The Persian Literature Volume I Part 9

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Shook the deep caverns of the earth; the dust Rose up in clouds and hid the azure heavens-- Bright beamed the swords, and in that carnage wide, Blood flowed like water. Night alone divided The hostile armies.

When the battle ceased Karun fell back upon Dehstan, and communicated his misfortune to Nauder, who lamented the loss of Kobad, even more than that of Sam. In the morning Karun again took the field against Afrasiyab, and the conflict was again terrible. Nauder boldly opposed himself to the enemy, and singling out Afrasiyab, the two heroes fought with great bravery till night again put an end to the engagement. The Persian army had suffered most, and Nauder retired to his tent disappointed, fatigued, and sorrowful. He then called to mind the words of Minuchihr, and called for his two sons, Tus and Gustahem. With melancholy forebodings he directed them to return to Iran, with his shubistan, or domestic establishment, and take refuge on the mountain Alberz, in the hope that some one of the race of Feridun might survive the general ruin which seemed to be approaching.

The armies rested two days. On the third the reverberating noise of drums and trumpets announced the recommencement of the battle. On the Persian side Shahpur had been appointed in the room of Kobad, and Barman and s.h.i.+waz led the right and left of the Turanians under Afrasiyab.

From dawn to sunset, mountain, plain, and stream, Were hid from view; the earth, beneath the tread Of myriads, groaned; and when the javelins cast Long shadows on the plain at even-tide, The Tartar host had won the victory; And many a Persian chief fell on that day:-- Shahpur himself was slain.

When Nauder and Karun saw the unfortunate result of the battle, they again fell back upon Dehstan, and secured themselves in the fort.

Afrasiyab in the meantime despatched Karukhan to Iran, through the desert, with a body of hors.e.m.e.n, for the purpose of intercepting and capturing the shubistan of Nauder. As soon as Karun heard of this expedition he was all on fire, and proposed to pursue the squadron under Karukhan, and frustrate at once the object which the enemy had in view; and though Nauder was unfavorable to this movement, Karun, supported by several of the chiefs and a strong volunteer force, set off at midnight, without permission, on this important enterprise. It was not long before they reached the Duz-i-Suped, or white fort, of which Gustahem was the governor, and falling in with Barman, who was also pus.h.i.+ng forward to Persia, Karun, in revenge for his brother Kobad, sought him out, and dared him to single combat. He threw his javelin with such might, that his antagonist was driven furiously from his horse; and then, dismounting, he cut off his head, and hung it at his saddle-bow. After this he attacked and defeated the Tartar troops, and continued his march towards Iran.

Nauder having found that Karun had departed, immediately followed, and Afrasiyab was not long in pursuing him. The Turanians at length came up with Nauder, and attacked him with great vigor. The unfortunate king, unable to parry the onset, fell into the hands of his enemies, together with upwards of one thousand of his famous warriors.

Long fought they, Nauder and the Tartar-chief, And the thick dust which rose from either host, Darkened the rolling Heavens. Afrasiyab Seized by the girdle-belt the Persian king, And furious, dragged him from his foaming horse.

With him a thousand warriors, high in name, Were taken on the field; and every legion, Captured whilst flying from the victor's brand.

Such are the freaks of Fortune: friend and foe Alternate wear the crown. The world itself Is an ingenious juggler--every moment Playing some novel trick; exalting one In pomp and splendour, crus.h.i.+ng down another, As if in sport,--and death the end of all!

After the achievement of this victory Afrasiyab directed that Karun should be pursued and attacked wherever he might be found; but when he heard that he had hurried on for the protection of the shubistan, and had conquered and slain Barman, he gnawed his hands with rage. The reign of Nauder lasted only seven years. After him Afrasiyab was the master of Persia.


It has already been said that s.h.i.+masas and Khazervan were sent by Afrasiyab with thirty thousand men against Kabul and Zabul, and when Zal heard of this movement he forthwith united with Mihrab the chief of Kabul, and having first collected a large army in Sistan, had a conflict with the two Tartar generals.

Zal promptly donned himself in war attire, And, mounted like a hero, to the field Hastened, his soldiers frowning on their steeds.

