Nor let a motion, nor a word, Nor thought arise to grieve my Lord.

6 My soul to pastures fair he leads, Amongst the lilies where he feeds; Amongst the saints (whose robes are white, Wash'd in his blood) is his delight.

7 Till the day break, and shadows flee, Till the sweet dawning light I see, Thine eyes to me-ward often turn, Nor let my soul in darkness mourn.

8 Be like a hart on mountains green, Leap o'er the hills of fear and sin; Nor guilt, nor unbelief divide My Love, my Saviour from my side.]

Hymn 1:71.

Christ found in the street, and brought to the church, Cant.3. 1-5.

1 Often I seek my Lord by night, Jesus, my love, my soul's delight; With warm desire and restless thought I seek him oft, but find him not.

2 Then I arise, and search the street Till I my Lord, my Saviour meet; I ask the watchmen of the night, "Where did you see my soul's delight?"

3 Sometimes I find him in the way, Directed by a heavenly ray; I leap for joy to see his face, And hold him fast in mine embrace.

4 [I bring him to my mother's home, Nor does my Lord refuse to come, To Sion's sacred chambers, where My soul first drew the vital air.

5 He gives me there his bleeding heart, Pierc'd for my sake with deadly smart; I give my soul to him, and there Our loves their mutual tokens share.]

6 I charge you all, ye earthly toys, Approach not to disturb my joys; Nor sin, nor h.e.l.l come near my heart, Nor cause my Saviour to depart.

Hymn 1:72.

The coronation of Christ, and espousals of the church, Cant. 3. 2.

1 Daughters of Sion, come, behold The crown of honour and of gold, Which the glad church with joys unknown Plac'd on the head of Solomon.

2 Jesus, thou everlasting King, Accept the tribute which we bring, Accept the well-deserv'd renown, And wear our praises as thy crown.

3 Let every act of wors.h.i.+p be Like our espousals, Lord, to thee; Like the dear hour, when from above We first receiv'd thy pledge of love.

4 The gladness of that happy day, Our hearts would wish it long to stay, Nor let our faith forsake its hold, Nor comfort sink, nor love grow cold.

5 Each following minute as it flies, Increase thy praise, improve our joys, Till we are rais'd to sing thy Name At the great supper of the Lamb.

6 O that the months would roll away, And bring that coronation-day!

The King of Grace shall fill the throne With all his Father's glories on.

Hymn 1:73.

The church's beauty in the eyes of Christ, Cant. 4. 1 10 11 7 9 8.

1 Kind is the speech of Christ our Lord, Affection sounds in every word, "Lo, thou art fair, my love, he cries, "Not the young doves have sweeter eyes.

2 ["Sweet are thy lips, thy pleasing voice "Salutes mine ear with secret joys, "No spice so much delights the smell, "Nor milk nor honey taste so well.]

3 "Thou art all fair, my bride, to me, "I will behold no spot in thee."

What mighty wonders love performs, And puts a comeliness on worms!

4 Defil'd and loathsome as we are, He makes us white, and calls us fair; Adorns us with that heavenly dress, His graces and his righteousness.

5 "My sister, and my spouse," he cries, "Bound to my heart by various ties, "Thy powerful love my heart detains "In strong delight and pleasing chains."

6 He calls me from the leopard's den, From this wild world of beasts and men, To Sion where his glories are; Not Lebanon is half so fair.

7 Nor dens of prey, nor flowery plains Nor earthly joys, nor earthly pains Shall hold my feet, or force my stay, When Christ invites my soul away.

Hymn 1:74.

The church the garden of Christ, Cant. 4. 12 14 15, and 5. 1.

1 We are a garden wall'd around, Chosen and made peculiar ground; A little spot inclos'd by grace, Out of the world's wide wilderness.

2 Like trees of myrrh and spice we stand, Planted by G.o.d the Father's hand; And all his springs in Sion flow To make the young plantation grow.

3 Awake, O heavenly wind, and come, Blow on this garden of perfume; Spirit divine, descend and breathe A gracious gale on plants beneath.

4 Make our best spices flow abroad To entertain our Saviour G.o.d: And faith, and love, and joy appear, And every grace be active here.

5 [Let my beloved come, and taste His pleasant fruits at his own feast: "I come, my spouse, I come," he cries, With love and pleasure in his eyes.

6 Our Lord into his garden comes, Well pleas'd to smell our poor perfumes; And calls us to a feast divine, Sweeter than honey, milk, or wine.

7 "Eat of the tree of life, my friends, "The blessings that my Father sends; "Your taste shall all my dainties prove, "And drink abundance of my love."

8 Jesus, we will frequent thy board, And sing the bounties of our Lord: But the rich food on which we live Demands more praise than tongues can give.]

Hymn 1:75.

The description of Christ the beloved, Cant. 5. 9-12 14 15 16.

1 The wondering world enquires to know Why I should love my Jesus so: "What are his charms," say they, "above "The objects of a mortal love!"

2 Yes, my beloved, to my sight, Shews a sweet mixture red and white: All human beauties, all divine, In my beloved meet and s.h.i.+ne,

3 White is his soul, from blemish free; Red with the blood he shed for me; The fairest of ten thousand fairs: A sun amongst ten thousand stars.

4 [His head the finest gold excels, There wisdom in perfection dwells; And glory like a crown adorns Those temples once beset with thorns.

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