Now Khazervan grasps his huge battle-axe, And, his broad s.h.i.+eld extending, at one blow s.h.i.+vers the mail of Zal, who calls aloud As, like a lion, to the fight he springs, Armed with his father's mace. Sternly he looks And with the fury of a dragon, drives The weapon through his adversary's head, Staining the ground with streaks of blood, resembling The waving stripes upon a tiger's back.

At this time Rustem was confined at home with the smallpox. Upon the death of Khazervan, s.h.i.+masas thirsted to be revenged; but when Zal meeting him raised his mace, and began to close, the chief became alarmed and turned back, and all his squadrons followed his example.

Fled s.h.i.+masas, and all his fighting train, Like herds by tempests scattered o'er the plain.

Zal set off in pursuit, and slew a great number of the enemy; but when Afrasiyab was made acquainted with this defeat, he immediately released Nauder from his fetters, and in his rage instantly deprived him of life.

He struck him and so deadly was the blow, Breath left the body in a moment's s.p.a.ce.

After this Afrasiyab turned his views towards Tus and Gustahem in the hope of getting them into his hands; but as soon as they received intimation of his object, the two brothers retired from Iran, and went to Sistan to live under the protection of Zal. The champion received them with due respect and honor. Karun also went, with all the warriors and people who had been supported by Nauder, and co-operated with Zal, who encouraged them with the hopes of future success. Zal, however, considered that both Tus and Gustahem were still of a tender age--that a monarch of extraordinary wisdom and energy was required to oppose Afrasiyab--that he himself was not of the blood of the Kais, nor fit for the duties of sovereignty, and, therefore, he turned his thoughts towards Aghriras, the younger brother of Afrasiyab, distinguished as he was for his valor, prudence, and humanity, and to whom Poshang, his father, had given the government of Rai. To him Zal sent an envoy, saying, that if he would proceed to Sistan, he should be supplied with ample resources to place him on the throne of Persia; that by the co-operation of Zal and all his warriors the conquest would be easy, and that there would be no difficulty in destroying the power of Afrasiyab.

Aghriras accepted the offer, and immediately proceeded from his kingdom of Rai towards Sistan. On his arrival at Babel, Afrasiyab heard of his ambitious plans, and lost no time in a.s.sembling his army and marching to arrest the progress of his brother. Aghriras, unable to sustain a battle, had recourse to negotiation and a conference, in which Afrasiyab said to him, "What rebellious conduct is this, of which thou art guilty?

Is not the country of Rai sufficient for thee, that thou art thus aspiring to be a great king?" Aghriras replied: "Why reproach and insult me thus? Art thou not ashamed to accuse another of rebellious conduct?

"Shame might have held thy tongue; reprove not me In bitterness; G.o.d did not give thee power To injure man, and surely not thy kin."

Afrasiyab, enraged at this reproof, Replied by a foul deed--he grasped his sword, And with remorseless fury slew his brother!

When intelligence of this cruel catastrophe came to Zal's ears, he exclaimed: "Now indeed has the empire of Afrasiyab arrived at its crisis:

"Yes, yes, the tyrant's throne is tottering now, And past is all his glory."

Then Zal bound his loins in hostility against Afrasiyab, and gathering together all his warriors, resolved upon taking revenge for the death of Nauder, and expelling the tyrant from Persia. Neither Tus nor Gustahem being yet capable of sustaining the cares and duties of the throne, his anxiety was to obtain the a.s.sistance of some one of the race of Feridun.

These youths were for imperial rule unfit: A king of royal lineage and worth The state required, and none could he remember Save Tahmasp's son, descended from the blood Of Feridun.


At the time when Silim and Tur were killed, Tahmasp, the son of Silim, fled from the country and took refuge in an island, where he died, and left a son named Zau. Zal sent Karun, the son of Kavah, attended by a proper escort, with overtures to Zau, who readily complied, and was under favorable circ.u.mstances seated upon the throne:

Speedily, in arms, He led his troops to Persia, fought, and won A kingdom, by his power and bravery-- And happy was the day when princely Zau Was placed upon that throne of sovereignty; All breathed their prayers upon his future reign, And o'er his head (the customary rite) Shower'd gold and jewels.

When he had subdued the country, he turned his arms against Afrasiyab, who in consequence of losing the co-operation of the Persians, and not being in a state to encounter a superior force, thought it prudent to retreat, and return to his father. The reign of Zau lasted five years, after which he died, and was succeeded by his son Garshasp.


Garshasp, whilst in his minority, being unacquainted with the affairs of government, abided in all things by the judgment and counsels of Zal.

When Afrasiyab arrived at Turan, his father was in great distress and anger on account of the inhuman murder of Aghriras; and so exceedingly did he grieve, that he would not endure his presence.

And when Afrasiyab returned, his sire, Poshang, in grief, refused to see his face.

To him the day of happiness and joy Had been obscured by the dark clouds of night; And thus he said: "Why didst thou, why didst _thou_ In power supreme, without pretence of guilt, With thy own hand his precious life destroy?

Why hast thou shed thy innocent brother's blood?

In this life thou art nothing now to me; Away, I must not see thy face again."

Afrasiyab continued offensive and despicable in the mind of his father till he heard that Garshasp was unequal to rule over Persia, and then thinking he could turn the warlike spirit of Afrasiyab to advantage, he forgave the crime of his son. He forthwith collected an immense army, and sent him again to effect the conquest of Iran, under the pretext of avenging the death of Silim and Tur.

Afrasiyab a mighty army raised, And pa.s.sing plain and river, mountain high, And desert wild, filled all the Persian realm With consternation, universal dread.

The chief authorities of the country applied to Zal as their only remedy against the invasion of Afrasiyab.

They said to Zal, "How easy is the task For thee to grasp the world--then, since thou canst Afford us succour, yield the blessing now; For, lo! the King Afrasiyab has come, In all his power and overwhelming might."

Zal replied that he had on this occasion appointed Rustem to command the army, and to oppose the invasion of Afrasiyab.

And thus the warrior Zal to Rustem spoke-- "Strong as an elephant thou art, my son, Surpa.s.sing thy companions, and I now Forewarn thee that a difficult emprize, Hostile to ease or sleep, demands thy care.

'Tis true, of battles thou canst nothing know, But what am I to do? This is no time For banquetting, and yet thy lips still breathe The scent of milk, a proof of infancy; Thy heart pants after gladness and the sweet Endearments of domestic life; can I Then send thee to the war to cope with heroes Burning with wrath and vengeance?" Rustem said-- "Mistake me not, I have no wish, not I, For soft endearments, nor domestic life, Nor home-felt joys. This chest, these nervous limbs, Denote far other objects of pursuit, Than a luxurious life of ease and pleasure."

Zal having taken great pains in the instruction of Rustem in warlike exercises, and the rules of battle, found infinite apt.i.tude in the boy, and his activity and skill seemed to be superior to his own. He thanked G.o.d for the comfort it gave him, and was glad. Then Rustem asked his father for a suitable mace; and seeing the huge weapon which was borne by the great Sam, he took it up, and it answered his purpose exactly.

When the young hero saw the mace of Sam He smiled with pleasure, and his heart rejoiced; And paying homage to his father Zal, The champion of the age, asked for a steed Of corresponding power, that he might use That famous club with added force and vigor.

Zal showed him all the horses in his possession, and Rustem tried many, but found not one of sufficient strength to suit him. At last his eyes fell upon a mare followed by a foal of great promise, beauty, and strength.

Seeing that foal, whose bright and glossy skin Was dappled o'er, like blossoms of the rose Upon a saffron lawn, Rustem prepared His noose, and held it ready in his hand.

The groom recommended him to secure the foal, as it was the offspring of Abresh, born of a Diw, or Demon, and called Rakush. The dam had killed several persons who attempted to seize her young one.

Now Rustem flings the noose, and suddenly Rakush secures. Meanwhile the furious mare Attacks him, eager with her pointed teeth To crush his brain--but, stunned by his loud cry, She stops in wonder. Then with clenched hand He smites her on the head and neck, and down She tumbles, struggling in the pangs of death.

Rakush, however, though with the noose round his neck, was not so easily subdued; but kept dragging and pulling Rustem, as if by a tether, and it was a considerable time before the animal could be reduced to subjection. At last, Rustem thanked Heaven that he had obtained the very horse he wanted.

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